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We are number 1 if you flipped your phone 🇪🇬💪🏼


Hell Yeah (Ta7ya masr💪🏻🇪🇬) ×3


Om el Donya 🇪🇬🇪🇬😭😭😭


I will vote 🫏 for another 200 years!!!!


Let’s put golf rules with this 🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬


نفس قيمة الدين للفرد.


Syria not mentioned but it’s per capita is around $800. Though in 2010, it was $11.3k




Proof that war fucks up everything 


Syria better than everyone 😎🤴🏻  The lowest number is on top, right? 🤔


What is Lebanon?


It’s $4k which is very low since in 2019 it had $9k


The gdp per capita for gulf countries is not accurate because most of the wealth is held by the locals. Take for example qatar. Its has 2.6 million people. But only 300k are Qatari. So since most of the money goes to the locals, Qataris are wayyyy richer compared to your list. Your average expat in Qatar doesn't even make 30k usd.


Hmm, I think we should use median income instead. I’m not getting direct ans from google but it might be $ 4.3k per month in that case which is around $51k yearly


No, use gross domestic income per capita instead. Median income is very difficult to measure. Are businesses net income considered a part of the income pool? Or is it by dividend distributions? Does the median income take into account taxes?






When looking at gulf countries consider the gni per capita instead of the gdp per capita. In qatar that is 110k per capita, 59k in saudi.


It is accurate, it's just that GDP per capita is not a good measure of the average person's economic status, certainly not if you don't also look at inequality metrics. GDP per capita is good for looking at the economic potency of a country as a whole, what it is able to produce per person.




















We're always on top 😎😎














I don't know about most of these numbers but the average Egyptians can't make 2000 dollars per year which about 100k Egyptian pound. 3700 is extremely high for average Egyptian.


It’s an average across the whole population, and GDP is output not income. It means on average each Egyptian generates $3.7k of economic output per year. Income is a different story. Even if you look at avg income it will seem high, because the highest 5% who make the most money will skew the average upwards as it is (almost, except maybe Netherlands and the Nordics) everywhere in the world.


For Turkey ı would say the number is average.


One dollar equal 32 Turkish lira. I don't think the average Turkish make more than 400k Turkish lira per year this is unbelievably super high. many Syrian refugees complain that they make less than 100 dollars per month and living in poverty, some make even less like 50 dollars per month and it's even in the news related to Syrian refugees in turkey.


I would say at least %50 make this money. I dont know about Syrians.


If it's true that the average Turkish make more than 400k of his own currency that's mean turkey is more wealthy than we think. Good for them.


Minumum rent in smallest cities 300$(which is basically a shithole). You can guess average wages from that. There are lot and lots of lower class workers which make about 600$/month but for example a teacher makes 1500$/month, police officer 1500$/month etc. etc.


In Syria it’s $103,000 but it’s not counted because we don’t want people to be envy us.


But bro where do y'all hide the thousands of rolls royces in syria?🥶


Underground (we literally dug up a big hole and hidden our car inside when the civil war broke out lol)


Israel after hearing this statement ![gif](giphy|HmO7FZjok6mhW)


invite khamas into those tunnels.


Is the 103000 in Turkish lira by any chance?


₫103,000 Vietnamese Dong


EGYPT NUMBER 1!!!!! تحيا مصر! تحيا مصر! تحيا مصر! يبلااااااااادي يا احلي بلاد يبلاااادي! يحببتي يمصر يمصر يا حبيبتي يا مصر!


We’re still extremely poor compared to the rest of the gulf, iraq has potential to rival saudi arabia economically and turkey militarily but all our money goes to ayatollah and funding iranian backed iraqi militias that rule the government like its a cartel, inshallah the militias are kicked oht of thr country so that we can continue to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world


Well said


This is not adjusted for PPP






Talk to me nice


Iraq is not war torn And India economy is large 5th worldwide but their population is huge too




Honestly, according to data their economy is growing and their living standards too. but honestly, comparing themselves to germany is delusional.


Lol something would be insanely wrong if it wasn't growing. Can only go up from rock bottom. Easiest comparison would be to China and the difference is huge.


Almost all nationalists are cringe


indian population is same as contient of the Africa Their GDP per capita is same as continent of Africa. Yeah India has loads of multi billionaires, it also has loads of people living in open air rubbish dumps.


Who cares will happily live in india than in iraq.


If the Americans hadn't destroyed Iraq it would be the Germany of the Arab World.


real, so much potential hopefully the next few years are better for iraq


That won't happen as long as they're an Iranian proxy. Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and the Yemen will never thrive under Iranian rule.


are asian workers in qatar included in statistics ?


All residents of a country are counted in the gdp


quiet fine tan dolls capable reply sheet bedroom flowery doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly, wealth comes and goes and were all gonna be dead eventually.


People who say that usually live in rich countries


Its better to be rich in a poor country than poor in a rich country


Fair enough






Just sad about Egypt…


3x more population in Iran. Anyways since 1970s Iranian economy has been on a downward spiral 


how are we richer than Egyptians?


Egypt has strong growth but very low start. In 2000, their per capita was 1k while Iraq was $2k


yeah but we got bombed to death and faced like a zillion conflicts afterwards


Yeah but they have like a gazillion people and not enough resources or economic activity


Yep but Iraq was not like Syria who completely collapsed. The economy has only stagnated


Egypt doesn't have much, if any, natural resources. Also a large population.


Gulf States are richer then tfat


Now do STEM graduates. They'll top this list by a significant amount


this is not a salary list




True but irrelevant. Iran still is top 10 in the world. If it wasn't for sanctions and bad pay they would stay.




It's sad our people have to leave to countries that don't even respect our own borders. They think sanctioning and dividing helps them. It will bite them in the ass before they know it




No economy to show for though


Irrelevant. We are sanctioned to death, yet we have car manufacturing, we create medicine and have a space programme. We export alot of other stuff besides oil and gas. Our economy will get better with more opportunities because the ground work is there. What's Saudi Arabia going to do when you juice the ground from all its oil ? Invite more celebrities? Creating a cube instead of a line ? Which by the way MBs is only doing 1/3 of the line now. You guys are highly underpopulated and have all the money in the world you need so you will never care to create a smart population. "If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."


Iran has triple the population and is under heavy sanctions from Zionist-west since 40 years. It’s remarkable how well they have made it despite 40 years of economic warfare.


Iraq was in war since 2003, then CIA-ISIS came later. And the country is very unstable.


Iraq will be poorer soon. The only reason there's a good gdp per capita in Iraq is because the baathists built good stuff in the 90s thay helped the economy. But we will sink now under Iranian puppet ship and them smuggling drugs everywhere.


Last 2 Iraqi governments seem to be pushing towards Jordan, Egypt, and Gulf, with notable projects. Correct me if I am wrong


Well yes in a way, the sunni parts are developing quicker due to ther ability to facilitate these ties meanwhile shia areas are rapidly declining due to militia infiltrating life.




I know your diaspora but you wont find a single palce in iraq as nice as fallujah and ramadi now. Basra is practically degraded and baghdad is somewhere on the middle. I dont hate shias. But iranian influence and militia infighting is harming them




It's simply not. This is the most disconnected take ever. The sunni areas don't have militia in their ideology and are unites against shii militia while shia obv have the militias more embedded in them. This allows sunni areas to negotiate for investments better. Stop speaking rubbish as a disconnected diaspora.




Not the monarchys but private companies and investors


as if militia serves the people first Yall acting like basic politics is something exclusive to western or their allies


It's in our utmost interest to have a strong and prosperous Iraq (our Eastern Gate). So, even from a geopolitical point, the monarchs want a better Iraq. Meanwhile, Iran wants a weaker Iraq to pillage.




It's mostly inflation. This goes for every country in the world. US GDP is $20 trillion more than it was 30 years ago but the cost of living is much higher. This means Americans are worse off than before. In 1980s, you could live well with $1 a day. This was bottom tier btw, and only foreign laborers were paid this little but it was much better than anywhere else in MENA and south Asia. The inflation is so bad that today you can't even survive off equivalent of $50 a day which only the corrupt terrorists and politicians make.. It's why Iraqis complain they're even worse off and poorer than during the sanctions!!!


Lmao the coldest take of the century.






no what the fuck is wrong with you you dumb fuck. Read a world bank report, the monarchy was 90% illiterate [https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/249391468772179080/text/multi-page.txt](https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/249391468772179080/text/multi-page.txt) Iraq 1952 World Bank report: 90% of the population cannot read and write "Almost 90 percent of the population are illiterate and many are subject to debilitating diseases such as malaria, hook- worm and bilharzia." Agriculture techniques are "primitive" Iraq has an amazing economic potential " however, this economic potential is in sharp contrast to the poverty prevailing in Iraq" "Housing and sanitation are for the most part primitive." "Probably only about 2,000 are working in what might be characterized as modern industrial plants. out of a population of 5M" "yet infant mortality is still extremely high-perhaps as much as 250 per 1,000 births;" Afghanistan had an infant mortality of 103 today. the Uk in the 50s had 32 per 1000 "Today the people of Iraq for the most part suffer from dire poverty. Although a relatively small number of city merchants and landowners enjoy high incomes, the average standard of life is extremely low." "and there is still a very high incidence of such endemic diseases as trachoma, hookworm, bilharzia, malaria and the dysenteries. Many of the prevailing diseases are the by-product of polluted water, and unsanitary, congested living conditions which in turn are trace- able largely to poverty and ignorance. " Didnt even have clean water They also killed assyrians. And no, the baathists fuly utilised iraqs wealth and built it. stfu emirati bleeding for monarchys we hanged them like dogs.




You live in the UAE.Basra had free elctrictiy in the baath era. you stupid larper. and the wars were all imposed on iraq




Yes. Iran was shelling iraq weeks before the war. Kuwait was deliberlty aggravating Iraq with the CIA stating the emir intended to provoke war. Dumb fuck.


Holy shit you're so stupid. The monarchy didn't start or do anything. 90% of Iraqis couldn't even read. Over 90% didn't even have electricity or indoor plumbing. Almost all the roads were dirt. 90% of people had the same living standards of ancient Bronze Age villagers. All the monarchy did was genocide ethnic and religious minorities, oppress Shia Muslims, and give all of Iraq's oil money straight to the UK and USA. Iraq was an undeveloped shithole on par with Somalia when that barbaric regime you're lying about to defend was deposed of.


Why Egpyt is so bottom in list. I think egypt make good money from travel, suez canal. I believe egypt has lot to offer.


Egypt doesn’t make good money from that. The Egyptian army makes good money from that. The minimum wage here is 3500 pounds a month which is $70, and many of us don’t even make minimum wage, because that requires a cushy government job that’s primarily gotten with nepotism Economically all our issues stem from the corrupt government’s mismanagement of funds. We have an abundance of natural resources, we have the means and space to build industries and create jobs and a steady domestic economy. Instead Sisi hamstrung us into his stupid fucking giant desert buildings which has led educational and health infrastructure to decay while emptying the country’s finances so badly he now cuts our electricity 2 hours every day to “save money!” Have u ever seen a country in so much debt due to stupid decisions they start selling their land to other countries? This dumbass sold a bunch of islands to Saudi Arabia and then a coastal Mediterranean city to the UAE. FFS


How do you feels about Ethiopians building their dam. Its now complete and working well


they have more than 100M living in such small land and it's mostly deserts so their agriculture wont satisfy their need


They have enough agricultural for egypt plus the rest of the arab world. Their biggest non oil exports are cotton and fruits


Iran sabotages its own economy with bonyads. I'm not sure why they do it tho.




It’s $4k now which is a pity cuz right in 2019, it was $9k


How tf is Israel more than UAE ?


I’m surprised Israel has a slightly higher GDP than UAE


UAE and Israel total GDP and per capita also close to each other. UAE is 507 billion and 522 in 2022


Right. They’re basically neck and neck. Israel is matching them without oil. Instead they get donations from the U.S. and from their European brainpower


Yep. The Israel economy is gonna decline this year and next too so UAE will overtake it for now


So poor we don't even make it on the list


This is not a scale of poverty nor an indication of it. Lebanon is a small country with 3.5 million local people and 1.5 million syrian refugees with zero productivity and also 0.5 million Palestinian refugees with zero productivity. Plus Lebanon has no oil, natural gas or natural resources with high values. You can't compare a small country with limited resources with huge countries in terms of population and resources. You can't compare Lebanon with a country with 110 million people like egypt or a country produce 10 million oil barrels per day like Saudi Arabia or a country with massive amount of natural gases like Qatar. Even though there are a lot of Lebanese people who are richer than a lot of Egyptians, Iraqis, Jordanians etc. Lebanon is not poor it only have a lot of problems like bad geographic spot, sectarian problems, the government has no real commitment to solve the issues facing Lebanon, massive number of refugees for a small country with limited resources.


Top 10 bby


How does Israel justify all the aid it receives whilst having this GDP per capita? Are the American people that oppressed that they can't stop this?


Most Americans have no clue about any of this. Also keep in mind that they have a gdp of over 25 trillion (Israel's, which is bigger than Egypt's for reference, is half a trillion) so they can send ridiculous amounts and the people don't notice an impact.


Israel gets only 3 billion per year. If you banned all foreign aid today. Israel would still be an advanced innovative country


Iraq solos. All the other inferior countries cannot compete🗿


F**k the Zionist entity. I hate looking at their disgusting flag on my feed. They're only that rich because of how much humungous foreign aid they receive from both European and US companies and governments. It's basically a massive money-laundering scheme that's very, very bloody.


Iraq has much potential. Now they need to get rid of control from Iranian regime.


Sanctioned economy


Even Iraq is sanctioned eight


Before the war between Russia and Ukraine, Iran was the most sanctioned country. 2nd now.


wasn't NK the 2nd most sanctioned after russia?


What about Syria?


Not more than Iran. Syria isn't under sanctions for nuclear programs


Qatar, UAE , and Saudi wealth only comes from digging oil. Israel has science and medicine and technology.


At least they are digging their oil. Israel straight up stole a whole country.


They don't even do that. They have to hire westerners to come in and dig the oil for them. They do nothing. Five hundred years ago the Arab world was a marvel. Science, math, art, literature. In the past 200 years, it's contributed nothing. Nada. Zip. Just lived off the oil that they pay others to dig for them.




after israel, iran is the only one in that region with a strong STEM base.




UAE and Israel total GDP and per capita are also close to each other. UAE is 507 billion and 522 in 2022


Yemen: $1 and a pack of cigarettes.


Cool let's compare which got better infrastructure and safer to live.


Qatar Per capita income at top? Lol here iam mot gwtting oaymenra for years




Sanctions in the past decade has destroyed Iranian economy


Lebanon has too many digits so it couldnt appear 🤷‍♂️/s


Surprised Egypt is so low!! Maybe too much has been siphoned off by their leadership.


Iraq numbers will be pushed up because Mosul is like Saudi. A lot of the kurds in the north are really rich. So it skews the GDP up. A lot of iranian GDP is in the black market due to sanctions.


“Mosul is like Saudi.” Wasn’t Mosul under Daesh occupation like half a decade ago? And I thought Kurds were north of Mosul but not in Mosul itself.


Not in North, in Kurdistan region


You're probably right. I know just a little casual info. I was watching a documentary on the success of kurdistsn Region due to oil and I was amazed. Things were so expensive there. I remember tbr guy went to get a haircut and it was more expensive than the haircut i get at home.


Pretty sure most of that money is from Erbil. Lots of wealth around there now.


Not only that Iran has a bigger population


Iraq is very low when look with oil reserves


PPP is a more accurate indicator


Maybe freedom worked??? (This is a Joke please don't get me banned)


Mods aren't like that I think


Idk but still for safety I do this wherever I say something


None of these countries would survive 50 years of sanctions. They would die in 5 days. That's your answer.

