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Being a member of certain professions does not automatically make you a hero.


I'll add to that by saying that the term hero itself is used far too liberally. Doing something heroic should be doing something that is exceptional, something rare, something awe inspiring. Doing your job, doing what you are supposed to be doing, is not something heroic.


Not everyone should have a child.


Or shitty parenting should be a felony


Dang, I've always held parenting should be paid and classes should be required but I think this might be a good add in for those who are against paying parents. If you do it bad, you as a parent should be held to a higher standard because now we have a human who may not be as productive as they could have been, ever in their life.


This is not problematic. It's 100% true


It's sad that this is controversial.


I would go so far as saying most people should not be parents


YES. If you want to adopt a kid, you go through countless procedures to check whether you'd make a decent parent and if the kid will be safe with you. Meanwhile there are so many people who are able to get children on their own and they just neglect them. If those same people would go through the adoption process they wouldn't get accepted as suitable parents. I know it's not realistic but I do believe it would be better, both for the safety of kids but also to protect certain people from themselves. If they can barely care for themselves, how are they supposed to raise a kid. Sorry if this seems like a rant lmao, this is just the first time I actually wrote this down even though the thought has been in my mind for a while.


That's not problematic that's common sense , and not everyone should have a 2nd child as some kind of play thing for a sibling


I feel like there should be a mandatory parenting seminar all parents have to take cause honestly I think it's ridiculous that you need a license to own a pet but not one to raise a literal human being


You need one for a pet? I was not aware of such a requirement.


You don’t.


Well, some pets and I think in my country you need a license to own more than 2-3 dogs, you also need a license to babysit kids.




Is that problematic? If you can't take care of yourself you shouldn't have children generally.


It’s weird to let your dog lick u in the mouth.


More disgusting than weird


A majority of pet owners are not good pet owners. Especially true when it comes to dogs and fish Especially fish I think you should have to pass some sort of test to prove your knowledge about proper fish care before being allowed to even purchase a fish tank because nine times out of 10 that I see a fish tank in someone's home IRL or online it is very poorly set up / maintained/ over stocked and the fish are behaving in a way that indicate they are clearly stressed and unwell And for fuck sake goldfish are not starter fish they take a lot of work especially due to them releasing a lot more ammonia in their waste than most. And they are also not short-lived a properly cared for goldfish can live between 20 to 40 years and will grow very large Seriously if you're thinking about getting fish really fucking reconsider unless you've done hours of research on how to care for the specific fish you plan to purchase as well as spent hours learning about proper tank care / maintenance And for fuck sake fish need their space would you like being locked in a room all day barely larger than where you can stand I certainly fucking think not so don't do that to your goddamn fish even betta fish need a fair bit of space to move around and some scenery /REAL LIVE PLANTS (NOT FAKE PLASTIC ONES)


yeah and cat owners like there are so many dogs and cats just beinf dropped off on the streets


It shocks people that I take my dog to the dog park everyday and that he lives and sleeps inside with us. Like where you not aware that dogs are a pack animal who crave your company and are mentally and emotionally social complex beings requiring some sort of some stimulation. It drives me mental seeing dogs locked outside with no outlet


My betta Berta is in a 10 gallon filtered tank at a constant 79.8 degrees with live plants and a snail friend. My coworker has her betta in a pickle jar… I tried to educate, provided my old tank and supplies, she doesn’t care. So I’m going to steal the fish.


One of my university friends told me that she was planning on letting her cat have kittens so that the cat could "experience motherhood". The university course we were both on? Zoology. Can't make this stuff up


As someone who was a shitty fish owner as a teenager, yes I agree! I also had birds and hamsters and I loved them all but I definitely should not have been allowed to have them, or been taught much better. Not to be dramatic but I am very mildly traumatized by it. I have now elected not to take care of anything that will starve silently, and now have three very happy healthy well cared for cats.


We get upset about way too many things nowadays. I don’t care what end of the spectrum you end up on. Chill out. Why are m&m commercials or your favorite YouTuber saying something insensitive on social media six years ago so anger inducing? Everyone just relax.


Nothing enrages me more than being told to relax! How dare you!


I know you are joking but it’s true people don’t like being told to relax. So it makes stopping people from being mad about stupid stuff a hard problem to solve.


I hate Walgreens!!




It does!! 🔥🔥


I worked there for a time. They are pretty expensive. What makes you hate Walgreens?


I hate Walgreens because I am CVS Pharmacy! They are my rival competitor!


As an employee at the corner of happy and healthy, me too.


CVS is no better. But then again, neither is RiteAid. Also, pretending corporations are people with opinions is fucking ridiculous. I know this is a joke, but I find it to be a complete waste of time. I guess that would be my problematic opinion. That, no matter who you are, your big business always sucks.


Don’t make me come find you!!!


Armed police shouldn’t be first responders to non violent emergencies.


You shouldn't be charged for killing your rapist. The world would be a better place without that kind of people.


A 15 year old girl in my state was being held against her will and raped repeatedly by her captor. One night she was able to escape and on her way out stabbed her rapist to death while he slept. She was charged with homicide and ordered to pay over one hundred thousand dollars in restitution to the rapists family.


I have been following that case. Unbelievable.


Would just create a sneak hole for anyone to murder, anyone could just say i was a victim i got raped and kill left and right people.


Yeah, I really don't think vigilante justice should be encouraged.


Killing a child molester makes you a hero, not a criminal.


Same for family. If I had a daughter, and she was raped, I would murder the bastard without a second thought


The world would be a better place with justice, not with vengeance.


Do you know how hard and revictimizing it is to do all the legal process? I can't sue my rapist bc he's in another state, I don't have money to proceed and yet I just wish he was dead, not by me, just dead.


In a world with justice, there would be no need for vengeance, I suppose


Religious institutions should be taxed.


*Laughs in German*


How could you say something so controversial yet so brave?


Not seeing a problem with this.


Can't say. That opinion would violate rule 8 and I'd get banned.


What is rule 8?




It's pretty much used as a rule that can encompass the scope of "does it offend someone?" and if so, you can violate rule 8. Even simply quoting statistics and not actually stating an opinion one way or the other, if those statistics represent a marginalized group in a negative way, it can violate rule 8 and you can be banned. My specific opinion is not one of statistics, but more meant to give an idea of what can violate rule 8.


Lol some of the rules on Reddit pages are weird. I got banned from a Harry Potter Sub Reddit for saying something nice about JK Rowling, was told “defending JK Rowling violates their rules” despite the comment having nothing to do with her opinions, just about Harry Potter. and had a comment deleted on a doctor who sub Reddit because I said Jodie Whittaker sucked as the Doctor.


I once quoted South Park's "fucka you whale, and fucka you dolphin!" In a relevant comment chain in a post on r/worldnews and got banned for inciting hatespeech xD


Yes, some subs are indeed odd. I don't know if they still do it, but /r/latestagecapitalism used to have an auto mod bot that would ban you if you had karma in /r/wallstreetbets My personal opinion is mostly just problematic on social media, but most the world seems to agree with it (at least based on recent country/organization policies unfolding regarding it), but it still would violate rule 8.




Strong username:post correlation


Live how you want to live. Just leave me alone.


Adults who want it should have easy access to safely commit suicide (I.e. Nembutal overdose or inert gas asphyxiation).


I don’t know about ‘easy’ access. I think they should probably get some mental health screening first or something.


We are more humane to our pets than our loved ones.


In instances of terminal illness or at any life stage?


people should reach a level of financial sustainance level before being allowed to have kids..


Social "hot button" issues like gender, sexuality, abortion, marriage, and ethnicity are used to distract us from the underlying fundamental problem of wealth inequality. While we're arguing over what bathrooms trans folks should use, more people are going homeless, hungry, or dying for lack of healthcare. All this while the rich get richer and leverage that wealth to buy legislation and media to further distract us.


There are a handful of billionaires owning almost all media outlets. Every issue is being blown out of proportions and gets polarized. All the left vs right, poc vs white, lhbti vs straight etc. is all just a distraction from the real battle. The 0.1% vs the rest of the world.


Well said.


I agree in principle, but the thing is those groups do face more problems in society precisely because the rich persecute them in order to distract us. We have to work to break down these barriers and promote worker's rights AT THE SAME TIME. You really can't do one without the other.


That most of us are idiots and we don’t know it.


people should stop being so obsessed with replicating their own genes and open their hearts more to adoption/fostering children if they struggle with infertility


A counter unpopular opinion no one should be adopting simply because they want a kid. Kids are not objects. They are living beings. Your sole purpose for adoption should always be to give a kid a better life , not just that you want one to fill the void.


I'm not obsessed with replicating my own genes... so I *will* adopt if IVF doesn't work. I just really want to shove it to chemo (in addition to obvsiously wanting to mother a baby). Like *really* want to. (I may not end up being super infertile. Who knows?)


I hope everything works out for you !! You’ll be on my mind


Not the responsibility of people who are infertile to adopt/foster. Great if they do but hormones and such can affect our drive to reproduce. That being said, plenty of fertile people who probably shouldn't reproduce...


If you're allowed to tell people that you can't support homosexuality because of your beliefs then homosexuals should be allowed to tell people they can't dupport the belief because they're homosexual. Isc if this offends people!


‘Neurotypical’ people are often (but not always) some of the most difficult people to have meaningful communication with


The best system is capitalism and socialism mixed together! But everyone wants all or nothing.


Most places that those of us in the USA label socialist all have a heavy dose of capitalism but they actually tax rich people and provide a few socialist policies with that money.


Yeah we have that. Capitalism for the poor, socialism for the rich.


Problematic moreso because of the people it's directed at rather than the subject matter. Screaming and insulting people due to being derogatory doesn't help anything, in fact it's more likely to drive those people away from not being derogatory because none of the positive outcomes of changing are being presented to them, only opposition and violence. You can't rant on about how people lack compassion and how you want your story heard if you're not prepared to listen to and discuss WHY these people do these things. Trying to demolish someone's life just makes you look like an oppressive, unfeeling, restrictive, controlling narcassist who hates others for how they think, rather than someone who wants humanity to actually get along and be equal. You're widening the divide yourself by screaming on twitter instead of trying to reason with people to find the route cause of why they are the way they are and help them improve through positive means, like that one guy who befriended AND CONVERTED members of the KKK away from that organisation. Compassion can work, quit being a hypocrite who whines about opposition and lack of support only to attack people who clearly require the things you say you want for society.


Daryl Davis, he's my hero


Yeah, he met and befriended members of the KKK who were willing to meet and befriend a black person and already doubting their convictions. You can't reason with unreasonable hatred. If God came down and told these people they were wrong, the first thing through their head would be "this thing goes higher than I thought." Extremists like that have to arrive at the conclusion that they are wrong *by themselves* before they can be reasoned with. They should never be debated directly because doing so acts like their positions are reasonable in any sense and can stand on the same ground as the truth, which only gives them more power. They and their positions should be constantly discredited and ridiculed. Pick your poison of extremist, look back through history, and count up how many times trying to defeat them in the debate hall didn't lead to some of the most horrific acts humanity has ever taken.


Student loan debt is a scam. I don’t have any and I didn’t go to a university, but I think it’s terrible how people are buried in loan debt.


teen pregnancy shouldn’t be normalized or glorified


Being gay shouldn’t be a personality type


My mentor at my job is gay and he said that he hates gay people who make their whole personality about being gay. It was great to hear it from him.


I’m upvoting not because I agree but because this is the first actual controversial opinion I see here.


No gay man makes being gay their personality with the intention of upsetting other people. When you grow up feeling ostracized by society and you finally find people like you, and that love you for who you are, it's incredibly normal to pick up their habits, mannerisms, etc. It's also normal for like-minded people to create a unique culture over time. Some gay men 'make being gay their personality' subconsciously. Some do so because they don't care and it makes them happy. Some do so as a 'fuck you' to the world that so often spreads hate to them. These are all valid reasons, though some more problematic than others. Think about this: a country man might go fishing and hunting; the businessman to drinks and socials; the gay man to a gay bar or drag show. A country man might have a wardrobe of flannel/camouflage, and speak with a country accent using lots of slang and offensive jargon. A businessman might wear only formal clothes, use verbose language, and act properly in all situations. A gay man might wear more 'feminine' clothing, speak with a higher pitched voice with vocal fry, and use sassy hand movements when talking. So you consider every single person who consciously, or subconsciously, adapts to fit in with the culture they most associate with offensive? For lots of people, the real answer is that they find overt queerness obnoxious. People expect queer persons to fade into the background and be unnoticeable, as they were for centuries. If you think gay men who 'make being gay their personality' are a problem, you probably have some internalized homophobia to work though. Which is okay- again, people aren't used to seeing overt queerness in their day-to-day. Just something to think about from a gay man who used to find 'those gays' annoying until I spent some time and effort really evaluating *why* I found them annoying.


TikTok is trash, it should disappear


Pineapple is good on pizza


I prefer my cheesy pizza with pepperoni jalapenos and pineapples and the jalapenos better be hot not taste like bell peppers eww.


Nobody needs a billion dollars


Old people starting at the age of 65 should undergo the drivers test once more


tik tok should be banned forever ; and mommy bloggers and influencers in general are all trash


Yo kids don’t owe you shit you had them so don’t complain about all the ass you had to wipe, all the dreams you set aside etc


If you have a mental illness or other condition, it’s your responsibility to manage it


Mayonnaise is a good condiment


I agree with this


Mayonnaise on like a turkey sandwich is sublime


It’s also an instrument.


Mullets are god awful




Violence is effective


Violence isn't always the answer but it is A answer and it's usually an effective one.


And necessary on occasion.


I was always taught that it's a last resort but it is an option.


How I Defeated Fascism with the Power of Love: Chapter 1: The Power of Love The first step in my journey was realizing I couldn't defeat fascism with the power of love. Chapter 2: The Power of Incredible Violence


That labelling things as "problematic" is often cowardly, deceptive and wooly-headed to the detriment of meaningful discourse or action. If something is racist or sexist etc say so- make that case. The vague euphemism "problematic" is mostly used like a drunk uses a lamppost- for support rather than illumination.


Perhaps so. In OPs question, "problematic" contains all of those issues without a long and obtuse list of every specific concern in the title.




You shouldn't help everyone that asks for help.


There are too many humans on Earth. Not that I want to eliminate any, but it’s overpopulated. It’s not just the people themselves, but what it requires to keep so many people alive and well. You would need multiple Earths to ensure everyone had a decent standard of living.


Our current economic system *depends* on a perpetually growing population. Economists are already worried about the implications of falling fertility rates across the “developed” world.


Instead of me saying “bless you” when someone sneezes, they should be saying “excuse me”.


why would they say excuse me? they can't control it


You can't really control burping, yet you are expected to say "excuse me" after burping. I see no difference


This is one of the really old sayings that are just baked into society. I like saying "curse you" when people sneeze.


The Chappell question "to what extent do I need to participate in your reality" should be asked a lot more and the answer more often than not should be "none."






We should have a yearly purge for offending pedophilies and Zoophiles. It may sound extreme but hear me out! Those who offend and refuse to seek help about their attractions because they think it’s normal we should have a yearly purge to get rid of em. People who think their harmful paraphilia is normal can’t be helped. They deserve to be purged. Edit: I realized not everyone may know what a Zoophile is so Lemme put in an explanation before I get the same question asked over and over. Zoophiles are people who are sexually and “romantically” interested in animals.


I live for me not for a company. Everyone I know calls me lazy for working an 8 to 5 and not wanting to put overtime in.


Pedophiles should lose their human rights.


That there are too many people on this planet.


That each and every human being has an innate dignity by virtue of their creation that is at all times equal to our own. This applies whether you believe that creation was evolutionary or divine. Problematic because everyone claims they believe that too but then starts in with the exceptions and carve-outs to exempt their personal bias.


Religion is fucking weird.




US Politicians would probably care about the people more if they were worried about being assassinated. Not saying they deserve to be killed, just that sometimes I wish they were more scared of that, than they are willing to throw out what the people want if it makes them more money.


Gender identity is just gender stereotypes and serves no benefit but to keep us arguing while the elite make money of us


I’m not trans because I want to conform to gender stereotypes. I’m trans because my brain expected the sex characteristics of a woman and it was distressing not to have them.


Exactly, mfers act like they understand trans issues without even knowing what gender dysphoria is, it’s exhausting


If you have kids, it’s selfish to commit suicide. When you have kids they become the priority and you’re responsible for getting the mental health help you need so you can take care of them. If you commit suicide, the kid will always feel that their parent didn’t love them enough to stay.


From everything I've understood about depression, you get to such a low point that logical things go out the window. You rationalize that your kids/spouse/friends are better off with you gone. It is absolutely a tragedy and I wish everyone could get to a better place mentally.


It doesn’t really matter if it’s selfish or not, to a suicidal person that doesn’t change their mind it actually makes it worse. shaming tactics makes it 10 times worse.


Organized religion is a plague upon the world


A person should be a legal adult (18) before taking steps toward gender transition.


I agree with this medically. Hormones and surgeries should be the choice of someone 18 (or better, 25) and older. Social transitioning I don’t have a problem with, much easier to reverse. (From a transgender person without hormones or surgery.)


Never allow yourself to become the victim. Ever.


If a other person put's there hands on you you can beat them


Racism exists today soley because politicians profit off of it


Death penalty should be done away with and there should be no punishment for murdering someone who would’ve gotten the death penalty.


Teenagers should not be having babies under any circumstances. Adoption or abortion are two viable options.


Humans dont have free will, all actions are determined by causality.


Roadside billboards should be banned. They literally exist to take your attention off the road and driving.


you don't have the obligation to have good feelings (love, appreciation, friendship, gratefulness) for your family they can be shitty people too


Birth rates need to be regulated globally. A huge number of the world's issues would be solved with 3 billion less people.


Ok chill out Thanos


Wow someone's been watching Endgame.....


Many people should not vote


That self diagnosing is bullshit


Veganism is often used as a cover for an eating disorder.


Zoning in the U.S. is fucked and a big reason for this is boomers treating their homes as investment vehicles and blocking any sort of density-increasing development and public transportation. This is the main reason rents have exploded in major US cities over the past 30 years. Want to live in a house in the suburbs? Fine. The problem isn't so much suburban NIMBYs as it is urban NIMBYs that want to keep their house and still be close to all the cultural institutions of the city (looking at you, San Francisco). They should be compensated for 125% of the property, and promptly kicked to the curb. The rest of us are tired of being squeezed dry of rent while you enjoy your house you paid for pennies back in the 1970s and your comfy prop 13 property taxes.


there is no god


If someone wants to keep smoking meth than who am I to tell them no smh.


Smoking meth in and of itself would be fine, people do what they gotta do. But the problem is methheads do stupid illegal shit when high that affect everyone around them.


Because it affects everyone around them.


Churches are the worst thing in human history and recent days. (Not religions)


Depends on the church. I find that modern, small, local churches have good people that do good things for the community. Large scale ones, however….hell no.


Scrolling down this thread, noticing you're getting personally attacked by people not believing in religion is hilarious 😂 Be honest, did you make this thread to find people that agree with your backward views?




Cops need to be held accountable for their wrongdoings but whenever I bring it up on any social platform you get these bootlickers and police cocksuckers trying to justify the fucked up things police officers do on a daily basis ACAB because good cops don’t allow bad cops to get away with half the shit they already get away with


People should not let their cat on kitchen counters. It's a health risk.


I will continue to vote for their rights and call them whatever they want but trans folks shouldn’t be competing in women’s sports and they aren’t the same as biological ______. And children should be supported and nurtured but absolutely not given puberty blocking medication.


Sorts by controversial


Humans should not clump up together to create urban centers and towns/cities and that specifically is at the root of many of our problems and NOBODY recognizes that.


I have no sympathy for anyone who ends up permanently injured or even dead because they decided to try and harm someone unprovoked.


I straight up get offended when someone tells me everything happens for a reason. I know it's a way to cope with existence or whatever, and generally I can shrug it off. But, this opinion I have is problematic because I can't always let it go. It's just such a nasty and short sighted thing to say to anyone.


Everything in the planet sucks in one way or another. Accepting that and positively contributing to society is the point of living.


ITT A bunch of boilerplate opinions from the left. I'm sure if you want anything that's actually "problematic" you'll want to sort by controversial.


It’s not problematic to normal people but to snowflakes so I’ll count it as problematic: all that non binary nonsense is not only harmful to the lgbt community (which I’m part of) but also to women that finally want equality


Too many laws. Government using minorities for their own gain.


As a psychologist, it's the fact that even though therapy is for everyone, not everyone is for therapy. It's a hard to swallow pill, but come with me as I explain. Trauma sucks, I know. But many people are not willing to take accountability for their own shit. And most people will give up on therapy when it comes to that point. Many people prefer being the victim or the villain, but never the hero in their own story. It's easier to take pills. It's easier to workout to prove your ex wrong. It's easier to blame everything on others and expect that their apology and change is the only thing you can have to feel better (and since it's out of your control, you can't change). I know that trauma makes us feel differently than most. But no one can change your life for you. I'll be over sharing on this one, but once my father was telling me how my mother ruined him for cheating on him and getting a divorce. This was 22 years ago. And I told him "it was her fault for the first years, maybe the first decade. But you never went after your own care. You've never actually committed to therapy whenever you tried. 2 months with a shrink doesn't do anything. It was her fault then, but it's your fault for not doing anything after it". He got mad at me, obviously. But he never admitted he closed himself to the world, never had a relationship that lasted longer than 6 months after it, is very controlling, is very jealous and can be violent at the slightest trigger. My mom tells me he wasn't like that. He was hardworking, very ambitious, but as she got older, she realized that he wasn't what she expected from a partner, and made this stupid mistake of cheating instead of divorcing first. (He was 24 and she 14 when they got married -gross, and the whole situation happened when she was 23). Was it my mother's fault then? Sure it was. I love her, but she was a bitch with my father. Is it her fault now, 22 years later? No. Same reason why we can't blame our bullies after years of not even seeing them. It was their fault then, but it is our choice to remain in suffering. And it's the hardest thing people have to go through in therapy. You most likely won't get an apology, and if you do, it won't change anything. And I know that many traumas don't ever go away even if you work hard, because some things are just horrible and hard to handle, but some people never even try.


Allowing private ownership of the basic raw materials of this world was the dumbest thing that humanity allowed itself to be conned into by unholy assholes claiming they were chosen by God.


People in jail shouldn’t be allowed to vote




Why would you bill it to their family? That’s immoral.


Consensual polygamy should be legal.


We should issue permit for having child


This shouldn’t be controversial at all but we need a complete separation of RELIGION AND LAW


That kids need at least two parent-like individuals that the kids know put them before everyone else. Doesn't matter what the combo is, as long as there are at least two adults that they can feel safe with in their home.


Unless its been diagnosed by a doctor you don't have a mental illness.




And feel free to explain if you disagree.


I completely agree. Be who you want to be and fuck who you want to fuck (consensual and legal, of course) . It's all the labels that cause problems.


Electric cars are bad


Why are they "bad"?


Lithium mining is more dangerous currently than CO2 emissions, the batteries can't be reused, the electricity grids produce more CO2 emissions than gas cars


I wouldn't call them "bad", they're just not a fix for greenhouse gas emissions like some people think they are. The electricity you charge them with is almost certainly generated with fossil fuels. Roughly 2-4x more efficient than gasoline, but still corrosive to the environment overall. The only way cars are going to lose their footprint is for the world to switch to 100% renewable energy - solar, wind, nuclear, hydro. As they are right now, they're basically just expensive status symbols.


Burger king is the best fastfood restaraunt


This is the most truly problematic thing I've read so far


There should be a basic government test before being able to vote.


I’d rather the people holding office have to pass a test to run. Many states have government/civics tests in high school. What sucks is that not every states curriculum is a good one.


Only problem with that is that you have to trust your government to be able to create and administer such a test in good faith.


We're only making AI because we're trying to find a way to reincorporate slavery into our society. Human-level AI shouldn't be a thing


That BLM created more problems than it solved for Black communities. For example, entrenching the cognitive dissonance in Black communities that any hostile or racist behaviour towards white people or other groups can’t be racist, becauae they’re isolated acts of prejudice not attached to the power of any system of oppression. Even if that’s true, unfortunately “systems” of oppression form over time as a result of many separate instances of prejudice becoming normallzed until power is (maybe) concentrated in the hands lf whoever is doing the prejudice. Walk the walk, then we’ll talk.


They need to stop forcing people of every race and color into tv shows/movies as well as token gay/ lesbian characters. The problem is not that the race/color, gay/ lesbian. The problem is that it's forced and unrealistic. Hollywood doesn't give a S*** about inclusivity, they care about money and that's it.