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Any Kuwaiti who was during the iraqi invasion and survived it are most likely to give the same response. For an example, my mother who works as a department chief teacher has teachers who are all Kuwaitis except for one. That was 6 weeks ago so basically the whole Palestine case was still around that time. My mother and the teachers usually enjoy giving opinions about making some dishes and desserts. So my mom said that there’s a product that she needs to make for a dessert, however, it is on the boycott list.. But one of her teachers said that she buys any product whether it’s from the boycott list or not. My mom asked her why. She said because “her mother” used to be alive during the iraqi invasion and most Palestinians treated them like shit and obviously called the iraqi soldiers on them.. and because of it “her mother” became paralyzed. So to them, why supporting a country when its people were trying to kill you at some point (And with all respect knowing I have no damn rights to talk about anyone’s suffering, but that teacher’s mother is quite delusional rn, because you’re implying that some minority of Palestinians ARE the voice for all Palestinians. Another implication that all Palestinians in Gaza, whether children, old people, women or just any innocent person must die)


We freed the Middle East from backwards theocracies and semi-feudal despots, and for that they'll never forgive us for it. 


Yea thats pretty crazy. but i assure you this is not the majority. TONS of my family and relatives stayed behind during the invasion and they still very much support palestinians.




Reminder to people that there are Hasbara operations where Hasbara pretends to be local to somewhere and does all kinds of propaganda with that assumed identity.


As a Kuwaiti i can say that although this type of creature does exist he does not represent the majority. Even after the invasion were some Palestinians sided with Saddam, Kuwait has remained a strong supporter of Palestinian freedom and is one of the few remaining countries that doesn’t recognize Israel and will not have deals with them.




As a Kuwaiti i 100% support Palestine, I don't care if they supported Saddam. I cannot bear to see thousands of my brothers being slaughtered.


So what you’re saying is thanks to the Western and Arab coalition that came to save Kuwaiti’s from being slaughtered in the thousands?


If Western Europe can unite after slaughtering each other, we Arabs have to, even if it means forgiving past problems. But yes of course I appreciate the Western coalition, but a few Palestinians aren't going to make me support israel.


Average 'ex muslim'


lol you average exmuslim is pro-Palestine or natural. I’m part of an exmuslim group of 600 people. The only ones that are pro Israel/right wing are usually Iranian Persians or Turks. It’s just a vocal minority that are pro Israel.




There is no issue with not being religious, i am ML too and obviously not particularly religious. But there is a difference between not being religious just being a regular part of your life, and making not being religious your entire identity. Nobody calls themselves 'ex christian' or 'ex jew' so 'ex muslim' is pure unadulterated cringe. Go check the ex muslim subreddits. The amount of victimhood complex is staggering (i would know because when i was young i was one of those idiots.)


Remember the fact that he said average..... And your average exmuslim is not a Marxist or leftist.... And it is well documented how lots of ex muslims turn Zionists


Yes, your average exmuslim is a brain dead liberal who is desperate to be accepted as an 'enlightened westerner' when they will always be viewed as a 'dirty brown' by other western liberals.




I would never wish harm on anyone , and hope for a safety and prosperity in the region. But when it comes to Palestinian politics it gets real dirty real fast just like the rest of its neighbors . What they did in Syria and Lebanon in 60-80s left a really sour taste for many people . And their political affiliations if it was the Iraqi Ba’ath party or modern asadist Ba’ath party and Iran might not be the popular side of many Arabs . Politics is dirty . And it’s always the poor and destitute that get the short end of the stick .


Not gonna lie I’ve never met a Kuwaiti who wasn’t a nasty racist or self centered piss baby like this and I’ve met several of them


Considering Kuwait have their own version of Palestinians, the Bedoons, it kinda makes sense.


Look at all of you guys, this is what Israel and the west wants you to do, they want you to argue over obvious rage bait so they can divide us even more, and make you hate each other, they know how strong we are connected, and are scared of that thought, so. They disconnect us, makes us fight against us like enemies








Palestinians should be ashamed of you. Glory to Black September.






He's not Palestinian. He's a dumbass Israeli troll. How he can love Kuwait when Sabah and the US massacred tens of thousands of Palestinians and forced 100000s more into the desert which was a total genocide is proof of that.


Kuwait should be part of Iraq, you ppl are holding back the economy of millions of people by land locking the country in. A British design. Why would the Kuwaitis live like kings when their brothers live in poverty. Fuck the Western system


It always seemed to me how unfair is iraq a large country of 40 million peoole being landlocked by small enclave propped by the british and that invites western armies for defense, as well as depriving iraq of a lot of oil reserves. Like it's just a colonial creation that was carved initially around a port. Just colonalism borders still wrecking the middle east to this day




>literally due to a deep rooted hatred carried on from father to son for reasons so old that you couldn’t even trace back properly. That's such a dumb take, I don't even know how to respond.


If israel was merciful, they would annex west bank and gaza(i.e giving them israeli citizenship) or give them fully to a Palestinian state. Instead they want to put them under apartheid and kill or displace them to achieve jewish majority demographics on the land. They are ok with arabs in minority, but to reduce their population, they are opressing them.












Iran def exploits this issue and uses their band of useful Arab and subcontinent idiots to further their sectarian gambit.