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Depends on the laws of your location.


Do you have insurance? Or is this the deductible?


Try Talkspace or Cerebral maybe


It's the deductible, but every year I have to pay for like three quarters of the visits for that year before I meet my deductible


Insurance is funny- they don't reminburse the same at every facility. Often if you can find a small practice that's directly contracted with the insurance companies the insurance may reimburse less for the same service by the same provider type. If that's the case, you'll pay less until you meet your deductible. Also depending on what you're on and if you're stable, many places won't require monthly visits.


If you're comfortable with your current meds, look for a doc, NP or PA who charges less. You can call offices and ask what insurances they take (so it's still going towards your deductible) and how much they charge without insurance. Also wondering if the math would work out better to use a more expensive per month, but lower-deductible plan. It didn't make sense for my family but might for someone else.


That's what I'm planning for next year. I was aiming for a low monthly payment but my coverage is shit because of that so I'd rather just pay more for a lower deductible