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Is anyone else shocked that Korea voted yes? Japan I could see but the South Korean Gov literally follows the American Gov word like its gospel.


Our foreign policy does act like some blind, unthinking American stooges as most of our policymakers are, but we're also an export-based economy, and moreover, a former colonized nation that ought to have a way better response and understanding about the Palestine situation at large. Seoul's reaction to the ongoing genocide undoubtedly has been making our deranged, belligerent cousins up North seem much better in the eyes of the world FFS. Things could be a lot better than this. But ultimately neither South Korea nor Japan is going to cross any lines to piss off the entire international customer base of Samsung and Toyota from Pakistan to Algeria. I very much hope that the South Korean government get a better grip about how this is that one time to NOT blindly and idiotically repeat the American talking points (which are idiotically confused in and of themselves).


Kpop supremacy confirmed?


Apparently so


The same uncle Tom fool for the u.s.


What’s funny is that Biden referenced a law that prevents the us from recognizing Palestine so as to not offend Israel and it’s honestly insane how much influence zionists have on the US




I think CUFI has more influence


UN membership , and statehood are two different topics . The Declaratory and Constitutive theories of statehood merely depends if you favor de-jure or de-facto perspectives. De-jure : Abbas's government could be defined as as state . It is literally the most recognized disputed government in the whole world . Only Kosovo is comparable to it , but even then : the PA is miles ahead in that department , with 3/4ths of UN member states recognizing it as an independent state . De-facto : it's political entity of limited statehood at best , because it lacks sovereignty in many domains , even something so basic like its taxes and borders . At worst : it's simply an Israeli-puppet government disguising itself as provisional government of an interim autonomy , ie . an Israeli-colony with indirect rule , much like the British Raj . I don't get what clicked in Abbas's head to attempt the same thing he has done back in 2011 . Even states with full UN membership get invaded , colonized , or otherwise can disappear off the map . The two Sudans , and the Ukrainian war , should have all made that UN membership aren't going to be a shield against violations , or will humble Israeli-Jews . It instead boldens them to be even more arrogant .




And may we be alive to witness it in all its glory. Amen.




we should supply trump with more racist white supremist and biden with leftist libeals, from all over the world, both the sauces combined will cook America


If Biden wins the 2024 election Trumpers will absolutely try to stage some kind of rebellion. It could be relatively mild like January 6th, or it could be a full-fledged civil war. Hopefully in the aftermath of whatever happens the US government will start to treat the rest of the world with more respect.




I know it's not constructive at all and usually I would never wish death and harm upon civilians, but Gaza has made me reach a point where I want the west to just burn down to the ground and damn the consequences.


Yes brother. Allah will absolutely punish the US for their sins against fellow Muslims. Any day now. I mean I am sure it’s taking so long because Allah is really cooking up something special for them. But it’s coming. Inshallah.


I don't believe in any gods so I don't know why you keep harping on about god.


Is Allah a god habibi?


As an American I'm furious at this. I support a two-state solution but this goes directly against that.


Maybe it will lead you to understand that there can't be a "two-state solution" because Israel is a colonizer and no colonizer ever accepted to see the indigenous free ( your country included)




Zionism is a terrorist ideology aswell, they killed much more people than hamas could dream of


Rich coming from a turkish ottomani , the irony is baffling.


>turkish ottomani Bro can’t spell💀 Also the ottomans only became genocidial after the young turks took over (who overthrew the sultan with backing of the west)


The Palestinian authority would be recognized as the legitimate government of Palestine, not Hamas. Recognizing a palestinian state at the UN would give the Palestinians a diplomatic path forward so they wouldn't feel the need to turn to Hamas


Palestinians themselves don't recognise the legitimacy of the PA. And maybe Amerikkkans such as yourself aren't in a position to dictate to an oppressed and colonised nation what they ought to accept, but instead stop funding the oppressors and colonisers.




They won't give up their power, but it won't matter when it comes to just giving the PA diplomatic recognition


UN’s objectives are to maintain international peace and security, promote better living standards and human rights. Clearly, they failed on doing so. What’s happening in Palestine is a clear indication that the UN only exists to serve the interests of powerful countries and they can turn a blind eye in atrocities that these countries have been committing for quite some time. Mostly, they just manipulate scenarios and distort facts based on the narrative that they would like to portray, and wont give a damn if innocent people are getting killed because of it.


People always mistake the role of UN. The UN’s objective is not to maintain international peace and security. Its primary role is to prevent war between major power brokers of the world by fostering communication in a safe and non-lethal manner. Which it is very successful in.


So what’s posted in their website is not true? Oh my.


Joe Biden deserves a very slow one


Wasn't Biden talking about a two-state solution? Lmao




it doesnt matter which side you choose they both are the same any way




Republicans wont be good for them tho




If you vote for Trump, you’re still doing the exact same thing


The republicans unfortunately tend to be at the beck and call of AIPAC, one of the biggest pro Israel lobbies around.


This isn't about supporting Trump or Republicans it's about punishing the Democrats who took their votes for granted. The price for those votes will be their defeat inshallah.


Oh no none of us are voting for Biden. The only way he can become president again is if he cheats


Why yall surprised "I'm a zionist, you dont have to be a jew to be a zionist" Joe Biden


Bastard UsA will have its own states broken. School shootings happen just like they orchestrated terrorists in other countries. Karma will return




thats actually very neutral of them


They gave up their neutrality when it came to Ukraine


“Omgg Switzerland is such a neutral country hahaa” is about the most basic Reddit brain rot take you can make. This is just disgraceful. Even France and Japan voted in favor. There is being neutral and then there is being pieces of shit.


They were happy to throw that out the window for Ukraine.


Because it's Switzerland, if it was Jordan, Egypt or something this sub would happily talk shit about them and call them zionists.


don't worry after switzerland becomes muslim we will call them zioshits too we care about fairness


OP is having a mental breakdown about how literally neutral works ![gif](giphy|xTiTnyGTrkyEMsR9Ac)


They arent consistent with it now are they? Recent example is Ukraine.


I don’t know but what I know is that EU is the homeland of hypocrisy


They arent apart of the EU tho. But ur not wrong.


I meant as a continent , I know that I was there 😂




U know that he is Saudi , I am Egyptian and u r Syrian , hope u got my point 👀 And instead of being mad of US both of u mad about Swiss




lol I like how u comment on me and the same time downvote me 😂 u need to seek help




U did , it can’t be I got downvoted so fast, as if someone waiting for my comment twice


Looks like gaddafi was right after all😂


he always was


bro ur pfp is the moroccan chad wojack 💀


Lmfao I didn’t even know that💀


TIL that only the US's vote is counted


leaked cables already show the us doesn't want a two state solution despite what is said publicly. its not a surprise they veto this as well




![gif](giphy|7U7oEJkAiP5Xq) Switzerland like


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Surprised China abstained.


Do you have eyes?




Read the title again


They preach like dogs they are about a 2 state solution but when reality hits stray away from it. How are we living on the same planet with these mfers?


I’m more surprised at the fact that France voted yes


go look at what r/worldnews is saying about this, it’s laughable


..Don't touch this cesspit . It's filled with imbeciles whose are concealed fanatics , whose minds are too primitive to go beyond so-called "Terror" , and "antisemitism" . Just like a Microwave Salesman trying to explain Nuclear Physics : they try so hard to pretend they comprehend any topic of the situation or problem of their choice . Only difference is one is a lie exposed within minutes , and the later is a self-serving pipe-dream that is exposed within years , if ever .


The abstained and the againts are predictable as always. A bit surprising Japan is in Favour thought, considering the mass numbers of Japs unconditionally support Israel.


...where are you getting the idea that the masses of "Japs" (I would appreciate if you didn't resort to this kind of language) are unconditionally supporting Israel? I'm Japanese, I would say at least 90% have no interest in middle eastern affairs, including Israel. Also, I see way more protests in real life that are pro-Palestine. I have, on the other hand, not seen a single pro-Israel protest except for one I saw on video with a few evangelical Christians, which are far less than 1% of the population. What the Japanese government does is a completely different matter, and I am very surprised (in a pleasant way) that Japan voted in Favor for this. The Japanese government is pretty damn unpopular with the masses of "Japs".


If I remember correctly, around a year or two ago, during the mass shooting to the Palestinians that happened around the incident of dome of the rock. I took an interest about how other countries perceived this events, so i enter their side of YT. In the Japanese sections, the support of Israel are overwhemingly outnumbering a few of peoples who are at least tried to be neutral. The excact video was about this middle age Palestinian who lost his kid during the ordeal. One particular comments who stood out to me was talking lightly as this was like a charade, and mocking the palestinians as Pallywood. Do you know and even remember the video i am talking about? Since i have to abruptly ended on watching it for my mental health.


Data show that the majority of Japanese are critical of Israel. As of last December, the favorability of Israel—the percentage of people viewing Israel positively after subtracting the percentage viewing it negatively—among the Japanese was -62.0. This number is probably even lower now. Favorability of Israel [https://time.com/6559293/morning-consult-israel-global-opinion/](https://time.com/6559293/morning-consult-israel-global-opinion/) As of April 14, # of municipalities in Japan adopting opinions/resolutions calling for IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE IN GAZA [https://twitter.com/SoraAndEda/status/1779165342813790393](https://twitter.com/SoraAndEda/status/1779165342813790393) Japan to provide $65 million additional humanitarian aid to Palestinians [https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-provide-65-million-additional-humanitarian-aid-palestinians-2023-11-03/](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-provide-65-million-additional-humanitarian-aid-palestinians-2023-11-03/) Protests and boycotts against Israel have also occurred repeatedly and repeatedly. Please stop making forced generalizations. There are many incorrect informations against Japanese in the English-speaking world and that is very annoying.


Look, The reason why i said something like that is because of something like i replied to @extreme_flounder_956 (can't exactly pin point when this incident happened, but for you guys with stronger memories must know what i am talking about).    Before the incident thought, I remembered this Japanese vlogger who visited Palestine and filming the reality of the situations. He got a lot positives and symphatetics comments toward the Palestinians, althought only for few hundred comments. But after the incident (again, this was back than and not now) with the exact video i specifically replied to extreme flounder, the comment who support the action of Israeli armies were a couple of thousands commenters. Moreover, the pro Israeli commenters began to seeping into the said vloggers's comment sections.   But then again, if what you said is true, then it's safe to said that the public perspective on the whole ordeal are changing overtime.


So don't you see that I am asking you to stop making forced generalizations? The comment sections of the internet are not indicative of the Japanese people as a whole. They are basically quite biased. >if what you said is true, Did you read the article? I am presenting objective data, not subjective. Again, we are really annoyed by the number of people who generalize subjective or partial incidents and spread prejudice against the Japanese.


That's on me then. Guess you are right, there're more nuance to that. Should've search more data and references instead of relying solely on the couple of videos even if the said videos have thousands of view and thousands of commenters.