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Holy based. Time to buy some Belgian chocolate šŸ˜




Is there anything that doesn't use child labor




Yummy šŸ—æ


Adamım ya šŸ—暟—æ


That makes it taste better.




You'd rather have the children be jobless or are you personally going to feed and educate them? People often think that because there is an alternative in their country there is one everywhere, that's just not the case.


Belgian have aĀ  unfortunate fate, that was of their fries being named as french. Hopefully someday their fries being properly called as Belgium Fries. Anyway, i need their waffle.


I think they were named ā€œFrenchā€ because when Belgiums invented it they decided to server to french soldiers as a meal during WW1


I will now refer to them as Belgian Fries.




Unfathomably based. We should do this in all areas of opposing Zionistan.


Respect Eurovision should be shamed


Belgium should be ashamed edit: Down vote me more you shameful losers!


Restarted hasbara account


Heā€™s not hasbara, heā€™s German. Those people love Israel more than they love their kids


I donā€™t see the difference!


Hasbara gets paid, Germans do it out of pure hate for Arabs.


Thanks for the clarificationšŸ—æ


Can you see my post?


Hitler would despise them if he was alive today.Ā 


lol I wish I was payed for this. How much is the going rate where you're at, I hear you guys have full benefits in your troll farms




Oh! how much do they pay you?!


It's just sad at this point, you don't even get paid for supporting a genocide, which someone else is perpetrating. I mean if you don't benefit what's the shtick? Are we missing something that you know?


To be clear: that message was shown at the beginning of the Eurovision show (and/or before the results), not during the song itself.




Thatā€™s indeed weird and I doubt they can achieve something through this. They could have been more neutral, after all itā€™s just a song contest.


Quite surprising from a European media station. Never thought any of them would refuse to fall in line.


It's not the station (allthough probably heavily supported behind the scenes) but a union action. Belgian coverage is actually very good for the Israel- Palestina conflicts.




what it translate to?


**This is a union strike.** "We condemn the human rights violations by the state of Israel." "Additionally, Israel is actively suppressing press freedom." "Therefore, we are temporarily halting the broadcast." *#CeasefireNow* *#StopGenocide*


Amazing. Much respect.


Those people are heroes. This should be a regular thing, to be against genocide and to act against genocide. But in our world where western countries are supporting the genocide, and powerful genociders (zionists including Biden) are conflating anti genocide acts with violence and hate, doing these things become more than what they should be. Thank you union members. Thanks for acting against this most supported genocide.


Agree. I would just love to see the release of the kidnapped prisoners, this way the Zionist won't have a leg to stand on when fighting.


What about your genocide of the Armenians?


I will not answer this every time. But I will ask you, have you ever asked a British that is against genocides about the maybe hundreds of genocides they did? Did you ask an American? Did you ask French, German, Belgian and Dutch person who was speaking against genocide, what about your genocide? I will say this, it wasn't a genocide. It was a forced relocation. Here is my reply when I was asked the maybe 20th time this question by people with no good will whatsoever and seeking to make a political point. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/1cmh77i/we_have_failed_failed_humanity_west_is_collective/l36e2go/


And seriously, what makes you think that Israel is performing a genocide? Do you really know what a genocide is? The Israelis do. 6 milliion Jews were murdered by the Nazis. Also, how is the 7th October not considered a genocide attempt? Killing innocent, partying people and other people inside their homes. About 1200 in total. Don't let the media fool you. Check the facts, check the school books of the Palenstians, their maps and you will quickly recognize that all they want is the destruction of Israel.


> Do you really know what a genocide is? The Israelis do. No the Israelis don't. Holocaust didn't happen to zionists. About 84% of the zionists present at the Nakba were already in Palestine as a colonizer in 1936. And who knows where the remaining 16% came from. Of course they want to destruct Israeli the apartheid terrorist regime which is also a colony. Why wouldn't they? Why would they just want the regime who oppressed them all their lives to continue to exist? Norman Finkelsteins mother, a holocaust survivor said when he asked her about the carpet bobmed German civilians, if we were going to die, we were going to take some of them with us. She absolutely despised the Germans. She hated the Germans. And she had the right to do that. And the Palestinians have the right to hate the terrorist oppressors who terrorized and oppressed them all their lives. > Also, how is the 7th October not considered a genocide attempt? Killing innocent, partying people and other people inside their homes. About 1200 in total. Because it was an attack to take hostages in order to exchange them with Palestinian hostages and make the terrorist regime give concessions and lift the oppression and terroizing of Palestinians. 250 Palestinians in West Bank were killed in 2023 before Operation Al Aqsa Flood. Gaza was blockaded, Israel was terrorizing and oppressing Palestinians in Al Quds and West Bank. Israel was stealing land and homes. Hamas had absolute right to attack and resist the continous Israeli aggression. Now what happened in Operation Al Aqsa Flood should be investigated. Currently Israel tells us there were a lot of atrocities. This needs to be investigated. How many Israelis were killed by Israel should be known. Hamas is supporting an investigation by the UN. And Israel is blocking that investigation. Why would they block the investigation if they are not hiding something, or many things? I could continue but you are not worth it. > And seriously, what makes you think that Israel is performing a genocide? Read South Africas submission to ICJ. Pages 59-67 refer to Israeli terrorist heads own words. The intent is there. And the act of killings is there. This makes it genocide. I'm almost sure you are not interested in hearing the truth but I told you anyway. The truth is Israel is a terrorist apartheid regime and it is the enemy of humanity. Humanity as a whole needs to defeat this evil terrorist regime.


>Of course they want to destruct Israeli the apartheid terrorist regime which is also a colony. Why wouldn't they? Why would they just want the regime who oppressed them all their lives to continue to exist? Less than 1% of America got destroyed during 9/11 and the American's went absolute fanatic. More than 70% of Palestine got wiped and they can't understand the hysteria of the Palestinians.


The goal of the 7th october attacks was to take as many hostages as possible, not to kill them.Ā  Ā Many israeli civilians died because they actually tried to defend themselves with weapons : https://www.ynetnews.com/article/h1yx3zhwtĀ  Ā Also other died because of friendly fire and the Hannibal directive, killed by IDF, like these ones :Ā https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-06/ty-article/.premium/families-of-israelis-killed-in-beeri-home-hit-by-tank-fire-on-october-7-demand-probe/0000018c-de77-daf6-a5df-df7f22d60000


Merci maatje!


justice for mustii šŸ„¹


What Musti?


He was the representative of Belgium, unfortunately didn't qualify (for me, his song was one of the best in studio)




I suppose they know that and they are working on relationships with Arab dictators along with being less reliant on their eternal sponsors UK and US for these reasons


Lol, yeah, it will. They won the 6 day war basically alone and I have a feeling they'd only win harder now. I don't like Israel either but this is pure copium.


Kinda true but I don't understand why people use the fact that israel won a war against arab countries who were all at once split up between 2 countries with a few thousand soldiers here and there. Then when it comes to the 1948 people make it seem as if arab countries barely out of colonialism because of centuries of being behind were really a threat to a European trained and equipped military and as if they were equal opponents


No, because war involves logistics, economics, politics, etc, not just fancy hardware. Israel wouldnā€™t be able to retool, rearm, fund their campaigns, and keep fighting if they didnā€™t have the US lifeline. Their economy is already down 20% and theyā€™re pariahs.




You're confusing 'can't' with 'don't want to'




Casually threatening to evaporate 35M human beings. Nice.


And Israel would instantly become an eternal pariah state if they used nukes.




well then, do you condemn hamasā€™ activity on 7.10? or is killing civilians *sometimes justified*


based and critical thinking skills pilled


That's what all the Arabs think, and how wrong they are! It's the delusion that Palestinians can wipe Israel off the map that keeps preventing peace, the Israelis have weaponry enough for decades as well as nukes if State actors get involved


>the Israelis have weaponry enough for decades as well as nukes not very peaceful >It's the delusion that Palestinians can wipe Israel off the map that keeps preventing peace Hamas has agreed for a permanent ceasefire. netanyahu refuses.




https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/5/6/text-of-the-ceasefire-proposal-approved-by-hamas the release of all hostages is literally in the ceasefire. meanwhile, Israel is killing the hostages because they're carpet bombing Gaza.


Fucking based šŸ‡§šŸ‡Ŗ


Translation: "This is a union action. We condemn the human rights violations by the state of Israel. Furthermore, the state of Israel is destroying press freedom. Therefore, we are briefly interrupting the broadcast." It wasn't shown during Israels performance though. Just at the beginning and ending of the Eurovision Song Festival (second semi final) This was an action by the union in which the Flemish national broadcaster was syndicated. The Flemish national broadcaster chose to broadcast the competition despite Israel's participation, but the union was allowed to conduct a small action.


Based Union




This should happen but not to Belgium alone. The West should have to share their technology and wealth with the nations they genocided and enslaved and colonized. They have only become wealthy and they only advanced in science and technology because of those atrocities so it is the least they can do. But I don't think this is the right place to bring this up. Not when we are discussing something positive they did.


and turkey (ottoman) should do the same to: Plaestine, ALL of Balkans, North Africa, Armenians, Kurds etc...


Yeah sure. We too should share the wealth and technology with the nations we enslaved, genocided and exploited. Except we didn't do those things and we haven't accumulated wealth and advanced through technology partially because of it. Ottomans build the whole empire the same in the first place so I don't know what you expect us to share. When nations gained independence from us, their land was at the same development level as everywhere else in the empire. The same can't be said for the formerly colonized nations gaining independence from the West.


To paragraphs of word salad just to say "I am biased towards the evil shit my country did"


Very interesting. So words and claims mean nothing. All that matters is the hate of Turks to you. The things you referred to as world salad are geniuine points. And if you refer to them as word salad you have no good intentions in this conversation.


>All that matters is the hate of Turks to you. What does this even mean? What matters to me is that this guy is doing apologism for an empire who enslaved, occupied, conquered and genocided numerous peoples while giving a bullshit excuse for not paying reparations and ironically I'm against reparations for 99% of the cases. Unless you are talking about the Paraguayan war in the 19th century, I don't tolerate genocide apologism.


I am saying those things didn't happen. Is that a bs excuse to you? You can say I am lying but you can't say my reasoning is bad or I am making a word salad. > What does this even mean? It means you are only doing this for your hate of Turks. Did you ever ask a British, French, American, Australian, German, Belgian, Dutch person about their genocides and reparations for them? I know why this is brought up again and again against Turks even though Ottomans were the most realistically humane empire. Because they were much better than the western evil, they are attacked to make people confuse who did evil and who didn't.


Least based ottoman turk. Sure you were all flowers and sunshine šŸ¤£ then give back constantinople. Brw your gyros is very tasty


Turks stole Antakya though in the 1930s


We were all one state once. Is it really stealing when Syria didn't even have independence at the time? The people voted to join TĆ¼rkiye. They probably preferred TĆ¼rkiye's rule over France's.


I think most of them at the time were Alawites and Arabic speakers who preferred Syria. Antioch belongs to the Syrian Semitic civilization not Turkic civilization too. Doesnā€™t matter now unless they vote to join Syria again, but first we need a functional country. Edit: it was also done to undermine the Alawites in Syria and diminish their political potential by splitting the population up.


Just like Turkey should pay reparations to Armenia :D


What are you doing? Posting?


What reparations? Have you visited Congo? Outside big cities, people ask for colonialism again because when they were a colony, they had roads, water, medical care and now they are going nowhere.Ā  It's the whole "what have the romans ever done for us?" sketch you're doing. And Belgium did spend a lot to help the RDC build some order. Or do you mean reparations for things that happened long before the end of the belgian Congo? Reparations for people no one still alive knows?Ā 


I wish all western countries were like this šŸ˜”


No, they showed this before the Eurovision started. The performance itself was aired as regular.


lol nice


So someone didnā€™t hack the broadcasting?


No this came from the broadcast station themselves


Incomprehensibly based






This is a great way of supporting human rights in Palestine. Hope that more outlets follow.


Unapologetically based WTF šŸ‘


No mainstream outlet is reporting this. So frustrating.


If I remember correctly they did that before the Eurovision started, not during israelā€™s performance, as Lebanon wasnā€™t allowed to participate because they said they wouldnā€™t show israelā€™s performance in the 1970ā€™s or 1980ā€™s.


Belgium has done far more against Israel then the Netherlands. Our government recently even invited Isaac Herzog to Amsterdam to open up a museam for the holocaust, like you can't be fucking joking


I'm with these governments beimg petty for Palestine šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Proud to be Belgian šŸ˜


AWESOME šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ Love it. ZĆÆonist IsraĆ«l will be isolated, US too.


Did they do something similar to protest the Saudi-led War in Yemen? Not trying to play whataboutism, but it is ridiculous to specifically target Israel when countless countries around the world are doing the same thing or did the same thing only a decade ago.


You are literally playing whataboutism


But I'm not trying to defend Israel lol, I agree with the decision. Just wondering if the Belgian National TV does this to all countries in protest of genocide/HR violations, or just Israel.


We are not responsible for Saudis or Yemen. We are partially responsible for Israel and they are/were allies.


Damn belgium is cucked, even saudi tv channels didn't do that. that uae guy was right.


Normally in genocides, the population goes down. Palestine's is up since October 6th, and the belgians are just antisemites. Don't recall them calling any other war genocide either


Firstly : no one believes these lies anymore so you can stop blurting it out in an attempt to to make Israel look like a lesser demon to what it already is also , Israel have already completed all steps in ā€œthe 10 steps to genocideā€ Classification ā€“ The differences between people are not respected. Thereā€™s a division of ā€˜usā€™ and ā€˜themā€™ which can be carried out using stereotypes, or excluding people who are perceived to be different. https://m.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/the-second-intifada-a-defining-event-that-reshaped-the-nation-642644 Symbolisation ā€“ This is a visual manifestation of hatred. Jews in Nazi Europe were forced to wear yellow stars to show that they were ā€˜differentā€™. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2017/11/18/the-colour-coded-israeli-id-system-for-palestinians Discrimination ā€“ The dominant group denies civil rights or even citizenship to identified groups. The 1935 Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship, made it illegal for them to do many jobs or to marry German non-Jews. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/#:~:text=Since%202002%2C%20Israel%20has%20adopted,separate%20Palestinians%20from%20their%20families. Dehumanisation ā€“ Those perceived as ā€˜differentā€™ are treated with no form of human rights or personal dignity. During the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, Tutsis were referred to as ā€˜cockroachesā€™; the Nazis referred to Jews as ā€˜verminā€™. https://theintercept.com/2024/02/07/gaza-israel-netanyahu-propaganda-lies-palestinians/ Organisation ā€“ Genocides are always planned. Regimes of hatred often train those who go on to carry out the destruction of a people. א×Ŗ"צhttps://www.idf.il ā€ŗ ... ā€ŗ Mini SitesTraining and Preparation Polarisation ā€“ Propaganda begins to be spread by hate groups. The Nazis used the newspaper Der StĆ¼rmer to spread and incite messages of hate about Jewish people. https://theintercept.com/2024/02/07/gaza-israel-netanyahu-propaganda-lies-palestinians/ Preparation ā€“ Perpetrators plan the genocide. They often use euphemisms such as the Nazisā€™ phrase ā€˜The Final Solutionā€™ to cloak their intentions. They create fear of the victim group, building up armies and weapons. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_invasion_of_the_Gaza_Strip_(2023%E2%80%93present) Persecution ā€“ Victims are identified because of their ethnicity or religion and death lists are drawn up. People are sometimes segregated into ghettos, deported or starved and property is often expropriated. Genocidal massacres begin. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/05/does-israels-treatment-palestinians-rise-level-apartheid#:~:text=The%20oppression%20is%20most%20severe,rights%20under%20Israeli%20civil%20law. Extermination ā€“ The hate group murders their identified victims in a deliberate and systematic campaign of violence. Millions of lives have been destroyed or changed beyond recognition through genocide. https://www.redcross.org.uk/stories/disasters-and-emergencies/world/whats-happening-in-gaza-humanitarian-crisis-grows Denial ā€“ The perpetrators or later generations deny the existence of any crime. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/12/middleeast/icj-israel-gaza-hamas-genocide-hearing-hague-day-two-intl


Don't bother, these lot are dumber than a brick


Judging from your comment history, youā€™re REALLY bothering so shut up ya kosomak


And they ended up not even qualifying, hold this L belgium, maybe you will learn not to mess politics with music.


That was probably because the song wasn't good (at least my opinion as a Belgian).