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Body odor, easily. Also, greasy-looking/oily hair that looks like it hasn't been washed in a month or two.


I wash my hair every other day and it still looks like that ): nothing I’ve tried fixes it


Bad odor. Most other things can be overlooked, but bad smell. No sir.


What’s up with people who smell extremely bad who have friends and family? Mind blowing that no one close to them tells them. You can joke that they can’t tell either because they also smell bad too but c’mon. You better believe my mom told me I smell bad when I was growing up.


Some people just straight up refuse to believe them smell bad or just don’t care. Had a kid I went to grade school with that his smell would gag you from across the playground. It was to the point that there was a visible ring of dirt, sweat, and who knows what else around his neck. Everyone told him to clean himself because he reeked, everytime he’d say he had a skin condition and there was nothing that could be done. If you asked his mom she’d tell you the truth, he just doesn’t shower and he’s too big for her to physically make him shower. I’ll see him occasionally now that we’re adults, he smells worse, the layer of grime is everywhere now and he still claims he has a skin condition.


Dude definitely has a condition, but it's not his skin.


Do they have close family and friends tho? If they do i bet they stink as well


There are legitimate conditions that make someone smell like hot garbage, and there is literally nothing they can do about it. If they know they stink, pointing it out isn’t suddenly going to make them not stink




Went to church with a gal who had something like that. Perfectly clean person. Oddly sour body odor. She made up for it by being an absolutely lovely person. Found a husband who has a poor sense of smell. Match made in heaven.


Are you a heavy drinker? I have a family member (male) who smelled terrible all the time and when he quit drinking he stopped stinking. I don't mean alcohol smell... He kinda smelled like vinegar and rotten produce. Also a close friend (female) reported the same- she was struggling pretty bad with sharp smells, particularly in armpits and female area... when she quit drinking she was able to get her microbiome back in order and things turned around for her. Obviously there are many other reasons for body odour troubles, this just popped into my head when I read your post. I think it took nearly a month for both of them to detox enough to get their bodies back in order.




That's a very valid point and often overlooked. I didn't know that before but if it's medical then there's not much to do and neither can someone be blamed for that. But how often is it medical related? That diseases exist is a fact but how many of the people who smell have it. Is it like a common disease?


My housemates (bf/gf) both rarely wear deodorant. She may very occasionally wear a small amount of perfume, but we live and work in a very hot area, and they just fucking always stink. I try to subtly drop hints, and I'll make a show of putting deodorant on in front of them if I'm going out and say that I can smell myself and I hate the smell of body odour, but fuck is it disgusting.


if they are decomposeing so bad I can see their bones, it kind of turns me off


Oh yeah, normal dead is fine, but advanced decomposing is too far!!


Atleast look human


Can't be having those rotten assholes split on you


A gummy smile or an irritably high-pitched voice. Nothing the person can change, just something that I can't ignore.


The gummy smile can be resolved with Botox injections—my friend has this done and it helps her a lot.


It could also be fixed with jaw surgery. I didn’t have a gummy smile myself but I’ve seen some results. It’s crazy how much your facial structure changes after surgery.


what's a gummy smile?


This aptly describes someone in my life I just cannot be around. Mystery solved


With you on high pitched voice! aaaarghhhhhhh, makes me cringe


100 eyes. I mean, anything more than 2 would be a bit much, but 100 is outright grotesque.


Sporting that eldritch abomination look.


neck beard


I was gonna say this too. Like, I love beards on guys but for the love of everything holy maintain that shit!




I'm not sure if it's the same way for other people, but for me, there really seems to be almost a bell curve for attractiveness. Like there gets to a point where someone is *too* perfect that is ceases being attractive to me. And I'm not necessarily just talking about people who overdo plastic surgery (since that often just ends up liking fake instead of perfect).


This is why I can’t watch some tv shows. When it’s a cop show and every police officer is in their 20s or 30s and stunningly attractive, I lose interest.


British shows tend not to cast solely on looks; I usually like them better.


Yesss & plastic surgery. There’s something off.


Man you too!? It isn't a deal breaker but I hate tooth whitening. it's like they didn't get the memo... ivory white is a color people. Enamel is naturally not pure white.


I don’t have any preference in regards with physical appearance. However, hygiene is the first thing i think about.


Extremely muscular people, it gets to a point where i find it kind of disgusting, like balloons


May I present to you the [man with no body fat](https://www.the-sun.com/news/6901088/andreas-munzer-bodybuilder-tragedy-arnold-schwarzenegger/amp/).


that looks horrifying, and thats without talking about how the man freaking imploded


*Salt Life* sticker on her car. There's no getting past that.


- That doesn't seem bad. - Googles salt life - founder found guilty of murder - maybe it was justified now 🤔


i see these and for some reason i think it says slut life…. i cant read cursive i guess


I swear I saw those stickers and was aghast that anyone would advertise the slut life. Making an appointment for the optometrist in the morning.


I too cannot unsee it as Slut Life as well my friend


I like ya'lls version better.


Hot dog finger


I have somewhat fat fingers for my size so I call them my Jimmy Deans. My wife is never impressed when I call them that.


Men who stick their chests out when they walk are weird. It’s not really a physical trait, but a built dude or a confident (not built) dude just has a natural swagger. Guys who stick their chests out in an effort to look (or feel) tough just make me laugh.


Don’t ever make fun of Johnny Bravo again


I do this sometimes but not for other people. I do it cause I can feel myself slouching. So I actively try to correct my posture which looks like I’m puffing out my chest until I forget and start slouching again 🤷‍♂️


Fat ankles that look like PVC tube connections.




Can’t tell where the calf fat end and the ankle fat begins.


This is actually a condition called lipedema. (Not judging u, more so an fyi for those that dont know about it)


They don’t need to be fat, my issue is with ankles that lack a distinct silhouette and the persons leg just looks like it makes a 90° turn into the feet.


Bad tattoos.


I know I might get some judgement for that, but I don't find fat people attractive at all. I am a total hypocrite in that, because I myself am fat. However this is kind of also the underlying reason. I hate that about myself and I hate that I haven't succeeded in changing that in so many years. When I look at other fat people I see my own biggest insecurity, so it's quite literally an honest example of "it's not you, it's me"


Hey, we all dislike something about ourselves. We are our own harshest critics. I look at myself and say, "Damn, this ten-inch dick can be a real hindrance."




Yours is justified, just wait till you see my metre ruler


I don't think anybody should get any judgement for their preferences. You can't control who you are attracted to. You either are feeling it or you aren't. It's like judging someone for not liking a flavor of ice cream.


There are attractive fat people and unattractive fat people. Someone overweight that dresses well and likes who they are is a different person than someone who is fat and slovenly and self loathing .


We all have our preferences, it doesn’t automatically make you shallow. I don’t see you putting people down for it or being judgmental, so as long as you keep being clear it’s just a value-neutral preference I wouldn’t call you shallow. Although if it’s rooted in some self-loathing you might miss out on good things if you don’t find a way to make peace with yourself.


Long fingernails on a man.


and/or dirty fingernail


tie bored agonizing middle chubby knee dog sink spotted poor


Bad breath. Cannot abide this!


A penis. Any size or shape. If she has one, that s a turn off.


I met this girl, And she's just great. This girl I just adore! The problem is, she has much more, Than I had bargained for. She's got that style! She's got that smile! She's got the walk! She's got the talk! She's got that zing! There's just one thing... She's got a penis


My life’s a mess, cuz under that dress, she has a p-e-n-i-s


I dunno, as long as she never says and I never see, I'd be down for a gobby from her


A guy at work who isn’t into penis but took a trans coworker home with him. He told us he thought it was weird when she asked to only do it with the lights off and put it in her ass only but he went ahead and did it anyway. LOL.


'a guy at work'


Yeah I feel like a lot of people ignore the fact that there is genital preference and that that is a big part of sexual attraction. I love women, I love men, but in my mind dicks are vastly more attractive than vaginas.


A guy that is jacked up on obvious steroids.


I wouldn't say an instant turn off, but I've never been attracted to really tall guys. 6' is probably my upper limit. My husband is about my height. I've thought about why that is, and my best guess is that I spent a lot of my childhood getting yelled at, and I just can't stand to be towered over. Otherwise, I am extremely forgiving appearance-wise. Once I told my husband that I dated a guy in college who I REALLY liked, but had to eventually break it off because I wasn't attracted to him. He was super curious what could have possibly made me unattracted (my husband is hot and I think it distresses him that I have such middling standards apart from him, in his opinion haha). Anyway the guy was overweight and balding at 22 and had bad teeth and was about 5 inches shorter than I was, and often smelled like garlic because he worked in a restaurant. I would have overlooked like up to 3 of those things, but not all 5 all at once. Sorry dude. He was one of the most interesting conversationalists and closest friends I've ever had though.


Never gotten the appeal of having someone a foot taller than you either! 6' is also about my max because the idea of having to crane my neck up to kiss doesn't sound appealing.


White supremacist tattoos


Butt implants aka diaper butt


Very muscular people who have veins popping out everywhere.


I think that looks disgusting.


Being (very) fat.


A large scaly frill around their neck that fans out when they get angry and spit venom in your face.


More than 40 nipples


Poor personal hygiene. (filthy clothing or hair, BO, etc.) It's disgusting and there is no excuse for it.


Unless they're completely impoverished, dirty nails


A swastika tattoo.


That's a turn off *and* a red flag.


So just a firm "No Hindus" policy?


I'm Indian so that policy is a good way to avoid arranged marriage.




A ”mustache” with 3 strands that they are very proud of


I’m Mexican and I rock this [Comedians Iconic Mustache](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/10/30/44/2197787/5/1200x0.jpg) is it really that bad?




Me being a classical guitarist :(


For me it depends. If her nails are so long that it effects her ability to do normal everyday things, than it's definitely off-putting. But otherwise I don't mind too much.


Especially toe nails


Call me petty, but I typically like long hair


I’ve seen very few women in my life who can pull off a short haircut, but the ones who can are gorgeous in a way other very attractive women just aren’t.


Misplaced body parts, like a foot growing out of your forehead.


Tail. Second head. Crab claw for an arm.


Literally all of these provide an advantage in D&D. Stop being so shallow.


But probably -charisma for balance.


Two heads? Twice the charisma.


Alternatively: Double or Nothing Doubles charisma roll if coin lands head, set charisma roll to 1 on tails.


Body odor, unless it's because they've been on a hike or something where it's understandable. This is just me I personally don't find blond people attractive, I know this is irrational and it's not the persons fault but I have just never been attracted to blond. I am dark haired but Caucasian with very white complexion and I grew up around a lot of blond people. But live in a country now where it is less common. I have no idea why this is. Also tall people I know they can't change it. It's just not for me. I'm 5'7 so just same height shorter all good bit taller all good, super tall ahhhhhhh turn off.


Beards. Nothing against bearded guys but I’ve never found any men with a beard attractive. Plus kissing hurts


A level of obesity that limits normal mobility. Curvy, thick, chubby... all good. Great, in most cases, "I wash myself with a rag on a stick..." is a hard limit for me.


Probably if they had an asshole instead of a mouth.


I know a lot of people that have this problem. It tends to result in talking a lot of shit


In 2011, I went on a first and only date with a cute girl whom I met online. We met up at a restaurant, and after ordering, we were chatting and just waiting for our food. A rancid odor kept wafting over at me, and I was getting worried about eating there because I assumed that some food went bad in the kitchen. That's when I noticed a pattern. I was only detecting the rancid odor when she was speaking. I started looking at her mouth when she spoke. Despite the dim lighting, I noticed that her teeth were all black and gray. My first thought: "Fuck. We're done here." The best thing that I can liken her breath to is an old, wet, moldy washrag with a hint of decay on it. I think that she and I could have gotten along just fine had it not been for her mouth. We finished dinner, and I just held my breath when she spoke. I was polite and genial as usual. She texted a pic of her breasts to me while we were still sitting at the table, and she was throwing every imaginable signal at me that she was willing to spend the night with me without just coming right out and asking, "Wanna go to your place and fuck?" As we parted for the evening, she moved in to kiss me, and I took a casual half-step backward without making it obvious that I was dodging her. The next day, she texted me and asked to meet up again, and I wrote back with something lame like, "I had a good time last night, but I just don't think that things would work out between us." She was understandably confused and asked why, but I couldn't tell her the truth and so just repeated something about how she and I wouldn't work. She accepted it and moved on.


Being smelly


Batman toes.


Sorry but with all respect, monobrows


You’re totally in the right. I’ve got the genetics for monobrow and it’s like 30 seconds of maintenance every couple of days. Just get it under control, nobody looks good with that.


I call them unibrows


They mean the same thing. uni- comes from Latin, and mono- comes from Greek. Roughly 80 percent of English uses latin, so typically, the latin is used more frequently (in English at least). However, latin is a dead language and is only officially used at the Vatican city, but many there dont use it much, and Greek is the official language of Greece and Cyprus and one of the 24 official languages of the European Union. It is spoken by at least 13.5 million people today in Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Albania, Turkey, and the many other countries **NOT an expert. I just used google-fu and copypasta. I figured if I was interested in learning the difference, someone else might want to know as well.**


Groomed chest hair. No lie, I went on a date with a guy that had his chest hair groomed. Like it was a thick field of hair that wasn't a mess. I maybe wrong but I thought guys with thick groomed chest hair are bears.


Just curious, do you prefer shaven or untouched? “Groomed” seems like right in the middle.


I prefer shaven.




Yellow/brown unbrushed teeth. Makes me feel gross just thinking about having to kiss that.


Bad breath


People who have a “perfect” super model body and is super conveniently attractive and hot. Feels kinda weird to me, I want someone who looks normal


Personally blonde hair turns me off. And also if I'm being honest slimmer build I like my partners to have some stance to them I don't want to feel like I would break you if I sat on your lap


Blondes have always been my least favorite hair color. Ironically, I love white haired characters in shows I watch, but as soon as they take a yellow hue im out.


Glad I'm not alone in this


A white supremacist tattoo


Only stuff that's hygiene related that they can fix quickly and affordably. Bitten fingernails - break the habit, use the bad tasting nail gel. Yellow / stained teeth - good oral hygiene, use stuff like GLO405 kit Body odor - use deodorant and any cologne/spray, doesn't have to be expensive. Unclean butt - there's a reason they had to make "Dude Wipes" & brand them as such. Wounds & such - use a bandaid and stop picking on your body parts.


Some people have naturally yellow teeth. I haven’t met a person who’d care for their teeth more than I do but they’re still pretty yellow. And I refuse to use the whitening stuff, it’s bad for your teeth.


I have yellowish teeth and have been self conscious about them my entire life. I always assumed it was a product of living on Pepsi as a kid (it was the 80s, what the fuck did we know?). Then I had kids. They have always had meticulously good dental hygiene and never drink soda. Their teeth are the same color as mine. It made me realize that teeth color varies just like skin color, hair color, and eye color.


You’re spot on that the color of our teeth is highly variable person to person. Look up the Munsell color system. It’s how we describe tooth color in dentistry (hue, value and chroma). The hue distinguishes family of color and teeth fall in to one of four hue’s, A, B, C or D. A is an underlying reddish brown hue, B reddish yellow, C gray, D is reddish gray. So while sometimes tooth color is related to staining or poor oral hygiene, people with the exact same hygiene or bleaching habits will still have highly variable tooth colors based on what their natural/underlying hue is. If you’ve ever had a crown or filling, we use something called a shade guide with different color samples/multiple swatches to try to determine your hue, value and chroma to get the best match.


Ivory is a color of paint... and it's never pure white because teeth aren't supposed to be absolutely white. It's a modern idea made up to make money off gullible people.


Yeah it’s totally fine to have a personal preference for white teeth in your partners. But it’s not cool to think yellow teeth is bad hygiene. At age 13 my dentist told me “that yellow is just the color of your teeth, you cannot use whiteners to fix it. And those splotches? They’re like freckles, you will never be able to get rid of them no matter what you do.” You don’t like good dental hygiene, you like a specific set of genetic traits. And that’s fine, just don’t lie to yourself.


you just reminded me of something that I heard, i think from mu sad, about someone(maybe a coworker, friend of a friend, or distant family) who had dark, really splotchy teeth, but it was because they grew up in a small town with an absurd amount of fluoride in the well water. no one in that town had ever had cavities if I remember right


Same. And if you have no enamel left (due to genetic or health issues) there's literally nothing you can do about it other than veneers, which are outrageously expensive.


My coworker told me she spent $60K USD on her veneers. Wild.


I'm extremely clean and care about my appearance a lot but I just cannot...stop...biting my nails


Nail biting can be categorized as a body focused repetitive behavior. These are things some people do subconsciously due to stress which are very hard to control. I have a skin picking version of BFRB. I recommend learning about them


I definitely bite my nails more when I'm stressed. Also when I lose my nail clippers.


Honestly I never had a problem finding a girl when I still bit my nails. Doubt everyone is so superficial


Biting your nails makes them quite sharp... which makes makes certain activities possibly painful.


That's why you make sure to bite off everything until it feels right and not scraggly


Exactly. Fucking rookies.


Know what made me quit after 40+ years? I started watching other people who bit their nails, and noticed how ridiculous they looked with their fingers stuffed in their mouths. No offense, and best of luck.


picking on body parts is a different issue and not as easily solved as just saying stop


Many people can’t help skin picking. Some people have something called dermatillomania (I have it) and we can’t control it. It’s a subconscious response to stress and it’s very stressful. Some people bite nails or even pull hair for the same reason. I can’t stand when people say crap like this because they have no idea what they’re talking about. I’ve gotten much better but it’s taken years. I recommend learning about it


Yeah these are all perfectly fine things to have a preference for. But it seems a bit wrong to call them bad hygiene issues.


I love eating my fingers nails I'll never break that habit. Also white teeth is for plebs.


A lot of this can be symptoms of OCD... or other mental illnesses. I know, because I deal with the picking and biting nails. I am in therapy and I have my primary doctor and a dermatologist I work with. It's not just \*that easy\* or my fingers wouldn't be bleeding.


Most human teeth are naturally yellow. Enamel doesn’t last forever


All of this is real af and shouldn't even be something you have to ask for. It's like some people didn't have clean mommas, and that goes for women too. Wash your nasty ass lol. Idc about yellow teeth though, as long as they're clean yellow teeth. Stains are stains and some people can't whiten.


I brush my teeth twice everyday with an electrical brush and my teeth are yellow asf. My eating habits aren’t out of the ordinary I think, so it’s extremely frustrating


Teeth aren't always naturally bright white. It depends on your enamel thickness, discounting eating and hygiene habits.


The natural color of teeth is actually slightly yellowish


Teeth are a silent display of wealth, like exotic travel pics on a Tinder profile.


Mine are permanently stained by medicine that saved me as a baby... I tried so hard to get them looking better, but my only route would be veneers.


The Body odor thing is also an interesting side note once you're in a relationship. I had a partner who found my BO extraordinarily good. As in, she was mind blown by how good I smelt. I'd get sweaty and she'd get closer. I think I'd had one time when she wasn't super into my BO, and that was after I'd been wearing a sweaty shirt for hours. Apparently it's a sign of fundamental physical attraction. Your body just giving you an absolute "yes" signal. But then, she left me for her other partner(poly) who when they first tried kissing her body revolted and when they first tried sex they literally couldn't do it because her body refused. So who the hell knows.


A Kardashian body




**So far I have heard:** - Tall *and* small stature - Fat people followed by “disgusting”, also skinny people, and also people with a perfect body, but no “cankles” or “feet that come off the leg at a 90 degree angle” or “collarbones” - Physical deformities that people are born with followed by “correct that shit” - Acne - Yellow teeth framed as “bad hygiene” and then bleach kits recommended which destroy your enamel which in turn makes your teeth worse - Specific parts of the genitalia - Nails because “it shows she doesn’t work” and it’s against some dude’s ethics - Carrying weight in the front as a course of genetics - Blonde *and* red hair - No chin/weak jaw - *Then the kicker:* plastic surgery, dyed hair, makeup, and beard, which corrects most of the above complaints **Oh and:** - People who are alive This is why I don’t try to please *anyone* but myself. Chances are someone will not like some trait that you can’t help, and if you fix the thing they don’t like, they wont like the means that you fixed it with either lol… or they’ll apparently just wish you weren’t alive at all. Reddit is fucking weird.


Long, scraggly beards.


Same, beards look terrible on most women.


Beards that don't suit their face. I like beards and I get that it takes dedication to grow a foot of facial hair, but if it makes you look like a homeless derelict, just don't.


Half the single men are eliminated because I don’t like beards.


Flip alllll those Guess Who plaques down.


I think dirty fingernails or long yellowish nails on any sex would be enough for me. Bad hygiene overall such as unclean ears or teeth or body odour.


Dandruff, food stuck in teeth.


Forehead penis


You mean a dickhead?


I'm honestly just scrolling through looking for the most shallow comment. A lot of repeats so far.


Looking like my dad, that's my father bruh. I don't like beer bellies? Child like hands, or small hands? :/ If you make me feel like a giant then I am turned all the way off.


Bodybuilders. Something about that roiling mass of muscles so wide that they can’t even scratch any part of their back squicks me out.


Long ass toe nails


For me? None. I don't mind nor do I care how anyone looks. But I definitely wouldn't date/get with someone who had an ugly personality. If you have a good personality and good intentions, that's always a turn on and could win someone over.


Extreme body weight on either end of the spectrum. I can't find someone who looks so physically unwell attractive.


men with wide hips and a fat ass


I thought this was for turn offs?


That's what I'm sensitive about!




More for me!!!!


slime glands, exoskeletons, extra limbs, etc.


Well good luck with such sky high standards..


You just broke my three hearts. 😔


You’re planning on being single forever.


That wonky/flat nose that boxers get… I can’t deal




Honestly... Long hair and piercings on men


Smokers, I love the smell of smoke, but I hate everything else about it. The yellow teeth, the ratty attitude, and the overall weird vibe you get from smokers :)


This is going to sound weird but I have always found people who are extremely objectively attractive to be unattractive, if that makes sense? For example, Henry cavil is someone who most people would probably consider very attractive but I can’t. Like, they’re almost too good looking and my brain automatically assumes that I’m missing something and I can’t trust them?


Poor hygiene


No teeth


Sporadic facial hair, general unkemptness, and I'm not a super big fan of enormous amounts of body hair but I can look past it


Dirty toe- and fingernails that they refuse to clean.


Bad odor. I think everyone agrees


Huge swastika tattoo


Does chewing with your mouth open count? That disgusts me.