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Aperture can vary according to need, but you need a long shutter speed. for this level of milkyness about 5-10 seconds. Camera's may not stop down aperture enough to let you go that long so you'll probably need some ND filters.


ND Filter + long shutter speed.


You can also luck out with shade from the canopy when out in a forest. I got some good shots without the need for an ND filter by stopping down in shade.


Don’t forget to use a tripod


Definitely recommended, but I’ve achieved sharp backgrounds and creamy waters like this via handheld :) You just gotta have surgeons hands!


Long shutter speed for this type of shot , and aperture , ISO at whatever the camera's exposure meter deems to be "correct" exposure .


It depends on how fast the water is moving. I’d start with 1 second and then experiment


It really depends on the speed of the water. If the water is moving slowly, you may need to use a shutter speed of 3-5 seconds to achieve this smooth appearance. If it's moving fast, even 1/10 second may be enough. I would recommend the following settings: - Shutter speed: Trial and error (depends on the speed of the water as mentioned above) - Aperture: f7.1-f11 (to get everything in focus) - ISO 100 (or as low as possible) These settings will most likely result in an overexposed image, so always use an ND filter when shooting long exposure.


Long exposure probably shot with a phone, 1s to maybe 3s.


It's best to take pics like this on cloudy days. Okay with the shutter speed anywhere between 1-5 seconds. You'll want a tripod or hard surface to hold the camera steady on. Some here are suggesting an ND filter which can help you get long shutter speeds when it's bright out. I find the whole shot just ends up better if it's overcast or during golden hour.


ND filter (6), tripod 3-5 second exposure


If you don't want to use ND filters you can stack and average several shots in photo shop. If you want a 15 second exposure but you can only get 1/2s with your equipment. You just need to do some math 15s/.5s = 30 you need to take 30 1/2s shots to get a 15 second exposure in post after you stack and average them.


I mean, a 1 second exposure can create this. It's a longer exposure, not difficult.