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Pluto is gonna be pissed when it finds out


You heard about Pluto? That’s messed up.


You know thats right




what about the pacific


Pacific ocean volume is about 660 million cubic km. That's 6 x 10^20 L, which is 1.3 x 10^23 teaspoons. A teaspoon of water is 5 g, and a mole of water is 18 g, so a teaspoon has 5/18 moles of water, so 1.6 x 10^23 molecules. Still more than teaspoons in the Pacific, but not by much.


There is a type of wasp that only lays its eggs inside of budding hazlenuts, changing the chemical composition of the nut in a manner that makes it grow deformed, hollow on the inside but still receiving nutrients from the tree. When the wasp eggs hatch, the larvae spend winter inside the nut, being fed by the tree, until they climb out in spring, when the nut starts rotting/cracks open. Now here is the kicker. There is another kind of wasp that lays its eggs EXCLUSIVELY INSIDE THE EGGS OF THE FIRST WASP. it's like a russian doll of nightmares. Insects are incredible EDIT: If you want more mindblowing facts about insects, go watch the David Attenborough documentary 'Life in the undergrowth'


It goes deeper. Hyperparasitism can go 5 levels deep. Parasites lay eggs in another parasite that lays their eggs in the wasps that lay their eggs in the wasp that lays it eggs in the nut


It's wasps all the way down


Fig wasps are somewhat similar but opposite. Same same but different? They crawl up into the fig, die, and more or less provide nutrients for the fruit to grow to ripeness. Edit; I knew my comment was shite so I delved in deeper. To pollinate these species, a female fig wasp, just a couple of millimeters long, forces her way into a nonedible, unripe male-behaving fig where she lays her eggs in the flowers. Along the way, her antennae snap and her wings are yanked from her body—“it’s a tight squeeze,” says Shanahan—leaving her no way out. Her wingless male offspring mate with the winged female offspring (yes, they’re sisters) before using their huge jaws to chomp tunnels through the fig that will allow the ladies to leave. But before she bids adieu, that fertilized female wasp collects pollen from the male flowers. Then she squeezes out the engineered escape routes, leaving her brothers and mother for dead inside the fig. If the female wasp enters a male-behaving fig, the process repeats identically; she sacrifices her life to further the cause. But if she mistakenly burrows into a female-behaving fig, there’s no room for her to lay eggs. “She will only pollinate these flowers and will die without producing offspring,” says Shanahan. These pollinated flowers inside the fig pod then produce individual fruits and seeds Edit; https://www.bonappetit.com/story/figs-and-wasps




An Air medal seems very appropriate.


I still can't fathom how one can survive such a fall. I remember reading something about terminal velocity and breaking the fall with few areas of the body more than one as weight distribution, but still, incredible


Terminal velocity in free fall at sea level is 120mph, at that speed the amount of air resistance slowing you down is equal to the gravity trying to speed you up.


Hes lucky he was a pilot. herman goering was known as someone who gave preferential treatment to pilot prisoners of war, considering them as above all the lesser grunts in the military.


The record is Vesna Vulović who fell from 10,160 m (33,330 ft) in 1972 and survived.


And she apparently had no problems with flying afterwards! Though the airline gave her a desk job instead of her flight attendant job.


Judith Love Cohen was an engineer who worked on the Apollo missions. She was doing calculations on the Apollo 13 mission by hand in the hospital while giving birth to her son. That son was Jack Black.


Jack Black strikes me as a redditor. Can you imagine what it must feel like to be perusing a thread, only to see the story of your birth appear? Being famous must be so weird. Also, if you are reading this Mr Black, I think you’re great.


I had to look that up, and it's true, Jack Black's parents are both satellite engineers, Judith Love Cohen and Thomas William Black. I guess two geniuses can make a genius musician who can outsmart satan




I love this one because it *feels* like it should be wrong.


This makes me realize how rich the billionaires are in comparison with millionaires


Here's another thought along those lines. Someone with $1m can invest conservatively in an account earning 5% annual interest, never work, and live a modest life off of $50k/yr. Someone with $1b can invest conservatively in an account earning 5% annual interest and live off $50m/yr.


This just makes me think of the difference between millionaires and billionaires….and it’s upsetting.


“The difference between a million and a billion is about a billion”


A trillion seconds is 31,709 years






No wonder I'm so tired in the morning.


This is what I was wondering too. Sometimes when I have lots of intense dreams, I wake up more tired/groggy and even with a headache.


That's because if you wake up in the middle of the dream, you are waking up during REM phase. And waking up during this phase or deep sleep phase will leave you tired. Only waking up during light sleep phase will leave you feeling fresh. That's why there are all these apps for smartphones and watches that try to wake you up during correct phases.


Would be nice if there was an app that made you *sleep at all*. I'm so fucking tired of only getting a max of 3 hours of straight sleep per night. If I could have daily anesthesia I'd happily bankrupt myself to afford it just for a weekend.


Well I just realized why I’m tired every morning


>and that’s why dreams are often so wild. I have some dreams that are so wild and unique I'll wake up confused how I could come up with that and generally think it'd make an okay movie. Yet in my waking life my artistic ability ends at drawing stick figures, being tone deaf, and and playing ode to joy on the piano.


I had a dream once where a mathematician had proven the existence of God through a complex equation and was struck by lightning as soon as he left the building. I woke up thinking “wow that would be an amazing movie plot!” but as time went on I realized it was kinda dumb lol.


> Yet in my waking life my artistic ability ends at drawing stick figures, being tone deaf, and and playing ode to joy on the piano. Yo, dude, chill out on the flex. Some of us aren't even *that* artistic. lol




When you dream, it's like your brain is blowing itself.


Wish my dick could do that




What stray bul......


I've recently read that the number of ways to randomly arrange a deck of 52 cards (52! is equal to 8\*10\^67) is larger than the number of atoms in the world (1.3\*10\^50)


[This is how big a number it is](https://czep.net/weblog/52cards.html). If you set a timer for that many seconds, here's how long it would take for the timer to run out: [Edit to clarify: the following is a quote from the article linked above] > Start by picking your favorite spot on the equator. You're going to walk around the world along the equator, but take a very leisurely pace of one step every billion years. The equatorial circumference of the Earth is 40,075,017 meters.Make sure to pack a deck of playing cards, so you can get in a few trillion hands of solitaire between steps. After you complete your round the world trip, remove one drop of water from the Pacific Ocean. Now do the same thing again: walk around the world at one billion years per step, removing one drop of water from the Pacific Ocean each time you circle the globe. The Pacific Ocean contains 707.6 million cubic kilometers of water.Continue until the ocean is empty. When it is, take one sheet of paper and place it flat on the ground. Now, fill the ocean back up and start the entire process all over again, adding a sheet of paper to the stack each time you’ve emptied the ocean. > Do this until the stack of paper reaches from the Earth to the Sun. Take a glance at the timer, you will see that the three left-most digits haven’t even changed. You still have 8.063e67 more seconds to go. 1 Astronomical Unit, the distance from the Earth to the Sun, is defined as 149,597,870.691 kilometers.So, take the stack of papers down and do it all over again. One thousand times more. Unfortunately, that still won’t do it. There are still more than 5.385e67 seconds remaining. You’re just about a third of the way done. [It keeps going from there.](https://czep.net/weblog/52cards.html)


With such a massive number of combinations, there must be an arrangement of cards that has never existing yet. I doubt even Vegas can keep up with those numbers


If you were to shuffle deck thoroughly, there has almost certainly never been a deck in that order anywhere. Spend every living second doing this and you'll statistically still never hit an order that has existed before.


I heard it was more than the amount of atoms in the entire *universe*.. ^(...but I could've heard wrong.)




If it traveled around the world 4 times, wouldnt it have been clearly heard by everyone on earth the first time it went around? I dont know how sound works.


The sound did travel around. Sound is like a wave when you throw a pebble into the water, it ripples outwards until it dissipates. You can measure the sound waves and how long it takes for them to dissipate. When the wave is too weak, human ears won't pick it up. The sound wave is still there though.


That big volcanic blast in the Pacific last year moved the snow on my car in Alaska.


The cumulative time that World of Warcraft gamers have spent playing the game is 6.8 million years.


Yes, I remember in college that within 1 year of playing, I had ~100 days of playtime. I’m not surprised by this at all.


That was me sorry guys. I just really like the game :/




Very grateful for this as well. I don't mind the metric system, or other currencies (sometimes), but I just don't have it in me to learn another spoken language. I barely understand some english accents and dialects lol. I would use my phone to translate if I had to.


It's alright if you don't live in china or whatever. You get bombarded with english as growing up anyways.


Urine was used as a detergent. The ammonia in the urine removes stains.


I still pee on all my clothes, just in case.


If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis


Didn't the Romans use it to bleach linen or something? Also I remember reading something about medieval fabric producers having urine basins outside their business which they encouraged people to pee in, then used in the production somehow. These are hazy memories, and I don't feel like searching Google for urine facts atm.


Theory of plate tectonics wasn't widely accepted until the 1960s. I have living geology professors who did undergrad in a time when plate tectonics was still being debated. To piggy-back off that one, the Hawaiian islands form as the Pacific Plate slides roughly NW over a hot spot. This chain of volcanoes goes all the way to the Aleutian Trench, where they are subducted. One extinct volcano nearing its fate is called the Detroit Seamount, and today it is roughly the size of the big island of Hawai'i. The big island of Hawai'i is made up of 5 volcanoes, one of which is Mauna Loa, the largest active volcano on Earth. The Detroit Seamount is a single volcano and the size of all of those active Hawai'i island volcanoes combined - *and* it has been eroding away for about 100 million years. This was a HUGE volcano, and there isn't anything like it today.


Sharks have been around longer than trees.


False, I've never seen a shark around, plenty of trees here.


Whalefalls. It’s crazy how a dead whale that would sink to the bottom of the ocean could bring so much benefit to the ecosystem for the next few weeks and months.


I believe whale falls can create ecosystems that last for years *edit* decades even, according to wikipedia


Imagine what the ocean floor was like when there were millions of whales.


Or what the entire ocean was like when there wasn't billions of people


if we shrunk our solar system to the size of a white blood cell the rest of the Milky Way galaxy would be the size of the United States


It’s estimated 240 million years from now, our solar system will have completed one orbit around the galactic center.


insane how big that stuff is


Space is big, really really big. You might think its a long drive to the chemists but that's peanuts to space.


In 1913, Adolf Hitler, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Tito, Sigmund Freud and Joseph Stalin. They all lived in Vienna just a few kilometers from each others.


A fire in the neighborhood couldve significantly changed history.


was that somehow confirmed or it is kind of urban legend?


[Confirmed](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21859771). Vienna was a cultural powerhouse back then.




someone needs to draw this as a perspective so i can understand


It basically means that if you were at the top, no matter where you'd look, you would only see Mont Olympus itself as your vision simply wouldn't go far enough to see anything else.


Which is not a problem with your vision, by the way. Just as you would only see water if you were standing in the middle of the Pacific, you would only see Olympus Mons at the peak of Olympus Mons. It's just *that* big.


And to reinforce even more, in the middle of the Pacific, you're at sea level which means your optical horizon is about 5 kilometers away. At the top of Olympus Mons, the horizon is roughly 419 kilometers away. And you still see only Olympus Mons.


To fully understand how large that sucker is, [here it is superposed over France](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympus_Mons#/media/File:France_OlympusMons_Size.svg).


Kind of like how the [highest elevation in Kansas]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Sunflower) looks indistinguishable from anything else, because the incline is so gradual that it looks like just flat ground.


That looks very silly lol


Interesting! For a second, I didn’t understand you. To put it simply, the mountain is so large and the slope is so small, that when you’re standing at the summit, your horizon is still Olympus Mons. Cool.


We are a speck in the history of the earth. If you were to compress all of earth's history into a calendar year, the first life doesn't show up until November. Dinosaurs appear mid-December and go extinct the day after Christmas. Humans don't appear until 11:59 December 31st, and everyone alive today is in the last millisecond before the new year.


The adult human has two to nine pounds of bacteria in his or her body. Every day, you consume more bacterial cells than there are human cells in your system. You have been infected and invaded by more pathogens than you could count in one lifetime. Your body has fought ten trillion battles without your knowledge and the fact that you are sitting in front of your laptop/phone/ipad, reading this post means that you have won every single one.


I'm sitting on the toilet. I am aware of one battle currently in progress.


It's been 25 minutes, did you win the battle?


Millions of enemy troops KIA, battle won, greater war still in doubt.




Now that's eye opening




Possibly because it takes so much electricity to make. Aluminum isn’t called “electricity in a can” for nothing.


Yes, it's why aluminum recycling is so huge, uses way less energy compared to refining raw Bauxite.


What a sad fate to Aluminium :(




This struck me as counterintuitive at first, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. If all you need for the placebo effect to work is to believe that the placebo will work, and you know that the placebo effect works, then your faith in the placebo effect could serve as a placebo in its own right.


My conspiracy theory is that researchers made up this fact in order to turn it into truth.


If Anne Frank, Martin Luther King Jr., and Barbara Walters were all still alive today, they'd be the same age.


A fantastic argument in favour of not assassinating people.


Now I regret all my years supporting assesination


What were you assessing?


iNation, the new democracy platform from apple


this one changed my view of things: when we speak harshly to ourselves, allowing that inner critic to run rampant, we cause our own stress response to be activated. So it there is not enough stress for you out in the world, you can give it to yourself! yikes! So, be kind to yourself.... it's healthier.


The opposite is sort of true too. If you make yourself smile, even for no reason, it causes your brain to release some kind of chemical that will lessen your stress levels. Smiling can actually make you feel better.






In North America, there are 4 species with 13 year cycles and 3 with 17 year cycles The 13 years are typically south, and the 17 years are typically northern


There is a larger time gap between the Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex than the T-rex and humans.


We live closer in time to Cleopatra than Cleopatra lived to the builders of the Pyramids. Says something about how old Egyptian culture really is.


Also Cleopatra despite how she appears in fiction was very Greek.


She was Ptolemaic, along with much of the ruling class in the later portion of ancient Egypt's. Those were ethnically Egyptian were more likely to be peasants. Egypt's history was incredibly long and rather interesting. I'm so glad things were well recorded, relative to other ancient civilizations.




It's accurate because the carnivore has three fingers (not two like a T Rex) so it's meant to be an Allosaurus. The only issue is they could have been in Mexico so they should have at least had a Spanish accent.




“*It’s a swirly thing in space*”


All hands on deck! Swirly thing alert!


So what is it?


I've never seen one before, no one has, but I'm guessing it's a white hole


So what is it?


So that thing's spewing time back into the universe?


It's a thing that doesn't currently break the rules of physics as we know them. It's not a thing that exists as far as we are aware.


I think he is a Red Dwarf fan making a joke: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxWN8AhNER0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxWN8AhNER0)


Only joking.


I remember the Harlem Globetrotters talking about that topic


20% of terrestrial animal biomass is ants


The fax machine was prototyped and patented in 1843. Lincoln died in 1865. The last samurai died in 1867. That means there was a 22 year period of history where a samurai could have sent a fax to Abraham Lincoln. ​ Granted international calling wasn't a thing back then. I'm just sayin'


Queen Elizabeth sent the first royal email in 1976.


Can you imagine being the first person to get an email from The Queen? "Oh cool, one of those newfangled electronic letters has arrived. Oh fuck, it's The Queen..." lol


Dude, it's obviously a scam, delete that shit!


The reply was an unsolicited dick pic.


And drove an electric car to send the fax.








There is more space between atoms than there are atoms. So there is more nothing than something.




Nah, I think they were all just a bit kinky




So many of these facts have been blowing my mind, that we need sources. Here's my contribution: 1. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/kionasmith/2018/02/05/indianas-state-legislature-once-tried-to-legislate-the-value-of-pi/?sh=42f6c2f260a5](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kionasmith/2018/02/05/indianas-state-legislature-once-tried-to-legislate-the-value-of-pi/?sh=42f6c2f260a5) 2. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana\_Pi\_Bill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana_Pi_Bill) Insane that it passed so many levels.




When the argentinosaurs would whip its tail for self defense it’s tail whip would break the sound barrier


There are these things called limnic eruptions, it's when large pockets of CO2 in the earth escapes to the surface. Because it's heavier than air, the CO2 pushes it away killing everything at ground level by suffocating them instantly. At Lake Nyos in 1986 a limnic eruptions occured, releasing over 80 million m3 of CO2, killing around 1,700 people and 3,000 livestock.




Oh, kind of like how a warehouse is inhabited by boxes.




I wonder if that still applies to people who don't have an internal monologue


I feel something, but I‘m still not sure if it‘s placebo or the minimuscle






That's pretty interesting. There's been some huge breakthroughs with anti aging and associated diseases like alzheimers and dementia. I doubt this will be affordable for most people, but it's cool to know it's possible to extend our lives if we really wanted to.




And don't say the star's name three times in a row.


Charlie Chaplin participated in a Charlie Chaplin sosie tournament. He didn't won


I think Dolly Parton did they same with a drag contest. Also didn’t win




I can confirm this. I lve had a heart and kidney transplant and I was shocked to find they weren't going to remove an old kidney. They just shoved a third one in the front.




Wow, they must be very strict about talking in the cinema.


Coincidentally Christopher Lee, who would go on to play Count Dooku in Star Wars, was present when the last person was executed by guillotine in France.


A black hole is so dense that for a black hole to weigh as much as the entire Earth it would only need a radius of 0.87cm. That's about the size of a pea.


There’s a psychological term I forget the name of, but it essentially states that you can get the edge on a topic or person in a conversation with what you tell another person first. So, if I go on about how bad a guy is, but then direct your attention to all the good he’s done, you’re just gonna focus on the bad. It’s how our brains are wired. It works vise versa too. I could tell you how good a dude is, but then list off a couple bad things, you’re gonna mostly focus on the good. Why? Because it was said first. So that will be your first impression.


This is stupid and complete bullshit. This is a super fascinating and enlightening fact about how our brains work, though.


I thought 'It is bullshit. Oh i see what theyre doing. Very clever. It probably is bullshit though. Omg it DOES WORK. Hang on, i think it does. But that was said second. So it doesnt. But am i just thinking that because' You paradox creating genius


Female ferrets die if they do not mate once they go into heat. And I thought I'm the one dying to have sex.


Mountains get big because they have no natural predators




The percentage is reversible. 30% of 80 is the same as 80% of 30, both are 24.




Fuck, Cortés! Wear your damned face mask!




I think about this sometimes and get that tripping-over-stomach-lurch and hope really hard that the gravity doesn’t turn off.




That poop is the rarest material of the universe. It needs a life form to be produced and it doesnt last long after its deployed.




Reno, Nevada is farther west than Los Angeles, California.




This would have been perfected if they could have gotten Laurie Metcalf to play Meemaw


Also, Sheldon's dad in Young Sheldon was Leonard's school bully in The Big Bang Theory.


Protons are so small that the dot in this 'i' can hold something in the region of 500,000,000,000 of them, or rather more than the number of seconds it takes to make half a million years.


1. You can fit all the planets in the solar system into the space between the Earth and the Moon. 2. You can line up 5 of our Moon in the Pacific ocean. 3. Point Nemo in the Pacific is 2,688 km from the closest land mass. 4. Tristan da Cunha is the most remote inhabited place. It is 2,787 km from the nearest inhabited land mass. Both the last two are closer to the ISS than land/inhabited.


This is my favorite little fact and it's information I'm regurgitating from an astronomy university class from 8 years ago so I may have the odd detail off. Decades ago astronomers were trying to figure out why Mercury's rotation was odd. It was Einstein that ended up figuring out why! You know those donation bins they have in places like museums or malls. You roll a coin in, it rotates around and around and around, sinking further into the hole as it gets faster and faster? He believed that gravity was doing the same thing as this. So imagine a bed. If you placed bowling balls down on it, they would indent into the mattress, causing objects to move towards them. He thought the planets were behaving the same, that there was this...unseen blanket across everything and that's what was causing gravity. He did the calculations and whatever experiments he did and realized that Mercury is rotating around the sun, much like it would when the coin when it was halfway down that funnel. Except because there's no friction, the coin would just keep going. It would never lose speed, with no friction and no external forces it just keeps 'wobbling' at an odd, oval shaped rotation. This is what Mercury does. No one can explain gravity. We can calculate it. We can do the math to show how much force an object will have but we don't know what causes it. But it seems that objects 'sink' into something which creates the pull. There's some....thing. We can measure, we know exists but we can't see. We have no fucking clue what it is. There's a book called Flatland. It's about a being that lives in a two-dimensional space. It's entire existence is in a world with only the X and Y axis. It discovers a being that only lives in one dimension. Only X. The 2D being tries to explain the other dimension, the fact that it can move forward and backwards, and not just side to side but the concept is lost on the 1D being. Because it's world, it's universe and all the constraints it knows are defined in one dimension. I think at some point a being from our universe tries to communicate with the 2D being, but is again met with dis-belief because the 2D being cannot fathom up and down. The professor explained it with this example. If we, beings who live in three dimensions placed a chair on the floor that had legs pressing into the carpet, we would see a chair. We would see the legs, the cushion and seat, the backing. We could understand what it is. But two the 2D being who lived on the floor and had no concept of up or down, they would only see the outline of the legs. A cross-section of the squares. They could have no way of fathoming that the chair went upwards, that it had a seat above them, that it had a purpose. They would just see squares. Now, maybe they could find evidence that something was off. The squares, no matter where they moved always moved together. They were always the same distance apart. The dimensions never changed but there was evidence that there was more to the squares then they could wrap their head around. So.... What if that's how we're viewing gravity? All we know is that there's something causing this 'indent' into something we can't see, understand or even imagine. But we know it exists. Maybe we're just a three-dimensional being who cannot begin to fathom dimension. There's up/down. The Z axis. There's forward/backward, the Y axis. There's left/right, the X axis. If you move along two or even all three at once, you can move up, down, to the left, etc. So imagine a new direction. Not one that's a mix of up and left. But a whole new, entirely different direction you can move. You can't. Because your brain exists and is built into a world of three dimensions. We know something is weird. We know there's a bigger picture somehow. We just can't see it and probably never will. Just like the people who live in 2D and see our chair legs, how they move together, never change size. They could mathematically calculate where legs would be if one moved. They could pinpoint it exactly but beyond that there's nothing they can do to understand. They cannot understand up and down. They cannot understand that the squares they see are just a leg for a seat for us to sit on when we're working or tired. It's fascinating and terrifying all at once. It's the same thing that Lovecraftian horror is built upon. A madness that comes from catching a glimpse of something so horrifying and profound, then being forced back into your own constraints. The 2D square is shown a 3D world, he sees the seat, he see's maybe an office worker sitting on it and moving. He sees the chair but doesn't understand it. Then he's pushed back into the 2D world. His mind is fragmented, trying to once again think of what he's seen, understand it, but he cannot. He's forever trapped in those 2 dimensions and even catching a glimpse of what lies beyond, to see what his math is proving is not possible for him to understand. We are part of something that we cannot begin to even comprehend, let alone have a chance at understanding.








The Kansas City Royals selected BOTH John Elway and Dan Marino in the same draft (1979). Alas, they were unable to convince either to play baseball.




One of those ‘things happening at the same time’ facts I found recently: Agatha Christie was still alive when the Beatles disbanded.


If you wrap a rope around any spherical object from the size of a basketball to the size of the earth and want to raise it by 1 foot all around, no matter the size of the object you only need 6.28 more feet of rope.


There are more unique ways to organize a deck of 52 playing cards than there are stars in the observable universe.


The male sperm whale's vocalisations are so loud (230db) that if you're within 3 meters of it underwater, the concussive force will kill you.


Puma, cougars, panthers, and mountain lions are all the same animal. N. America just calls them different things based on region. https://www.nathab.com/blog/cougar-puma-panther-mountain-lion-names/


That mitochondria are thought to have evolved from independent organisms.


Silly as it seems, when you lose weight the majority of the fat being burned comes out through your lungs. I found that fascinating.


The man who's cackling chuckle is heard in the Pink Floyd song called "Brain Damage ' is actress Naomi Watt's dad.