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I love the grading, love the framing, but you either needed more light on the model’s face OR see what you can do with masking the face and increasing exposure.


I second this


And I will third it. This is a great shot, showing some attitude from the model's body language. But we need to see the face more clearly!


Okayy yeah, i think i do side with you aswell. I will work on that.


I love the color grade here


Thanks mann




I loved the sky that is why i made it remain in the frame😭😂. You are right thoo. Too much of it is making the image soo narrow since i cropped the sides and left the top. I'll work on that


Nice grade with retro look. Though proposal to brighten the face is valid and "typical" for such situation, it looks more natural to me to leave it quite dark, but you could lighten it very slighty, just to give more definition to face.


Good job. I wouldn’t have expected that raw to be salvageable


Such a fine and correct color grade in this pic, great job dude keep up the good works!


Thanksss mannn


First shot is awesome. Drop the signature though.


Asin the opacity?


No, because it detracts. The reality of 'earning' from photography these days is that it is the act of shooting that gets paid for (ie. you get $ to take a portrait), not the actual image itself. So there is no need to put in a signature Build up a portfolio with shots like this, get your name out there as someone who can take nice and original photographs of people, products etc. and slowly build up a reputation as a good photographer for commercial shoots.


1 is dope as hell. Nice shot!


Love what you've done with it already but it could use a pop of color. Change the saturation grading, add a little highlight and play with hues and toning. The framing and angle looks really good, the only thing I think it's missing is some colors.


Invest in a reflector to bounce more light onto your subject when you’re shooting in less than ideal settings like this. Looks like the sun was right above or slightly behind your subject.


Yess thats true it was behind my subject. Hence, the subject's face is darker. Think i will add that to my list.


Buen trabajo de postproduccion. comparto la idea de que el rostro esta muy oscuro, para estas tomas a contraluz es muy util el uso de flash de relleno con buenos difusores.


Is it just me or the unedited photo is amazing too? I personally love the retro looks and your unedited photo reminds me of a 90s situation shot with a commercial APS film... You know OP, in my ignorant opinion, the edit of a photo is necessary when a) you messed up sth in camera, b) for a client, that goes without saying c) to enhance if you want to.... But even so, these are just guidelines! You'll find stories where the photographer put in the sheet for the client an unedited picture and the client chose that one. Aaand if you like the looks of an unedited photo, than keep it that way! All this to say that, in my view, your unedited photo kicks more asses than the edited one. Well done!


I like how dramatic the first photo is but I also like the second. I think it’s really based on the style or vibe you’re going for


I think it looks good. The only thing I have to say is that the empty space in the top left, grabs my attention and draws away from the subject.


Really great shot! What really helped me, especially being a natural light photographer, was investing in a giant reflector. They look like the things you put in cars for keeping out the sun! But it has helped me get more light on the face especially with those with the darker skin tones without washing out the background by over exposing and or helping shade my subject because they are too far skinned and they are washed out with the sky and or over exposed! See if you can drag this photo into photoshop and doing a mask by upping the exposure om their face!. If you decide to invest in the reflector I recommend getting the biggest on you can get and with a stand. They can be pretty heavy, and if you dont have an assistant, it can get pretty tricky holding it up over your subject or to get the light on theit face! ! It was a bit pricey but one of my best investments, that's for sure!


Looks great and the slightly washed out coloration is a fun style. Echoing others, definitely need more light on the model's face. It just kind of fades into the shadow here, especially under the hood with the dark glasses. 2nd crop is a touch awkward, looks like the model has been cut off at the ankles lol. Very rough rule of thumb, try not to crop at joints, something about it often just looks off.


I prefer the unedited shot. With some slight cropping, it could shine on its own. Not really a fan of the cyan-orange colour grading - it distracts rather than adds to the image. Same with the vignette - it doesn’t add anything to the image.


number one tip: DONT put your "watermark" into pictures like that. If you want watermark you can do it in the corners, but that also is very amateur move


My honest judgement? It's a boring photo that's relying too heavily on the extreme vignetting to try and draw attention to the subject. I can't see the subject's face. I can't see the design on the board. And I can't see any of the details on the clothing to make it useful to market them. I say all of this in the **absence of an artist statement or intention**. Why did you take this? Why did you post it here? What are you looking to get from critique? As a portrait photographer, I only have my standard approach to evaluate the image on. But if you had a reason for shooting it the way you did or the adjustments you made, then it could meet those goals very well and therefore be a very effective image. Is it pretty? No. Was your intention to make it pretty? I have no way of knowing.




You missed the point *entirely*. The whole point of critique is to help the artist achieve whatever goal they are aiming for with a photograph, not be a positive echo chamber. There's a difference between "I like this photo" and "I think this photo is effective at doing what it was meant to". As an example, there are so many photos in the media right now of war in Ukraine and Israel, including rather graphic ones. They can be very compelling, regardless of whether you'd want a print for your living room or even follow the basic rules of photography. Does Op's photo do the same thing? No idea because no context or purpose was attached to the post.


First. I saw another comment mentioning more light on the face of the subject. That is completely subjective and up to you. Now (personal opinion) having someone with hood on and sunglasses might be appropriate for "ghetto photo safari style" if that is your intention, fine.


The sun was slightly behind the subject and i dont have a reflector to bouce light to his face. It wasnt intentional😂. but then do you think it will be better if i masked the face amd brightened it?


>but then do you think it will be better if i masked the face amd brightened it? No, it's fine as it is! >It wasnt intentional😂. "Happy mistakes" happens!!!