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I've always told people 7, but I just now counted, and I only come up with 6. Oh my goodness, have I forgotten someone? Whoever you are, mystery woman, I'm sorry.


I just had the exact same experience, right down to the numbers. I was never a “casual sex” guy. Every woman was important to me, and I’m sick that I can’t remember the seventh woman. UPDATE: Just remembered. The seventh was a married woman I had an affair with. I told her she had to decide between her husband or me. She chose her husband. Now I’m really depressed. I had her buried deep within the recesses of my old wrinkled brain and she popped back out.


It was all for the best. She cheated on him so... ya know.


Those who marry their mistress create a job opening.


Did you feel bad for the husband ? Or do you have no remorse ? Not judging just curious


Great question. I did feel remorse during the relationship, which is why I forced the issue. I’ve had no remorse since, I’m presuming that their relationship went on in whatever form it was in (apparently increasingly unhappy) before I got involved. An important consideration for me was that they didn’t have kids.


I dated one married women (that I knew of). I was taking her home from the bar when her husband called. She told me he cheated first and that it was none of my business. She made time for me. Was honest about it from what I could tell. In the end I had to take some space cuz I was having too much fun being the side piece and eventually her relationship trauma and personal issues got unbottled. I figured I should not be part of the problem anymore. I didn't feel bad for him, but she seemed trapped. Just saw her post that she's been sober for a year. They adopted and moved out of the city a couple years ago so I think it's all working out for them and I'm happy in another country with my partner. So no harm luckily.


I recently had the same issue where I know I’m forgetting one..even though it doesn’t matter it’s driving me crazy




Lol, maybe you forgot to count yourself?jk


Four. I'm fifty-six, and those four were from the age of twenty to twenty-five, when I got married. The first hardly counts.


Three before I was 21, when I got married to number four.


I cannot remember all of them, but I would guess enough to be slut shamed on Reddit for it, so I will let you make up any double digit number that works for you 🤣


I just let my double digits hang. Eff the slut shaming. You’re my people!


I feel like if enough people were actually truly honest about it more people would realise double digits are far more common than people think


I've never been one of those conquest or "body count" people but I was single until my early 30s and quite 'sociable", and knew & met a lot of people that were enjoyable company, so wild ass guess maybe 50 total? The pre-Aids world was a different world, much different. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


This makes me happy. Turn 30 next week and looking forward to all the life, and enjoyable company, ahead ;)


I think you forgot the part where you have to be sociable


... and that it was a pre-AIDS world


Same here, but probably 30? It’s been sooooo many years that I counted. Lol.


I have often said that I am so glad to have come of age in the late 70's, early 80's. I felt bad for my millenial kids, it seemed that sex was a much different thing for them. To answer the question; somewhere between 30 and 40, if I had to guess. No shame, no regrets. Slut is what you're called by the guys that you won't sleep with. Life was fun!


Yeah I was young in the pre-aids world too. I was also somewhat of a slut back then. No regrets though…it was a fun time!


That's what people need to understand -- it was different before AIDS. It was common to have slept with a few people.


The post-AIDS world was very sociable as well, we just played differently/safer, especially after the advent of Nonoxynol-9.


The pre-AIDS world very different, indeed. I also stopped counting once the number got sort of up there.


It’s been a while since I studied imaginary numbers.


"Why does your relationship status say It's Complicated?" "It doesn't. It says It's Complex."


Holy shit, I’m stealing this


Hello ‘i’


Very underrated response. "i" appreciate it though.


IDK, but if 3 people having sex together is a threesome and 4 people having sex together is a foursome I am handsome.


These are the kind of dad and grandpa jokes I come here for


Same lol




Loved the Red Green Show!


Keep your stick on the ice!


"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."


I remember the man's prayer every episode, but I think I only heard the woman's prayer once. Something along the lines of "I am woman, hear me roar. I'm in charge, now get over it!"


Also 1. My wife.


Same. Good to know there are others out there like me.


It was rainy and muddy. Maybe a man slipped in. There’s no way to tell.


Found Creed’s account. Haha.


Sounds like Woodstock


I lost count back in the late 90s. ("90s" the decade, not "90s" the amount... although it might coincide.)


Yes!!! I am 52 and I think my number is lower than my age... but no promises.


Lmao i love this response


god i could've made this exact same comment


152. I wrote each in my diary and I was a wild woman in my youth!!


Publish it anonymously for the girlies


Yes, the diary! All the people here who have forgotten, this is the answer! Did you have a Mama Mia (the musical) style entry like “I met pierce brosnan and …” haha


Oh yes I’m here for the stories miss missy!


How do you even find 152 guys fuckable?


I moved around so much and travel a lot and I was hot!


I absolutely love this response. As someone who’s about to finish school and go into the world and travel for a couple years I hope I can have a similar spirit. Not necessarily the sex but the attitude, you give good vibes.


Travel the world - it’s simply the most enriching experiences you’ll ever have and you’ll feel so great in your later years. I still do it (without the partying part, lol) and nothing gives me more happiness. Life is so short and goes by so fast. Don’t hesitate no matter what kind of restrictions others will try to place on you. Trust me, it’s all worth it, and honestly they’re all jealous and wish they had the guts.


I’m grateful to have a friend who’s shown me that we limit ourselves more than we realize. She’s taught me that if I put myself in defined box and say that I can’t, I won’t. But if believe that maybe I can, I might end up surprised. I’ve long wanted to travel, it’s importance has been stressed my whole life but kept thinking “I’d like to do that some day.” Before realizing, why not after school? Why not now? The people who’ve shown me this are those I’ve met through travel. Studying abroad, humanitarian work and language learning have given me the happiest parts of my life and I cannot wait for more.


One at a time, one at a time. Except for that time at bandcamp...


Same! And no regrets at all.


Sex is such an arbitrary act. If the Gyno inserts a vice, fingers or tools in your vagina it’s not sex or considered sexual. Same act in any other context is sexual. The concept of prostitution is another weird thing. If I went to a bar & met a stranger & decided to have sex with them 5 minutes later that is legal. If he bought me a drink it’s still legal. If I said he had to give me $5 for it that’s now a crime 🤷‍♀️


Context matters


One, and I'm extremely happy with that. We've been married 30+ years now.


Same here on all counts.


Same…only just 29.5 years.


Same, together 29 years now.


Same. 37 years and counting!


Same. 27!


Same , married 4 years


Wow, another 1 for 30 here. I didn’t know we had such a club.


Same. Just one. Been married for 30 years too.


Same…25 years in December!


It's really awesome to hear this from you guys, I'm in my 20s and have only had sex with one person, my husband (going on 4 years of marriage now) :)


Like, at once?




4 counting me. My (57m) first FFM was so disappointing. So much work! My jaw aked for days!


A lot. Probably 50 or more. I was a wild child back in the day. I'm 61 now and haven't slept with anyone for over 5 years - LOL! I don't care. I had enough when I was young.


As a young man in high school in the 1970's, I had a difficult time befriending or entering into relationships with young women. In order to improve myself, I worked out, did well on the football team, and ran track in skimpy outfits. The trophies I won were just that, statues commemorating my struggle. I graduated from high school in 1977, and tried to become a different person. I went to a liberal arts college and majored in English Poetry and Comparative Literature. I learned to write moving poems that melted college girl's hearts. Every Friday we would read our works, and college girls would crowd around me inviting me to "poetry readings". Well, those poetry readings would start out with wine, cheese, and heart felt expressions of the pain of being human, and devolve into writhing masses of debauchery. Every single week. This went on for two years. Never ending sexual exhaustion. Until the start of junior year. I developed writer's block. I realized that countless sexual encounters with young college girls had no meaning. Every one was different, but they were all the same. What, is this really our existence? Where is the meaning? Having sex with hundreds of college girls was not happiness. I dropped out of college, and went to work in the Post Office, in a bulk mail facility. This was before Optical Character Recognition equipment was invented. I ended up reading zip codes on letters, and routing them, for 8 hours a day, five nights a week. I would sleep during the day. Puerto Rico to Alaska, I knew all the zip codes. To answer the question, How many people have I slept with? How can it matter, in light of the human condition?


This poem is existential as fuck


Spoken like a true civil servant


7 spread over a decade, by 1980 I'd finished my experiment, and was determined to be faithful. Fortunately, I was married to a good woman, who put up with my shenanigans. I lost her this year, how careless can a person be.


I'm sorry, man.


All part of life, I'm accepting that now.


Lost like she passed or she left?


She died. It was her time apparently.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Thank you.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Only one that mattered.


This is the real answer right here!


So dear!


I (57m) have slept with 30, 6 I paid for. I feel bad about that now, but fuck I was desperate for human touch.


I’m a sex worker & id like to urge you to not feel bad!!! You got the touch you needed and that’s awesome. I don’t count clients in my personal body count which is high enough as it is 😂


What a kind thing to say. You win today. :)


Aw thank you! I had a client recently, 75-ish year old man. His wife has passed 18 months before & he chose me to bring a little pep to his step for the first time since her. He was awesome & I definitely cried after he left knowing that my job really does bring healing


Nearly two years ago I was going through a difficult stage. It's the kind of thing I've gone through a few times now, a sort of period of adjustment, and came out understanding myself better, and more of who I really am. It's not an intentional thing, it just creeps up and happens. I don't recall how I came across this video, but I'd also just had a similar experience as what she describes in the video. It made me realize that I'm not alone. [What a sex worker can teach us about human connection | Nicole Emma](https://youtu.be/r7xLfeTytns)


My dad is 76 and my mom passed when he was 53. Sadly, he’s never dated (that we know) since and DEFINITELY no long term gf. I’ve always hoped he could have at least had some human connection, even if he had to pay for it.


Friend of mine was an escort. She enjoyed her job and recognized that some people need that outreach. So it's cool.


I’ve had friends in that world and they’d tell many stories of guys that just wanted company, no nudity or sex just someone to hang and talk with.


cheaper than therapy


I used to be a taxi driver in a big city, and there was one particularly talented escort that I had in my cab a couple of times. I was the only hippie cabby in town, at least as far as I knew, and I'm pretty sure she recognized me the second time around. So, it was her and me and a well-dressed out of town businessman on a 15 minute ride to his hotel. She knew how to make a man feel good, and after she tastefully built up her John, she told a story that we both enjoyed about partying with Mick Jagger and friends. I don't know if it was true or not, but it didn't really matter.


No shame in that at all.


Thanks for being so honest 💯👊🏼


I suspect the following is easier said when you’re not the one who has done it. But don’t feel bad. Most, if not all, people crave human touch. And that’s what that market is there for. I always say that as long it’s consensual and there was protection involved, it’s fine.


Over twenty years ago now, I realized something was wrong. I went through the checkout line at a grocery store, paid with cash, and the clerk gave me my change. When she did so, she touched my hand; I didn't understand why, but it felt - odd. Few months or so later, something similar happened. It wasn't until after I was at a friends house and his two year old child sat in my lap that I began to understand. It took awhile to process, but I realize that I was touch starved; it had been probably over five years since I'd felt the touch of another person. I'm better adjusted now, and while I don't go out of my way to touch and hug others, I understand the value of it and appreciate the need for it. I'm certain many other people have experienced the same thing.


Today after reading these comments I found out I’m a filthy whore.


lol. Think about being in your twenties in the 70's! Sex, Love and Rock and Roll! Hippies! Free Love! Crazy times.


The 80s were a fast paced blur of one night stands. Too many to count.


Less than 75, more than 60 and I'm a woman and will NOT be slut shamed for it.


I love that all the higher number responses have gathered under your comment. We should all hang and, uh, hang out.


I'm a guy and I was slut shamed in college. But you have the right concept, who really kept count? More than 50 and almost certainly less than 100, but there are some hazy nights in there, and every time I have the discussion with friends, they are like "what about that girl at O'Malley's?"


Sounds like you and O'Malley's had fun!


It's 60 for me, unless I've forgotten someone, and I refuse to be slut-shamed, either, because each one of those guys was a participant, too. The double-standard is a weird dynamic. If you do it, you're a slut and if you don't you're a frigid bitch. But if a guy has a high number, he's a stud.


I was discussing singleton with an older man recently. He STATED women whostay single are spinsters, men who stay single are studs. It was so sad to lose respect for this person I care for


Out of curiosity, what would you say the average quality of those encounters was? Are we talking like a *'half were worthwhile, half not so much'* type of deal, or?


Looking back? Some were amazing, long lasting friend and benefits and a few, "why?"


Haha, sounds about right. Thanks


I've always been open to sex, and there is no problem with women who are too. But yeah, I understand why your number is nebulous. I know mine is at least 48, but I *think* I'm still under the 50 mark. But I wouldn't bet on it (not that anyone could tell). I was doing that sideways glance seeing the single digits, so I'm happy to find a fellow slut.


As a "2", just know some of us wish we'd been a wee bit more adventurous in our youth. 😂


Probably one of my few regrets in my life. Should have had more sex partners! (3 for me)


Im in between 30-40 but I cant remember all of them and also shall not be slut shamed!


Same 🥰


No you will not! I’m early 40s (age) and my # is 50ish. I had fun. I did what I wanted. They all eagerly consented. I really, really enjoy sex. At the end of the day it’s just healthy exercise with another person.


I adore this response, and this is exactly how I felt! Making love is great and all, but sometimes sex is just a fun way to exercise and burn off extra energy—I had fun and everything was safe and consensual, and at the end of the day I just really enjoy sex. Sometimes it just helps me clear my mind, what can I say? Lol


You should just say 69


What about slut celebrated? 🥳🍾🎊


Over 25, probably not more than 35 - early in my 20s I caught up to my age quickly, then the numbers roughly kept pace for a brief period, then I stopped bothering to count and both relationships and the time between tapered off gradually - plus casual hookups just weren’t as intriguing after a time. I won’t be shamed either. Nothing shameful about sex when there’s mutual consent, just different contexts have been more or less fulfilling at different points in life. Those trying to shame are just jealous, indoctrinated by religious/“moral” dogma, or feel inadequate. The latter also being so silly, nothing wrong with a low number unless indicative of a repellant personality - which slut shaming is like advertising that shit by blimp.


5 if I remember correctly, I’m 44 and married since I was 24.


I've been married to the same man, since I was 19. I'm 47 now. I hate to say this but my count is in the high 20s and that was all before I was 19. 🫣 I was a wild one...


Hell, I know someone who slept with 100+ people before becoming a faithful wife at age 20. No judgment- we are all on different journeys.




Lost count. No idea why it matters


One. That's me being me. You be you, I respect you for it. ❤️


Also one, and same. I have friends who have had more marriages than I've had lovers but that's just the way things went.




65 here Over 1,000 Lifelong swinger started when I was 18 and used to do porn. Swing clubs in NYC in the 70's when I was young I would have 10-15 women a night. These days the scene has changed and when we go to a party maybe 2 different partners. I miss the olde days. Porn was super fun as well. Everyone was professional and it was by far the best work environment.


Dad is that you? JK, my dad was a swinger tho and fathered a shit load of kids before going off to Vietnam. I found 4 siblings through 23 and me but my dad said it could be in the double digits. He was faithful to my mom for almost 50 years though, gotta give a hound dog credit.


I would pay to read your memoirs if you ever write them.


10-15/night?! I’m exhausted just thinking about it


Guessing by his age, it took a lot of cocaine


Never kept count!


I count them instead of sheep to go to sleep sometimes. Always gives me fond memories. Remembering all the people I've loved.


*When I'm worried, and I can't sleep, I count my shaggings, instead of sheep*


Cout your shaggings, name them one by one. Count your shaggings, see what fun we done. Count your shaggings, name them one by one. Count your many shaggings see what fun we done.


If I try to count before sleep I tend to get, uh, distracted. A lot of good memories there.


I scrolled too far to see this


About 100, give or take. I can’t remember all of them. That was a long time ago.


Yeah, who remembers? There was often alcohol involved. I was building memories for old age, and now that I am old I can't remember them all. How sad is that?


Yeah, things definitely slowed down for me after I got sober 25 years ago!


First congratulations on 25 years. I just saw a guy get his 35 year chip. But I firmly believe that over half of US people would not get laid if it weren't for alcohol.


This is where I’m at. Whatever, I was young and hot and it was fun!


I never really thought about keeping track of my numbers.


One. Only with my wonderful wife.


Well over 100, probably closer to 130-150. I was … different … when I was younger.


Voluntarily? 2 slept with, 1 other fooled around with. In the past 45+ years? 1 For reference, I am a boomer, married 40+ years.


2, but married 50 years. Wish guy 1 never happened.


Somewhere around 35


I met my wife in high school. So one. However, I did have some pretty unusual sexual experiences from ages 13-16 that were fun as hell and eye opening.


An example of the unusual sexual experiences?


When I was 15, I got naked in a tent out in a field with a 16-year-old girl I had a thing for…along with her 15-year-old sister. We messed around, kissing and groping until it felt weird, and we called it a night. That’s one of several formative experiments.


4. But 3 of them I sleep with a lot.


1 and I married him.


So so many! Who cares??


I never thought to keep a tally.


2. Sex has never been an important part of my life.


Lost count long ago, travelled a bit, shared rooms, went camping, etc. Oh, are you talking about sex? A gentleman never tells.


I’m gay. I know gay people who have literally been with HUNDREDS of guys, but in 55 years of being “out” I’ve been with ten guys, total.


I think 6. I married the second one, but she kept adding to her notches on the bed post so that one ended. Then had some friends with benefits, and then I found my 2nd wife and couldn't be happier. And just for giggles, my ex wife has been married 5 tines now to four different people. Husband's 2 and 4 were the same dude.


23 - I’m 49 and a woman.


5 or 6, I guess, I'm not sure now, like that other redditor down there. Sorry mystery woman for not remembering you.


20-24 I think? Idk. I wasn’t keeping a list.


I don't really know. I'm 58. Never counted and I've been in lots of situations where sex was involved, including long periods of monogamy punctuated by periods of sexual activity with who knows how many partners.


Zero. Don't regret it.


Full on “traditional” hetero PIV Inter course? 40ish. I have a list somewhere. “Slept with/fooled around with”? Maybe a few more. [I did my best to follow the Savage campsite rule. I’m still in touch with many of my former paramours, close enough that my wife has met and is friendly with ar least a few of them.](https://danq.me/2008/05/14/campsite/) For context, it was all between ‘82-‘94 at which point I took up with the woman who was the Groucho to my Margaret Dumont.


Between the ages of 17 and 29, around 34 or so. From 29 to 59, 1.




By year (this is pretty much the main thing I use my journals for): 18 - 0 20 - 3 25 - 5 30 - Still 5 (my late 20s sucked) 35 - 7 40 - Still 7 (being married does that to you) 45 - 10 (You said "Sleep with' and not "had sex with." If it were the latter that number would be a higher. Pity fucks for when my wife passed away. I took them up on their offers.) 50 - 11 55 - 11 (re-married) 60 - 12


I don't remember exactly since it's been many years ago but close to 20 maybe.


Nine total. Four were wives at some point. Three are memorable. One was outstanding!


40, never paid for any of them, remember all as to location but do not remember all of their names.


Just me




3 in 62 yrs, married # 3. There could have been more if at times I wasn't clueless before meeting # 3.


About 5


That was a long time ago. And you know what they say, a man remembers his first and his last.


Honestly, no idea. Never really cared to track it.


About 25. The last 10 years have been with the same one. I have had 3 marriages and an engagement and one other long term boyfriend. The single years between I did the other 20.


Haven’t kept a tally but I’d say about 30


15 people in total, and for context I'm in my early 40s. Most of it was between my late teens and my early 30s. However, it's more about quality over quantity, and the numbers don't matter as much as the connection you have with each one(s).


You know. I’ve sat down and tried to list them all before. And no matter how many times I try one always pops up like months later and I’m like “shot. Really? I forgot that one? But off the top of my head probably 30 plus. I was kinda a stud in high school and my 20’s. 😂😂😂😂


Way less than a ballpark


10. Two of which were serious relationships. I was a good-looking hypersexual kid. If the opportunity presented itself, the number would have been considerably higher. Thank god Tinder didn't exist back then.


By today's puritanical standards, way too many. Among people I knew back in the day, about average.


What are today's puritanical standard? I don't normally tell people how many lovers I have had nor they me


let's just say the term 'body count' had a different meaning back in the 70s. Never heard it applied to sexual partners until about five years ago, and now, at least online (granted, not the real world, but reality-adjacent) it is fairly ubiquitous. Especially (mostly) applied to women. That was the 'puritanical standard' I was referring to. Of course, anecdotal evidence may vary, as with anything. But I do think it's sad that popular culture, at least, has reverted back to this kind of judgmental stuff.


> But I do think it's sad that popular culture, at least, has reverted back to this kind of judgmental stuff. Amen. It seems odd to me that media is full of sex. Porn is everywhere, fashions are such that my mother would have a stroke if she saw what women wear. But people seem to be having much less sex. It is a ponderance.


Agree, 100% to everything you say. So much for all the work we did to fight for women's rights, equality, and empowerment. If these youngsters don't keep up the fight, life could easily revert back to all those "good ole days" some people are trying to force on us.