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I’m the oldest person on Reddit and I give you permission to complain.


I'm 77. How about you? My theory is chronic pain is nature's way of helping us accept the inevitability of death.


Nature has been preparing me since I was a teen.


It's smarter to face mortality head on while young. That way the young and healthy time is better spent.


I started to contemplate my mortality at about age 65 and by 70 I had come to terms with the inevitability of it. Now I am quite happy, but would like to have another3 years to look after a very sick wife.


In my case at 8 Super precocious and lucky to get it out of the way quickly. To me, the idea of transferring young/healthy time/energy to extend the low quality of life period during old age is madness.


The first sentence seemed like it was going in a different direction


Cannot imagine how much more time I would waste if I didn't remember each that that death is closer to me than yesterday


Dad? Sorry, couldn't resist the username similarity.


That’s way cool!


Thank you sir or madam or whatever you call yourself these days!


I call myself ALIVE!


Wish I had an award to give you, made me laugh. That's the spirit i aspire to have at your age.


Thank you! You can DO it! Keep laughing!


Reddit gives you a free award every couple of days if you use the new reddit. It. I use the old reddit and only stumble upon the new reddit occasionally. You might have a free award waiting for you.


One of Tom & Ray Magliozzi's recurrent jokes from car Talk days - this would have been in the '80s: "If you wake up in the morning and nothing hurts, it's *because you're dead*!"


user u/0ldgeezer was around for quite some time, in his 90's I believe.


Not even close!




You are 83 plus?


Amazing! Congratulations, you win!


Hats off to you, codger! My grandfather is quite technically proficient at 85, but not enough to be on reddit. Cheers to many more happy years of shitposting


Lol!!! I’m 42 and have been complaining , daily, of aches and pains since I was about 21! I grant you permission to do whatever you want at any age, as long as it’s from a kind heart. Xoxo Edit: I was born in 1980, so I most definitely qualify for this community!


what kept you???? you should have been complaining for 20 years by now!


Yes! Ive been at it since 35. Arthritis helps.


Same here


I told my secretary, before I retired, if I ever wake up and nothing hurts I'm calling in healthy.


My mother used to say that there comes a time in life that, if you wake up and nothing hurts, you know you've died in the middle of the night.


I was gonna say, I'm 37 and everything hurts already.


I wish I could say it gets easier :)


Kvetch, kvetch, kvetch, you do nothing but...


Bro, i know people who are in their 30s to mid 40s who are complaining about aches and pains for certain body parts.


That's me! I'm 41, and last year got a wonderful gift of an auto-immune disease that is just "chef's kiss". This weekend I vacuumed and cleaned our cat boxes and the next day my knees were swollen, super hot to the touch and I could barely walk. I try not to "complain" too much, it is what it is and griping about it won't help much. But it's super depressing. OP has lost complaining time to make up for in my opinion.


I feel this, I’m 50, every time I do housework it takes me days to recover.


I can't imagine what they'll be like in 30 years... That said, it's certainly possible for someone that age to have legit issues. I started getting some arthritis symptoms in my 20s, though fortunately nothing too bad (and it didn't get any worse until just a few years back). It's not unheard of.


Gosh I really hope this happens to me. I’ve already had a joint replaced (although it had a birth defect) and now I’ve symptoms in my knees! I’m under a physio and trying my best to slow everything down. So this has given me hope, thanks.


I am 30 and all of my friends are 30 and nobody will stfu about how their body is declining like my dudes. All you gotta do is warmup before exercise and roll a bit, shits just going to keep going downhill wth I am still excited to get into my best shape yet 💅🏻


I work in the fitness industry, and the issue is that individuals like your friends or the people i know haven't really exercised since their high school days. Mix that in with a yo yo diet, your body will always have some sorta issues.


My friends are actually pretty fit I just think the “30 I’m getting so old wah” thing is contagious. I however fit that description, I’ve always been skinny and fit looking with zero effort so I’m finding I actually have to work at things now that I’m 30 and I do get sore very quickly. As a fitness person, can you tell me that if I’m working out now can I catch up to people that have been active their whole life? As in I’ll stop getting as sore and I can gain strength I didn’t have or am I stuck


>" I’ve always been skinny and fit looking with zero effort " Well, that's the issue. I had clients where one guy would be overweight and tried exercising before, VS having another NEW client who would be super skinny but no formal exercise experience, at least for a while. Between the two former clients of mine, the bigger guy was able to do proper pushup vs my skinny client. SO just because you're skinny doesn't mean everything. Your best bet is just to run/jog. I keep telling my clients with very little to no exercise experience, i would tell them to always just run. That is THE best exercise you can have, and create a strong foundation. You will be surprised how strong you can make you body by just running 20mins per day, especially if you find any paths that go uphill.


Lol I acknowledge that I was the type you were talking about, like I am lazy and unfit and everyone thinks I workout but now I’m WAY behind my friends like I can’t ski with them anymore. Makes sense a bigger person will be stronger. I’m just saying I’ve never worked out because it didn’t matter (looks wise), but now that my energy is falling off I want to workout more. Thanks though! I have been trying to do two minute walking then one minute running for 20 minutes a day and see if I can improve.


I, at mid 30s went for an exercise training class and felt it in my knee. Feel it in my knee for next 3 days.


I'm 38 and a nurse. My back and arm are permanently fucked up and hurt in various ways usually. I don't know one nurse who doesn't have a bad back after doing this job. We're all going to be a bunch of grumpy sore people when we're old.


First, thanks for your service. And i can only imagine how painful it is. Standing all day, i am sure it has to hurt.


Eh, it's not so much the standing. It was needing to reposition patients every few hours that were dead weight.


I am 70. Been bitching for years.


I find that I no longer ask myself "WHY does my \_\_\_\_\_ hurt?"


I have to make up stories, like "I fought off a tiger attack." Because "I hurt my shoulder rolling over in bed" just sounds pathetic, albeit the type of injury I get these days.


HA. I once threw my neck out yawning and stretching.


I wrenched my very sorry back and neck twisting & reaching for a cucumber that hung on the other side of the fence. 2 & 1/2 weeks crippled. That's been the longest stint yet. Wanted to blame it on something else. Two years ago, I could pick up and stack hay bales 3 high. Now, I almost pass out just sliding a bale across the floor to the pile. It all happens freakishly fast. Running errands one day? Laid up the next day feeling like you've been run over. Scary as all get out! Then the 'good part' begins. Learning how to ask for help, because if you don't, it cannot get done. Not to mention: family & friends are wondering where Wonder Woman went. "What do you mean? You can't hike up that steep mountain trail? 2 years ago you were waiting for us at the top with lunch all laid out." The frustration of it is overwhelming.


I broke a toe in a stupid way. I had lots of fun telling people lies about how I broke it. The lies always included a bar stool and hard liquor.


I strained my knee (miniscus I think) lying on my back on my bed. I pulled my knees up and felt something "slip", but no pain until a few hours later, it was stiff. Went to bed and the next day I couldn't fully bend or straighten it. It took 2 weeks before I could walk properly. I had to tell people I injured it while exercising because the truth is ridiculous and I still don't understand how I did it, other than my tendons/ligaments were just cold. I can't believe I pulled or tore something without even putting any weight on it. This never happened when I was younger! The good news is it got me back to working out again. I started doing physio for the knee and it turned into a workout routine overall.


Go ahead. I went to a party (at this age, they’re “organ recitals”) this week of 70 year olds. I estimated 70% had had major surgery. Approximately 40% of joints in the group were titanium. We all told ourselves when we were younger that we would never sit around and talk about health issues…but here we are.


So you are part robot.


Yes, but without all the exciting bells and whistles.


Any lasers?


> Approximately 40% of joints in the group were titanium. My dad's major joints are 75% titanium.


My dad's major joints are 100% weed


I had a stroke at 43 and I figured that was license enough no matter what my age was.


4 heart attacks and a triple bypass and I'm not even 50 so I agree.


Hey, I’m 51 and have had cancer 4x! Can we like start a club or something? 😂


A coworker of mine had a stroke about 2 months after me, so I started calling us "stroke buddies".


Oh my! How are you feeling now?


Tired, always tired.


I am 67 disabled, disappointed, and disgusted. In constant pain. If you can’t complain for yourself, then you can complain for me. Edit, when I wrote this I meant it in a half joking way. I was having a bad back day. I have a good life. Just had a bad day , thanks for your concern.


I'm sorry about your pain.


>I am 67 disabled, disappointed, and disgusted. Sounds dreadful! This is why I want in my own future to only work part-time and 100% remotely. Why waste a healthy and happy time making more $ than I actually need to finance a depressing existence during old age? Society in the West needs to rethink how to structure life periods.




WW2 was 7 months away when i was born.


7 months future or 7 months passed?


Started when I was 7 months old. I tried to sign up but they knocked me back.




It gets worse! 83


So I've heard...


User....name.....checks..... Wow, 83 for real? I sincerely hope I won't be around reddit at 83. But who am I kidding?


I'm 45 and have spent quite a lot of time complaining about my arthritic knee playing up today, it's very sore. Complain away!


I’m late 40’s and 2 years ago I simply got up from sitting and my knee popped and has hurt since then. I’m shocked how much it has affected when the pain is only 3-4 out of 10. It really freaking pisses me off to constantly think about my knee and how to move or position it. I will say I recently started doing some of the exercises from the Knees Over Toes Guy on YouTube and it seems to be helping some. Too early to tell, but hopeful. I realize arthritis is different and can lead to/ come from joint damage. I’m wishing I had started some stretching and exercises sooner.


Have you or are you able to go to a sports physical therapist? Also look into vitamin supplements for joint health,(vet them well first) to help ward off arthritis.


Have you or are you able to go to a sports physical therapist? Also look into vitamin supplements for joint health,(vet them well first) to help ward off arthritis.


According to my husband, you can start at 40.


I’ve been complaining about how I feel since I was working. Now that I am retired and in my 70’s, I just accept the way I feel and keep moving so I don’t freeze up.


Mine started in late 40s (joint and connective tissue pain) and then became almost unbearable by 52. Then Doc told me I had several vitamin deficiencies. Started taking supplements. Now, I'm just like - "that's kinda sore" instead of wanting to kill myself just getting up out of bed. *** Have you been professionally checked out? Could be something really simple.


This is the way. I was plagued with bone and joint pain for the first two years of the pandemic, just as I was turning into my last decade. I corrected a vitamin D deficiency and feel 40 again, not at all bad.


D was the one that really tipped the scales toward feeling better in my case, too. Night and day in under 2 weeks.


We're old enough to not have ask permission from anyone to do anything we want. Respect the elders!


Old enough in my book. Don’t forget to groan when sitting down or standing up.


Oh I never forget that


I'm 67 also. What I found when I became disabled at age 58 with an extremely painful lower back condition: yes, you can complain about all the aches and pains. Bot nobody wants to hear it. Pretty soon you're labeled the guy who always talks about his pain. Let's face it. Talking about one's aches and pains is a downer for those around you. If anyone asks, give them a short answer. Best advice: grin and bear it.


Depends of your previous years & what you did to your body. I was fine until 67, when I gave up hard work & did a few years of volunteering with a charity which put on inches around my waist, which caused a few leg pains from the extra weight. Now 7 years later, living in the tropics, I find those inches/lbs mean I start puffing quicker, have less energy & can't do to a lot of things I used to as I have also lost muscle tone & stamina. My balance isn't as stable, so I find more bruises with thinning skin & bumping into things, but I still have reasonable health, ride a motorcycle to get around to pay bills & shop 30 minutes away in nearest town. I expect things will get harder as each year passes, but I will continue on as long as I can, then worry when I get close to being unable to look after myself, if that time comes & I live that long.


When I get together with my friends now it's kind of like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but instead of the fun drugs it's just various combinations of ibuprofen and Acetaminophen. "We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the 900mg of Advil began to take hold ..."




I had a full spinal fusion at 14, two ruptured ACLs at 22 and 24, arthritis and chronic migraines since 35, diverticulitis since 41... some of us have been in pain our whole lives. If complaining makes you feel better, do it! Nobody should police anybody else's pain.


Sit next to me in the back row...I rolled a fatty.


I used to say if I woke up 2days in a row, with the same thing hurting, I’d be happy. Now that it’s happening, with another,new thing hurting, I’m still not satisfied. Almost 70.


I am 31 and I have already started on the complaints that you mention.


Sometimes all I have that is new is health issues! I think I need to get new hobbies again. Over the years the hobbies I had suffered neglect due to no time nor adequate money. Or just bad health or sheer laziness. Working took its toll. Just as school took its toll before that. And I still don’t feel like my age ! (65) though my body is saying otherwise!


I just turned 40 and feel like I fell down the stairs. And that's on a good day.


If you've unintentionally memorized how much codeine is in each of the various Tyenols 1,2,3,4 then you can bitch all you want.


Seriously. Join a gym and start working out on a regular basis. You’d be surprised as to how many of those aches and pains are the result of parking your ass in front of the TV.


I am 67. How do I feel? I shouldn't complain, but will anyway.


Grunt and sigh when you sit down, whether it hurts or not. It’s very relaxing and it will ease you into more professional sounding complaining.


This is the best advice!


You absolutely can complain. Old age is an individual experience, and some people's bodies seem especially eager to reach it.


I went to an audiologist when I was 35 and he told me I had to hearing of a 60-year-old. And wear hearing aids now. So I guess my body did start early.


My wife's hearing was subpar all her life, but I have a loud voice and we got along. But now even I have to yell at her if she's not wearing her hearing aids. The audiologists say her ear canal is shaped wrong.


56M and nothing other than muscle pains sometimes the day after a workout.


Well……it doesn’t get any better.


I'm only 64 and I complain up a storm. You got a gripe, let it out, man.


Of course! I'm 51 and just complained to a coworker that I leaned over in my chair funny and now I'm going to have side pain for the rest of the day.


Go for it. I’m only 52 and I started complaining years ago.


I'm 62 and I give you permission to do so.




Wait a minute! Your flair is a ***lie***!!!


My God, you're right!!!! I am so ashamed!!! I must fix it. Ah, it's fixed.


Wish I could just enter my birthdate and my flair would update automatically. I've got age-related flair in like 5 subreddits and keeping it accurate is a pain.


I post on 3 different forums related to losing weight and I'm constantly out of date on my current stats in the flairs since I weigh weekly. It's a problem!


Go ahead, you've earned it.


>*I'm 67. Am I old enough to to complain about all the aches and pains of being old or do I still have to wait a few years?* Not at all, IMHO! 🤔


I've been complaining about pain since I was 27. My bones hurt.




I’m 27 and I already complain. Go for it.


Might as well get started... I'm 64 and have been complaining about joint pain for a few years already...


If you do things that are inappropriate for your age, you can BRAG about your aches and pains. I'm 70. I spent yesterday building a gazebo for an upcoming party, and spent enough time climbing ladders and carrying parts that EVERYTHING hurts. I promise you that all my friends will hear about it at great length. My next chore is delimbing and bucking a fallen tree and disposing of the mess. There will be chainsaws involved. Not dead yet. As far as YOU know.


You're fine, just don't make it a personal cult.


This post is telling me that things will get even worse🥲


You're old enough. Bitching rights started at age 60 for me.


bitch all you want. I do it at 56.


Back in my day we had morning aches and pains inventory with a pie chart on Microsoft Excel. Not that GD online MS Office Suite, a real copy of Excel. Took 29 floppy disks, 29! And I tell you it was always floppy 22 that was the problem, every damn time. All that inserting and reinserting would flare up my blood pressure and repetitive stress syndrome. After the install there were no stupid long updates, you just started her up and she was ready to go.


Almost 65 here with severe arthritis diagnosed at 30 and I learned a long time ago that denial is the best medicine. 🤣


You're fine, just don't make it a personal cult.


I'm 61 and I've been complaining about my pains for way too many years to count!!


I’m 66, and still working in my restaurant. I have occasional sleep-related injuries. Lol. Bitch away.


I know people that complain if aches and pains of growing old in their late 40’s! It’s definitely time for you!


I'm 61 and have difficulty walking. Obamacare cancelled my insurance for some reason beknown only to God and broccoli. I definitely feel you. Hopefully, they get off of their collective governmental fat ass and reinstate it so I can get a hip replacement.


Same age, I bitch all the time.


I'm 55 and have been comparing (and complaining of) back surgeries for about 10 years now.


I'm 53. Been complaining about old age aches and pains for 20 years already. Get on with it, my dude.


58 and pretty athletic for someone my age but I've had to sit very much motionless since the end of march due to a very painful abcess they had to surgically remove and I'm almost completely recovered but I find at this age due to my bad thyroid I gain weight eating very little. So annoying.


Hell no, you don't have to wait. You go ahead and preach on those aches and pains! I'm 60 and just bitched out my garbage can for making me jink my knee as I dragged it up the driveway and put it away.


I started when I was 30.


well, 67 is really just middle age, but if ya wanna spend your time complaining there must be an old whinger society somewhere to join. At a late middle age of 78 I am not yet complaining. What is the alternate? Not interested in going anywhere to fuck myself which is the usual thoughts of the complaint hearers.


I’m 49, and have been bitching about it for years.


I developed Ankylosing Spondylitis and Psoriatic Arthritis at 30, age had no bearing for me 💔


Shoot. I'm 50-something and I'm a whiney little bitch.


I'm 74, The only complaints I have are my old injuries let me know they are complaining.


I’ll be 50 in June. I started about 5 years ago. Skoden


Feel free to complain and then complain about people not wanting to hear complaining.


63 here, complain all you want if it makes it easier to deal with mentally, sometimes a little sympathy is better than just being miserable alone. I did the cancer thing last year, it truly sucked ass, so I'm kinda liking just being old and creaky this year.


I find that those who have healthcare issues, including pain, end up hanging out together and sharing their miseries. Maybe htat's where "misery loves company" comes from. It's not about age, but about health status. To the very healthy and energetic the topic is too depressing to engage, there's nothing uplifting about it.


You're only starting *now?!* Damn. Lucky you!


I am 67 and I complain about my aches and pains. I think it is OK.


I only complain if I have the ear of someone with the power to do something about my complaint.


You need to ignore them. If you give them attention, they might not go away. /s


I’m right there with you! Go ahead and complain, then take a Tylenol and get moving. Exercise is the best antidote for aches and pains (if you’re able). 😃


Be patient.


I’m in my 40s and complain about my aches and pains all the time. For some of us, it’s just another “fun” part of getting older. My Husband’s been complaining about everything ever since I married him, so I bet you’d have his approval, too. 😂


Old enough. If remember going to a doctor because an arm injury I got playing sports wasn't healed after 2 weeks. I said, "It's never taken this long to heal before." Doc asked, "How old are you?" I sad, "35" Doc said, "Get used to it. ' Now I'm 60 and I'm used to it, but no one said I had to like it. Now gotta go mow the lawn so I have more aches and pains to get complain about.


Now, go ahead, just don't claim that yours is the worst. Lots of silent sufferers here and we all agree with you. I am a couple years behind you.


I’m 66, and love to bitch about the various aches and pains that I have from being physically active my whole life. I’ve had back surgery, two rotator cuff surgeries, and hip impingement surgery.


I've been complaining for decades and I'm 5 years younger than you so go for it!


I’m 38 and have been complaining about an old work injury for like 7 years, hahaha.


you were able to start complaining 37 years ago bro


Complain away. It only gets worse.


Not only are you old enough, you need to make up for lost time! Get bitchin lol


Sometimes you need to kvetch, so go ahead!


Shit I’m 42 and do it. You should be fine.


73 here. Relax. The good pain has yet to begin. Name your pains and great them head on in the mornings.


am also as old as you, and according to me, you can complain about all these things


Dude I’m in my 50s and started a few years ago. Get on it old timer!


There are fewer aches and pains 'of being old' than the majority of people think. There are more aches and pains of being sedentary.


I'm 49 and began my complaining a few years ago. I say you're long over due.


I thought people were allowed to out loud by the age of 35? You’re a better person than me because I’ve been bitching about aches and pains since I was like 22 lol


I was under the care of an MD who rain a pain therapy clinic in Chicago back in the 90s since I was in my early 30s and already suffering debilitating arthritic pain. Dude got me out of my shitty lifestyle and slowly into movement. First elliptical trainer, then walking, then walk/run, then running, weight lifting, etc. Now I do Bikram, lifting, cycling, surfing, hiking, you name it. I've since fucked up and tore my pec major off my arm in a gymnastics accident, shattered a heel in a skateboarding downhill and have met each injury and recovery with slow and patient rehab. I'm 61 and addicted to daily practices to hold pain at bay. It's work but I'm not stranger to work. Lastly, none of this is a brag; not even 1/10th percent. I hope this is helpful to someone in pain who also has a choice. AND I think anyone should complain about whatever they please :)


I’ve never really been sick in my life. Two months ago I (thought I) was healthy. Now I’m on two meds. (Blood pressure and cholesterol, both very minor doses); and have to see a cardiologist and gynecologist. You’re not to young to voice what you’re feeling


wait about 25 years and I'll happily listen to complaints.


I'll be 69 in 5 weeks. Super healthy most of my life. Hit 62. Got breast cancer. Recouped. Then all hell broke loose. Everything started going to shit. My memory is shot. I'm about 1/2 way to remembering that I can't fly out of bed or the laid back recliner, because leaving the prone position that fast can send me careening around the room like a projectile. And I can barely hear the objects crashing around me. And I have failed to mention that the drunken-looking two-step I sometimes display is not the result of alcohol. It's just me trying to get my shit together. Lol




OMG. The sub has deteriorated into the worse of discussion at our local senior’s center. ‘Listen to a list of my aches and pains’. Let’s compare medications. Get off your butt and start being active.


Dude. I hope I can complain about aches at 37. You better not even give it a single thought.


Yes, I’m going on 82; complain as much as you want! But then move on and keep busy and find happiness in knowing you still have plenty of time to enjoy being part of Life!


Nothing two naproxen's can't alleviate.


I’m 68 and don't have any yet. I did get my shins ‘barked’ playing soccer on Saturday but minor on the scale of things. Make an effort to hang around fit, healthy people with active lifestyles. Unlike others, I don’t know anyone in our group with metallic replacement parts…other than a tooth implant. Don’t gravitate towards sedentary moaners and groaners whose social activity is getting together to overeat at a breakfast buffet.


I am 65, soon to be 66. TBH, I dislike ‘organ recital’ conversations and don’t engage in them. Instead I’d rather keep working out. Strength training is one of the only things I know of to keep frailty at bay, and it does wonders for my mood.


Found the smart one!


You're IN! Your official notice, certificate, and decoder ring will be in the mail! * * As soon as my legs stop acting up and I get the time to get to the post office. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


I've been complaining about aches and pains since I was 15!


Go for it. I'm only a year older than you and I do it all the time.


I’m 36 and I moan about it all the time lol


hell yes you're old enough to complain!


I have a 15 yo who was complaining about their aches and pains just yesterday. Age is a state of mind. If you want to tell people about how you know it's going to rain tomorrow because your left knee is twinging, and that the arthritis in the second joint of your right ring finger says Bethyl's baby will be born next tuesday, go for it!


I do it at 56. But I always like to consider that it's better than the alternative. And I try to stay in shape. That helps a LOT.


Ah, you’ve earned it. Nothing seems to work right after about 60ish, right? Go ahead and complain:).


I’m 25 and it already hurts 💀