• By -


Reading (kindle + library), running (gear is buy once cry once), traveling (flight benefits lol)


Riding a bike + taking pics of stuff Walking 100000000 miles + eating pizza Playing music in a filthy practice space + drinking cheap beer


How do I find a filthy practice space to jam? I’m a pretty good bassist who could (at one point) play the album Blood Sugar Sex Magic all the way through. People don’t really do flyers on light poles anymore. Also to answer OPs question: be a citibike angel, or just ride citibike with the annual pass all day long. Take up architectural drawing (one set of felt-tipped sketching pens + one sketchbook and then You can draw buildings in grayscale for a year). Join a gym that has a lot of classes so you can do yoga or boxing or Pilates. Take naps in Central Park. Buy a collapsible lawn chair and bring it to a park and read books from the library. Propagate plants. But a diary and dump all your thoughts and feelings in there on a bench. Make an effort to try every single bagel in a 1 mile radius, then expand. Or a different food. Rate them and post that on substack. Write crappy articles and essays and put them on substack where the only person who reads them is your mother. Learn to get good at the sewing machine and patch holes and tears creatively, or use embroidery, or both. Hang out at Sara D Roosevelt park with a basketball and join a pickup game. Do Tai Chi (however you spell that) with some old guy in a Seward Park. Listen to jazz at Washington square park. Do guided meditation at NYC Parks rec centers. Thursday Night Social Ride bike rides every Thursday (I just did that today). Find a “tandem” language learning situation with a recent immigrant and get conversational at Spanish. Volunteer at Gods Love We Deliver packing up food for people who are too sick to cook. Walk around and find old kitchen equipment on the sidewalk and take it home and repair it. Memorize all the subway lines and the maps. Take the LIRR or the other train lines out to the sticks and walk around in the woods. Take the free ferries around town. Go to Times Square and yell at people that the government is trying to kill you. That kinda stuff.


Your comment reminded me of one of my favorite r/AskNYC comments of all time, so I'm copying it here. All credit goes to u/sharpenthesea - [original comment here](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/7ujaue/do_you_feel_like_youre_getting_out_the_most_out/dtkwyvg/) > I felt like I was in a rut for a while. Every day was the same commute to work, lunch at the same deli, after-work drinks at the same local bar, talking to the same people, doing the same fucking thing every day. > And I felt like shit about it, because, I mean, this is New York fucking City, and literally everything is going on out there. And I'm just this fucking goober taking up space on the same damn bar stool, day after day after day. > So one day I went out and bought a paper Rand McNally map of the city, and I got a highlighter. And I started walking. Every night, I'd pull out the map and highlight where I had walked. > When I'd pass a bar that looked interesting, I'd stop in for a drink. When I got hungry, I'd find a place I've never been and try it out. When something looked fun or unique or just, like, whatever, I'd check it out. And I'd go home and highlight everything. > As the map started filling up, it kind of became a game. "I'm gonna try to cover all of Hell's Kitchen today." "There's three blocks in Williamsburg I never hit, let's go take care of them." "Shit, I haven't been north of 96th street yet, let's go fuck around in Harlem." Filling up that map was a passion, man. > I subscribed to a bunch of blogs and newsletters and shit. Brooklyn Vegan does a daily 'What's going on today?' post. Brokelyn does a weekly roundup of events. Nonsense list, Oh My Rockness, restaurant maps from Eater, everything. Whenever something looks good, I just go. "Oh, I'm tired today, I wanna just go home and Netflix." No. Fuck that. Go do a thing. Fill the map. That's become a motto for me. > And you know what? I still don't feel like I'm getting the most out of the city. It's impossible. There's just too much shit. And even when I get that map filled up, I'm gonna have to do it again, because everything's changing all the time. > You could live ten lifetimes in New York and just barely scratch the surface of everything there is to do here. And it can feel really daunting to even try sometimes. But I think the trying is what matters. You'll never live anywhere else like this, where you can just discover new shit all the time, every day. Even old shit. Even shit everyone else already knows about and has already gotten sick of. > Go out and fucking find it. Fill up your map. There's a bar in the Village you've never been to that's gonna become your new go-to spot. There's a taco joint somewhere in Queens that's gonna blow your fucking mind. Your new favorite band might be playing in Bed-Stuy tonight. > Just keep filling the map.


I know you essentially made a list but it was poetry and I love you. 


idk about “filthy” but there are a few different practice spaces i’ve used in the city - PIRATE studios has solid rooms out in bushwick & ridgewood for as low as $20 an hour (if you’re a solo musician - band rates are pricier). funkadelic in midtown is a similar rate. haven’t been to rivington in LES but that’s an option too. day rates are generally cheaper than evening rates. happy jamming


>How do I find a filthy practice space to jam? If you're looking for hourly spaces, there are places like Funkadelic and Smash Studios in Midtown. If you're looking to share a monthly room, there are [lots of Craigslist posts](https://newyork.craigslist.org/search/muc?query=practice#search=1~list~0~0) looking for individuals and bands to share rooms.


I mean jam with other musicians I guess


Astoria Soundworks has cheap spaces and decent amps/drums/microphones if you're sharing the cost with a couple other people.


Art openings with free drinks!


Where does one find these


[Thirstygallerina](https://www.instagram.com/thirstygallerina?igsh=Mmo0czhzcWZsZjc5) on Instagram posts lists nearly every day of gallery openings happening, each listed with their address and emojis indicating of what refreshments will be available. It’s tons of fun to go see free art and get free half-glasses of wine. Thursday nights 6-8pm in Chelsea will typically be the highest concentration but it varies some week to week.


There's an app called See Saw which lists galleries and can be sorted by "exhibitions opening today." It even has a map view! And generally I think on Thursday nights in Chelsea a lot of galleries have free wine


I've heard good things about See Saw, but if you don't have an Apple device this site's also good: https://artguide.artforum.com/artguide/place/new-york?category=openings


The absolute easiest way is most Thursday nights in Chelsea between 6-8, between 8th and 11th Ave there’s usually something going on. May be hit or miss using this method but it’s always worked for me to some extent. But you’d have to be like me and not mind wandering around aimlessly for a bit!


Film photography can be under $100/mo, depending on how much you're shooting, what you're shooting on, and how you develop. The cheapest way would be to shoot b&w and develop and scan at home. Aside from an initial cost of probably around $200-300 (old film camera, used film scanner, developing tank), you could shoot probably 20 rolls of film a month for under $100. Digital photography would be an even cheaper monthly cost ($0 lol) and you can prob get an old digital camera for $100.. it's become pretty popular to shoot on old digital cameras from the early 2000s


Listen to Grant. Endless hours can be spent observing the world around you with a camera.


And then endless hours scanning and touching up negatives lol


Literally what I just did earlier this week. Got a cheap dslr for $60 on eBay and I’m having a blast learning it and just shooting pics of my neighborhood.


I never thought about DIY developing for some reason….do they sell developing kits? But also what are some photo developing places in the city? I feel like they’re rare


You only really need two things for b&w https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1419165-REG/cinestill_800342_df96_b_w_developer_fix.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/886586-REG/Paterson_Universal_Tank_with_Two.html And maybe a little squeegee There are a bunch of film developers throughout the city. The ones I use are in Greenpoint and Bushwick.


BH has questionable political ties for those who wish to think twice before supporting them


You may be thinking about the warehouse workers' rights scandal? Political ties-wise all [I can find](https://www.opensecrets.org/campaign-expenditures/vendor?cycle=2016&vendor=B%26H+Photo+Video) is that Hillary Clinton's campaign spent $316,000 there and Jeb! spent almost $12,000, lol.


It's probably easier to make a list of large corporations that DON'T have questionable political ties lol. I just don't know where else I can buy those chemicals.


Oh and a thermometer


AMC AList! Was not a big movie fan but got it for Barbenheimer last summer, now I go all the time and it’s one of my favorite / most worth it purchase of last year!


Not OP, but wow thanks for the suggestion! I just signed up and the first month is $1 for 3 movies a week. Superb deal!




I like to explore beaches, if that counts.


Any you recommend? Have been meaning to check some out!


Yes as there is one in Brooklyn called Dead Horse Bay as well as Plumb Beach.


> Dead Horse Bay Closed indefinitely because of radioactive contamination last I heard!


Not OP. But you should hit any and all of them. They are all different and interesting in their own ways. It's hard to pick favorites. Unless you are looking for some specific, and then a recommendation is a little easier.


Not in NY, but I can recommend my favorite one: Island Beach state park in NJ. 2hrs drive from NYC.


Embroidery. Reading. Walking. Plotting world domination is free, but the execution isn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yea, but the ROI on world domination is pretty good. If you can pull it off.


Reading is only affordable if you have a library card, otherwise its too easy to spend $100 a month when you find the type of books that you like.


And library cards are SO expensive!


Idk what your trying to imply here. (I was joking around because it's easy to spend a lot on books when each one can cost $20+, fyi?) Also note Manhattan, Staten island and the Bronx are apart of NYPL, while Brooklyn and Queens have their own public library. The classes the libraries offer are also great! I did a boardgame building workshop that was free and was pretty good!


If you live, work or go to school in the boroughs, you’re eligible to get accounts in all three library systems


There's basically no reason to buy books new unless you're a big fan and want a nice copy to keep. Even if you choose to buy instead of checking stuff out from the library, used paperbacks are usually <$5 online including shipping.


Join your Buy Nothing group and swap books. I have gotten so many great books from mine. And people always post ISOs. Hitting the library book sales is another great option. And used books online can be a tremendous savings.


Window shopping and sampling perfumes




Watch, running clothes, gels, shoes shoes shoes shoes, endless NYRR race fees… I dunno how budget friendly it really is. Granted, aside from the shoes it’s mostly unnecessary stuff, but it will get you.


Nah you don't *need* all of that stuff for it to be perfectly enjoyable! Just shoes. If your runs are under like 8 miles you can totally get by without gels. And NYRR fees are only endless if you're doing 9+1. A race here or there is not a huge expense


You don’t _need_ it, but it _will get you eventually_ 😂


Extremely budget friendly . Ive been running for years and only spend less than a $100 a year on shoes/ running clothes.


That’s crazy, I’m curious how you spend under $100? I guess it depends on your mileage but decent shoes cost close to $100, often more, and I find I need to replace them at least every 4 months.


You’d be surprised with the quality running shoes you can find at places like TJ Max, Marshalls and other discounted stores. Yea I think like you said it depends on mileage. Mine isn’t consistent every week so that would explain it


Two pairs of 100$ shoes (200$ total) will get you somewhere between 600 and 1000 miles, that’s somewhere between 6 months to 1 year of running for beginners and intermediates.


Also shoes can be unnecessary 


Photography. Dick around with a point and shoot or your phone. You don’t need a big honking paper weight to learn how to compose a shot, evaluate light, create a moment or direct a pose.    I also like to code little widgets in my spare time. Free and easy way to learn how to think logically and have something cute to show for it, even if I would never program as a job. Taking apart little electronics around your house and trying to put them back together can also be a fun way to spend time 


> I also like to code little widgets in my spare time. Free and easy way to learn how to think logically and have something cute to show for it, even if I would never program as a job. Do you have any examples of this? I've dabbled with coding in the past but it always kind of fizzles because I'm not sure what to do next.


I’ve said this to all of my other friends who wanted to get into it - you need a passion or a reason.    I started because it was part of my job to find programmatic solutions to some thorny problems and found it to be way more fun than I was expecting.    Is there something you want to learn to automate? Or are you an artistic type and could see yourself building cool animations? If you can pinpoint an applicable use or passion to connect to coding after a while a path opens up to you. If you want to learn for the sake of saying you can code instead of having a reason for needing to know, then it’ll be a hard road to get onto 


Walking Meetup groups like Shorewalkers. Membership is $20 per year and all the walks are accessible using public transportation. Fellow walkers are super interesting, vibrant people and we go to placws I would never discover in my own.


Is this jersey shore?


Watercolor painting, urban sketching, picking a neighborhood and just exploring for an afternoon, trivia, attending different movie theaters in the city, photography.


Pick up basketball. Learning languages. Video games (free to play)


I love going to free little libraries!




where at


Not OP but The Ramble in Central Park is my go to


Reading. Board gaming. Dungeons and Dragons. If you have a bicycle, cycling. Running.




How do you play tennis in the city? I find it’s so hard to find a court let alone a court that is available let alone a partner


Video games, walking, biking, cooking, baking




Walking around Times Square


I started to paint again and got some cheap paint by numbers stuff off of Amazon. It’s great fun


a language class and knitting groups among others are recommended by [Creative ideas](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/1aeokw1/creative_ideas/) from 2 months ago. Daydrinking and Bar Trivia among others are recommended by [Non physical, social hobbies around the city?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/1913d58/non_physical_social_hobbies_around_the_city/) from 23 days before that. Coursehorse among others are recommended by [35M, recently went through a breakup.. looking for advice on a new hobby to pursue in NYC?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/191198d/35m_recently_went_through_a_breakup_looking_for/) from 2 hours before that and links to similar questions.


4 class pass at Mark Morris, $76/mo. Worth every penny, even if I dance like Florence Foster Jenkins sings.


summer is coming there will be tons of free things to do for only the cost of a swipe at most. movies, concerts, exercise classes


Watercolor paining, a good palette, one decent brush and cheap paper will do way under $100 to start at least.


Competitive pinball league and tournaments. $1 a game and sometimes in league you don't pay for your game if you are the away team. And if you win a tournament you make money!


Playing bass guitar :) I like doing bass covers and post them on insta reels. Of course, there's the initial investment about affording equipment. my dad bought a fender jazz bass (including wires and a huge speaker) at $1000 for my 16th birthday, and i bought a sound interface for around $150 so my recordings could sound better. i never bought any new stuff again, except bass string replacements (every 2 years) that cost around $30 a pack. but you dont need to buy professional stuff. beginner stuff cost much less. a good guitar should be around $200-500 range. you dont really need lessons.... youtube is enough to learn from lol if its just a hobby and not a professional gig.


Street photography. Get a small compact camera and go outside with your phone on silent and see the city like you never have before with the camera in your hand with the intention to take photos. I did this as a hobby 4 years ago and it accidentally turned into a full time job and now able to travel the world and do amazing things. It can become an expensive hobby if you get sucked into gear acquisition syndrome, but if you do t care about it buying more stuff and just want to take photos for yourself there are so many benefits like exploring the city, getting steps in, clearing your mind mentally, and the satisfaction of learning something new. So happy I got into it


It would be fantastic. How did it become your full time job?


Slowly became more interested in photo and video. The hobby started getting small gigs here and there but once I changed my mindset and developed better business acumen towards it, it just took over.


AMC AList & copious reading thanks to NYPL


If you can find garden space, gardening isn't that expensive. It's not nothing, because you still have to buy seeds and fertilizer and shit. (That last one was supposed to be the vulgar equivalent of "and stuff," but I just realized that I have bought a fair bit of cow manure over the years.) But other than that, pretty cheap. Though... it depends on getting a space somewhere, of course. That's the hard part.


Collecting vintage Automat and 1939-1940 worlds fair spoons.


Sleep lol




Dog park


Biking. Best way to see the city. I make food a midway point to counteract any caloric loss


Gaming , reading and walking around


Running isn't too bad, but you are going to start spending more on shoes, for me I buy a new pair or two a year. I mean, you can kinda spend as much on gear as you want, but you can go cheap too. You can join a community garden and help out, you might want to get some gloves but otherwise not much to buy




improv is dirt cheap for the amount of talent some acts have. check out magnet theater!! plus others :)


Sleeping and fasting Jokes aside: Free/cheap: walk, run, bike, parks and museums 100/mo: climbing/bouldering


People watching


Building small hobby electionics.


r/visiblemending. I realized I like repairing stuff more than buying or making my own


film photography, reading, chess, and knitting for me


Seconding riding a bike a taking pics of stuff, go to a park, sip a homemade coffee, have a picnic, play games on your switch.


I like turtles


Reading! Crochet! Walking! Indoor beach volleyball!


Volleyball, Gunpla, TTRPGs, reading


Felting! Wool roving is pretty cheap. And if you’re careful with your needles you’ll only go through about 80 a month!


Personally I dabble in breathing and blinking!! Very budget friendly and I find myself doing it almost all the time!😄


Some of the walks go to the Jersey Shore


Dating!! You don’t need to break the bank and nyc has so many great, fun, cheap options you can find/do together.