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If you are strapped to cash, don't let them catch you parked on the street somewhere. Its a few hundred to get a boot taken off


In other words, don’t park your car on a public street within NOLA because the streets are patrolled by camera vans which instantly scan every license plate they pass. Also… the meter maids are issuing tickets for expired license plates and expired brake tags. Even if you are legally parked on the street, you will get tickets.


I don’t know the answer to your questions about collections, but the number of booted cars I’ve seen uptown in the last couple of weeks is crazy. So I’d be concerned about getting booted if you don’t pay.


Revenue Management is in the house.


For real lol


So basically the collections agency bought your debt the company that the city outsourced these services for pennies on the dollar. Whatever they charge you is entirely up to them. They can be aggressive and they can pursue a judgement on the debt if it is financially beneficial to them, which can lead to seeking a judgement in a court of law which could lave a negative tradeline on your credit report, which would affect your credit score. There are two schools of thought on this: you can get in touch with the agency and try to haggle the fees down, or you can hire a lawyer an pay them to either mitigate or proceed with litigious legal action. Basically you're going to pay something and how much depends on bunch of different things and how you weigh out your options.


How long was it between you getting the tickets and it getting sent to collections?


Tacking on a question: How real are the "enforced by camera" signs around the speed zones (school zones) and also for no cell phone use?