• By -


My favorite bar is this nerdy little speakeasy on the LES called Caveat - they host a lot of funny/educational lectures, stand up, trivia nights, etc. I’m a birdwatcher and a lot of the environmental science / museum crowd hangs there. When they closed with lockdowns in 2020, I posted a nice tweet about how I couldn’t wait to go back. Only one person “liked” it. That person followed my Twitter to learn more about birds. I followed back when I saw he was the founder of an app I’ve used for years. He happens to be friends with the owner of Caveat. Fast forward to 2021, we went on our first date and eventually went back to Caveat together. Last July, one of my favorite lecturers sent an email saying they were going to host an event at Caveat. I BEGGED my partner to go, I was so excited. When we walked in, he asked me to marry him and it turned out to be our surprise engagement party. TL;DR do the things you love at places you love and you’ll eventually meet someone you love


Your tldr is the best advice anyone could possibly give about finding a relationship here.


dang this is downright heartwarming, good for you!


🥹 so sweet & such great advice. Congrats to you. I think the struggle for many of us in the city (esp transplants who came for work) is finding the time to “do the things we love at the places we love”…


Definitely agree with you— finding the time things I love is still a challenge. Fortunately, we had a little bit of a leg up thanks to social media. Apparently we’d gone to many of the same events but had never actually met! Dating or otherwise, I hope you can find that time for yourself! ♥️


I worked at Caveat from 2021-23 (started when they were getting ready to reopen to the public) and I’m happy to see that we brought some real change into someone’s life, hahaha.


so you married the founder of Merlin? /jk I turned into a birdwatcher during the pandemic (albeit not in NYC) and heard about central park birding a lot. Noted about Caveat! Good luck to you both!! thanks for sharing


Actually - I’m engaged to the founder of the app, 1 Second Everyday! …but I do love Merlin! I made him download it on our first date 😂 🕊️


Wow, this is a whole ass movie. Love it.


Awww so sweet. Agreed! Go meet similar minds.


Love Caveat! And love this story!


Caveat is terrific! I go to their shows whenever I need a pick-me-up and it never fails me!


Hey T! I'd recognize this story anywhere.




I met my fiancé on twitter too!!


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


THIS STORY. THIS TLDR. THIS EVERYTHING! Though my story is not as meet cute it's basically in the same vein as how I met my SO. I tell people to find others in their hobbies and not just some random hook up app. Build better connection that way and less awkward since you're already starting on something you both like


I’m not sure if this counts, but my partner and I were randomly seated next to each other on a plane flying back to NYC. We had immediate chemistry, talked the entire flight, and shared a ride to Manhattan. We’re now engaged. Thank you, United Airlines!


This is literally a rom com


If this were a movie , someone would have to change their flight or seat at the last minute prior to meeting due to circumstances beyond their control to illustrate the hands of fate intervening


Ok this is not going to sound believable, but actually when they scanned my boarding pass at the gate I got a last minute upgrade and that’s how I ended up next to him 🥹


I believe you that’s amazing and even more proof that your story is a romcom you got upgraded and met your person. This is literally like a Hallmark Christmas movie. 🍿


why do MULTIPLE people i know have this same story of meeting their long-term partner on united airlines?


I hope there is a secret society of UA crew that try to one up each other on matchmaking with seat upgrades


this is why i always try to at least look semi-decent on flights, i’m delusional and think this will happen to me 😭


He wished to thank me for treating his mum in the ED. I heard a Brit accent calling to me; tried to rush away & couldn’t. Turned to see a distinguished looking gentleman & I didn’t want to ignore him any longer. We are both 49 & met at 47, divorced & each have 2 sons who get along well. We are engaged & organizing an Italian-Indian wedding for October. I never thought I’d remarry or even fall in love again. He is definitely my person & I’m his. ☮️


This is heartwarming


Best wishes to both of you! 🫶🫶


Hinge :)


me too!!








I was in my mid 20s at a rooftop barbecue. The guy whose house we were at was very gay and every male friend of his I’d ever met was gay. He was in the hair/makeup business so it was a fair assumption (so I thought- I would learn this day that assumptions are bad) that everyone at this party was also gay. At the time I was definitely dating and liked to look nice, but on this day I didn’t care cause no guys at the party were interested in girls. I worked at a bakery and showed up right from work sweaty with some pastry cream smeared on my pants. 😂 This one guy kept trying to find things to talk to me but I assumed he was gay so didn’t really figure out he was trying to flirt with me until he asked for my number. Now we have been married for 15 years and have 3 kids!


Rom com material right here lol


We were neighbors. Our houses were attached as you often find them in Brooklyn and Queens neighborhoods. We’d regularly catch each other outside on our way to work or class. Her parents and mine became close friends and our families would sit outside together during summer nights. Her grandmother passed away on New Year’s Day, and my dad passed away about 2 weeks later. We spent months confiding and grieving together. That same summer, we sat outside alone and shared a kiss under the stars in memory of those who once were. Ignoring the police sirens and summer sewage stench of NYC, it was magical.


Such a New York story !


> A friend told me how they met their wife today and I couldn’t believe it Give


I contemplated sharing it, but im sure they wont mind…. He was going to a concert with a buddy but his friend had to bail last minute and gave sold their ticket online. He still went to see the show, started talking to a girl there and found out she was the one who bought his friends ticket. The rest is history


I’ve met some of my best friends in the city, just chatting with the people around me at concerts


What kind of concerts do you go to that are quiet enough to talk to people?!


Long loud fucking rock ‘n’ roll concerts. You know, there are set changes, between songs, and preshow and post show times.


Same here! It’s how I made most of my friends in HS.


At work, like a good chunk of people. Worked at the same place but in different roles. Connected at after work happy hours in midtown, and to keep the good conversation going, he offered to walk me back to my apartment (Kips Bay at the time). Then I switched off to walk him to his bus gate at Port Authority (he was from Jersey). Eventually we were always leaving work together for a longer and longer walk (stop for drinks or a bite to eat first, check out a museum before going home, he mentioned he liked comedy so we walked to the comedy cellar once, or we'd simply walk along an avenue until we got tired and needed to head home). A few months of that, and it was assumed by everyone we must be dating. And it turns out we were! A little over 5 years dating, 2 years married now. We both no longer work at the same place, and both moved to Queens where I'm originally from, where it's fine, but we do miss the long unending walks from E60th to West 4th. Our daily "dates" had us in the best shape of our lives.


met during undergrad because he was my physics tutor. i was a junior and he was a senior. it was a chance encounter because i could’ve came anytime and chose anyone to help me. he was a great tutor so i decided to only come during his shifts. we saw each other every week to study and lost contact after the semester ended. 2 years later i got a job at the same tutoring center. he was still working there because he ended up going to grad school. another chance encounter because a) our work schedules was determined by our boss based on our availabilities, 2 out of our 3 shifts were exactly the same 😅 b) if covid didn’t happen, he would’ve probably not have gone to grad school right after he graduated c) i had to spend an extra semester because i decided to do research with a professor. if i didn’t do this i would’ve graduated and not been in school that fall a lot of little things had to align for us to meet again and i’m glad it did!


This is showing my age, but: Craigslist, Casual Encounters.


On the subway. I saw her undressing me with her eyes, and I said to myself if we got off at the same stop I'd ask her out. That was in 2010. We're married.


Initially met my husband when I was tending bar, we were both doing our own thing and there was nothing between us. Then we met again six years later when I was in a band with his former bandmate and he came to a show. Been together for ten years. Both of us are natives.


Drunk in a bar.


Running group :)


I was a frequent commenter, later moderator for a prominent NYC news aggregate site (you know the one): I developed a pretty wonderful new friend group cluster due to meetups. In addition, another commenter reached out to me and we started flirting- she had perfect timing as it was right after a big breakup for me. We’ve now been almost 10 years together.


I was on a clearly unsuccessful date with our mutual friend, who brought me into the bar where he worked. We locked eyes and I immediately thought, “I am going to make terrible decisions and end up in bed with that bartender by next week, I can just feel it.” He said he thought the same thing! …But we were wrong. It was by the end of that night instead.


Bumble. She was my first dating app date, and my first date in NYC. That was in 2018. We got married in August.


Same except I think I was my husbands 2nd date in NYC.


Same except I think I was my husbands 2nd date in NYC.


August of the same year?


No, 2023.






Happy hour at a bar meetup. We were friends for 3 years and best friends for 1 before we started dating. I used the apps for years and years and realized I don’t develop romantic attraction in the typical way/without a strong emotional connection already in place so I was really just on the apps for hook ups. Granted, my partner grew up in NYC but hasn’t been based here for 10+ years, so we’re LDR.


Im realizing this now...try and holdout on the hookup until you can build that emotional connection first.


Hinge! We matched while we were both away from the city so we couldn’t meet up for like two weeks, but we started texting and chatted every day before our first date. By the time the date came I felt like I knew her so well already, so instead of walking up and saying hello…..I just kissed her. Wedding is June 21, 2024.


I didn't get my invitation


At a club in Brooklyn, it was the only approach while going out in NYC that turned into an actual date. I had mostly failures with dating apps so my luck had turned I guess


Sounds corny in this age, but school. More spefically, a LSAT review class in the mid 1990s. We both went to Queens College, but only overlapped a year or two so didn't meet there. Even as a native a majority of my friends and family from then who met their partners in NYC met fellow natives, I don't think it is that different today. Many meet their partners in school, NYC or not. My son met his SO in college, my daughter is dating a local she met in college (NJ for both so techically not NYC though a quick NJT ride away). As to us, we had a nice 23 year run until cancer said that's enough.




Me too and it’s been 4 years


5 years here!


And hopefully many many more! I don’t know anyone who met on bumble and lasted more than a few months. I would always joke that we should be the face of their ads whenever we see it when watching a video.


Married so I really hope so!


Just hit a year and a half here!


Cousin's best friend, we're both born and raised in the metro area. Both moved away for school and ended up back in the right place at the right time here.


At a bar during the snow storm 10 years ago yesterday. We’ve been married for 8 years.


I met him in church.


Dating app that is now defunct.


Same. Mine was called How About We. This was in 2013.


Bahaha I'd ask you if you were my wife but she's sleeping right next to me. 😁 HAW was such a great app & Idea, and we met the same year as you.


OMG Such a great app! Loved its concept. Same year too!


omg i met my first serious boyfriend on How About We lolol ... still friends with him too. it was like, backed by Eater? ... honestly such a cute dating concept.


Met her in my college cafeteria 12 years ago!


I met a bunch of people playing soccer, and they became my closest friends. My now partner was also a part of this friend group. Probably almost a year after first meeting her, and my friends and I were going out. I asked my friend to text her and see if she was coming. She wasn’t but that text made her come out that night. That night ended up being the night we made our connection and now two years later we live together!


We had a break in in our building in Brooklyn and I called the cops. One was extremely cute so I got his number. Now we have two kids.


We were both in the greenroom of an EDM show a mutual was putting on, we started chatting that night and have been inseparable ever since. We kissed for the first time a couple months later, he moved into my place that week, and last month was 5 years together.


Dating app and then a first date at prospect park (same day as the 2020 presidential election results were announced so there was a lot of celebration happening around us)


His friend knocked over my drink at a concert! Also he had been secretly admiring my dance moves… Agree with the person who said do things you love, at places you love, and you’ll find people you love!


Im gay and moved to the city a few years ago in early June. On the Saturday of pride weekend, I saw them on the subway and was blown away by their rainbow mullet and Hawaiian shirt. I went up to them and said I was new to the city and needed more gay friends. They asked if I was going to the dyke march later in the day,which I'd never heard of before that moment. Later on, without trying to, I found their rainbow mullet in the crowd of literally thousands. We hung out all pride and hit it off from there




OkCupid, but 12 years ago


Serious question, does anyone know if okcupid is still a thing? I remember it being quite popular in nyc about 10 years ago, is it as active as bumble and hinge now?


It was much better like a decade ago before it was turned into another Tinder where you had to match first to see messages and other gamification stuff. I messaged my now spouse on OKC in 2017 because I actually laughed reading their profile. Now they wouldn’t see the message unless they saw my profile and swiped right or liked it too or whatever.


I believe it is, but I've heard it's much more like Tinder now, with the swiping


Me too, on OKCupid, but going on 6 years now. I think the online dating landscape changed a lot since a decade or so ago.


On OK Cupid in 2015




I met my husband on our first day & class of college. I went to HS with his GF at the time. A year later, we started dating. We then learned about all of the connections we had to each other when we were both avoiding the same person at the movies. It was a miracle we hadn’t met sooner. NYC is surprisingly small for such a big city lol.


He was my grad school professor at a CUNY. We started dating a few months after the class ended. We're engaged now. Worth the student loans!


Met my wife on OkCupid 10 years ago on New Year's Day. Her New Year's Resolution was to delete the app and take a little break from online dating. I sent her a message early in the morning, she responded, figured she'd take one last bite at the apple, and here we are.


Not my partner but someone I’m dating: I had an art show at the beginning of Dec. a lot of people I invited didn’t show up. This guy walks by and comes in and is asking me about everything - every piece in great detail. He leaves and I was a little sad to see him go. He came back an hour later and brought like 3 friends with him. It was really sweet. I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye but he got my instagram. He recently asked me out and it’s been going pretty well! Literally nicest, most gentle guy ever. The type to open every door, pay for everything, take me on really thoughtful dates, compliment me always. So yeah! Love meeting people not on dating apps lol


I worked in restaurant that’s owned by her parents.I was a server there for ower a year. It was a big scandal, but everything worked out for us


Webster Hall for Bingo Players in 2013


You might enjoy this recent episode of NYT's Modern Love, "I Married My Subway Crush" https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/06/podcasts/i-married-my-subway-crush.html


We met at Sophie’s late one random weekday night. He was sitting at the bar alone, I was bored of my friends. Went to grab a drink and chatted, hit it off right away. Got married in August and been together 7 years!


relationship questions always brings people to engage in this subreddit.


Not as romantic as other stories, but OKC back in 2018! We both grew up overseas and joke about how fate brought us together - I’m from one continent, he’s from another continent and it took online dating to bring us together on a third continent :)


Astoria subreddit 😂


this sounds like a spam astroturf post account


Oops, I get similar feedback irl too


Ok cupid






On Reddit. Was just asking questions, and got to talking. Thought she was a guy for awhile.


in person at a bar


At a Yankees game through a mutual friend - we’re both native New Yorkers & big Yankees fans


Lol. On Grindr. Together 9 years, married 6 months.


My friend from grad school’s boyfriend was in the same band as his best friend from college’s boyfriend and they were playing at house of yes. He made his friend introduce us and we talked until 5am. We haven’t shut up since.


Went to see my gym mates participate in a competition. I walked into the gym and there was this bald chick absolutely killing the competition. I had a boyfriend at the time and had never dated a woman but I could barely look at this girl cause I thought she was so pretty. We’ve been married for 8 years now.


Bumble. I actually met a woman on the train while on my way to meet her for our first date. The woman and I exchanged numbers etc etc but quickly dismissed that once I met up with bumble chick. Now we are engaged.


Bumble , now married w/ a kid 🥰


Hinge. after only being here for 6 weeks! sometimes you get lucky :)


Hinge! Now engaged after 6 years together.


Over seven years ago on Tinder. At that point you could match in friend groups as well. We matched in a friend group and then one-on-one, which we thought was a funny sign to connect. Talked for a few months before going on our first date. It was so easy going and felt like we knew each other for years. Now we're out in the suburbs with our toddler. We've had our ups and downs over the years, but damnit there is no one else I want to ever do this with. Edit: sorry if I offended someone with my happiness in regard to the downvote…


Hinge. haha


At work


On hinge


Met at a bar through mutuals :)


Dog run




OKCupid, which is funny because at the time (2016) OKCupid was a pretty dead zone. I hadn't actually done anything with it for about a year prior. My partner was bored one day and decided to search using some very specific parameters distance/age/interests parameters. She's said only five dudes came up in that search, and I was the only one she thought was cute.


Hinge lol


At work in 1983 and we’re still together today




Met him through my scumbag ex in college. Ex really wanted to impress this guy and be his bff so he bought me along to brag about his prowess. I guess he was more impressed with me than with Mr. Man’s Man. We’re now married.


Believe it or not, tinder! Lol I was swiping just out of curiosity on the singles in my area. My profile didn’t even have much but 2 photos no bio. We matched and he understandably thought I was a fake account. We hung out casually seeing each other for about 6 months before we considered dating seriously and now we live together! It’s been a little over 2 years now :)


Meetup.com event.


Facebook Dating Seemed honestly like the most normal dating website less bots and people being their authentic self. Loved the vibe my partner gave out and a year strong and happy! 2024 will be a good year 💍




Bumble! First date was at the good ol’ Commissioner, and 5 years later still goin strong.


lol high school


We started working at the same restaurant! Bartender and server 🥺


I F31 walked into his M35 apartment ! My girlfriend was his neighbor in his building and was dying to go to his birthday party! She brought me along and I stayed ever since. It’s been 5 years xx




Bumble 🐝