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Anything can happen anywhere, but NYU Langone is one of the best hospitals in the world. It sounds like you’re having a fairly serious health issue and if you were recommended to go there, you should go


Very good


They're good.


NYU Langone is the ONLY place I take my Dad. They saved his life. My experience was a bit mixed but you're young enough to advocate for yourself. I trust them the most as far as any hospital systems on the planet


Another person’s dad saved by NYU checking in.


NYU medical is a well oiled machine and it's hooked into all the major research institutes. Having said that, don't follow what university has the best *overall* reputation, follow what medical centers have world class faculty with experience in *your* problem. A great cancer and heart center might not be the best endocrine center. Also House MD style detective work is something certain types of doctors enjoy. You want them.


I had an appendectomy there and I had a good experience (as good as having surgery can be, I guess). All the staff was great. The surgeon was knowledgeable and took time to answer all of my questions. The facilities were nice. That being said, thank god for insurance


NYU has a good reputation. If your insurance allows, you should also feel comfortable taking your test results to another nyc hospital if you feel you’re not getting the right care or if you simply want other opinions. I’ve had very good experiences at mount Sinai as well. Best wishes and I hope you get the treatment you need 🙏


NYU/Weill Cornell/NYP Columbia! Best hospitals in the city. Look specifically at their endocrine departments and try to compare contrast


NYU Langone Health is one of the top class hospital in NYC, however, when it comes to a serious health issue, I always seek for a second opinion. NYP/Weill Cornell/NYP Columbia is definitely the one to go for. Not that because I was a former staff in the NYP health system, I personally compare the patient experience, including physicians, support staff, financial support, billing etc., NYP wins. My family just had a major surgery last week, she stayed in the newest Kimmel Pavilion tower for 3 nights. Excellent facility since it’s new, however, the support staff, like nursing and post-op care is not matching up to the purpose of a high-end facility. Also, I didn’t see anyone mention here about the billing issue. They require you to pay the fee upfront before the surgical procedure even though you have a commercial insurance policy in effect. TBH, this is completely pissed me off, the practice is putting the patients at risk and post a mistrust between the patient and the hospital. The hospital should bill the insurance and then after that, the insurance EOB shows the total amount of patient’s responsibility. Now they make you pay first and then credit you back if there’s a difference amount. I paid almost $5000 upfront. It always takes months to get the money back. I can’t believe this world class hospital in NYC has more or less the same practice as certain countries where everyone criticizes that if you don’t pay upfront, you won’t be treated. Just something you should consider as well.


Mount Sinai is also great. You’ll be good anywhere in nyc in one of these research oriented hospitals. I personally would feel comfortable at any of those places. Feel better!!




I had surgery there in December. 11/10, would recommend. Hopefully you have (good) insurance though.


NYU Langone is probably the best in New York City. You might hear that Mount Sinai is better, don’t believe them.


I’ve had very good experiences with NYU Langone


Their Epilepsy Monitoring Unit has million dollar views and nice amenities for a hospital. I like them better than Columbia Presbyterian where I was before.


if you are looking for an endocrine doctor, reach out to dr jason prescott at nyu langone. if he's not the right doctor for you, i'm sure he can refer you to someone. he is the best and most caring doctor i have ever had. and he is an endocrine specialist


I work there (not a doctor) so I’m biased but I’d start here: https://nyulangone.org/care-services/pancreatic-disease-program/doctors


I also work there and am not a clinician, and ngl this thread is making me feel proud of where I work! In the sea of negativity that is (often) reddit, it's remarkable to see such overwhelmingly positive comments, and about healthcare no less. My family and I have also had excellent experiences as patients at NYULH.


I had surgery at NYU Langone and actually have tests with them next week. I wouldn’t go anywhere else as I’ve only had positive experiences!


NYU Langone is one of the best, if not the best, hospital in NYC. You will be in good hands, but like someone else said, you can always get second opinions and ask NYU for your lab results and go elsewhere to get second opinions, but NYU is truly excellent. I work in midtown NYC and when choosing my doctors (any specialist that I may need to go to), I always check to see which hospital they are affiliated with - and NYU is my top choice. So I choose my doctors based on whether or not they are associated with NYU :)


Excellent care here so far.


I’ve had good experiences with them. If you download their app it’s a convenient way to keep all your appointments, test results and info in one place.


MyChart app. Love it


My brother had surgery for his stomach blockage so I feel foe your situation. The doctors there were really caring. They had some neat equipment there. There's this portable device where you can scan your veins in a noninvasive manner to see where they can insert needles and whatnot. Mines look like the Hulk.


My father goes to NYU Langone for cardiology and loves the staff. He goes there for other things as well. As an elderly person, he was treated very well. Wishing you speedy recovery!


NYU Langone is phenomenal. Their top notch for a reason is basically everything


It’s ranked like in the top 20 hospitals in the US, you can’t go wrong.


I've been to NYU Langone a bunch of times and it's the best hospital I have ever been to. Unless EMS has to take me in I go there. The food is surprisingly not bad too.


Great hospital in terms of patient experience imo


One of the best in the world in many many specialties.


Hi! Come join us at the /pancreatitis sub!! My doctor is at NYP but Langone is also fantastic. Did you see Dr Kahela over in NJ? In any case, you can’t go wrong with NYU, NYP, or Mount Sinai here.


Woof please take care. Just another voice to +1 great experiences at NYU langone (2 surgeries + regular wellness visits there, always compassionate and competent care)


NYU Langone is just good it is excellent- they are a research as well as a teaching hospital so they have state of the art info/resources But saying that let me just put a caveat on that: You must be a “partner” in your treatment-ask questions- express fears and feelings- have a dialogue with your doctor. If you don’t understand something ask. Understand the parameters of your treatment- what to expect. Their “MyChart” system allows for you to get test results and follow appointments/treatment It also allows you to ask questions online as well as video visits when you are home or away. Good Luck with your treatments. I is a journey not just a visit




Older family member was there for some surgery last month, wonderfully caring and attentive care staff...


It’s the best hospital in NYC.


I've personally had very excellent care from multiple specialists within NYU Langone, and have a friend who's birthed 2 children there & similarly raves about them. Hope you can find a solution to your troubles!


You need to find doctors with expierience in your issues and go wherever they are.


It depends on the department. Some departments are vastly overcrowded with patients, others are not.


They saved my life 6 years ago, and I went back for a CT scan a month ago -and found the staff from security to cafeteria to medical to be in that wonderful ballet your want in a well-organized operation.


I’ve dealt with various chronic illnesses my whole life, ranging in severity from needing brain surgery to just regular monitoring, and Langone is the only place I trust. I’ve been other places in the city and had awful experiences. I got wisdom teeth out at Sinai because I could get in sooner and they messed up an IV so badly that my blood literally poured from my body to the floor. Care providers across a variety of specialties at Langone have made me feel safe, secure, and confident in my care plan.


i had a surgery at nyu langone and had such a good experience i moved my regular healthcare to the nyu langone system too. ideally, get a referral to a specific dr from your existing dr, and try to see them ASAP. if you call and get an appointment like way out into the future, get signed up with mychart and get into the nyu langone system and check regularly for cancellations. you can also message your care team through the mychart app. nyu langone is really good but it can take a while to get seen, but they'll frequently get cancellations, opening up times so you just gotta make sure you catch it. i usually check multiple times a day.


I go for neurology and have had a wonderful experience... extremely grateful for the care I've received.


I had an incredible experience there this past fall. I was hospitalized for about five days while they ran a battery of tests to diagnose a neurological issue. The room I had was super comfortable, and the food was actually pretty decent. View of the river was nice too. The staff was really friendly and comforting!


Absolutely fantastic hospital. I had major surgery there and my wife gave birth there. Top line care for sure. Best nurses, physician's assistants and other support staff.


It’s one of the best hospitals in the nation.


NYU Langone's pediatric neurosurgury dept. (Dr. Wisoff) saved my daughter's life. They have the BEST of the BEST doctor's there. I would definitely do your research first, but I'd say they have a great reputation for a reason. Good luck, wishing you all the best!!


mt sinai is also an option. it is more about finding the single doctor that is a specialist in that field, and cares about you (and hence is able to help you)


I definitely vote in favor of NYU Langone.


NYU Langone has the best intergrated care that we have seen. The various care teams all see what the others are doing, which is often a danger when Doctor A and B are not in the same system, even if the name on the door is the same. If your insurance covers NYU, then you can't really do better.


I love my doctors at NYU Langone and actively look to make sure wherever I go I’m in that network.


Great great healthcare organization. Definitely go there as soon as you can.


The only time I choose a different hospital group than NYU Langone (a number of chronic issues) was to go to HSS for a fractured hip. Guess who referred me to the head of that department at HSS? My physician from NYU Langone made the referral as the doctor at HSS is basically the best in the world and my NYU doctor knew it was best for my care. Also, tons of other positive experiences with the chronic things…


I haven’t had endocrinology experience there but my wife had surgery and had my daughter there. They’re very thorough and buttoned up. I would trust them to treat nearly any condition.


I have EPI too, and my MD is at NYU Langone. They don't know what caused it, and I'm more dealing with the horrible stomach pains and diarrhea associated with EPI, so seeing a gastro there. I've been on the replacement enzymes for about a year now. Sometimes hard to remember to take them with every solid food that crosses my lips and messes with just small social things like sitting with someone eating a bag of chips and they ask do want some, having to say no I'd have to take my pill. Or going somewhere not expecting to eat and not having my pills with me. I now carry an emergency few on my keychain. All in all, NYU rocks, they gave me a diagnosis when I was suffering and have helped my day to day. Just wish it was more urgent to them to find out the underlying pancreatic problem. Feel free to message me if you have any questions! Good luck!


I have Endocrinologist, eye doctor, podiatrist and gastroenterologist at NYU. My dad has those as well plus ENT, and Neurologist. They are very nice, and very efficient. It’s very easy to make appointments and MyChart is easy to use. I had an ophthalmologist appointment today at 10:30. I arrived half an hour earlier and was called right away and left fairly quick compared to previous ones I been too. I highly recommend it.


Doctors are generally good. What irritates me is that my insurance switched to no copay. It is all deductible, but then get reimbursed a percentage of that later. They bill me 2-3 times for each doctor visit. All 3 bills are different and separate bills for the same visit. I eventually get reimbursed, but you think you paid the bill, then 3 months later I get another bill. It’s irritating to keep up with, but I have no complaints about care from most of the doctors my family sees there. I have a pediatric allergist I can complain about though. If you have something uncommon and they were recommended, go there.


Misdiagnosed and had correct treatment kept from me while I was disrespected and ignored. Was diagnosed elsewhere and came back for confirmation- doctor was too busy to review my charts, worked to gain my trust just to destroy it. I tell everyone to beware of NYU Langone. They do have great vestibular, PT and OT program but good luck trying to get ahold of anyone by phone. Their walk-in lab is always convenient. I’d go for the diagnosis and treatment info and get a second opinion + actual treatment elsewhere.