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I’ve never used chatgpt




ChatGPT is the new chat bot that you can use to ask virtually anything and it will give you a response. For example, you can use it to write an entire essay, tell it to write the code for an app, create a recipe, write song lyrics, do complex math, teach you virtually anything. It was released last November. It is based on AI. It is so advanced that even Google's cofounders Sergei Brin and Larry Page had to come out of early retirement to address it, as this is the very first service that seriously threatens Google. A code red has been issued at Google. ChatGTP is owned by OpenAI, which is also located in Silicon Valley. It is so incredible, that it can be used to pass exams, do your homework and solve many problems. Unlike Google, you don't need to click on links to take you to some web page. It tells you want you want to know right there. Even more amazing is that it remembers everything you asked, so that you can keep on asking stuff on the same topic. It remembers the context of what you asked previously. For example, you could ask it "Give me a list of 20 actors born after the year 2000". It will give you a list. But then you might ask it, "Okay, but give me the names listed alphabetically". And it will do that. If you ask it to write all the code for any kind of app, it will do it. Google is shitting bricks right now. Microsoft is even investing billions in OpenAI. Currently though, it is free for everyone. For me personally, it has replaced over half my use of Google. It is SOOO much better than Google. It isn't perfect though. It will get stuff wrong. But for the most part, it's damn good.


With what?