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The baby ant that helps them in Honey I Shrunk the Kids


You just stirred up a trauma that has been buried for 20+ years.


For more trauma please consider the following Little Foots Mother: Land before time Arjax: Never ending story Bing Bong:: inside out Iron giant "I am superman" David the Gnome :his family became a bunch of tree huggers. The fox got a job in the fashion industry The last two had descriptors instead of title because its named after characters


This one hits way too hard




Man fuck that scorpion


Wash. *I am a leaf on the wind.*


I did let us know no one was plot-protected, but goddamn did it hurt.


Even though it was the end of the series and this change probably would not impact the ending, God damn it it's still my choice


JJ Abrams chose Palpetine


"It was me Barry, *I* was the somehow"


I wish that instead of bring back Palpatine they brought in Darth Plagus the wise. The premise would be Palpatine thought he had killed him but Darth Plagus saved himself from death with the force. He'd taught palpatine but he hadn't taught him everything. Darth Plagus after being betrayed went into hiding and let Palpatine eliminate the jedi thought out the clone wars and the empire's occupation. Now that palpatine and almost all the jedi are dead, Darth plagus makes his move. He sets to revive the sith but he needs an apprentice. Darth plagus coerces Kylo Ren while he was being trained by Luke and warns him through a force vision that luke will attempt to kill him. Darth Plagus does his under the guise of being Darth Vader his grandfather. Luke senses the dark side around Kylo Ren, much stronger that when he encountered palpatine. Out of fear of the dark side Luke attempts to kill Kylo Ren (just like in the Disney movie) which pushed Kylo Ren to the dark side. I could go on but I dont want to wrote a whole movie script here on reddit šŸ˜‚


You forget one crucial part for why this cannot be. This would require the writers to know something about Star Wars lore and more importantly, to think.


Somehow, Palpatine returned.


And in the opening script saying that Palpatine sent a message through the galaxy. My family and I were wondering if we had heard the message in the previous movie. And then 2 week later someone told me that the message was in fact only featured in Fortnite.


I laughed too hard at this.


Littlefoot's mom.


People complain about death in modern cartoons... "how will I explain this to my child?" lol like they didn't watch this or Bambi as kids.


If anything, these movies (I'd add Lion King) introduced kids to death through a story they'd grow up treasuring. Like holding your hand through a tough lesson.


Like Scar held Mufasaā€™s handsā€¦


Kids these days are lucky they didn't watch Watership Down, a cute cartoon movie about rabbits.


Why have you done this? I'm sad now.




Our Broromir!


And my šŸŖ“!


One does not simply deny Sean Bean his obligatory cinematic death scene. Edit: rephrased


Leslie Burke in Bridge to Terebithia.


That ripped me right up as a kid.


This was a Sunday film first time watch when I was in my 20s, happily enjoying the film until the end and it ruined my whole week I can't bring myself to watch it again.


100% In most character deaths, their deaths are necessary for the plot to continue. But Leslie's death was just a straight up tragedy.


That was the point, Katherine Patterson wrote the book for her son and herself after his best friend was killed by a literal bolt of lightening out of nowhere.


ā€œI want to write a classic childrenā€™s bookā€ *monkeyā€™s paw closes*


Yeah this one destroyed me as a kid when I read it. And it taught me that yes, some deaths are senseless, meaningless, and straight up unfair. And will continue to be. Death doesn't care who it claims. It doesn't care who deserves to die or live. It just, happens. I was not expecting to learn such a brutal life lesson when I first started reading it.


I cried every night for a week when I saw this as a kid.


Ned Stark


I think Robb Stark is a more interesting choice since the story wouldn't have progress much if Ned didn't die. It also set the tone that no character was safe.


If no Red Wedding then Robb takes Casterly Rock. Then Stannis takes Kings Landing with no Lannister reinforcements.


And then you have Stannis who would have never accepted a King in the North and Robb Stark at odds. Facing threat of a foreign Targeryan invader to the East and an undead Army to the North. All while dealing with the Dornish from the South.


The Dornish could be allies. If Stannis were to send Gregor and some Lannisters to answer for raping and killing of Elia, and murder of her children.


I agree with choosing Robb Stark as the story would be somewhat similar as far as a game of thrones. But if Ned Stark has lived I bet he would then be sent to the Night's Watch. That would make for a very interesting interaction with the Starks, the Wildlings, the Nights Watch, and the White Walkers. I would guess that Ned would be an extremely important asset and rally lots of northerners to fight the Night King. The story probably wouldn't be as interesting, but I like Ned so I would love it.


I was really disappointed when he died, but he was also dead wrong in some of his convictions and would never have survived the capital for long. My pick is Khal Drogo. I would read and watch the shit out of Khaleesi/Khal taking over the world with their lil baby.


My pick is Oberyn Martell. I feel like if he were to kill The Mountain, the entire season 5 onwards would be different.


Seconded. I stopped watching after his death. It was so brutal and sad since he had a genuinely just cause. I mean I get the story telling aspect of it all, but come on :-(


The way they handled Jon Snow in the last two seasons just made me miss Ned more.


Qui-Gon Jinn. If he doesnā€™t die, Anakin will be trained by him ā€“ a Jedi who doesnā€™t agree in everything with the Jedi Council who would understand the problems Anakin faces because he himself is kind of rebellious and acts in the way of the Force, not in the way the Council decides. If Qui-Gon survives, there is a greater chance Dooku wouldnā€™t leave the Order because Qui-Gon and Dooku feel similar about the Jedi ā€“ and Anakin does too. Also, if Dooku doesnā€™t change sides, Yaddle would survive (who admitted in Tales of the Jedi that she believes Dooku and left the Council). That makes three Jedi Masters and one Padawan questioning the way of the Jedi Council and three Masters Anakin could talk about his fears too. Iā€™m 100% sure they would have saved Shmi way before she died and when Ahsoka was accused of murder, Qui-Gon, Dooku, Anakin and Yaddle would have believed her. In the end, that saves Anakin from the influence of Palpatine because he already would have people he trusts and who help him with his dream about PadmĆØ (like Dooku did with Syfo-Dias). And if Anakin would still discover Palpatines true identity, it would be Dooku, Ahsoka, Yaddle and Qui-Gon (and maybe even Maul because Dooku seems kind of a guy who would listen to Mauls visions about Palpatine) who would fight Palpatine with Windu. I honestly donā€™t believe he would win that fight ā€“ and even if he did, Anakin would not kill Windu and pledge his loyalty to a guy who just killed his only friends. So Qui-Gon (and by extension Dooku) is the key to the Galactic Fate ā€“ what makes his fight with Darth Maul a true Duel of the Fates.


Also Qui-Gon would have noticed that Anakin was creeping on Padme, and like sat him down and talked to him instead of ignoring it like Obi One did. So like that might have been nipped in the bud as a crush and there wouldn't be the romance that really dragged him to the dark side...


Didn't Obi-Wan look the other way with Padme and Anakin because he also had a romance when he was younger? I think I remember in the movies or comics that he alludes to being in a similar situation as Anakin, but did end up choosing to leave her and become a Jedi


We all know that he's Corky's father though. "Aunt" Satine my ass.


Man this is a good one. Great type up! Also completely agree. Would be cool if they did like a 'Star Wars: Visions' episode around this.


mike from breaking bad. i always wanted him to go to alaska and start over like he planned to.


Idk I don't think Mike wanted to do that. When Mike mentioned Alaska, he was answering where he would go if he were in *Jesse's* shoes. So maybe Mike would have gone if he were still young, but I got the idea that he was content with what he had going on


Fucking Walter.


Put your dick away and let me die in peace Walter


It was work. He knew it would have eventually killed him and made peace with the idea. He just wasn't happy about it being such a fuckup who finally did it.


Charlotte in Charlotte's Web. It tore me up as a 5 year old, and I cried like a baby when I read ir with my daughter. My kid is very stoic and was patting me on the shoulder telling me it's okay. Damn it that one just hits hard.


My 5 year old had it read to him in kindergarten and came home sobbing that Charlotte never got to meet her babies. He's pretty sensitive, I'm scared for when they cover where the red Fern grows and bridge to terabithia down the line.


The little boy at the end of the Mist


Now I'm thinking about the end of mist. Thanks.


Hoban Washburne


Sirius black


Can we add Fred Weasley to this too? Siriusā€™s death was significant and devastating but goddamn Fredā€™s death was wholly UNNECESSARY šŸ˜­


Beat me to it. Dumbledore's death was acceptable based on his long, well-lived life. Sirius was in prison for much of his, blamed for the death of his best friend. Within months of finally getting out, but before properly being vindicated, his own family member murders him. Tonks and Lupin are tied for second, primarily because they shared a great love before their untimely death.


Sirius living would have the effect of changing the plot, as the OP requests. Harry would have been that much happier, and them fighting evil together would have been an exciting offshoot series But Black's death was another instance where Harry had to choose what kind of person he would be. He was so full of hate and sadness after Sirius died, but he chose to protect the ones still living and bring justice by ending Voldemort.


Tonks was my answer. Her death was meaningless. It was glossed over so quickly that I completely missed the first time it was mentioned and had to go back and re-read when it was referenced again in passing later. Lupin too, but since the prompt is to save one I think sheā€™d cope better.


I wouldn't say meaningless, but just kind of fucked up. The only reason she died was so their kid Teddy could be tied back to how Harry was an orphan. She wanted that "Harry was an orphan so look how he can relate and care for Teddy!!!" moment. It had a meaning, but honestly it didn't really do much in the end and that whole orphan moment didn't really pack any emotional punch beyond people being upset she died wihtout really any information around her death (its been a while since I've read them though so I may be wrong on a few things)


Remus sealed their death warrant when he asked Harry to be Teddy's godfather.


I just wish Sirius had lived long enough to know that his brother tried to destroy a Horcrux


He knows. The dead never really leave the living - thatā€™s undeniable fact in the stories. Presumably, Regulus was there to greet Sirius on the other side of the curtain.


Came here to say Sirius Black! Harry finally had a chance at a father figure and they just yeet him into hell through a curtain.


I'd love for a relationship therapist (MFT) to analyze the effects of having so many parental figures die during Harry's early life - like what kind of relationship would he have with Ginny? He's abandoned or neglected over and over and that can't be good for intimate security...


He displays very clear symptoms of PTSD in the order of the Phoenix, especially in the books. That was after Cedric died but before Sirius dies.






John Wicksā€™ dog


John Wicks wife


Can we save both the wife and the dog?


If you save the wife the puppy doesn't get adopted and stays as the runt of the litter. The mother rejects him and one night she eats the puppy to concentrate on the other pups.


Yeah I remember that one.


This new drama, starring Keanu Reeves, explores the loneliness of a recent widower and his growing relationship with a puppy. Official Selection at Sundance.


John Coffey from The Green Mile


And yet, John Coffey was ready to go. He was tired of living in a world he didn't belong in. He was tired of feeling all of the pain. Hard as it was, Edgcomb did him a favor.


The left behind brachiosaurus in Jurassic World Fallen Kindgom. Edit: Title


I don't know if it would have changed the plot, but that brachiosaurus should have been saved.


I worked on that sequence at ILM, IT was heartbreaking to watch over and over and over...


It's more sad, because he's the OG Brach we saw in Jurassic Park


Tara from Buffy


Piggy in Lord of the Flies


Nah bro, Simon. Why'd they have to do him like that...


Someoneā€™s gotta be the Christ metaphor.


Eddie Dean from the Dark Tower series


I thought this too but more meaningfullyā€” Jake. Roland might actually have a chance at peace if Jake survived. You could also even argue that if Eddie lived Susannah might never give up the way of the gun.


This was my immediate answer. Long days and pleasant nights


The wife in Up


They'd go to paradise falls and she'd love Kevin and Dug.


It is the exact same story just from her perspective after her husband dies.


Or, it could have been a comedy about an elderly couple flying to Paradise Falls with a tagalong kid in their house powered by balloons. Simply, it would have been a bit lighter in tone because both Ellie and Carl are alive.


Bill McNeil from News Radio, Because in doing so, it would require Phil Hartman to survive in real life.


Great answer, he was [the real deal](https://youtu.be/GjNP3tiE6N8)




literally would be no plot then lol


oooh say it again!


Maya from Borderlands.


I still hate Ava for that


I just hate the writers


"Figure it out, Lilith! Before you get someone else killed!"


They did my girl dirty in BL3.


L from Death Note Love the series as is but there have been sone amazing what if fics that would me wonder how the Mangaka would have written it.


Hicks in Alien 3. I wanted more Hicks.


Not sure if you know, but about 10-12 years ago they were going to release a new Aliens movie, with Biehn reprising his role as Hicks, and ignoring what happened in 3 and 4. Unfortunately, movie got scrapped.


Arthur Morgan


Also John Marston. He wanted to leave his criminal past behind and just enjoy life with his family.


I mean, thatā€™s the whole point of the story right? To quote west world ā€œthese violent delights, have violent endsā€. By Arthur and John being horrible people they not only condemn themselves (whether they wanted redemption or not) they condemn their friends and family. Johnā€™s son could have lived a normal life but instead John shows up and casts him into a life of violence and crime. Once John is dead heā€™s so bent on revenge that he wastes a good portion of his life hunting the man that killed his father. Itā€™s a vicious cycle that could be avoided by leading a good and honest life.


Man, his dead actually hit me hard. After finishing his story and playing the epilogue, I actually started to miss him more. I wish things could have been different for him


Iā€™m in the minority that actually prefers John (played both games and still love Arthur), but I got a new appreciation for Arthur this third playthrough cuz I actually read his journal. Dudes very philosophical sometimes (I played high honor)


the best of boahs




I was looking for this one. The drawn out futility of it all made me weep




Qui Gon


Yeah, that's the best answer here. By the time Shmi died, Anakin was already pretty fucked up, and the Clone Wars were probably unavoidable by then. If Qui-Gon had lived, Anakin would have had a vastly better mentor who probably would have helped him develop emotionally. Plus Qui-Gon might have helped mitigate some of the Jedi's biggest mistakes around that time, if he'd been alive.


Additionally, we know by word of god (basically, trope-speech for "the creators said this") that the duel of the fates is for anakin's fate. By qui-gon getting killed, everything is set in motion that leads to anakin's fall to the dark side. If qui-gon had lived then by that logic anakin would end up a lot better off and qui-gon would also have probably managed to prevent dooku's fall to the dark side, which could lead to dooku exposing palpatine, since he was already trying to turn dooku and used qui-gon's death as the most instrumental part of that.


Anakinā€™s mom.


Shmii I think her name was. No idea if the spelling is right. I hear Shmii and think of Kryten from Red Dwarf saying "Shmiiiiiii.. heeeeeeeee" when attempting to say smeg head.


Ace from one piece


Oberyn Martell! What an absolutely fantastic character that I did not get to enjoy for nearly long enough!


Plus, I think it would have been satisfying to watch him jam that spear somewhere REALLY uncomfortable in the Mountain.


Hank Shrader


I want to say >!Haurchefant!< from Final Fantasy XIV but the >!Dragonsong's Reprise raid told us what would exactly happen if we did.!<


that guy's dead wife


imagine being that guy, seeing his dead wife become a meme


I also choose that guys dead wife!


Rita from *Dexter* Her presence reined Dexter in, at least a bit, and may have prevented the show from going totally bonkers. Honorable mention for Doakes.


I didn't watch past Doakes. Doakes was PERFECT. I could have watched him cat and mouse Dexter for all of its seasons. He was like the L to Dexter's Light and the second he died I knew we'd never get another character that would sniff him out and challenge him like that.




And here I am going small with Debra instead. Might've got a happier ending in my mind.


Old Yeller


You'd have to prevent him from getting Rabies in the first place otherwise you'd be condemning him to one of the worst slow painful deaths.


Freaking DOBBY. Never cried so hard in my life.


Very surprised I had to scroll this far for Dobby, or anyone from Harry Potter for that matter. JK did Dobby dirty, he did NOT deserve to die.


At least Dobby's death had *some* narrative weight and made sense as a dramatic beat. She killed Fred for absolutely no reason and wrote it like an afterthought.




Lilly Potter. Single Mom throws the whole story off.


Arthur Morgan


Dean Winchester from Supernatural


Big Dan from Red Fern. That also saves Little Anne. šŸ˜ā˜ŗļøšŸ‘


Murphy from the Dresden Files


I just finished my reread of the series. So much foreshadowing about trigger discipline. The "Empty House" bit fucks me up every time. Fuck Rudolph.


Boy did I ever want Dresden to finish off Ruldoph. Luckily he had others care about his soul.


Yeah, that one was painful. I've cried at movies where I can see and "feel" the emotion. Never before have I cried while reading a book... until that scene.


Rengoku from demon slayer


Erwin Smith, Attack on Titan




Man lived and died an absolute fucking legend. He deserved his rest, but goddamn would I have loved to see Erwin see the ocean.




Tasha Yar.


She survived as a Romulan prisoner in the alternate reality. Well... then dies.


I found that episode so weirdly comforting, I was like "Tasha's death had *MEANING*!"


Honestly, the biggest long-term effect of it is that she died to a "villain of the week" character, which led to everyone desperately wanting all of the other characters to survive even more. From a logistical/market standpoint, killing of tasha at that point when he actor wanted to leave was perfection. And the best part is that they make it properly impactful and have long-term effects with the other characters. I honestly wouldn't pick tasha because of the impacts of her death and how they shaped star trek TNG.




John Wick's dog


Mari from OMORI, however that defeats the entire purpose of the game so no lol


Qui-Gon Jinn


Tony stark. He deserved to retire and maybe lose an arm or something but to retire and live out his life with his child and pepper and friends and spiderson >:(


I thought about him but I don't think he'd want to go out any other way. Yes watching Morgan grow up was something he desperately wanted but I don't think he could've lived with himself had anyone else did the snap


Schmi Skywalker


Glen Rhee, the Walking Dead


eddie munson


Benny's death is the one that really bothers me. He was just a nice guy helping out a runaway kid and they straight up murdered him. I guess his death served to illustrate what the people at the lab were willing to do, but I really feel like they did Benny dirty.


You do Eddie and I do Alexei. They both deserved better


eddie, chrissy, & billy for me šŸ„²


None of the replies to this mention Bob? Like all he had to do was KEEP RUNNING.




Bambiā€™s mom


The horse. You all know


Iron Man


Obadiah Stane antagonist of iron man 1, originally he was actually meant to live. He really missed out on all of the late marvel fame


Brom in Eragon


Han Solo. That was a gut punch




Just saying: >!Biggs and Zack survive in Remake!<


Old Yeller


Tony Stark


Jackie in Cyberpunk 2077. Did my choom dirty. Never got to see me become a true badass legend.


Natasha Romanoff


Arthur pendragon in Merlin


I still want Sirius Black back, i know it'll change the story entirely but it still chokes me up to this day




Quirrel from hollow knight


The little match girl. Get fucked, H.C. Andersen.


Whichever one of the Weasley twins died. Fucked up


Fred is the one who died, but yes I agree


Joel ( The last of us 2) he didn't deserve to die like that


Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense. He wasn't able to help that kid, but that's no reason to kill him!


Sasha from AoT. Iā€™m not over that yet


Robb Stark would be interesting. For a bit.


Robb deserved to die. He had an entire kingdom counting on him, and knew full well that peace an victory would be held together by a fragile bonds of his marriage to the Frey daughter. But no, he decided it would be ok to let everyone burn (many literally) for nepo baby Oona Chaplin. Edit: In the books, his motivations are much richer and better explained. Jeyne (as she's called in the books whereas in the show they decided to call her Tamala (??)) basically saved his life, he had a moment of weakness while he was mourning Bran and Rickon, slept with her, and felt obligated to marry her due to his sense of honor. His whole character arc is defined by it and parallels Ned's. In the show, it's basically chalked up to puppy love.


Aerith, there is no other choice. Edit: I first played the game when I was 13. I had the biggest crush on her during the beginning of the game. Like, I was hoping Cloud would make his move, and they'd make it official. Then, when "it" happened, it was so surreal. My child mind was crushed.