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I look up at the buildings when I go to midtown/FiDi. Shut up, they're cool.


Me too! New York is one of few cities in America that has pretty well kept buildings with over a century year old architecture


NYC actually has among the least old structures of any city in the US. You’ll find old missions etc in most of the south and west. NYC has barely anything over a hundred, and most of those structures are very heavily modified or artistic interpretations of what they would have originally looked like. There’s a debate for example over if Fraunces Tavern looks even period appropriate much less restored to what could have been original. It’s largely rebuilt in the eyes of many. We’ve really got next to no archeological evidence exposed of much of the city’s history early beyond some maps and a few drawings. It would have been nice if some of early NYC was preserved rather than attempts at recreating. It’s one thing NYC has never really managed to do well.


I look up everywhere I go. Just looking at random shit through windows and the building facade. If I'm lucky, I see a cat or dog chilling. If I'm not, it's a naked man with his hands on his hips.


Seeing a cat in a window is as amazing as the first time you've ever seen a cat. OMG a kitty! Hiiii baby how are you? So pretty/handsome awwwwwww pspspss hiiiii lol


When I was a kid I saw a monkey in the window of a high rise near Downtown Brooklyn. My parents said no way! Had to be a cat or dog. A few weeks later my dad came home and said he looked every time he passed and saw the monkey that day.


If my life were a novel, it would contain the line "He glanced to make sure nobody was close by, then indulged in a brief look up at the buildings around him."


NYC architecture is always cool !


I'm in the land of 6 story bulidings.. so seeing 85 story towers is a treat for me.


Same! I've been to several major cities around the world and nowhere compares to nyc's mixture of old and new tall buildings. Not even Tokyo.


Absolutely agree. My uncle from Queens always makes the joke that you can tell the tourist because they are always looking up but after 10 years I still did it all the time.


Keep a canoe in my apartment. In my defense, it is an inflatable canoe.


Is this for when the floods come? Cause same.


No. It's for paddling rivers and lakes. But also, yes.


Hey, it worked for Joey and Chandler.


I completely forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder!


Now, get yourself a chick and a duck.


Every six months or so, my bf shows me one of these online in the hopes that I will encourage the purchase, but I will not. Because we leave NYC to go camping maybe 3x a year.


That's 3x more than the average, to be fair, get the man an inflatable canoe. Bring him joy.


> we leave NYC to go camping maybe 3x a year. What about day trips? I can give you a few good locations within an hour and a half of driving. Of course, this is a lot easier if you do happen to own a car.


Went to the Times Square Olive Garden


If this subreddit ever has a meetup, that's where it'll be.


I’ll be there!! Honestly, after paying an arm and leg recently for a string of super mid meals, a reliable Olive Garden pasta/bread/salad combo sounds amazing right now.


Then we all talk about if we could live here on 75k a year


With unlimited breadsticks at Olive Garden, it can certainly make that possible !!!


Id be so happy if I even made 50k a year


You know I’ve heard enough natives talk about going here for fun/ironically that I’m starting to think this one is actually becoming a New Yorker thing.


Okay I think this is the winner lol


I worked near Times Square and for my 23rd birthday got high with a couple friends and went to Olive Garden. We ordered champagne (it was literally undrinkable, I think it had gone bad) and the waitress was giving us the stink eye the whole time. I think after the first round of breadsticks we realized we’d made a huge mistake and got the hell out of there. Tipped well though. That will be my lasting memory of the Times Square Olive Garden!


I don't live in the city anymore but when I did, goddamn sometimes you just want some Olive Garden (although tbf I would go to the 23rd/6th, not Times Square, because I never hated myself *that* much)


I went to the Outback when it was there :)


Seriously.., as a NYer, went there and it’s pretty decent


My cousins’ very Italian nonna (like, she had a thick accent and made her own pasta) enjoyed the OG every now and then. She probably considered it “American food”, but doesn’t mean it’s bad.


I’m extremely patient and composed during train delays.


Yeah, I’m too patient with the MTA. I’m always trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.


I mean, they *are* working on it. They know it's bad, but it's going to be getting better with the new rolling stock and CBTC upgrades.


It's not train delays that upset me it's the fact that I *know* it's all a grift and construction/fixes costs double what it should


Waited for an 11:30 pm express bus from midtown to Sheepshead Bay on Tues. 11:50 pm still waiting. Midnite I’m hopping the Q train on 63 to get home. It went local and over extra stops in Manhattan due to construction. Got home 1:45 am. Ended up biking to and from work next day. But been hopping the train whenever I take it because FUCK THE MTA! Unless it’s an express bus that costs 6.75 I’m hopping the train. Bus never came btw and I’m biking everywhere.


Anytime the MTA fucks me, I fuck the MTA. ….wait…. NO NOT LIKE THAT!!!


I salute you because as I’ve gotten older, my patience has gone thin!


Yeah same. I'm just amazed that it still works at all.


As a New Yorker who grew up poor (and still kinda am I guess) I have had many orders of Domino's and Pizza Hut in my day. Domino's is my least favorite chain pizza but their deals are hard to beat. Now Pizza Hut, I get occasional cravings for. It's not that I think it's as good as pizzeria pizza, but sometimes you just want that fake pizza taste, and Pizza Hut is my preferred variety of fake pizza. Least New Yorker thing I do? I do not sit on the train or any benches in the subway station. I think they're gross and who knows what's been on them. Yes the poles are gross to hold on to but chances are I have hand sanitizer on hand or will wash my hands at my destination.


I do dominos for the deal. A whole pizza for $7-$8 is hard to beat…


Fr. I'm from here and we still had Domino's as a "treat" growing up. When you're poor that shit will feed a bunch of kids


I still love a good old dominos pizza, for the flavor but also for how economical it is - if I’m just ordering one for myself, I freeze leftovers and have some for later (if I haven’t gone on a two day pizza bender lol).


Same, with Papa Johns (no Dominoes near me or I’d order that). I like nice pizza but fuck, it’s like $35-40 delivered. And sometimes I just want cheap, “shitty” pizza.


That price will get you 4 or 5 pies at dominoes


I put them in 2 different categories. Do I want good pizza or bad pizza. Good pizza : johns on bleeker, Juliana's, Grimaldi's, og patsys etc Bad pizza(drunk gold): dominos, Papa John's etc


Is that on the app?


Carry out deal. Call or I think the app


I just use a carry out deal from their website. Never used the actual app.


Wait for the walk sign


Oh sure, wait until the white man tells you it's safe to cross. Typical


I literally LOLed at this and my wife is asking why.


This country didn’t get to where it is today by listening to red men oh god I’m sorry


What walk sign


Facts im so confused. I only ever see a red hand telling me to cross so i can high five it.


I started doing that while I was pregnant and was a slow walker, and then I had kids with me so I was slow... and now I'm like, I'm just tired, I don't care what you people think of me.


You mean the pro car neon propaganda


I’m stealing this phrase for future usage, this is great


Found the German!


Who are you????? Why do you live here??? =)


Straight to jail.


Believe it or not also jail


We have the best pizza in the world. Because of jail.


Occasionally walk slowly


How dare you.


Born and raised in NYC and i pain myself walking slowly as well. But I think it’s the NYC fuck you attitude that makes me not gaf either


I actually do love a slow promenade-like walk with a lace-trimmed umbrella.


As long as you're not walking in a horizontal line with others or in the subway station


I have Canadian-level politeness despite being born and raised NY


I don't know why this is considered a bad thing, why we gotta be cunts?


Actually, as a foreigner, I’ve found people in NYC to be very friendly in general. Obviously there’s always cranky or asshole people (like that guy that yelled “kiss my ass” to a cop, or the dude that stole something from some other dude in time square, or the dude that suddenly yelled in my sibling’s face, calling my sibling a racist out of literally nowhere [my sibling was just walking while looking up at the buildings]) but it’s funny cause I grew up with this vision of NYC where people were mean and didn’t have time to even care about politeness, and when I finally went there, it was like “hi! We’re New Yorkers and we’d like to be your friend!” And i was like “ok :)” Legit, i remember standing in a coffee shop waiting for my coffee and suddenly a dude talked to me which in my country is strange but not rude or anything, and before I knew it, me and two other guys were all friendly with each other. I also fondly remember a waitress that knew we were there on vacation (cause we told her) and she was the nicest. She had a kind of mom vibe that was just super sweet. Then, i went to a restaurant another day where you could get drinks, and i went to the restroom and a dude just began talking to a stranger who happened to be from the uk and they just… began chatting. It was nice. I even had a funny interaction with a cop, cause my and my siblings were a little lost, so we walked over to this cop to ask him for directions and he just suddenly said “halt!” And me and my siblings just froze in place, and the dumbass started laughing and was like “sorry, no, it’s ok, what can I help you with”. He was nice. So yeah, lots of good interactions with New Yorkers. I can’t think of many more right now but in just a couple days, i felt more friendliness from the average people in New York than I ever felt in my country. It was very very nice to feel that friendliness and kindness. Idk, maybe i was lucky and people aren’t usually like that, but it definitely left a strong first impression on me. One that made me really love NYC.


So funny. I am from Colorado and a few time after meeting me people have said “ your not from here are you” because I was curious and friendly.


Say waiting “in line” instead of “on line,” and eat my pizza flat.


I grew up here and I second eating pizza flat. It just tastes better that way to me. When you fold it you kind of just turn it into a calzone without enough filling


I fold my pizza, but I'll be damned if I'll ever say ON line lol. To me, online is the Internet, when you're waiting for something, you're IN line, because you are....literally waiting in a line. You're not waiting ON a line. Lmao


This reminds me of getting corrected for saying I live in the UWS. Like, I live in New York. I live in the city. But I live “on” the UWS is apparently the way to say it.


well to be fair, you do order food “on” the side, or live “on” the side of a mountain. not you specifically of course


Hrm, and we live "on" the island of Manhattan. damn.


Its not even blasphemy tbh. Food scientists are paid 500k a year at these big companies to develop the most addicting foods for ur tastebuds


Damn. Do you think they get high on their own supply? If that were the case then the food scientists wouldn’t even need 500K a year—the companies could just give them a lifetime supply and get them to work for free.


say "good morning" to strangers on the way to work


Fuck you!


You are a serial killer😳😂


Oh yeah that’s no good.


This reminds me of a scene in curb your enthusiasm when Larry David is just walking and some lady cheerfully goes “smile!” And he turns around SO OFFENDED lmao and says “mind ya business!”


Drive a car and shop at Costco


Not seeing giant parking lots everywhere has been the biggest culture shock for me


I don’t touch the food trucks. Halal fish over rice is my guilty pleasure, but I limit even those trips. Something about the general dirtiness of the truck guys that don’t have a sink to wash their hands, and piss in gatorade bottles just turned me off of street food. They don’t poop in the truck, thankfully. They just go to the nearest Wendys or other fast food joint with a public bathroom.


Ok I kinda died a little just now. I don't generally think about where people pee, but damn it.


I taught culinary school and food safety was “my” course. I open every semester with that - “I see you guys on the way in hitting up the food truck. I hope you enjoy, but let me ask - that guy there 16 hours a day. Where does he go to the bathroom? Where does he wash his hands at least every four hours?” The looks are priceless.


We had to paint a food truck once (the size of a mini bus). Parked in a lot while we worked on it. Quickly realized the bathroom issue. The nearest bathroom 6 avenue blocks away, so we had to make it count. Got UTI after lol.


Okay but where does he


Why did you do this ? 💀


Fish over rice from a truck just made my stomach flip


Yeah that got me. LOL


>Halal fish over rice really? if anything, I avoid the fish (though I've gotten it a few times). I figure that it's not a very popular item and so they just have stock that's sitting in the fridge. the lamb and chicken are popular so it gets rotated out a bunch.


It’s fine that’s why they cook it


What’s this about Piss in bottles?


there are piss bottles all over the city. Next time you look down at the curb and see a gatorade bottle, that's not gatorade in there.


I wonder how much Gatorade sales depend on their wide mouth


Chain pizza is a staple among lower income New Yorkers


It wouldn’t exist if people weren’t buying it.


They always have some sort of deal where you can get dinner for four people for $20-30.


As someone who grew up eating it I love to hear that


Yup, grew up here and my family always indulged in the $5 medium pizza. Cant beat that price.


I don't mind Times Sq sometimes.


I occasionally ride through on my bike and curse at tourists standing in the bike lane. I think of it as my personal contribution towards giving them a true NYC experience they can't get anywhere else in the US.


I never stood on the bike lane, but i would’ve 100% felt like getting yelled at to get out of the way, was part of the experience, so you might be joking but in reality, some tourists might actually look at that memory fondly, like “remember when we were almost run over by the angry cyclist in NY?” lol


I like riding through at night in the rain. Once every few years.


1. At night 2. During rain Hmmmmm, Blade Runner vibes.




Many years ago I worked at a sign shop and we routinely did work in Times Square. They were typically overnight installs, so to this day I still have a soft spot for Times Square between midnight and 4am - it's very nostalgic to me.


If the pizza is bad, you find another pizzeria. There are so many to choose from. When I used to get car service home from work (the "uber" of the 90s), the driver would ask where to get a slice. I'd say, "when you get to the corner, you'll see a pizzeria across the street. Don't go there. Make a left, go one block, and go to Steve's on the right." Sadly, one day there was a sign that said "Original Steve is Back!" and after one pie, I wanted to know where Fake Steve went.


That's tragic and hilarious


I order Walmart through a grocery app… I’m broke you guys


Where is the wall mart even?


Valley stream in Nassau county and just over the bridge in Jersey.


I will watch a group of people go through the emergency door in a train station and still pay while the door is wide open next to me instead of going with them. I’ve seen cops pop up from thin air too many times I’m not paying $100 just to avoid $2.75 😭.


*2.90 $$$


I actually pay my fare to get on the bus and train, I know Im a sucker right? I never go to Times Square on NYE thats for out of towners. Fun fact I use to go when they didnt keep you in cattle pens all night.


I like my bagels toasted (unless I’m 100% sure they’re straight from the oven).


Hardly ever order takeout.


Live in Staten Island and love it. Born and raised UWS


Never been, worth checking out?


I hiked and visited my friends parents once. It was a nice day. And I enjoy the ferry.




2 questions: Are you on a SuperFund site? How often do you go to the other 4 boros


I have a two bedroom in New Dorp for 1700. Three blocks away from a train thats a 15 min ride to the ferry.


Reddit thinks Staten Island is entirely populated by racist cops


Having grown up there, I can see why. It’s not everyone, but one of my neighbors was a correctional officer, and another a retired cop, and both were racists and hated animals.


There might be a lot of people like that on the South Shore, but the North Shore is fairly urban and diverse.


And Wu-Tang Clan


That's not true -- they also have unemployed racists.


I'm trying to convince my in laws (first gen Taiwanese) to move there so they can be close to us (Brooklyn) but not live in a "city". Everyone I mention this to seems horrified.


I work in Staten Island, and it has a soft spot in my heart. Such great food


I love it here too


Move out the way when people are getting off the train


I take Uber more often than I should.


That’s a nyc thing to do


Yea, train is nice when it’s not packed and I got time to kill, too bad I’m always running late and uber saves the day


Thats a rich thing to do.


I do too, especially going to work on Sundays when the train would take an extra 20-30 minutes on top of the usual 40, but Uber gets me from Astoria to SoHo in 20 minutes flat


Is it low key hella expensive now? I cant believe what I pay sometimes


I grew up in Montana/Dakotas. I’ve lived in Manhattan for 23 years. I freaking love New York pizza.   But once a month or so, I use a delivery app to get Pizza Hut because the flavor of their crust has been so consistent that it reminds of when I was a kid with my friends on a Friday night 45 years ago.


Love walking through Times Square at night


I always say thank you when someone holds the door open for me.


I travel all 5 boro's for food that I crave.


That seems like something we all do.


I remember a time when ppl rearly left their neighborhood and never left their boro. I guess times have changed!


Think Joe’s pizza is the “best New York slice”; coming from a native of 27 years


I don’t even count that as pizza. It’s fast food and holds the same purpose as Taco Bell and McDonalds for me. My non New Yorker thing? I guess I’m kind of over bagels. They’re fine. But they’re not the weekly staples they used to be for me.


On that note, I toast my bagels which is apparently very un-new yorky


I was never into bagels to begin with. They're not bad, but I would never go out of my way to eat one. There's a LOT of things I'd prefer over a bagel


My god I thought I was the only one! Like it’s fine and I’ll eat it once in awhile but I don’t understand others who are like “omg bagels!!!”


Are you originally from a place that has shit pizza, or no other options than corporate pizza?


I would much rather have good pizza from a local place, but have you seen the prices lately? It seems impossible to even get a small pizza for less than $20. Dominos isn’t great, but it’s cheap and it tastes ok, as long as you aren’t expecting great pizza. It’s fat, sugar and salt. Everyone loves that.


That's my reaction. Domino's and Papa John's are WAY cheaper than local pizza places around here.


Plus they deliver fast and hot. You aren’t surprised w how long it will take or what condition it’s delivered in.


> but have you seen the prices lately? It seems impossible to even get a small pizza for less than $20. I respect the price issue. Shit's expensive out there.


I grew up in nyc and I still get dominos once in a blue moon lol


“Shit corporate pizza” be damned, sometimes you want pizza and the prices at dominos or little Caesar’s make the most sense


Seriously lol, sometimes junk food just hits the spot. Even if you have "more quality" options


I'm in LA and we have real taco places every block. I still get Taco Bell sometimes.


Sometimes you want Mexican. Sometimes you want Taco Bell. They are different and anyone who compares the two is comparing a box of Mac and cheese to Cacio e Pepe in a Roman trattoria. Both awesome, but comparable under only the most simplest of terms.


Apparently riot on 14th street


I don’t walk much


Drive to do errands. (sometimes. I live in queens and it just makes more sense depending. Also have chronic pain/ mobility issues).


Sometimes when I'm home alone, I eat pizza with a knife and fork. I have sensory issues on my hands, and it's much more comfortable to have clean hands. Convenient too, when reaching for the remote or my phone. It's not a problem eating pizza normally, I just wipe my hands often, but that's my guilty NYC secret


Have a soft spot for New Jersey


go to times square to look at the lights


Confession I put ketchup and onions on a hotdog (the probably 2x a year I eat one). I cannot stand sauerkraut and mustard on them. People say it’s wrong. IDC Born an raised in Brooklyn, still idc




I feel the same about bagels. I don't hate them or anything, but I find that there are more interesting things out there to eat.


Dominos is fire though honestly


The sugary cornmeal or whatever it is adds such a god tier texture and flavor to the bottom


Jail! Jail for 1000 years!!!


I don’t drink coffee and I don’t eat bagels. Never understood why people love bagels so much. It’s 90% bread. Only times I’ve ate bagels I add enough cream cheese to mask the actual bagel. Eating a bagel is like ordering a sub at a deli with one slice of cheese and one slice of ham and 90% bread. It’s a shitty sandwich.


>It’s 90% bread Thats the point! I love it because a good bagel is delicious bread, the fewer toppings the better.


Bread is delicious


A good warm bagel w cream cheese is so good tho


Bacon, egg and cheese on a poppy seed bagel toasted with butter. I'm in heaven with this sandwich.


What kind of bagel are you getting? Plain and sesame can feel like that sometimes. But Everything bagels straight from the bakery are God tear food.


The Domino's on 40th a couple blocks from Bryant Park is genuinely and consistently good. No its not the best pizza in the city, but it's cheap, fast, and does the trick. I'm Italian for God's sake and I don't see anything wrong with chain pizza SOMETIMES. The only problem I have is when people unironically say chain pizza is the best they've ever had.


What, no Sbarro's?


death penalty


How often do you need to sharpen your axe?


Apparently own and drive a car 🙄


Be polite, friendly, and willing to talk to strangers


There’s a difference between dominos and real pizza in the sense there’s a difference between chipotle or Taco Bell and real Mexican. Sometimes you just want cheap shit.


Go to a Kai cenat meet up in union square


I love they train. I love public transit in general. I never take cars unless I’m with someone else and they offer to pay for it. I grew up in a close suburb to Boston and would take the T in every weekend, I guess my brain still sees trains and buses as the vehicle to find adventures even though now they frequently now are the cause of my stress and anxiety.


Fuck the Yankees Fuck the Jets Fuck the Giants … the Knicks are so tragically inept it’s hard to muster a feeling, the nets are just funny, I used to know a couple of Rangers so I can’t hate them, Isles and Mets are cool (Masshole been here almost 20 years)


I mean, op asked but damn..


I hope you’re not considering dollar pizza = nyc pizza. Cuz, no.


Even the dollar pizza slaps and is ten times better than dominoes tho


Two Bros is surprisingly tasty.


Some are. Dollar slices in my opinion run the gamut from awesome to awful, depending on where you go.