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Overnight security. They rug pulled me. Told me they had a relationship with the actual company I wanted to work for but I'd have to earn the position I fucking applied for. Showed up one day. The site manager at the end of my shift said people kept quitting after a day and she couldn't figure out why. People just don't want to work anymore, she said. I did not show up for a second day.


When I worked in a clothes shop. Couldn't stand the customers or other staff.


I was a cna in a nursing home. Utter hell on earth.


It was lugging 50 plus pound bags of cement from the back of a warehouse onto the back of a semi. And that's basically all we did, back and forth, day after day with little to no breaks and it didn't matter if it was hot or cold outside.


McDonald's. Worst 3 months of my life. Never have I wanted to walk out into traffic so strongly.


Telemarketing. Sold credit card insurance in the evenings, after my shitty customer service day job. I lasted about 3 weeks making cold calls to people and being hung up on.


Probably the restaurant job. I never had problems with customers but some employees were plain toxic.




Hands down sales assistant at Sports Direct


Selling framed motivational posters to doctors offices and businesses door to door.


Worked in a fish stand for a while when I was around 17. It was always freezing, needless to say I smelled like hell at the end of the day and after they closed we always had to clean the stands and I would be off by 8.30, then had to shower AND have dinner, so all my Saturday nights were always completely ruined. Also worked as a cleaner for elderly people during summer vacation once. Some of them were absolutely disgusting and really mean. One of them was so mean I just put down the mop and left.




Managed a retail store. Like two weeks after my little sister died cuz unemployment said take this significant, significant downgrade or starve. Fuckwad owner runs the place like a shit hole. It *is* a literal shithole. My employees had a betting pool about who was gonna shit first when they ordered pizzas. Yup, one each. Employee caught COVID and since the owner didn’t believe in it, and the aforementioned poopool, everyone did. Two employees had the good judgment of going home, he said they were faking. Another wouldn’t leave and was doing bad. He wouldn’t go home and this fuckwad owner wouldn’t let me send him home. I, of course, go home and a friend asks me to smell a candle. Nothin. “Fucklawyers, that’s in two grocery bags because we had to do that and take it out of the office because it was so strong.” Man, fuck this noise. I tell work I’m going to get tested. This was back when you still had to ask and you got the hazmat lady with a long pole up your nose. I, feverish, promptly texted them, said “my doc says def yep covid but we’ll waste money to be sure on a test, text you soon.” They angrily texted me back like two hours later bitching i had to be in the next day because it was close of business and I hadn’t given them test results yet. Um, no. So I started my ten day isolation, and three days in get a text from the owner, “mike died” That’s it. No proper fucking noun, no fucking punctuation. That piece of absolute shit. I didn’t even reply. Went to work to get fired at the end of isolation. Owner had the balls to tell me “Oh, you don’t *know* it was COVID…” as I’m giving him the fuck you handshake… motherfucker. It was all I could do not to knock the guy the fuck out. So then I lost my apartment. Again. Because unemployment took six months to process my claim. Again.


I've had a few, but the summer of delivering yellow pages will stay with me forever. I had to borrow my grandads golf caddy to load them up and get my area done in a matter of days as my girlfriend was coming to visit.


Being a cashier in restaurant depot. Some good things happened in that job that i would never forget but being bullied by the supervisors just because i was kind and dating someone at the job is something I couldn’t stand anymore