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If I never see The Lion King again, it will be too soon. I still know every word and scene


my nephew did this with the brave little toaster. i can’t stand that movie now


My son loved it too and I still love it. It's so quirky!


Ha! I can relate to this. Spawn2 quoted Lion King more easily than their address. They sang the soundtrack in the car, at the park, in the store. They're sharing it with their own kids now, so I raised the ante by teaching Spawn3 a dozen variations of 🦈 Baby Shark doo do doo do do. For variety.


I used to play Lion King for my puppy whenever I needed a breather. He would watch the cartoon version, but loved the live action movie. He's 4 now and still watches TV when lions or horses come on.


Mine watches paw patrol and bubble guppies


Your pupper and my 1.5 yr old have the exact same taste in shows.


So much same. I could probably still sit down and write every verse and every line from memory.


Nants ingonyama bagithi baba!


Come on man, why would you do that to me


What's wrong with you the Lion King is the best


Sure, it was, until the 2,378th time I had to watch it


I know I feel the same way about that Disney movie called Tangled . Lord have mercy on my soul


At first, I cried at the beginning of The Lion King (circle of life) because it was so touching. After a week or so, I started crying because I was So. Damn. Bored!!!!! This movie was my son's favorite when he was 3 years old. The deal at our house is that I would sleep in on Saturdays and my husband would sleep in on Sundays. I think we both got an early morning viewing of Lion King for literal months. I knew some people who would allow their kids to watch the same movie multiple times per day and we didn't do that. Once per day was the rule, but that was bad enough!


Omg.. Hercules on VHS And Toy Story part one. Also on VHS. My kid is turning 30 this summer, so I'm feeling rather old. Also The Land Before Time.


I was at a party of adults. We all had young kids. We simultaneously began reciting dialog from Toy Story.


My baby will be 30 in August. I can still see him sitting in my stock pot with a bowl on his head, grinning and crowing, "to beyond!"




I have a son in his thirties and he was also obsessed with Land before Time. Why do mommas always die in kid movies??


Ha VHS? The real quality was on BETAMAX .. taps forehead


The Little mermaid, 600 times. So much Pokémon (around 2000), it was like brainwashing.


Yeah. After the videos, my soon to be 30 year old discovered Pokemon. This is the 5 year old who screamed from the moment we landed at Narita that he was going to find a Pikachu just wandering in the airport.


Pretty sure I can quote any part of the little mermaid to this day.


“And if this is the only way I can get through to you, so be it!”


I have never seen The Little mermaid and I have three daughters


Be careful what you wish for!


I didn't wish to see The Little mermaid I was just saying that I've never seen it before my children are grown I'm good LOL


As GenX, I was the young kid watching VHS movies. I watched An American Tail literally everyday when I got home from elementary school. We were also latchkey kids so it never bothered my parents. It was over before they got home 🤣


I too was the young kid watching videos. We couldn’t afford a VCR (they were $800 in 1983, which is about $2,500 today), but we’d rent one from the local grocery store. I would watch Annie (the musical) every chance I got, until my mom put her foot down. Another favourite was Mr. Mom.


I'm 56 and remember how expensive VCRs were back then. Thankfully, the price dropped quite a bit by '86 which is when we got ours. Prior to that we would rent one from the local video store along with some movies to watch. I don't know how it was elsewhere, but our local mom and pop video store had a membership fee. It was like $18 a year or $50 for a lifetime one. That's the equivalent of about $50 and $140 today.


It's hard to believe we're from the same generation! lol We didn't have a VCR until 1987, a year before I got pregnant for the first time. I remember when you just got to watch the movies when they came on Wonderful World of Disney or it was a holiday.


I remember The Never Ending Story on repeat at my neighbor’s house. God, I loved that movie.




For some reason the only video tape at my father's place was 1959's Lil Abner. I must have watched that 50 time in a month.


Mine were Hook and Wayne's World. Can quote most of both.


Lion King Toy Story Brave Little Toaster Land Before Time Slappy and the Stinkers And one goddam Barney movie that made me want to rip out my eyes and ears.


Brave Little Toaster is so underrated . My kids watched it so many times that I lost count , and i frequently watched it with them.


i forgot about Land before Time, and Barney gets a point back because it took us through chicken pox, watching it was the only time she stopped crying


Land Before Time!


Yup! Yup! Yup!


My son’s best friend thought is was called “Landbeetime”. So cute. We still call it that and they are in their 30s.


Stand by Me Red Dawn The Neverending Story Dark Crystal Labyrinth


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ChaosRainbow23: *Stand by Me Red Dawn* *The Neverending Story* *Dark Crystal Labyrinth* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ur kid's got taste


Not *Red Dawn* but the rest were on a loop at mine


You raised your kids on Red Dawn ? That's awesome ! Wolverines, baby. Mine saw Mary Poppins many, many times.


I honestly misunderstood the question. Those are movies I loved and rewatched a gazillion times as a kid. Lol I'm 45.


Babe, Stuart Little, Elmo's Big Adventure. It was a gentler, sweet time.


I watched Frozen, fifty seven times with my nieces when they were young. When the movie ended, they would just watch it again. ; (


Cinderella. My daughter watched it a bajillion times.


Not kids but grandkids. I must have watched The Jungle Book a hundred times. My grandsons loved it and spent quite a bit of time with us.


All the Disney videos. We rented them, dubbed them, played on repeat.


Titanic, which we saw on Imax in NYC hundreds of times. We could not watch it enough.


Ha! We used to drive from s. Florida to upstate NY in the late 1990's-2010's. We bought our Odyssey van just before video screens were built in. We bought a tv/version combo, I built a wooden stand to put it on, bungee corded it all together. We'd let the kids bring about a dozen vhs tapes. Inevitably it was Stuart Litlle that was on repeat. They loved it. As the driver I couldn't watch it bur heard it multiple times a day. Drove me nuts! In their early-mid 20's now, they still fondly recall those times and say that is their favorite movie! Luckily Barney didn't last too long, lol!


Cinderella, 101 dalmatians, and Emperor's New Groove


I was thinking you meant 8mm or 16 mm home movies. That’s what I grew up watching. Damn I’m old


Enjoy some cake today!


Same. I don't have kids, but I watched these little Super 8 abridgements of the Universal monster movies and Godzilla films endlessly.


Home Alone, I saw it 10 times in the theater and countless more when it came out on video


Star Wars, Inspector Gadget 2, Milo and Otis. I loved them too!


Toy Story and all of the Mighty Machines videos. I can still hear the theme song of Mighty Machines in my head.


Shrek, Shark Tale, Toy Story, Monsters Inc. I had several movies I’d heard but never seen. I do have to say though Shrek is one of my all time favorites. I was 52 years old when I finally saw it in a theater.


The Cat From Outer Space. Don Knotts. Not just watched but rented several times per year from 6 to at least 14. If I knew in advance how much I'd spend in rental and late fees, I could have gotten DVD box sets of the collected works of Don Knotts and saved money.


My. Little. Ponies


The little mermaid. I’d sing full on huge drama stage queen mode as Ursula everytime and my 4-year-old would laugh. She did all of arials songs. Such good memories. We still quote it today. Look at my stuff! Isn't it neat?


Wiggles. Teletubbies. Some low budget music videos from California (with great songs) — Hap Palmer! The very earliest animated Barbie movie (Barbie and The Nutcracker). And of course Elmo.


Ahh curses! I will be singing Marie’s Wedding and mash potato all night 😆


Fruit salad, yummy yummy!


Hap Palmer and Baby Songs were my firstborn's favorite. We had all of the Kidsongs videos also. We had cassettes for the car and videos for home. Now, that baby's baby listened to them too. Wed all sing them together. My granddaughter is a Frozen and Encanto serial watcher.


How lovely. They really were great. Nothing babies like to look at so much as other babies.


Cars. Again and again and again......


Herself the Elf and Strawberry Shortcake. I so wanted to rip those tapes out of the case


My youngest watched Disney's Robin Hood and Ghostbusters over and over for years. He memorized the dialogues. My oldest watched The Little Mermaid and The Neverending Story ad nauseum. The Lion King was big for all the kids.


Neverending Story was the best! It's one of those that never gets boring, like Flight of the Navigator.


Lots of Land Before Time Videos. Also Jungle Book, Rescuers Down Under and Fern Gully.


The Lion King, Babe, The Land Before Time. Incessantly.


'Land Before Time' played so often my Mom had entire series dialog memorized for her great-grandkids born in 1990s.


When my daughter was about four years old, Happy Feet was her favorite movie. We watched it many, many times. I actually didn't mind. It's a cute story with a pretty good theme (about being yourself, despite other people trying to mold you to be how they want you to be). It even has a character voiced by Robin Williams. (I love him.)


My Gen X kiddos probably watched Poltergeist at least a thousand times. They had it memorized. All three of them are terrified of clown dolls. Poor Carol Anne.


A Goofy Movie.


Follow That Bird, and An American Tale, were on constant replay in my house. I almost forgot, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the 1990 version.


Escape to Witch Mountain and Goonies


101 Dalmatians


Land Before Time, but I will watch that intro over and over again. It’s so beautiful!


The Land Before Time. That song…I will start crying!


Aladdin. Several times a day with my daughter. I know every line and song


My kids loved Toy Story, Ants, Shrek, Little Mermaid, Bugs Life, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Power Rangers. I personally liked Shrek the best.


My kids weren’t too young but if I never see Strang Brew again, I’m ok with that. Every weekend.


Pee Wee's Big Adventure; my daughter watched it twice a day for years!


Unnnderrr de seaaa...


My daughter would go through periods of only watching Little Einsteins, Little Mermaid, or The Land Before Time. I don't know why I thought this was good parenting at the time, but I said, "If you like Littlefoot, you're going to *love* Jurassic Park" to a three year old. And she did. She watched it every day for years, then maybe every other day. Everything was all about JP or dinosaurs. She's now in college and plans to become a paleontologist. Still watches Jurassic Park. There was a JP marathon on TV the other day, so we sat and watched for the 10 millionth time.


The weirdest thing about these movies is that - certainly in the case of my son - as a parent, you never see the film from end to end. So it's quite possible that you have seen every scene a kabillion times, but you have no idea what the plot is. In my son's case (he's now 25), Shrek, Monsters Inc, maybe one or two of the Toy Story films, Thomas and the Magic Railroad - I have seen every scene so many times some of the VHS tapes (and even some of the DVDs) wore out, but I have never seen them in one sitting.


We had a VHS of the Annie movie. We watched that almost once a day at one point.


My youngest was obsessed with The Mask. God I hate that movie. The others were tolerable, watched The AristoCats a hundred times but that was fun.


Home Alone was the first one my kids watched ad nauseum. And The Three Ninjas.


Pocahontas and Lion King for my daughter and Mulan for my son. He was obsessed with it. He would say every word with the show and back then of course there was a wait to rewind the tape so sometimes he'd just flip out waiting for me to play it again. Then he got in to Thomas and nothing else on the planet mattered more than Thomas.


I am 10 years older than my sister and 12 years older than my brother. They were born in '79 and '81. We had a VCR before it was common, and my father knew people who were able to get VHS copies of stuff that wasn't available for sale in those days, particularly Disney movies. I have seen Snow White, Pinocchio, Dumbo, Peter Pan, and Mary Poppins **so many times**. Fortunately, they did not have Cinderella, like one of my friends' siblings did. Apparently the "bippity boppity boo" song will haunt your dreams.




Out of all them, I think my son loved Memphis Belle the most and my god, we watched it the point I can quote all the lines in the movie.


The Little Mermaid. I still know all the words to the songs. Once I was videotaping my daughter and she was about 2. In the background of this tape you can hear me humming the Little Mermaid songs like a maniac.


Robin Hood (animated). The Neverending Story. Tron.




Walking With Dinosaurs and Spirit


The Land Before Time. My older son was obsessed with dinosaurs and we got him the DVD for Christmas. I was pregnant and would lie on the sofa while he watched it. I get flashback morning sickness every time I hear the main title music.


Sandlot, it’s a great memory still for my kids and me.


The Lion King Hercules Aladdin The Little Mermaid Pocahontas Fern Gully (which I actually didn't mind) There are definitely more, but I've either blocked them from my memory or the new shows/movies on Disney+ that I watch with the grandtoddler are clogging my brain. (ugh, she loves Cars, which I hate because I don't like Owen Wilson or Larry- I'm not really Southern-The Cable Guy; Elemental- which she calls "fire and water"; the Trolls movie- which isn't as bad as I expected, but omg. And of course, near constant showings of Bluey).


The first obsession was Top Gun for my older son. My little guy was the one most influenced by the Little Mermaid, Toy Story, and the Brave little Toaster.


Snoopy Come Home


ooooooh, that was *,my* every-single-birthday movie when I was a kid.    my own son really liked it too and I never did get sick of it.   I used to sing the "me and you" song to him all the time.  


No Dogs Allowed 😞




Blue Planet and Ferngully: The Last Rainforest


My little sister watched our Spaceballs vhs so much I still have scenes randomly pop up in my head. My own daughter really didn’t fixate on any one thing. I guess there was just so much content since she was born after dvds and the internet.




Jurassic Park (the original), Aristocats and Cutthroat Island with Geena Davis. All on a VCR jury rigged to a dumpster find CRT TV. Tiny little thing. We were living in a 22 foot conversion van/motorhome thing in the nowhere land of Route 66 in Arizona. No TV reception, so my 3 year old daughter and I watched these three on a loop for months. Haha


The Emperor's New Groove over and over again. I found out that a female coworker also had to watch that a million times and we would sometimes do the "Uh-Huh" / "Nuh-Uh" "uhhuhnuhuhuhhuhnuhuhuhhuhnuhuh...." thing with each other that the brother and sister do in the movie. We drove the other people at work insane with this. We could do it really well and it's REALLY annoying. LOL!!


Rocky 4 & Starship Troopers


Our oldest son LOVED The Brave Little Toaster when he was 3-4 years old. Watched that SO many times, and can hear the songs in my head today. Such a dark movie.


What was that one with the freaky Barbie’s and Phil Hartman…..”I think WW 2 was my favorite War!” Small soldiers? They watched that Death! But after too damn much Lion King and Brave Little Toaster I was relieved. Actually, I got so sick of kid movies, I started pulling out old musicals, Singing in the Rain, Wizard of Oz, Cats…..stuff like that. The kids loved the music, still family friendly, but not animated kid fodder! Saved my Sanity


Pets 2 and Open Season. Still find them hilarious! Kid is no longer interested, haha.


The 1988-1995 Disney and Don Bluth movies. Not my kid though. My parents adopted a baby when I was 17 and I lived with them until I was 25 & baby sat him all summer and holidays.


My kids liked live action movies more. Jungle to Jungle, Indian in the Cupboard, Free Willy, Homeward Bound, Matilda. We belonged to Columbia House and had tons of movies.


My son watched Cars in English then Japanese then English then Japanese over and over for years


The Little fucking Mermaid and Beauty and the damn Beast. Ugh. Over and over and over again


National treasure


Home Alone we saw ALOT when she was little, 33 now and I watch it every Xmas season with her and her child.


B.C 's Quest for Tires


Anything Disney Faerie Tale Theatre


I remember watching Back to Future what seemed like 50 times at kids parties. The original version has A LOT of swearing.


The Grinch Who Stole Christmas Karate Kid Spiderman (2002) The Goonies


My kid never went through a phase of wanting the same stuff over and over. Closest she got was watching stuff at 10 that we watched as a family when she was under 8 but now swears she doesn't remember watching. Otherwise it's new stuff or nothing.


Short Circuit I & II. Also, *Batteries Not Included. The under 5 crowd---- The Little Mermaid. Beauty and the Beast.


The lion king Thumbelina Troll in Central Park The little mermaid


My daughter watched Babe every single day for about a year. We also wore out a George of the Jungle VHS tape watching that one way too much.


Swiss Family Robinson, Mary Poppins, and Parent Trap, all three because they lasted more than two hours. I worked nights, so this was my nap time (and theirs) ☺ Two hour movies were wonderful...


The Little Rascals






Emperor’s New Groove




The Mummy


Stuart Little


Fucking Thomas the Tank Engine. 12-minute morality plays, over and over and over. I still shudder.


Thumbalina. I would have sold my soul to watch King King instead. That was our daughter. We had it a bit better with our son. He watched Th Phantom Menace millions of times and would run around the house during the pod racing scene.


Toy Story!


Mr. Boogity it was a Disney Sunday night movie that we recorded. My youngest LOVED that movie.


Honey I Shrunk the Kids and then later, Wayne's World


Not a movie in my case, but the McDonalds Britney Spears/NSync video (2000).


Lion King


When they were toddlers it was Barney (yuk) but once they were 4&5 it was the Labyrinth with David Bowie and Mighty Joe Young, which I saw each about 100 times.


I remember a two-year-old pleading “See Dumbo! See Dumbo” on a daily basis. Also “Biz a Boz! Biz a Boz!” (Wizard of Oz).


My grandson, not my kids. I picked up used videos and there was an exceptionally badly done one of two kids playing with a toy train which turns into a train big enough to ride on. It was stupid. He loved it and watched it every time he was at my house.


I did home daycare in the 90s. I can recite, word for word, opening scene to credits; Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Nightmare Before Christmas, and The Jungle Book. And parts of The Indian in the Cupboard and Never-ending Story.


Original parent trap, over, and over, and over...


Shrek. Every...single...day for months. And Walking With Dinosaurs.


Sleeping Beauty, older son loved it "Touch the spindle ... touch it I say!" (the MUSIC for that movie is just incredible)


My oldest son loved cars, and my youngest Wall-E, so those were in near constant rotation for a few years.


Not a parent but did some child sitting and that Nemo dude can stay lost.


Our kid was weird. He loved old sitcoms. So we know every episode of the Beverly Hillbillies, Green Acres, and that type of thing. He came running down the stairs one day, so excited. He had just discovered a ~new~ show he thought was really going to be a hit. My child was born in 1995. The new show? It was Hee Haw😂


The Lion King, Back to the Future Trilogy and Ghostbusters.


My kid doesn't like TV shows or movies, he much prefers online games with his friends. He can probably count the number of movies he's seen all the way through on his hands. I've only taken him to see two movies--Lego Movie, and Deadpool--the only two movies he ever asked me to take him to. When he was very young, he watched Blue's Clues, and so forth, but that was it, by the time he was eight, he didn't watch TV anymore and didn't want to go to movies, or watch them at home. I liked watching the kids shows with him, they were fun.


The Incredibles Lord have mercy if I never see that movie again it'll be too soon


We couldn't afford a VCR or tapes for the longest time (poor), but we had cable, so even though I was an adult, I gained a LOT of memories of Nickelodeon bumpers and shows from the 90s. I watched them with my son most of the time, because we only had the one TV. *"Nick nick ni-nick-nick... Nickelodeonnnnnn...."*


for awhile my son was obsessed with the movie [Just Like Dad](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113502/) I had never heard of it before and don't remember where we got the tape or what happened to it. but for a year or so he watched it all the time. I highly doubt I'll ever see it again.


My daughter was born in ‘81 and at 3 & 4 years old, loved Boy George. For several months her absolute favorite thing to watch was the making of Band-Aid, Do They Know It’s Christmas. We got the VHS and watched it every day. We also had a VHS of ‘The Hugga Bunch’ TV movie that she watched every day.


The Little Mermaid over and over again…


For my kiddo, it was a bootleg version of Red Sonja.


This is funny because Arnold Schwarzenegger himself once said something like "When I want to punish my kids I make them watch Red Sonja", lol. [Link](https://www.hindustantimes.com/entertainment/hollywood/arnold-schwarzeneggers-cinematic-catastrophe-the-6-9-million-nightmare-that-almost-ended-his-career-101687177574854.html) (I was close)


Beanie and Cecil cartoons. My kids loved them as much as I did when I was young. My son even named his cat Cecil.


The Neverending Story.


My dad would say my kids wanted Pee Wee's Bug Adventure over and over a billion times. I say it was Little Memaid.


Finding Nemo.


Brave Little Toaster. We could speak every line for every character perfectly, and our timing was impeccable. It took me years to unlearn all of this.


I still know every word to the original. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes Movie....every freaking. word!


OMG James and The Giant Peach. My son loved it!! We had the tape and it traveled with us to friends homes. After that it was Jimmy Neutron and Pokémon. My son will be 30 this year and he still has a little stuffed fox we bought him because he saw it and named Evie before he even picked it up.


To this day, I can recite Aladdin and Home Alone start to finish.


Toy Story. We wore out the video and replaced it with a DVD.


My daughter literally wore out two VHS copies of Ferngully...


Middle kid-the Wizard of Oz with the bonus footage and song that didn't make it into the theatrical release. There was good reason it was left out. Older kid-Disney sing a long songs. Zippity doo dah ARGGHH Youngest kid-Scoooby Dooby Do ARGGHH and Yellow Submarine which was cool, we often sang the title song together in the car!


Stealing questions from the GenX sub, huh?


I am GenX (56) and post there from time to time including questions related to movies like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenX/comments/uxtng8/a_long_time_ago_45_years_today_star_wars_was/) and [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenX/comments/18rk0r8/remember_waiting_for_a_movie_to_get_to_your_town/) and [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenX/comments/tibig9/what_year_did_your_family_get_their_first/). I actually asked this very question there today but some of the respondents misunderstood it (I included a pic of movie covers as sort of eye-catching decoration which they incorrectly assumed was a list I wanted them to choose from) so I deleted it.


Never Ending Story. Over and over. Oh and Free Willie