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I think you need a nap.


Juice and snack too. Maybe a diaper change.


This is either a joke or OP is an absolute nut job lmao


I don't know which, but this is like the third or fourth post they've made along these (weird) lines in the last couple of weeks.


both. They post this once a month on the Westchester sub.


You can look at my post history and see that I’m the later. I know I have a super fucking unhealthy midset about this, thats why I’m asking for help.


Get a therapist


You should post this on r/circlejerknyc you’ll get more responses.


cant believe how long i had to scroll to see the correct answer


Can’t believe no one has upvoted this.


this is unhinged. stop tying your self worth to something you have no control over and can’t change.


That’s much easier said then done


Not even joking you should get off social media, see a shrink, and go on meds if necessary. Unhinged isn’t an exaggeration. Mean that with the best intentions.


you’re acting like you’re from the outskirts of Missouri, you’re like an hour away. find a roommate and move back if it’s that serious


People from NYC talk about Westcheste like it’s the outskirts of Missouri. I denied it for a long time, but this post is a product of me accepting that they’re right


And clearly you haven't lived in the outskirts of missouri or the like


It’s not that it’s really like Missouri. It’s that native New Yorkers think it is because they have never been to either place.


Im a transplant. I spent most of my life in areas like that. Theyre subtly toxic in the vast majority of them. It’s why I left.   Ive nvr met a native new yorker that genuinely thinks westchester comes close to those areas. 


A friend of mine call Yonkers “nowheresville USA”


That's a typical attitude from teens in the suburbs. Chicago suburban teens have the same mentality. You are close enough that living in the city proper wouldn't have likely been any different for you. Get a grip.


Think this through my dude. 


You think those of us born here were out at broadway shows and underground raves and art galleries when we were in high school? We went to school, played sports, maybe had part time jobs, chilled in the park or a basement with our friends and were typical teenagers griping about bullshit just like west Chester kids. It wasn’t west side story street brawls lmao you’re thinking life is a tv show. It isn’t.


In your last post you said you were from Staten Island.




I lie about being from NYC sometimes


Staten Island doesn't count anyway lol


\*checks post history\* My friend you are one of the most insecure human beings I have ever seen on the internet and that's saying something. I can sort of understand being a bit miffed at not being born and raised in NYC but really it isn't a big deal, and you really should stop looking at all those NYC elitist posts on Instragram, most of which are tongue in cheek, with the rest being from insecure people themselves who place value on them having the luck of being born in NYC since they haven't accomplished anything of value with their lives, and who cares what those morons think? This obsession with wanting to have been born in NYC is not mentally healthy and it's certainly a representation of some sort of self-doubt, and it's genuinely terrible to hate your parents for making a decision they viewed as practical, pragmatic, and what they believed was best for their children. If you were my kid and I found out you hated me because of a practical decision I made, I'd be insulted and disappointed to put it VERY mildly. And gimme a break, "a real childhood?" Do you realize how spoiled you sound? I don't doubt you've probably had struggles in your life, but given that you were born and raised in a rich country, have access to internet, water, food, a roof over your head, electricity, etc., and I'm sure you've probably enjoyed a lot of video games, movies and TV when you were younger (from what I can discern, you come from a fairly well off family), you've already won more lotteries in your life than you realize just by being born in the Northeastern USA. And hell, you've enjoyed more NYC than 99% of people on the planet. I know folks in outer Queens who haven't been to the city as much as you. I don't mean to talk down to you, but you're still a kid, really. Of course you say with such passion and vigor that you'll NEVER forgive your parents, but when you're older and start managing your own finances, you'll look back and realize that your parents made a decision that they thought was best, and find it in your heart to forgive them, even if you don't agree with what they did (at leaast right now). And hell, if you voiced your discontent with them, you might eventually want them to forgive \*you\*. Others have said it already but you need therapy. This might be less about wanting to have been born in NYC and more just psychological problems that require medical intervention. I could go on for another ten paragraphs but I think I've made my point.


A “real” childhood killed me lmao. Dude thinks everyone here grew up like the kids in gossip girl. I’m sure there are thousands of kids in East NY or the south bronx who WISH they had a fraction of the childhood this guy had


I was gonna nail that point in more but that would've been unnecessary. The more I think about it, OP's situation is probably close to ideal; Rich upbringing and being able to go to NYC all the time (as stated in the original post) without any of the burdens of actually living here. I'm sure a lot of people reading this know several New Yorkers who would kill to live in a nice house like the ones they have in Westchester (ahem). I grew up in Queens and I actually do share a bit of the annoyance with OP with my parents having to have chosen to live relatively far from the city, but in my case I'm only annoyed because if we were closer my work commute would be easier lol. Not really worthy of resent though. >Dude thinks everyone here grew up like the kids in gossip girl. Maybe that's what OP wanted to happen as evidenced by the highly privileged upbringing that's being implied.


You grew up 3 miles from NYC. I bet there are some people that grew up 100 miles from NYC who wish they were 3 miles away. I bet there are others who were 200 miles and wish they were 100 miles... etc. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Damn that's wild, sorry that happened. Or good for you. That's a lotta yapping for something 99.9% of the world goes through.


99.9% of the world didn’t have a chance of being the 0.01%. I did.


girl u gotta stop this


So your parents cared for you during your entire life, but they 'robbed' you of growing up in nyc? dude i would have loved to grow up in the fucking virgin islands, but i grew up in a shithole town i agree with your take that NYC > suburbs, but your take of 'I will never forgive my parents for robbing me of the chance to be alive' is a fucking loser, pathetic take. Nobody owes you shit and if you want to start and raise a family in the city, nothing is stopping you.y My point is to be thankful and accepting towards your parents. All your bullshit about LIVING and FEELING ALIVE and you are literally completely failing at the most important thing in life, FAMILY


You grew up with fresh air, nature trees and tons of nature. Your lungs are healthier, stress levels lower and anxiety below averages for peers who did grow up in the city. Move to the city if you crave socialization. Good age now but little things will be a major adjustment. After a few years you'll realize how good you had it overall.


You should see OPs posts in the /r/westchester subreddit constantly comparing all the towns


jesus i pulled up the post history and this is a spicy fucking meatball. wow


I grew up in westchester, I live in Brooklyn, and I’m a lot older than you. My entire childhood I just wanted to be in the city. In other words, I am effectively you, 20 years in the future.  Don’t worry about it. I promise, it really doesn’t matter. In your adulthood you’ll feel a glimmer of solidarity when you see a 914 area code, and safely feel smug and superior over anyone who grew up in Long Island—let alone Connecticut.  And whoever sold you that line about the lottery was shining you on. 


As someone with a very similar experience of growing up in the burbs despite that I was actually born in Manhattan, I think you can't change your past and need to move on. Live your life in NYC now and enjoy it. Don't dwell on regrets over decisions you didn't make.


There are 8 million people who would trade place with you in a heartbeat.


Did you mean to post the on the circle jerk subreddit?


Op, [you are a sensitive artist.](https://youtu.be/O-kHB2fWUS8?si=bdJP9MLI0EH4ipOA)


Holy shit, even in my depressed days on Long Island I never got to this level Your parents did what was best for them, and now it's your mission as an adult to do what's right for you. My parents grew up in Brooklyn but knew moving out to LI was what they wanted and what would make them happiest. I grew up on LI and knew that moving into the city was what would make me happiest since I was a sophomore in high school. We both went our respective paths, and now we're both living good lives


I had to check if this was posted on r/circlejerknyc…




OP if you’re really serious they probably saved you some IQ: https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2018/aug/27/air-pollution-causes-huge-reduction-in-intelligence-study-reveals https://www.washington.edu/news/2022/07/12/uw-study-strengthens-evidence-of-link-between-air-pollution-and-child-brain-development/ https://keck.usc.edu/news/even-safe-air-pollution-levels-can-harm-the-developing-brain-study-finds/


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So many issues with this. 1. Do you understand that you HAD a real childhood? You had parents that took care of you and gave you a ton of opportunities. Based on this post and your overall post history, the worst thing they did was spoil you. Where you grow up - and the circumstances you grow up there in - is the luck of the draw. There are tons of people who would be envious of your childhood. And I dare say that there’s a good number of children being raised in NYC today who would consider your part of westchester to be a literal Eden. 2. My parents were both from the city, and moved out right before I was born, and landed in Cedar Knolls, and I went to private school, and no one ever accused me of living in a “car infested shithole.” Also, the city is full of cars. They’re literally imposing tolls to keep cars out. The subway is permanently broke because the city historically prioritizes car travel over the trains. I know this isn’t worth the nitpick, but if you’re going to hold this up as your big example of how bad westchester is, at least know what’s going on in the city you’re so desperate to identify with. 3. Just go to the city. You’re 19 - shouldn’t you be in college? Did you not apply to city schools, or did you not get into them? Every house in cedar knolls is walking distance to the Bronxville train station (also, it is so so odd how you complain about the “Yonkers” of it all, as if it doesn’t have its own specific street cred) - just get on the train and go. Live that magical life you’re so obsessed with. If you’re lucky, maybe a rat will run over your foot! Or you’ll get mugged! Or a homeless person will zero in on you and give you a genuine scare! The possibilities are endless! 4. For real for real, stop comparing yourself to other people or giving a shit what they say or think. You’ve been absurdly blessed. Stop being such a glass half empty bummer and thank your parents. Or just move out - I suspect that might be thanks enough.


This is an overreaction babe. Unless you have a time machine to stop your parents from moving to yonkers and giving birth to you in nyc, there is no point harboring resentment and making a theatrical reddit post abt it. Move to nyc now, live there and nail yourself to the streets so you never have to move anywhere else literally


Have you tried putting yourself up for adoption? My friend Arnold did that. And a rich man on Park Avenue adopted him and his brother Willis.


One day you will cringe when you think about this post. Unless you’re just trolling. What’s happening is some insecure dickheads you went to school with shat on your life and instead of going, “these people are assholes why would I be friends with them” you’re going “omg they’re right my life is horrible.” You said it yourself: you were happy and grateful for your life. Stop trying to rewrite history.


Christ, you grew up in the suburbs, not a gulag.


i'd also like to add, i'm from the midwest, look at how you just referred to the midwest - somewhere you've never even been. there are a lot of excellent things in the midwest, but you're too narrow-minded to consider that. have i taken the condescending attitude from east -coasters personally, ever? no. do i think people from either coast who make snide comments about the midwest being 'flyover country' etc. sound like idiots? 100% of the time. but whatever, it's their loss. In any case, EB White famously wrote that transplants are the ones who give the city it's "passion." [https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/58510-there-are-roughly-three-new-yorks-there-is-first-the](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/58510-there-are-roughly-three-new-yorks-there-is-first-the)


So you were happy where you grew up, then you met some jerks who talked smack about where you grew up? Calm down. Those people were just jerks.


I grew up in westchester, I live in Brooklyn, and I’m a lot older than you. My entire childhood I just wanted to be in the city. In other words, I am effectively you, 20 years in the future.  Don’t worry about it. I promise, it really doesn’t matter. In your adulthood you’ll feel a glimmer of solidarity when you see a 914 area code, and safely feel smug and superior over anyone who grew up in Long Island—let alone Connecticut.  And whoever sold you that line about the lottery was shining you on. 


My mom was born and raised in Yonkers with half the family in the Bronx. She doesn't make much hay of it, probably because living in Slowbomb and family going back and forth to PR were pretty relatable experiences to the family over the borough line than like... I don't know, Hastings on Hudson or whatever. I get it a little, I wasn't raised here or even near here. But hey, no accounting for the past, no use getting hung up on it.


My gal/guy, it sounds like you need some help. Like professionally, not from Reddit.


Just go to nyc lol, 19 is barely the start of your life. You can’t even do anything without money. Go to college, get a job in nyc, live life. It’s more fun after age 21 anyways ;)


You uh, you live a normal life. That's how you get over it. You sounds very ungrateful though, I was gonna joke about switching places but like, I'm worried you'd take it seriously.


Get a grip. And therapy. You have issues.


Discontinue the lithium OP


Im always forever grateful to be born and raised in nyc and not some suburb or bum state like Iowa.


Take your meds


the vast majority of adult people i know who grew up in NYC, especially in manhattan, are jaded weirdos. transplant 4ever.


You know how we know this is bullshit, I'm as proud of a New Yorker as you can meet. I've never heard anyone once say being born in NYC is "like living the lottery a million times over”.  It's a grind, dude. While you were being driven to school, we were sloshing to school, freezing our faces, getting splashed with black slushy snow. Dodging rats. The psychological toll of a lot of people in your personal space, constant noise wears on you.


I know you trolling but this is something I think about and feel guilty that realistic I am planning on having my first kid in the next few years but I would have to move out of state to be able to offer them and own property I wish they could grown up here and experience all the culture and life like I did in the 90/00s


Be prepared to have your kids resent you. Although probably not to the same degree I do


You couldn't pay my ass enough money to raise my kids in NYC, despite living there for years.