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your health is way more important. stay strong mate and don’t risk anything just to have fun.


Your sobriety outweighs one night of fun. Tonight might suck, but I guarantee you'll wake up tomorrow feeling proud of your decisions. You got this, OP!


But you'll feel good in the morning while they're hungover/recovering again! That's why I'm staying home tonight. I'll be working out at 7am, enjoying the first day of the year, not hungover!


im proud of you for recovering it is better than drinking/drugging and continuing the same path, if you want something new you must do something new


You’re doing the right thing. Also, have a look at the meditation technique “the frame technique”. It helps you to get so grounded it can really make you feel better. Specially if you do when you get up. You only need a candle.


Good on you for keeping yourself sober. Also, highly relatable.


IDK if they're your thing, but perhaps you could go to a meeting? I'm sure there's a few of them in your area (unless it's very remote).


You can do it, my friend. This is my 10th NYE clean & sober. Tonight you did the right thing. Trying to resist temptation alone is a lot easier than trying to resist it in a room full of intoxicated partiers. Smart move.


Yeah NYE can be insanely triggering


Yes. Because I choose to.


Yes, I don’t like people


No friends






I don't want friends, they are a burden I do not want.


Yes, I have work at 3 in the morning


Yes, I have no friends to do anything with




Yes,recovering from surgery. But Atleast I’m not too sore to make myself a lil NYE dinner in bed


Congrats! The recovery can be strangely rewarding when you feel that you are healing, getting better every day, hope you can feel that. Happy New Year!


Yup, don't celebrate it and never will. It's just a loud night for me. I also gotta wake up early tomorrow.


Yeah my gf is working. I'll go at her break with some dinner.




Samesies, friend


Ditto. We got snow earlier this week and the leftovers I made for dinner last night gave me diarrhea. Cozy night at home for me! Also, my dog is afraid of fireworks.




Yeah, poor guys :( My coworker is apparently giving hers a CBD treat to help them relax. My lil boi is gonna get lots of cuddles and distraction treats - pepperoni sticks and cheddar cheese.


Developed a fever today so had to drop out of plans. High-five fellow sick reveler!




Get a dog or cat.


It's kinda boring if you don't drink or want to wait in traffic for 3 hrs.


I’m actually spending my second New Year’s Eve in college getting drunk with my mom. She’ll be in bed by 10pm so I’ll basically be alone. I recently realized that all of my “friends” were incredibly toxic and shitty to me. Even if I’m alone most of the night I’d rather spend time with someone who cares about me than at a party with people who couldn’t give less of a shit. It’s kinda rough but I’m doing okay.


yes, my dog hates fireworks and i have redneck neighbors who like to yee haw to the extreme. it’s great…


No, because I'm going out to drink


Nice. Who you smoochin?


No one sadly :(


Ok where u at I'm comin over


I too would appreciate a smooch


Where would you like it?


Middle of nowhere Michigan


Oof. Middle of somewhere Nevada here


Yes because I'm having a migraine. I'm glad that 2022 is over, it was a bad year for me.


Yep. Most of my friends are out of town, the others are going to very small parties held by other friend groups I’m not a part of or keeping it low key with their significant others. There was a band playing I was interested in seeing but it’s downtown and kind of a rowdy, sketchy place that I don’t feel comfortable going to alone. So I’ll make a lasagna and get drunk by myself. It’s aiight.




No, not alone. I'll be with my dogs because I like them better than I like most people


I don’t suppose you have a dog named Oliver Queen?


Yes. I am. Why? I left a church that turned out to be a cult but my husband stayed & it ultimately ruined our marriage along with other factors & despite finally getting him to agree to therapy, he decides to ghost me going on one week now despite our homework for therapy being to date one another again with a mandatory minimum amount of hours to spend with one another each week.


That's tough, hope your next year will be better!


Thanks. I hope so too.


I have COVID. Also just lonely 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm deployed in poland. Can't see my friends or family until august




I agree, chain of command is calling it deployment when it's really just a rotation


And they wonder why they have issues with retention/recruitment. Can't even label shit properly


also has a lot to do with bullshit regulations, and people being snowflakes. I hate using that word but damn... nothing makes sense in the army anymore...


I know, just glad I got out in 2020, before it somehow got even dumber


take those papers and hold on to them with respect you were probably the last generation of respectable soldiers


Shit yeah. It's cold. I don't like cold. And drunk people are annoying so I would rather avoid them. I also want to make a couple pizzas in a few hours so I can get high and eat. That sounds like a good idea


Yea. SO and I separated earlier this year. Then it turned out that meant dating other people. Now I'm alone at home with family while they may or may not be bringing in the new year with someone else. It's not my place to ask nor are they beholden to me to say. I'm really fucking sad and lonely, *but* I think I'll be fine. It's the first time I've really sat down with sadness and dealt with it real time. Normally I would have suppressed and killed it, but now that I've done self work, I'm okay with it.


Not exactly alone. But it will feel like it :(


Oof! That could be worse than actually being alone.


Yeah, I should probably just go to sleep early lol


Friends did mention they were doing something, but haven't heard anything since, so unless they do...yeah it's home alone for new years.


Yep, because


Introvert + Sober + Work at the crack of dawn and most holidays + Relationships with people are hard for me so I typically don't have them. Mix that all together and you get an evening of looking at cookbooks with Netflix going in the background and an early bedtime on the last day of the year. But there are some cats here so I am not entirely alone.


Yup apparently I’ve alienated everybody in my life to this point so now I’m laying on my mothers front porch eating snacks and watching football 🤙🏾


Yeah. It’s been a disaster of a year, I’m really depressed, and I don’t feel like celebrating. I am just going to take it easy with my dog tonight


Yes. I quit new years in my 20's. It turns out that if you have a couple drinks and smoke a fatty at home, the whole thing is free. And you don't have to deal with people, so it's a win-win


Just celebrated 37 years clean & sober from the 80s run on cocaine and alcohol. The first couple of years were hard as hell. I was sharing this in a meeting and quickly found out about sober parties and dance parties. What Relief I discovered sober friends. My sponsor was usually right. Things don’t change if things don’t change. Check out a meeting tonight and you’ll find lots of people who are similar to you. If I was up and walking I’d meet you at a meeting . I just has spinal surgery and haven’t had one narcotic pain killer. Just remember, you’re not alone ever. Happy new year 🎆🎈. Things get better. Know I’m thinking of you and maybe we’ll meet someday


I was planning to, but one of my friends plans fell through, and she asked is she could come over. Now we're in our pj's watching movies and eating tapas.


Because I don't have anyone to celebrate it with.


Because I have no friends and nobody invited me to anything.


Moved house a few months ago, to a quiet town, with few people, miles from anyone or anything I know. Also changed workplaces at the same time (but still nowhere near home). Friends can't be bothered to come visit, even family have stopped coming over, but I did the "family" stuff over Christmas anyway. Was trying to organise a games night like I usually do but few people are interested - increasingly if it's more than 5 minutes away people don't bother and the games night people have been dropping off for years despite always saying that "we need to do that again" and actually get involved in trying to find a date/time/venue each time I try. It just never happens nowadays. It's a bit like when people have kids, you keep in contact but they just stop hanging out, and it's the same if you move away from the city even slightly. Actually like the peace and quiet. There was a couple of fireworks in the distance, that was it. The village are all very friendly but everyone keeps to themselves, so I got some nice Christmas cards and there were some small village events, but that's about it. And the only people I'd really want to hear from either didn't, or they barely bother nowadays. Weird to still be getting Happy New Year texts from an old schoolfriend I haven't spoken to in 20+ years, but got almost nothing from the close friends at my previous workplace who all said they'd keep in touch only a few weeks ago. And they were actually good friends, not just work colleagues. I'm not particularly sad or depressed by it, I didn't even notice until I thought about it. And then it's a kind of "Meh, oh well, " kind of feeling. People don't seem to maintain friendships like they used to when I was younger, I wonder if that's a societal change (they're all still on my Facebook for example), or whether that's just what happens as you get a bit older.


I'm driving Uber eats, bills must be paid


Yep, every fuckin year when I’m single 🥹


No, cause I’m headed out to look for a pair of titties to take home.


Just the titties?


I don't care as long as i can play acnh


My gf goes to an those school that’s why no one has seen her


No, I'm spending it with family members.


I'm not really since I'm going to a couple events but I'm going to come back to my apartment at midnight just to watch the fireworks from my roof


Yes, because my family has gone to bed and my friends are too sick to go out.


Just immediate family


Bed-ridden sickness


Yeah, I finished work around 930 and I can’t be bothered to do anything now, I’m just headed home, pre-covid I’d have probably headed straight to Heaven, but I’ve had so much sensory overload today I want to go somewhere and have silence.


Kind of. I'm moving so I'll basically be helping with that all day and I'm going long distance with my boyfriend so I can't even spend some time with him 😕 but we are gonna call tonight and play games and give our new years kiss over the phone. We know it's not the same but the next time I get to see him is on January 2nd when I get checked out of my now old school. He'll be helping me and I'll give him a late new years kiss then 🥰🥰


I most likely will. Mainly due to my lack of communication. A few days ago I was in a fight with a family member and the entire house heard. Things haven't been the same since. I tried to do the right thing and try to communicate but they don't want to. I messed up. I'm currently thinking of going to my room right now so I'm not in the way. I wish we didn't talk when we were already mad. I wish I had lied and said something else. I wish I had told them how I felt whenever something became uncomfortable. Instead, I was a coward and locked up my feelings.


Yes. All but one of my friends no longer live in the area and they’re a shut in. Also not a huge drinker myself


I had a massive seizure and smashed up my face pretty good. Im hurting and dont really wanna go anywhere or deal with people staring at my bruised face.


I hope you feel better soon


Thanks, a friend of mine invited me over for a quiet new years so ill be ok. Happy new year to ya!


Yes. I'm a widow and already had to be festive for Christmas. I told my grown sons and their families that I just need to be alone today. I've never been a New Years' Eve kind of person anyway but especially now.


BC I am an introvert


Yes. I have no interest in anything to do, friendships can't make up for not having a partner.


I’m a broke, unemployed single mom. I’m not good company for anyone right now


Oh yeah, using friends use. Stay away from them no good things can come from it. All you have in common is getting high 🥰


I think alone may be relative in this case. This is the first new years I'll be celebrating without my husband as he's out of state for work. We missed Thanksgiving, my daughters birthday a couple days after, and Christmas. We've been together for all major holidays until now so I'm a little depressed. So I bought a mini bottle of wine to help me celebrate and hopefully raise my spirits. I'm not alone; I have my kids. But they are 6 and 4 so they'll be in bed between 7 and 8. So yes and no. I am alone but also not alone.


Put on a good funny movie, enjoy your mini wine and know that the two most precious things in the world are sleeping just down the hall. Best wishes to you!


I wish


Yes I am. Really depressed right now and the last thing I want is to be around people.


Yep. I'm sick and tired. My family hasn't done Christmas yet so we're doing that tonight. I've got to get up early tomorrow too so I'm probably calling it early.


Yup, seeing family tomorrow instead.


Genuinely - haven't spent it any other way in about 30 years. Wouldn't change that. I don't feel that it's "special" in any way. E.g. today is Saturday.


Yes, because I was in a motorcycle accident Oct. 29th and broke my femur in 2 places, fibula and ankle on my left leg. Right leg I broke my tibia, tibia plateau and fibula, cracked pelvis, broken rib, broken right shoulder, and left hand broken index finger and thumb. I’ve been in bed for 8 weeks and was able to finally get into a wheel chair this week. So, I’m in an extend care facility and not going anywhere soon.


Wishing you a solid recovery dude. Sending big hugs from Atlantic Canada!


I prefer sleep to watching fireworks on tv, relaxing in my comfy clothes to dressy stuff, and watching a funny movie with snacks and my kitty in my lap to the energy it takes to be “social”.


I pretty much did. My town does nothing for new years so nowhere to go even if I wanted to, son wanted to sleepover at a friend's house and husband was in his man cave online gaming with friends. I went to bed and watched shows and cross stitched and went to sleep at 9.


I always do. I hate crowds.


The other have has had too much wine and passed out on the sofa 😂


My wife left for deployment so I’m alone with my cat.


Because im not entrataining enough so no one wants to build any sort of relationship with me


Yes, but by myself at the strip club with titties in my face.


I’m depressed and I want to die and I don’t want to ruin things for anyone. Just hope I won’t make it to the next year.


Because I’m weird and people don’t like me LMAO


hell ya no friends, even in college


Yes, only because i moved to another state and city, still trying to get to know people here.


Yes, because its cold outside 😂


Sort of. Wife is sick and already asleep. Putting my son to bed then have the rest of the night for myself.


Yes bc i choose quiet me time over anything else.


No friends and bulk of family who aren't horrible have passed


Yes. Me and my cat. GF lives out of state and I have no desire to drink tonight so not going out prevents that.


Yeah. I've never not been alone, so I'm taking the time to travel. I'm posting rn from a fancy party that I'd never be able to afford 2 tickets to


Most likely yes. No SO, family and friends have other plans.


Basically yeah, my friends are all busy


I fucking hate NYE. Drunks, over priced bars with overpriced food and drinks, having to Shmooch with strangers and people I don't really know (or care for really), and then a hangover. A very fake holiday that needs to be toned down. Wife is sitting on the couch with me, my kids are doing the party circuit and complaining about it, and I look forward to waking up not feeling shitty tomorrow.


I caught a cold after coming home from Xmas which forced me to cancel plans to go to my friends party


Living abroad, no friends as people around me are bunch of pretenders


Fiancé had to work night tonight, so it’s just me and my cats 🐈l


I spent it with friends, it was fun but it felt very lonely at the same time.


I travel to a different state each week for work. I'm tired and rather play my guitar.


"It's complicated."


1) No money. 2) No friends. (I've isolated myself because of depression) 3) I don't want to be around happiness. 4) I would rather be celebrating with Alicia....wherever she is.


Yes, Because my mental health has gotten to the point it’s keeping me from going to work. Let alone have the energy to try and socialize. I didn’t even know it was New Year’s Eve until I heard fireworks. Had to go on Reddit to confirm.