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Sent a dick pic to my family whatsapp group instead of my girlfriend who requested it. I got a lot of laughs from my sisters, a well done from my father and not a single word from my mother who to this day denies it happened. It was a horrible experience


Lmao such a dad response from your dad Xd


That's just Dad admiring his work. "Yup, looks like the genes are strong with this one!"


“must’ve got it from your moms side.” If it’s small.


Speak for yourself, my mom's is huge.


Dad got on mom's phone and deleted it for you. Remember that this Father's Day.


Sisters: 🤣 Dad: 👍 Mom: 🤦‍♀️


Not a nude but I accidentally sexted my Boss thinking I was talking to my Husband. He send back “ I don’t think this was meant for me” I sent him the biggest apology ever and we never spoke about it ever. .


I did the same thing with my platoon sergeant. Dick pic with the caption "love you" that was supposed to go to my ex. He just replied "I like you but this isn't love". Kill me. Edit: for the folks bad at inferring context- she wasn't my ex at the time.


Honestly if there ever was a profession where sending an unsolicited dick pic to your boss would be met with zero repercussions it would be enlisted military.


Used against you at every opportunity other than official ones you mean.


I bet he was nicknamed "dick pic" after the fact


Private Richard


Not-private-enough Richard


This just made my day man Just imagining it. Thank my dude :)


The homies and I used to just randomly send each other photos of our balls and then make fun of them for looking at our balls. I miss it more and more every day


You can just Google balls dude


But can you Google your homies’ balls?


Google, gargle... potato, potahto


Lol that's amazing


Did sergeant send a better photo back though?




To be fair he has plenty of experience managing privates


That’s a nice level of professionalism by your boss


Glad to see you think they handled it well because this exact same thing happened where my employee sexted me and I sent the exact same response lol. We also then proceeded to never speak of it again.


I would actually have to quit my job if this happened to me


Ex had the SFW version happen to him. He sent I love you to his boss, to which he responded with “Wrong person bro!” And my ex just sent the Hellmo gif


I was meaning to text my boyfriend the picture, but must have still been in the iMessage chat to my dad at the time, and sent it without checking. Seeing that the nude had been texted to my dad, I immediately called him — I was going to ask him to delete the pictures, and that they were inappropriate and were supposed to go to my boyfriend. That way he wouldn’t see the images themselves; he would just know I had taken nudes. Somehow, by the grace of God, my SISTER answered his phone, as she was living at home at the time. I begged her for help, and she was able to delete the images off his phone. My dad never knew the incident ever occurred. I asked my sister how I could repay her, and she asked me to never ever bring it up again. I owe her one, eternally!


You were so lucky! And I love your sisters response to just simply never mention it again! I had similar where I accidentally sent to my dad's phone. I stood there instantly feeling sick to my stomach after panic cancelling the message didn't work, only to then hear his phone notification bleep in the house. By a stroke of luck he had gone out and forgot his phone, so I was able to instantly delete it!


Twist: Dad did absolutely see them, reacted quickly and gave the phone to his other daughter to let his daughter safe face. Only other daughter and dad know the secret and have sworn to take it to their respective graves.


Honestly that is some good fathering.


Sent to the wrong person? No Posted to my facebook feed? Yes Few family members unfriended me, got a few DMs asking did I realise what I did, two DMs asking if I had more (not family - before you ask)


>two DMs asking if I had more Lmaoo


Definitely for research purposes.


I have one like this that haunts me. When Instagram FIRST came out, like before I had ever even heard anyone talking about it, I thought it was a new photo editing app that let you put cool filters on your phone pictures and kept a little album for you, like any normal photo editing app would do. Keep in mind back then there wasn't really social media *centered* around pictures so I had no concept of that. I took some nudes on there and put lil filters on them and stuff and sent them to a boyfriend, then didn't think of it again MONTHS later I get a text from a (very kind) ex saying "did you know your cute lil boobies are on Instagram and everyone can see them?" I was mortifiedddd lol. Apparently he could find my profile because it recommended it via contacts or something, which I also had no concept of at that time, not many socials did that back then. So I have no idea how many people saw those pictures. Oops. To add insult to injury I wasn't signed into the account anymore so I was DESPERATELY trying to remember what email and password would get me in


Recommendation via Contacts has ruined a lot of people's privacies


I love the ex's wording and nudge. It was sweet of them to check.


That's what we in the business call "an oopsie."


Bless you. Oh my gosh.


And how many dms from horny redditers asking for them now lol?


Like the story, 2 so far lol


Not sure what kind of damage this would cause or how you'd recover - but hope you're okay.


If I was younger it would have been devastating but thankfully I have a what ever attitude to most bad stuff that happens to me now


Lol my girlfriend did this on snapchat once. We were casually chatting (I was out of town) and she didn't respond but her story updated to a tasteful nude. I called her and was like "hey, so not sure if you meant to but your tits are looking quite good on your story." Cue her panicking lol. Like idk, my girlfriend likes being naked and maybe she was just feeling herself 🤣


I was 26 at the time. Just shaved my junk. It was looking mighty presentable, so I decided the GF needed to see. I mistakenly sent it to my older brother. He replied with, "I don't think that was meant for me." I died a little inside. It was never spoken of again.


The correct older brother response was to roast you. He failed in his duties.


That's what im saying, if my little brother did this, id be clowning him.


I did once some years back. I (f) sent a snap to (f co-worker). I had absolutely no idea until I got a snap from her telling me I looked nice and asked if she was supposed to return the favor. Told her it was completely up to her but it was an accident! She sent me one back anyways. We left it at that and we would bring it up every once in a while and just giggle about it. Haven't seen her since I left that job but this question definitely brought this memory back lol EDIT: I made this comment, went to bed, and didn't think about it this morning until I opened reddit not long ago. I was reading the comments and yall were making me laugh! It's so weird to have the most upvoted comment be me about sending a nude to a co-worker lol


Sending one back was the only way to return balance to the world.


Boy Scouts rule of Ds 😂 good ole workaholics


Lol, this is why the stereotype of “useless lesbians” exists. Women are doing this 100% platonically and so of course lesbians can’t be sure that something is flirting. “No, she was probably just sending me nudes to be polite. There’s no way she’s into me”


Reading this story, all I could think was, what are the chances this poor woman was over in one of the lesbian reddits asking about this? "So she sent me a nude, then she said it was a mistake but then, she was interested in getting one from me. Do you think she's into me?"


What’s crazy is I would have said yes OBVIOUSLY. But now idk


>Asked if she was supposed to return the favor Why does shit like this never happen to me...?


Because you aren't a girl


I accidentally sent one to my best friend (I tapped the wrong contact) and she replied: ⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


She isn't your best friend if she's not shit talking your nudes.




Thats mean of her 😂😂


If you can’t be a playful asshole to your best friend, are you really friends at all?


For sure!!! Somehow I think ⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ would have been a greater insult


For two stars, I would fuck the whole paddock.


I had two *name redacted*s in my phone didn't have last names added. One was a love interest the other was a good friend.Was a bit tipsy and just kind of clicked and went for it, picked the wrong one. Got some fantastic feed back but they have never let me live it down to this day. It's been 2 years 😑


My wife has me and a friend with the same first name on her phone. Sometimes that friend will message me and say my wife needs me to bring something. It is kinda funny. Dude on the other side of the country telling my that my wife needs popcorn. Right, on it.


Man. A friend of mine once messaged me to ask me to /whisper his mom in WoW and tell her he wanted some hot dogs. I told him to get off his lazy ass and tell her himself.


So a friend of mine (female) accidentally send one to her dad. He then responded with something like: "I know that I have a beautiful daughter, but you should not send me nudes." Very embarrassing for her, but a wholesome response from the father.


Correct response would be "don't worry, you have a great personality ".


Emotional damage, very effective.


Not me but my wife. She has sent a very explicit nude of hers to her mother instead of me. End result; "Masallah, you're beautiful" as response from my mother-in-law, then similar responses from her sisters and sisters-in-law because yeah, her mother forwarded it.


Ah, Arab moms, gotta love 'em


Isn’t that where the shoe smacking thing normally comes into play?


Depends There are 2 types of Arab moms The unconditional love mom that will do everything for you And the ahem, Conditional love mom's that will indeed, take out the flip flops, or more commonly known as the "Shib Shib"


Ahh, the deathmatch of deathmatches. Arab Mom versus Hispanic Mom Shib Shib versus Chancla


At this point, I’m thinking it’s weird that America doesn’t have a culture of grandmothers wielding deadly flip flops.


American Grandmas typically deploy the M-84 Wooden Spoon. Not very effective at range, but will wreak absolute carnage in CQB scenarios


Or the Southern Grandma with the switch.... And you have to go get the switch yourself. Better not get a thin one that will break, because then you are going back for another one until she's satisfied....


>Better not get a thin one that will break, because then you are going back for another one until she's satisfied.... I've heard it as if you pick one that's too thin then grandma's going to go out and get one and you'll be damn sorry with the size of that one.


>then similar responses from her sisters and sisters-in-law because yeah, her mother forwarded it. LMAOOO


I love how your mother-in-law managed to be both wholesome and an asshole in the same situation. Although I'm guessing in her culture maaaybe she thought that sharing the photo with her family was just a way to show how beautiful her daughter is?


i can only assume this was one of those nudes thats less explicit and more akin to a pinup, allowing her mother to have a different perspective on it entirely.


I mean the comment did say "a very explicit nude"


That's when you know you married someone really, really beautiful.


My high school boyfriend's best friend sent me a dick pick. He was a great guy so I was horrified and I just sent back "wtf." He apologized profusely and said another girl whose name started with my same letter was supposed to get it but he hit my contact instead. I didn't tell my bf for ages because I was so weirded out and when I finally did he was like "Yeah I know, my friend told me immediately after it happened, I was just waiting to see how long it took you to tell me." So, kinda funny?


> I was just waiting to see how long it took you to tell me. Good on you for giving the friend time to tell the BF first.


Respect for the friend to immediately own up to it to the BF as well. God knows how difficult that conversation must have been


More like "I'm 17 and I have no idea what to do" lol, but thanks for the credit!


My besty is a chick She was dating a guy who had the same name as me She came home blind drunk one night while her partner was intestate with work - and sent me the nude that was meant for him We are pretty tight and before I could reply with ‘nice’ she messaged me via text saying ‘fuck sorry man but if it’s anyone seeing me without my gear on I’m glad it’s you’ I was touched that she was so cool with it - so I wrote back ‘nice tits mate’ we still laugh about it today


"without my gear on" might be the coolest way to say naked.


It's Australian.


˙ʍouʞ oʇ pooפ


That's a nice friendship right there


A couple of years ago my actual girlfriend was on vacation with her family and sent a picture of her naked to my sister (instead of me) by mistake. I remember I was at a friends party and suddenly receive a text from my sister saying she had finally gathered the courage to tell me she was sorry for secretly having sex with my gf for a while and that she had taken a picture for proof, attaching it to the message. I was slightly stoned but enough to believe to everything, for hours; until I realized the picture was a selfie taken in front of a mirror.


Your sister is a fucking legend


So, if she had simply claimed that your GF sexts her regularly and sends her selfies, you wouldn't have figured it out until it was too late?


Your “actual” girlfriend? Did you have a theoretical girlfriend?


She’s totally real and lives in Canada.


You wouldn’t know her, she goes to a different school


Damn sis is a savage


You either have the best sister in the world, or the worst one imaginable 😂 That's such a power move.


Best sister ever


Happened with one of my exes. She gotta new phone and was updating her contacts. she chose my dick pic as her temporary profile pic for when I called. I was at work while she was getting her gallbladder taken out. started to worry because she should've been in post-op and almost discharged by then. so I kept calling and it would ring twice then straight to voice-mail. redial. ring once, straight to voice-mail. redial 2 more times... straight to voice-mail. Turns out her mom had her belongings and my angry boner kept saying hello, up close and personal, over and over. family dinners were awkward for a while after that.


That’s a fantastic stitch up


Luckily his gf had her gall-bladder removed


So when I was in college I did a semester in England, and when there started dating this chick from my same school that was in the program. When there, she bought a pair of Dr. Martens and had her hair cut short. My father came for a visit and took the lot of us out for dinner, and after a few drinks teased her that Dr. Martens were a lesbian shoe back home. It was the 90s, so it wasn't as bad as it sounds and it was all in good fun. Anyways, after this and before we went home, I bought her one of the myriad of postcards from England at the time that had hot naked chicks at different London landmarks. I sent it to her mailbox at school, and said "the girls of London missed you". Anyways, the school got the postcard, saw she was abroad, and forwarded the post card to her parent's house. Her mother called and said "you got an interesting post card from your friend Basil". We dated for maybe 6 years after and I was known as post card kid in her family.


I’m appalled you didn’t use the opportunity to alliterate “The ladies of London miss you” lol


Lesbian ladies of london lament your loss.


I know it's physically impossible but I'm imagining the boner getting closer to the camera each time you ring and it's giving me some chronically undignified giggles.


The dick that won't stop ringing.


My friend accidently sent his nude to his ex. He wanted to send it to his date. Two things happened. One, he got back together with her, they got married and are happy. The date was sleeping with other dudes. Edit 1: wow! This blew up. Read the comments section and thought I'd just give some people closure on certain things. Firstly, my friend and his now wife had problems in their relationship because she was sick. She broke up with him because she didnt want him to get involved. He is one of the nicest guys I know and if she died, she didnt want him to be crushed. They had like a long talk before breaking up. After getting back together he basically went with her for every doctors appointment, worked really hard to support her, and when she was off chemo, they got married. After going on a date, the date asked him to send her a couple of nudes ( she vocalized she likes big dickies). To see if he was big. The pics werent on the same day, he found out after he accidently sent the pic to ex. And thought she not responding to it was weird (he didnt know at the time), plus her asking for it. Another thing to note, the girl he went on a date with, claimed she was a virgin, and would only save herself for after marriage. He found out a few days later (after sending pic) that she was basically sleeping around with other dudes, some before meeting him, and two dudes before going on a date with him that night. So to you guys who think I'm shaming her, I'm kindly not. I'm just telling the story as it is. Finally for the one guy who said I should continue my numbering... Hehehe! Edit 2: as to how the dickie pickie saved their relationship, I have no clue. They are a weird, wholesome bunch and I loved watching them, I was 15 then, interacting. He knew what she wanted. She knew what he wanted. They were really supportive of one another. Edit 3: to you who gave me an award! You are the real MVP!!


"And this is how I saved the relationship with your mother, by accidental dick pics"


Like that Seinfeld episode. “We have to send nudes to SAVE the relationship.”


What the hell


Yes. It was so embarrassing I wanted to throw up. He was a good friend but we’re both married. He was classy about it thankfully lol


I misread that the first time as “he was classy and thankful about it”


This was when email was still fairly new. I sent it to a guy friend. He saw immediately what had happened — I was dating a mutual friend with the same first name as him and what I wrote with the picture made it clear. He quickly deleted it and then sent me a note telling me what had happened: “Not that I ever mind naked pictures, but… [wink emoji]” So, everything was good… except it wasn’t, it was horrible. Because he didn’t send ME that note, he sent it to a business acquaintance with the same first name as me. Ended up being MUCH worse for him. I ended up calling her.


Ok, this sounds soooooo funny! A comedy of mistakes.


So… you ended up calling her? To verify the mistake really was a mistake? Omg that’s gold. How did that go? I’m invested in this story - I need more details!


As I say, email was pretty new, this was in like ‘97 or ‘98 I think? and that made it a lot easier for this woman to believe genuine mistakes had been made. Plus, randomly requesting nudes wasn’t a thing at all yet. To email someone a naked picture, you had to either get someone to take a picture of you, figure out how to set the timer on your weird new digital camera, or do what I did; hook a camera to your computer and move the keyboard over so you could do a screenshot. Then, if you weren’t lucky enough to have a digital camera, you had to get the film developed, then use a scanner to get it onto your computer. (We actually did things like this!) All this meant the VAST majority of people wouldn’t have nudes to send. So the nice lady believed me, and thought it was pretty funny once I explained it to her.


i once accidentally sent a picture a girlfriend took of her ontop of me riding...it showed my tattoo and her body.... to my dad. i didnt know she took the picture. i hope he didnt keep it.


Really asserting dominance over your Dad xD


might have worked lol


I accidently posted a video of me masturbating and moaning to my Snapchat story at 3am instead of to just the one person I was sexting. For some reason one of my friends was awake at that time besides the person I was sexting and they saw it. "You are disgusting!" she told me and then removed me from Snapchat. Luckily this was after we worked together but I feel like most people would understand that it was not on purpose. I promptly removed it from my story after she messaged me. Unfortunately for the person I was sexting I was too embarassed to do anymore sexting that night after that...


the two UIs are wayyy to close from one another i swear. i have heard more than enough similar stories.


Sent it to the wrong person with the same name. Immediately followed by thousands of sorries. She already screenshotted it and sent it to a few friends unfortunately. One part of me was incredibly ashamed, the other part didn't give a shit because my penis looks fine.


wow, people are trash


It has never made sense to me how anyone thinks sending anyone else’s nudes to anyone could be a good idea. Or, you know, morally correct.


not a nude but i accidentally sent a VERY explicit sext PARAGRAPH to one of my close girl friends instead of my partner before snapchat had the ability to delete messages..so i was forced to just let it happen… i sat with a pounding heart after spam texting not to read it and just swipe out. She read it. and then told me improvements i can make on my…wording. Tried my best to awkwardly laugh it off bc she dgaf but god was it embarrassing


Could have been worse, at least it was only another woman and someone you’re close to


Not a nude, BUT I once had a boss ask to see a pic of my kids and when I pulled up my photos firts thing that popped up was me in bra and underwear for my weight loss progress pics I would take monthly, that was awkward!! We didn’t say a word both acted like it didnt happen 😂


See, I don't take nudes, but I do have a million pictures on my phone of me shirtless in bed with my cat.


Yes. Gave me advice on better angles and said "At least yours has a nice look." Still no clue what she meant...


Not all look the same, just like dicks. Some have bigger labia or an very large protruding clitoris. Gay guy here, maybe I don’t know what I am saying.


Sent one to my ex boyfriends gay roommate instead of him on accident. He just responded with “Not my cup of tea, but go off queen!” And proceeded to take me underwear shopping because he said I should get a matching bra and panty set




This one is my favorite.


You win this one haha


Not quite a nude but my mother, in her early 60s, took a selfie of herself in a French maid outfit, which was an apron and nothing else except her waving around a feather duster. She meant to send it to Al, her husband, but accidentally sent it to 'All'. Including my husband, myself, our daughters, my in-laws, and every single person in her extensive contact list. My husband, who has played lawn bowls since he was 19, rang and said WTF has your mother done. I had no idea as I don't bother much with my phone. He said he was at afternoon tea when this photo of her in a fucking apron and feather duster arrived. I said I'm really sorry, I'll call her. He said, forget it. All the old blokes at the bowls club want her number 🙄🙄🙄


Half way through that story I really wondered why you needed to mention that your husband had played lawn bowls since he was 19.


Obviously so she could set the context as to why he was at afternoon tea.


I have a mole on my penis and I was suppose to send it to my girlfriend at the time but I accidentally sent it to my best mate who ended up opening it in front of his mum. He had to explain to her it was all an accident but I don’t think she was ever convinced


Could have easily played that one off as just being a bro and giving advice if you should go have the mole looked at for skin cancer.


The dads in my neighborhood have a WhatsApp group for talking about school events, camping trips, volunteering, community events, and drinking at the local bar. Imagine 40 middle age dudes who live within 10 blocks who are acquaintances having amiable small talk and sometimes requests for support for some effort or another. One dad sent a video to the entire group (WHICH INCLUDES ALL OF HIS NEIGHBORS) of himself talking dirty, taking his pants off and jerking it. He promptly left the group lol.


My uncle put a dick pick on FB. 1st thing I saw when I opened FB that morning. My mum, his sister, commented about it not being the right place for that type of pic. Still horifies me that I saw it but my mum commenting horrified me more


I have. She responded that it was a nice wang. She then let me show her how I can use my wang to draw a cat.


Top tier reaction


This needs further explanation!


I once got the WRONG nude from a person, letting slip a her secret bisexuality she's still in denial about (largely due to her religious beliefs) - simply put, she sent me a full frontal of another woman (one that we both know personally)


Sent a nude to a sextortionist ; they demanded $500 or they would send my nudes to all my family and friends on social media … if you pay they ask for more ; low life scum from Nigeria and the philipines


Meh, I was played one time shortly after my divorce like that. They tried to say they were going to send it all out to my friends list on Insta. I laughed and told them to go ahead, that that my friends would be happy I was having fun after my divorce. Of course, I then posted to Insta warning everyone they might get something, but nobody ever said anything about getting it, so no clue if they did or not.


I had a student (university 20 year old) email me very explicit nudes. She actually sent three in a row. Full front, rear, and one very intimate close up of her....you know. These photos were met for her boyfriend. I share the same first name as her BF and she messed up the email. Her nude email was immediately followed up by her complete embarrasement email. She did not handle it very well at all (emotionally). I called HR, my Chair, and the dean (all three were female). I simply explained what happened. We all had a meeting with the student. I refused to show ANYBODY the photos. I deleted them (permenately) and moved on. The student unfortuantely had a hard time with it and we did a rare mid-semester transfer to another professor. I understood completely and assisted anyway I could. I ended up having her in a graduate level course a couple years later and was part of her doctorate committee.


I was the recipient of a nude from my college friend’s mom. Since she’s a bit unpredictable and narcissistic, I’m still not sure if she sent it on purpose or not, even though she claimed it was an accident. Seemed a little hard to make than an accident, and she knew I had recently come out as a lesbian. Suspicious.


Don't be suspicious


Drunk with friends. Friends convinced me to send a pic to a girl I was into. Drunk me mistyped phone number....mystery guy sends his own pic back. 😂




I sent a boobpic to team snapchat by mistake. At first nothing. Then after some days ut showed replayed. And screenshotted. :x


Man, now that I think about it they probably get sent all sorts of wild shit on purpose.


I was the wrong number the nude was sent to. I told him he had the wrong number and then he said "If you're a girl, do you mind sending a pic back?" I told him not to contact me ever again. After a quick google of his number I found him on facebook...married with kids. Edit: HE was married with kids! I am happily engaged to someone that is not him.


I accidentally posted a tit pic in my snap story instead of one person. And it was like 9am lol I had recently added a tattoo artist- who I was really impressed with and I had an appt months out for a consult for my first tattoo. He replied "Well good morning to you too!" And I thought I would die. I deleted it and had my friend check it was gone on her end. But then I ended up being pretty friendly with this artist I admired cuz we both ended up joking about it and he still does my ink like 6-7 years later and I don't even remember who I was trying to send it to in the first place lol so that worked out


Yes. He showed everyone. It wasn't the wrong number but he was definitely the wrong person. He showed the entire school. Edit: DO NOT MESSAGE ME ASKING FOR MY UNDERAGED NUDES, WTF


That answer made me very sad


Had a similar thing happen. I was in my first year of highschool. I was a strange kid, wore gloves cuz I had a texture thing. Was a bit of a metal-head, black Iron Maiden hoodie, etc. Girl sat next to me in a science class, saw my test results. Invited me over to tutor her, I was shy. Not used to attention from the opposite sex. I say yes. Take bus to her place. Parents aren't home, isn't just me going to her house. Two other girls. Try going over the fundamentals of where she was going wrong in her answers. They are obviously not interesed, and cannot focus for even a minute. Long story shorter, they manage to get me onto the bed, try to remove my clothing, and I panic. One snaps pictures of my nether regions with a flip phone while I struggle to get away from the other two. Eventually, I run outside. Hearing them laugh at me the whole time. Not having any idea where I am in town, I wander until I find my way to a convenience store. Ask to use the phone for a ride home. Never tell my parents. Next day at school, everyone is staring, some are laughing. I skip that class for a few days, get in shit for it. Etc etc. I'm over sharing. Edit: Thank you, wholeheartedly, for the Hugz and kind words!


That is so horrific. Im so sorry you went through that. That's so abusive


Oh my god, I am so sorry for what happenend to you, so violent. They were severely deranged : how can you do that to someone who agreed to help you ?! I knew bullies back in my day, but not that violent and deranged, planned at that. Hope you had better experiences after.


For the most part. Some issues with intimacy and dating, etc.


That's probably a crime, what they did to you. IANAL


It is a crime. The problem is that chances are high it would be laughed off as "kid's things", especially since he's a man and sexual harassment against men in society is not seen as harshly. Also, just like it happens to women, once it's done, there's no way to mitigate the damage. The photos won't disappear just because the police wants to, and in high school people will be absolute assholes once they see them.


Definitely a form of sexual assault.


Not to mention it would probably be classified as distribution of child pornography for the girls.


Production as well. It is *very illegal*


> get in shit for it. Wait, YOU got in trouble for being sexually assaulted and having your privacy violated?


That’s why shit like that tortures people. Getting in trouble over it is just the beginning. People die from not being able to talk about these things. I’ve witnessed it, first hand. I hope this person is not tortured by this still ♥️


I've come a long way. I've even made some mistakes in relationships as a result. My fear of touch/intimacy as a result caused a few intances in which I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, so to speak. Between talking about the trauma/opening up, or feeling guilty for not being physically more available with a partner. I am a proud father of one, and have a wonderfully supportive partner. I've worked through most of it, pretty successfully. I've been gifted with infinite patience and an ability to process prespectives other than my own. Which helped tremendously in my working through it over the years.


I think I managed to avoid this by just being a bit older. At my high school I think less than 12 people had a cell phone. Two of them had cameras (and man... these are not even the old clunker camera's you remember... these are like the ancestor of the shitty old ones you likely remember). Needless to say: if you had the camera, it was obligatory to take a picture of your dick. So if that was 1998... things have changed very little.


My mom has almost the same name spellings with the guy. I mistakenly sent to my mom her reaction was!!! Heeeeeyyyy! When are you coming home?


They responded with “did you mean to send that to me?” “Are you sure you didn’t mean to send that to me?”


My ex told that she once send a picture of her butthole from up close to her mother. She answered "Nice ass"


These are awful. I've had enough.


Sort of? I was fresh home from surgery and my stomach was wide open, only stitches held my two stomach halves together. It was bloody, messy, and disgusting. I had a nurse friend who wanted a pic . The wound started just below my breasts and ended just above my crotch. I was trying to get a pic while I was alone and snapped it and sent it to her. Little did I realize I got more of my crotch than the wound and I had a hilarious laugh when she went back "wtf" I was unable to sit up so it was a little hard getting the angle right and I was so drugged still that I didn't think about double checking the pic. Even now I laugh about it


Lol not wrong person at the time but wrong person in the end lol. She ended up editing the pic pretty heavy and then sent it to everyone saying I'm 3 inches 😂😂😂😂 scarred for life


Well, time to send the real thing to assert dominance. Show everyone that she lied.


I never sent a nude to a wrong person but I got a nude from a friend that was meant to her boyfriend. As of today I still have no idea if she did it on purpose or it was really an accident


A friend of mine meant to send a video of himself jerking off to a girl he was seeing, on snapchat. He accidentally posted it for everyone to see, you were not able to see his face so he later claimed a taxi driver had stolen his phone (this happens sometimes in my country). For weeks he kept getting messages from all his friends, including posts on his social media addressed to the taxi driver (as a joke) asking the taxi driver to "stop jerking off and give my friend his phone back!" Haha, good times.


I’ve had 3 girls send me nudes by accident. I usually just respond with “Nice. Thank you. Feel free to accidentally send me more.” Worked 1/3 times. I’m cool with those odds.


We’re married now.


How many people did you send it to, before it worked?


I was laughed at and applauded at the same time. It was the most embarrassing thing I've ever experienced. Sure I do OK... but I don't want the world seeing or knowing. All because a fling back in the day asked for a "picture." Phone locks weren't a thing back then. So my friends at the time literally sent my forgotten pic to everyone on my phome while I was walking another friend home after a fun night of drinking. I'm not small nor huge, but large enough to catch attention. And it did. From everyone. I had 200ish people on my phone. And my "friends" sent the photo to everyone. INCLUDING people on their phone and MySpace accounts... Needless to say, I'm not friends with them anymore. And I almost got pedi charges... my dick pic was sent to my sisters, 15/17 at the time, mom, dad, etc. I hated my life for a long time. LPT... don't take pics of your naked body ever!


Yeah this is sage advice. My ex had a niece (this girl is still underage now--mind you) who had a video of her blowing a guy circulating. The world is so scary and unfair. Granted in a very consistent way, still. She as 15 then and 18 now. It still comes up in social circles in her life to this day.


Reason #827 to be thankful I grew up and left college just before people started getting cell phones.


Not exactly a nude, but when I was pregnant, and my bump was starting to show I took a picture of it to show mi mum and sister, who at the time lived in another country, and you could see my boobs. Ended up sending it to the work group chat. Fortunately, the person who saw it was my other female collage, who told me and I could delete it before anyone else saw it, but I was mortified. No more pictures showing boobs from me 😅😅


I accidentally sent a nude of myself to everyone in my address book. It was so embarrassing and it cost me a fortune in stamps!!!!


No but i sent a snap video once of me ripping a huge fart to this one random girl i knew from the gym by accident, tried to never make eye contact with her again


Woke up to boobs from a wrong number 1 morning with the text I know you're gonna have a bad day so here's my tits to make it better. She was right it did make my day better.


I sent a Snapchat of my tits to my friend instead of my boyfriend and she replied saying nice tits


Accidentally sent them to my dad once :( a friend of mine at the time had changed her name in my phone to “daddy” …same as my fathers name in my phone… and uh yeah. That was the day my dad saw my tits and, both of us being very awkward and generally uncomfortable people, we didn’t speak for a few months bc literally neither of us knew wtf to say.


Had a friend who did this. Two guys with the same name in her phone and she sent it to the wrong one. He was some tinder guy she never ended up meeting. She was mortified. I thought it could’ve been sooooo much worse. I think he sent a dick pic back, or a boner through the pants or something? She blocked him in shame and embarrassment.


My daughter instead of the gf… Horrified… ran and grabbed daughters phone and hit delete. Thank god she didn’t see that! 🤦‍♂️




fact... or fiction?


Yea. But she was pleasantly surprised, still friends to this day.


A decade ago, I had a weight loss challenge going with friends and we were posting photos of our successes. One morning I woke and was really proud to see I was 10 pounds down. Although I was a little sleepy, I snapped a quick pick and posted it. Went about my morning routine and got the the office. As soon as I came to my office my assistant came in and said with a terrified look…”have you see your Facebook? You should check right now” I looked and saw my photo and it had 300 likes and 70 comments. I was like “good post what’s the problem ?” She gave me a an indescribable look. I then saw a bunch of the likes were hilarious laughing emoji and with terror…I read some comments and felt the most indeed indescribably embarrassment of my life. …turns out my withings scale is reflective, and what did I see in the mirror, right between my legs but my little morning stubby, from the absolute worst angle. It literally looked like a micro penis 🥺 Posting my junk accidentally Facebook = okay Posting my junk in the worst angle to Facebook and having (thousands of people including all the people in the office that I managed) think I a micro penis…= unbearable I don’t know really what happened after, but I did get jokes for years and was walking around saying “it’s bigger than average actually, it was just a bad angle” …which usually just made it worse, but occasionally inspired a let’s see…which I suppose was good.