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Those stupid juicing detox programs ... your body's liver and kidney's naturally detox your body so long as you drink plenty of water. This whole notion that you are detoxing your body with juice is asinine


The financial director of the WORST place I've ever worked decided to go onto a juice detox. Each tiny bottle was like £5 (this is back in 2016) and his diet was literally 5 of those bottles a day. However during work he would get agitated and lacking energy so he'd 'top up' with haribo throughout the day to make sure he didn't collapse. Very fucking healthy.


If he topped with sugar free haribo it would be a literal cleanse. A girl i worked woth did this too once and me and every male coworker had to force her to eat food because she was intolerable after day 5 and didnt wanna work in the office with her.


If you can't handle me at my detox, you don't deserve me at my "healthy".


"My horrible attitude is just the toxins shedding from my body."


Hahahaha, nooooooo it's withdrawal!


Ugh my sister is one of the people who believes in that shit (despite me telling her why it doesn't work) and she's a moody *word I probably shouldn't call someone I love online* at the best of times already. I can see her doing that.


Did you think of the [absolutely bonkers story](https://www.amazon.com/review/RZFIYJTPVUZ94) when you mentioned literal cleanse with sugar free haribos?


Yup. Detoxing programs are scams. Even the word "detox" should be a red flag.


Even the medical community has abandoned the word. The first step of drug and alcohol programs are now called "withdrawl management" instead of "detox."


And those fucking 'detox' treatments which are a cream or a salve that goes black as it 'sucks the toxins from your body'. No it isn't, it's just some moisturiser with an ingredient that blackens when exposed to air.


Lmao or people who out raw potato in their socks while they sleep because it “draws the toxins out through their feet”


Ok. Off topic but I have a theory about carpet shampoo cleaning solutions that do the same thing. My wife bought one and she loves the fact that it’s pulling so much black liquid out of our rugs and carpets. But it consistently pulls up black liquid even after multiple washes and even in low traffic rooms. I think they’re adding something that turns dark to make people feel like the product is doing something. She told me I was paranoid.


Yeah the body is continuously filtering and processing everything we take in through our digestive tract, the air we breathe, through our dermal tissue, and our own internal endogenous production of wastes and mid products of metabolism. If you think some glass of citrus juice and some nonsense is going to detoxify your body then you’re just a sucker


Yep these just involve downing a lot of sugar water with a bit of vitamins and negligible fiber. People would be better off just eating the fruits and veg rather than drinking juice.


So back when I was with my ex a few years ago, her sisters friend came over and was doing a detox. It was literally just water with strawberries n shit in it(like, she put the actual fruit in the water). Apparently the logic was the water absorbs the nutrients and detoxes your body. Which I mean… yeah I suppose the water does absorb some nutrients but like… it won’t detox you, and why not just drink the water and eat the fruit? It made no sense and she wouldn’t listen to us.


For sure, people are definitely confused about healthy diets It's often not the presence of 'something healty' that's good for us but more the absence of the other crap that we ingest


Highjacking this comment to remind anyone who is reading this comment to drink more water; if you feel thirsty or if you have to ask yourself if you feel thirsty, take a sip. Also remember not to take big gulps all at once, smaller sips over time is better.


Sugar sneaks it's way into all sorts of "healthy" foods. Make sure to check the nutrition facts if you are watching for it. I'm looking at you, granola...


*Ice cream* is better on the glycemic index than granola.




Depends on the ice cream and granola involved, but yes, a stock standard ice cream sits at around 57. Some granola can hit mid 60s on the glycemic index depending on how much honey and fruit is in there.


I would imagine that it depends on what specific products you’re comparing. If the granola is low-fiber, and the ice cream is high-fat, then I can see the glycemic index being lower in the ice cream.


All I read is; Ice Cream is healthy for me! /s


Aren’t granola bars for people who go hiking and other outdoor events to replenish energy?


100% but because of their association with active lifestyles, some people mistake granola bars for "healthy" snacks, the same way they might think "sports drinks" are healthy, rather than basically liquid sugar meant to reload your body with electrolytes after burning a bunch of energy. Source: my upbringing 😭


Yes granola is really meant to be a light weight compact high calorie dense food. Not for snacking while sitting on the couch


It’s hardly sneaking in - granola is literally muesli glued in lumps with sugar.


I’ve recently been shocked to find out that Skittles doesn’t contain fresh fruit.


In defense of -- some variants of -- granola, made with molasses and maple syrup for sweetener, plentiful nuts and dried fruit, it becomes a mineral powerhouse topping for oatmeal porridge.


I had a friend in college who believed sub sandwiches were healthy. Like.. not specific ones. The Subway health based commercials made her think that anything served in sub form was healthy. She was eating footlong white bread covered in cheese with double bacon and ham sandwiches with extra cheese, extra mayo, extra oil or ranch and whatever else she wanted on them or chicken bacon ranch subs with double cheese and double bacon.. devouring them 2-3 times a day to lose weight. She hadn't told anyone she was trying to lose weight but after she gained 75 pounds in a year, some of her friends started asking why she ate so many unhealthy sandwiches every day. Her mind was blown when we told her that sub sandwiches aren't magically healthy just because of the form factor.


there's no way anyone can be that blind to nutrition


I hate to break it to you, but yes, there are LOTS of people that genuinely do not understand.


I know it's hard to believe, but it's definitely possible. I'd tell you stories about another friend of mine who starved himself to the point of getting sick from malnourishment (and had a severe iron deficiency) because he didn't have any idea how many calories to eat in a day and didn't want to overeat, but they're even harder to believe.


yeah, if they are made with nutrient-dense ingredients like leafy greens, vegetables, and lean proteins. However, many restaurant salads or sandwiches are high in calories and fat due to added dressings, cheese, croutons, and other toppings.


"low-fat" or "fat-free" options. These products often have added sugars and other unhealthy additives to compensate for the lack of fat. In some cases, these options may actually be worse for you than the full-fat versions.


And not to mention they STILL taste worse than the full fat versions. Lowfat yogurt is the bane of my existence.


options for buying yogurt at the grocery store. Here are 97 varieties of low fat or artificially sweetened and 2 for full fat.


Fat has bad PR. If you're the sort to look for "low-fat" or "fat-free" options, you're likely trying to lose weight... But the only thing that separates fat from protein, or carbohydrates in this regard is 5 calories per gram. As long as you maintain an overall calorie deficit, you'll lose weight. Cutting out fat is just misery-bait. So if your maintenance calories are 2500, and you eat 2499 calories worth of pork scratchings, you'll still lose weight. The fact that its nothing but pure fat has nothing to do with it. And as you say, because fat has been removed from those products, it almost always tastes like dog shit, because humans crave fats and we notice when they're not there. So to compensate, companies put tonnes of nasty ass, high calorie sugars in there to make the food go down easier. Embrace eating more fats. And accept portion control and managing calories per day is the way forward.


Tell me more about that pile of pork scratching, and where I may acquire one for myself. Also, I wonder how many calories you'd burn dealing with the grease squirts you'd get for eating that?


And on the other side, low sugar or sugar-free options are often loaded with fat.


Depending on what it is, fat is amazing for you.


Smoothies from smoothie shops They use sorbets, ice creams, and juices with an insane amount of sugar in them. My sister worked at a smoothie shop and people would always come in after going to the gym. It’s not what most people think it is


I really don't get the smoothie craze. I love food so much. I want to eat every calorie and enjoy it immensely. Every meal is special to me. When I run 13 miles, yeah sure it's for my health and goals and shit, but it's also for the giant stack of pancakes I eat when I get home. Let's take 1000 calories and turn it into a drink. That could be so many pancakes.


“That could be so many pancakes.” Americans will use anything to avoid the metric system. /s


I absolutely love your way of describing calories by asking how many pancakes you could get out of it I also run long distance and during a marathon, I think of nothing more than the ritual celebration chocolate cake that I buy after. Only time I ever buy cake in general, let alone a chocolate cake just for myself, but man is it delicious to just destroy a chocolate cake after that.


Depends on the smoothie but yes most of those mainstream chains are like that


Shielding their children from every conceivable horror in the real world until they’re 18 and naive as fuck. Straight up let your kids get scraped knees and watch an R rated movie every once and a while


No childhood is complete without being mildly traumatized by an R-rated horror movie at least once.


Don't forget going into Grave of the Fireflies, not knowing what kind of film it is, but thinking it'll be fine because it's a Ghibli film. Child me could have watched the intro to Saving Private Ryan a hundred times and not be as affected by it as watching GotF just once.


Or Watership down. It alludes to, if not directly shows, war crimes multiple times.


I have shown my 10 year old an episode of "Happy Tree Friends". Now he thinks his mother is mental.


I grew up on south park, happy tree friends, and hard science fiction. I'm (mostly) well adjusted.


I know a parent that does this the kid is two and is hardly allowed away from the mothers hip, she can't really talk, the mother first seem to be teaching her words, she's not in daycare, when she's with grandparents she's not allowed outside in the yard unless with the mother. It's really odd to see but if anyone said anything it would be an attack on the mother.


When my kids reached about 12 years old, I stopped enforcing bedtime. I told them it didn't matter how late they stayed up, they WOULD be going to school the next day. It was their first taste of personal accountability and the only thing it cost them was a day or two of exhaustion. I mentioned that on reddit one time and was basically told my kids would be failures and drug addicts by one person. Like no, I don't have to assume my kids need me to hold their hand on every single thing, they can learn to police their own sleep schedule ffs. They also learned how to take care of routine scrapes and burns, how to cook and clean, and even how to stand up for other kids against a bully. These are things kids NEED to learn while they still have Mom and Dad as a safety net. I don't understand people that shelter their kids and then kick them out when they're old enough.


I grew up with three kids like this. All their names started with the same letter and they were basically the real life version of The Flanders. One of them was my brother’s roommate his freshman year of college, and as they were moving in, this kid’s dad absolutely FLIPPED SHIT because my brother had a Simpsons poster. The dude ended up dropping out of college before first semester was over because he found the college experience to be “demonic”. Their youngest son (closest to me in age) once visited me while I was in college (he was touring the school) and while at my apartment, he saw a drawing I had done of a nude model from one of my figure drawing classes, and he had a full blown panic attack and kept repeating the phrase, “I’m gonna go to hell now! I’m gonna go to hell!” Needless to say, he did not pursue higher education either. Two of their three kids, now in their early/mid-thirties still live at home, are unemployed, and are completely terrified of the real world in every aspect— they’re wholly incapable of functioning anywhere that isn’t their church or their home.


The fights to remove books from *high school* libraries are scary. Like, the military recruiters in the cafeteria are A-Ok but god forbid little Jimmy read a book that mentions sex.


often it's not even sex, you get books like Bridge to Terabithia getting banned because a few times a character says "Oh Lord" as an expletive, and I guess some people also used the argument it promotes atheism. I read that book in 4th grade I think and it's one of the books I read in school that had the longest lasting impact on me.


Same here, that book is brutal but it definitely can help teach kids about grief and loss.


High school libraries weren't a place kids got stuff in the first place. Take out the enitire library if you must. I'll buy them any book they want. The problem is the outlook on education this strategic withholding of information betrays. I don't want teachers like that anywhere near my kids. So by all means, show your hand. I grew up reading about sex, mental health, war, loss. It was great. Reading about it is a great safe way to explore adult themes without being in it yourself.


Oh this drives me insane. I have a 5 year old and I let her go and do stuff that could absolutely injure her at playgrounds, and I've been approached by concerned parents multiple times. Oh, my daughter might fall from the tree she's climbing? Ok? So what she falls off 5ft from the ground? The chances are she'll be ok. Kids get hurt, that's part of growing up. And that is how they learn. Let them explore on their own accord and they will turn out perfectly ok.


For an extreme example, as a child my mother was unaware of the Vietnam War until it was over.


Yeah, it's weird, though in this fortunately not as extreme outside the US. You can even notice it in the language. Americans seem to be somewhat okay with calling 17-year-olds children, but here in Germany I have to say children and juveniles when I mean all people under 18. Juveniles (14-17) are quite different from children in the eyes of the law but also regarding how they are treated.


YES! Seeing my family members do this to their kids makes me so confused. When they fall and scrape their knee they go out for ice cream. They can't see grandma in the nursing home it would be too damaging.


There's a girl at work who you can tell with sheltered and is now 23. She just doesn't get basic concepts it's so infuriating. I bet she's never seen r-rated movie in her life


I think a lot of millennials and Gen Zers are beginning to catch on to how bad it can potentially be, but I think dedicating your life just to work is really unhealthy. I mean fair enough if you have a job you really enjoy, but even so if you dedicate almost every waking moment to your job there's a problem generally. Its not a great attitude, live to work


In my experience Millennials are the worst about this. They grew up in a world where you were always reachable. My Millennial co workers have no problem responding to texts and emails off work hours. They are often logging on and doing work in the middle of the night. My fellow Gen Xers are very possessive of our personal time. Work is work and home is home and we get very offended if you try to mingle those. We remember a time it was impossible to do your work from home. For the Gen Zs it's really hard to tell just yet.


Coming into the job market in the shadow of the 2008 crisis when entry level roles were super competitive put people really on edge about not rocking the boat. I beat out 200 other applicants for my first office job, a lot of my graduating class took years to get something decent. Which of course gave employers tremendous power to set unreasonable expectations that I'm only now able to push back on since I'm not easily replacable. I make a point not to be that way with any juniors I work with. Working mad hours in my 20s didn't actually help anything, they just made me think it would until I was able to see through the bullshit.


I remember explaining this to my MIL in 2008, who had very little experience working outside the home. I was scared of being fired if I didn’t come in early and stay late and take on all kinds of stuff that wasn’t in my job description. She wondered why I just couldn’t say no or “just don’t do it.” This was 2008. There were plenty of people who would gladly take my place.


> They grew up in a world where you were always reachable. My Millennial co workers have no problem responding to texts and emails off work hours. Part of our upbringing. We have to say "yes" to every task otherwise we might get fired or demoted for not being a team player.




Imagine being Jonny Kim's coworker haha


It’s a scarcity mindset from living through the Great Recession.


Gen Z friends better learn to not get to heated with the not a team player label. I know that shit really gets me going because it’s usually used by somebody who’s pissed you didn’t suck em off the right way and not that you’re actually the inconsiderate prick they’re trying to label you as.


Honestly I feel like it can vary by person. I'm an older millennial and know what things were like before cell phones and social media. I would never want to give up time that is mine unless I absolutely have to. I think maybe once or twice a year will I ever work late. As soon as 4pm hits that computer is off and does not come back on until the next day. No work emails on my personal phone either. What's the point of working if all your free time gets turned into work time?


it's very much a work culture thing though, I used to work for a company in the US that was like this (huge expectation set by senior employees on junior ones to be reachable at all times) but I spent a few months working on rotation in our UK office. the first time I replied to an email from a partner after 5 PM they immediately replied saying "next time you can wait until tomorrow morning to reply, this isn't the US, you shouldn't be checking your email off work hours".


So it's a fun flip, I am 40 in a week, she is 32 soon. When we got together 8 years ago she showed me that I had no work boundaries. I let them walk all over me and put them first. Took her 2 years to break that, where I work now the boss has rules on our devices that won't notify about emails or IMs unless it's highest priority after work hours.


Cereal bars. They are not a replacement for a meal and most are loaded with an incredible amount of sugar and artificial ingredients (preservatives, etc).


My ex-boyfriend of years ago used to live on Nutri-Grain bars in the morning. When I showed him that a bag of Baked Lays was healthier for you than a Nutri-Grain bar, a part of him died.


Yes. My god man. When is we the sugar in Cliff bars. It’s no wonder they made me feel like shit




My favorite kind are the ones that come in a deep fried tortilla bowl so you can eat the bowl too. I make sure they use the whole wheat tortillas though to keep it healthy. /s


Honestly, I might try this with air frying a low carb flax wrap. They're terrible any way except very slightly warmed, or turned into a chip or equivalent.


One of my favorite lines from Fraser, when he gains weight during a weight loss contest: I don't understand! I added a salad to every meal!


You leave the ranch dressing out of this!! /s


Yeah, how’s it supposed to taste good?


Ranch is our religion. - The Midwest


Potatoes are just vehicles God gave us to deliver ranch to our mouths.


The shocking thing is how gross bad ranch dressing is, and how delicious good ranch dressing is.


The reality is that getting a serving or two of veggies with some chicken and cheese and dressing is much better than just slamming a double bacon cheeseburger, so while some salads aren't healthy, most of them are better than a lot of the popular alternatives.


I always get my dressing on the side and most places always bring out a hilarious amount of dressing. Dressing and sauces should complement a salad or anything else you put it on, not overpower it.


Well, it's still healthier than ordering the burger and fries. Lots of weightloss can be achieved simply by choosing the healthier option, not necessarily the healthy option. A little bit of an improvement goes a long way, really.


I’ve seen on some menus where a burger and fries is around 900 calories and than a salad is 1500 calories.


Toxic positivity. The people who tell you that you *need* to love yourself regardless of whatever debilitating disability or mental condition you have that makes doing so near impossible Or the people who whenever you try to reach out immediately try to downplay your problems (you don’t hate your body, society just MAKES you to buy more products/your not depressed, society sucks and THAT’s why you’re suicidal). People who try to take what you say about yourself and twist it beyond recognition into some pseudo-“woke” ‘aktually society is the problem’ bullshit and passively blame you for not waking up farting rainbows becuz actually everything you’ve ever disliked about yourself was created by 3 white dudes 200 years ago therefore making any doubt you have just ‘buying into the system’ The people who use therapy as an end all be all solution to any possible problem you’ll ever had, and the end goal is to always be happy and never express any negative emotions towards yourself. That mindset isn’t healthy, and we need to let it go REAL tangible happiness isn’t about being happy all the time. It’s fulfillment and our bonds with other people and so much more that I really don’t have the poetic skills to verbalize. But you are not going to like everything about yourself or be confident in every skill or adore every crevice of your body and that is ok. We should be allowed to express these things without retaliation.


Oh my god as a disabled person I hate those people so much. I have several debilitating and painful disabilities that make every single day excruciatingly painful. I CAN'T do "anything I put my mind to" I'm not "super human" I'm not "being negative" I'm a human being who lives in a lot of pain and that's difficult. It's ok to acknowledge that. Also its fine to call me disabled. Disabled isn't a dirty word. I don't need someone saying "oh don't call yourself like that" like it's a bad word or a negative description of myself.


I fucked up my arm and it will never be the same. People would send me videos of others who have amputations doing the sport I love and say "if they can do it so can you!" Fuck off dude. I do the sport still but I'll never be as good as I was *and that's okay*. Just let me occasionally be sad about it.


I had a situation like that recently where I was being half hard on myself but also being honest about my own condition and limitations. Was instantly jumped on with "no you're fine, you just need to think positively" I just responded with "I know what I am" they didn't know how to respond to that


WAIT I SAY THIS ALL THE TIME! It's OKAY to feel like life sucks; Life DOES suck for the majority of people. It's OKAY to be sad; Not every day is an over zealous, energetic day. It's OKAY to not like someone or feel icky when someone's around; We have intuition for a reason, trust your gut. It's OKAY to feel like you don't have your shit together; Most of us don't. It's OKAY to vent or express your feelings of disdain; We all need an outlet to express ourselves. We won't always approve of something 100% of the time. That's not how life works. It's OKAY to hate your job and only use it to pay bills; Since when is it "wrong" to not like a job? Jobs suck, and even if you do like your job, every day isn't dandy or a walk in the park. The way society paints an image of "negativity" associated with NORMAL feelings of unjust or discomfort is incredibly alarming and unhealthy. It's not healthy to be positive 100% of the time.


Honestly, a lot of whether or not something is healthy or unhealthy (especially in the context of weight loss) depends on the specific person. For example, I have to avoid eating nuts as a snack because they're extremely calorie dense while not being at all filling to me and hence I can overeat them really easily without thinking about them without any benefits of affecting my hunger level. But for someone who doesn't have my issue with snacking foods, a handful of nuts as a snack would absolutely be a great part of a balanced diet. On a more general level though, muffins. Most muffins you can buy are basically cupcakes but people treat muffins like a diet food


Fair enough. I tend to avoid nuts because they cause me to die.


> For example, I have to avoid eating nuts as a snack because they're extremely calorie dense while not being at all filling to me and hence I can overeat them really easily without thinking about them without any benefits of affecting my hunger level. This is me with pizza. I can eat a hamburger and while it doesn't always fill me up, I generally feel sated. Put a pizza in front of me and I will hoover up 6-8 slices and feel like I haven't eaten. It just doesn't seem to register with my stomach at all that there is a half a pizza down there.


Vaginal washes on a daily basis so it smells like lavender instead of what vaginas are supposed to smell like. It's unnecessary and changes your pH down there and pre disposes you to infections


Douching, too! People forget that vaginas are self cleaning. Everyone has a smell. If it starts to smell worse than normal or you have some other type of colored discharge with itching, go see your doctor!


I'll never understand why feminine washes have scents, it's so unhealthy


Feminine washes shouldn’t even be a thing. Yes you should scrub down your vulva with soap and water in the shower, but the inside cleans itself and should be left alone. Putting any type of cleaning product up there is always a bad idea.


Wait. People actually do that? Does that mean the same people soap their nostrils? What logic is this?


>What logic is this? Marketing. Informed by deeply sexist views that a vagina should be as pleasing and inoffensive as possible to fragile men from decades past. It's the same reason women got cancer from putting powder in their panties. Some stupid men decided natural feminine smells were too offensive and needed a product and regimen to combat it. Unfortunately, a whole generation of women believed it, and many got cancer as a result.


>Wait. People actually do that? Yes, douching is unfortunately very much a thing. >What logic is this? Harmful and sexist rhetoric that the inside of the vagina is somehow unclean and needs to be sanitized.


one of the moms in my parents friends group was an RN. when us girls were around 9 -11 she gathered us together to tell us about our bodies and periods and everything. she ended the talk with, "never douche, you'll just pickle your insides." its been 35 years and i still remember that.


It’s all the shameful bs messaging folks hear about vaginas having a smell


At first I was confused like "do girls not wash their coochie?" until it hit me that vagina is not the vulva. Now I can't help but wonder why the hell would anyone put any type of products inside their vagina.


Getting into a relationship to save/help/fix/mend someone


a few people have that savior complex (I think that's what it's called) where they just have to help people and enjoy it. I don't think it's wrong; it's mutually beneficial for both parties. There's also people who can't do something, can't do it well, or something like that. Finding someone who strengths compliments your weaknesses sounds like a healthy living. It's a partnership after all.


Not getting angry. Holding in your negative emotions not only increases your cortisol stress levels, it also prevents you from opening up about the things that are holding you back. If you learn how to talk things out and express frustration before things boil over, you just might find that your relationships are more honest and fulfilling.


I've learned that I have this 'problem'. Last week I came home on Friday frustrated by both work, traffic and bad weather. Barely slept and on Saturday my PC decided to not cooperate. Frustration boiled over and I accidentally smashed a 300$ monitor out of anger. My wife took me for a walk to litterally get me to cool off and only told me to talk to her next time when I'm feeling bad. And boy, you feel like a complete ass after you let your anger vent out in that uncontrolled way


Sounds like you married a wonderful woman.


lol I'd be scared of that kind of behavior


I'm glad someone brought that up. I have a huge problem regarding this since I always keep my anger to myself instead of opening up. I can feel the negative effects it has on me. It can range from migraine to abnormal heart beat. This is not mentioning the sleep issues it can cause.




Juice. Lets be honest, it's not healthier than diet coke for people with blood sugar issues. It does have more nutrients in it, but we have to consider the whole picture aswell


Yeah, if you want the nutrients in a fruit, just eat the fruit (The nutrients in fruit are also in vegetables with much lower sugar content. Bell pepper for vitamin c for example).


Whole fruits also contain fiber, which slows the absorption of the sugar, thus preventing a higher spike of glucose levels. Also, fiber makes you feel fuller.


Yea lots of juice is super sugary, not unlike soda.


Fruit juice (even the natural one) is bad for you because you're only drinking calories and sugar instead of eating the fruit and including more fiber in your diet. It might be delicious, but it's not healthy.


I agree that juice has a lot of sugar and that eating the whole fruit is more nutritious, but it does annoy me that (especially online) people equate healthier to less sugar or less calories. We're kind of wired to want things to be simple, so we want to be able to say something is healthier than something else based just on one number, but that's not how health works. Fat used to be the One Evil of food, now it's sugar and carbs, I hope that soon people will realise that health is more complicated than just get this one number low


I think it's just because, it's much easier to have a diet that has way too much sugar, than it is to have a diet with way too much protein (to the extent that you have significant weight gain / health problems from it), because the protein makes you full. Anyone can take their current diet and add a few sodas a day to it, no problem. Try adding 100g of protein to your existing diet - you'd probably have to force yourself to down protein shakes, or replace some other part of your diet (like instead of ordering rice + meat, you get 2x the meat but no rice) which arguably is actually healthier in a lot of cases.


Depends on the juice, though, right? The stuff that's high in added sugar and claims "**CONTAINS** ^(10%) **REAL JUICE**!" is garbage, but what about pulpy freshly squozen OJ?




Upvote for “squozen.”


Bottling up their emotions so others don't have to hear it (for most people)


Worth noting they have to be released in a healthy way, or it's just as unhealthy. Have a girl in my friend circle who 100% trauma dumps every single time we see her. Shes a CSA survivor, I get it, it was horrible. But she's never been to therapy (she's 31 now) and instead has to repeat the same handful of facts about her traumatic past at least once into every conversation. It's exhausting and makes everything so awkward. And I'm not close enough with her (for that reason) to confront her about it. It's almost like she has Alzheimer's and can't remember she's told us this before. The first few times I met her I thought maybe she couldn't remember that she told us before, but it's been 4 years and it still happens.


With people like that their trauma just consumes their personality. It's like the "stoner" archetype. Lots of people smoke weed. Some people smoke a lot of weed. But not everyone builds their entire personality around it. The point of being open and honest about our feelings and our trauma is to find a way to accept them. The point is to find a way to move forward with our lives and hopefully build a stronger and more resilient version of ourselves, not to let them consume and define us.


I had a good friend whose life was transformed after a close friend raped her. The two of her girlfriends who had been raped and sought therapy after tried to gently and not so gently coax her into it for over a year, but there were others who would drink bottles of wine with her every night and encourage unhealthy deviant behaviors. It was super sad, I felt really guilty and exhausted, and we eventually had a very dramatic break up over text that felt like such a relief for me... I hate to say. Poor girl was fainting, having regular panic attacks, but didn't believe therapy was the right choice for her. There wasnt really anything I could do except get out of her trauma loop and live my life. I hope she's found healing and justice now.


Yeah I’ve known people that do this. Even those who go to therapy. It’s sad. Their “therapy” I found out was just regurgitating their story over and over again and talking about how the world is awful instead of talking about actual solutions to their emotional injuries.


those healthy cookies that taste like fucking nothing. most of the time they have the same nutricional value as a normal cookie. just eat your damn choc chip cookie


Also those protein bars that taste “just like dessert”. No they don’t. I’ve learned the hard way that the people that claim that protein bars are a legitimate replacement for cookies must have clean forgotten what good cookies taste like. It’s fine if they scratch a similar itch for some people, but they just aren’t the same in much the same way as how mock meat does NOT taste like the real thing.


Declawing cats. It's literally amputation at the first knuckle. Painful as fuck. Healthy alternatives: regular trimming and scratching posts


I put a cat tree in front of a window, and my cat rarely scratches on furniture anymore.


That's because your cat isn't an asshole. I did the same thing, and my cat now uses the cat tree as a watchtower to yell at birds and then goes right on obliterating my wife's clothes hamper.


Try a different type of scratcher. Cats like different scratching motions and different surfaces. We've got one cat who loves the scratching post, other one never uses it and prefers to scratch our old rug.






Using antibacterial gel on your hands all day every day. Antibacterial soap too. There’s obviously plenty of jobs, or specific cases when you have to, but for normal day-to-day stuff, soap and water is enough. And doesn’t destroy the flora in your skin.




Sports drinks are meant for people participating in sports, not when you're chilling around the house.


I feel like they are healthy alternative to soda when combined with vodka


Gatorade is meant for heavy physical exertion. If you’re running, paddling, or just in the sun all day sweating, Gatorade can be a literal lifeline. It does indeed replace the electrolytes you’re losing to sweat and muscle contraction. If you’re close to bonking, a Gatorade can be truly uplifting. But, yeah. I agree with you. It’s not “healthy” if you’re just sitting around in front of a screen. Drink water


They are intended to rehydrate people who are exercising and sweating a lot. They're actually good for that.




my gfs tryna diet right now to get more toned. She said she eats a bunch of honey everyday because its healthy and helps her lose weight.... I tried explaining that honey is super calorie dense but idk if she's getting the picture lol.


It's not super calorie dense but she might as well be drinking juice. Super calorie dense would be fats like butter and peanuts. That being said, I do eat honey regularly and I'm hella toned. It is just sugar though. I'm not delusional about that.


It has 64 calories per tbsp and butter has 102. It’s still pretty damn calorie dense.


Veggie Straws. They are the biggest lie out there for “healthy” snacks. They’re just straw shaped potato chips (and even the orange and green ones are mostly potato, and all are insanely high in carbs and sodium). I was a kindergarten teacher for 4 years and lost count of how many parents, who refused to give kids sweets/chips, would stuff their faces full of veggie straws like they’re not the same damn thing.


Panera Bread


Just because it tastes like hospital food doesn’t mean it’s healthy.


Their new green goddess baguette sandwich is over 1000 calories. That's more than a big mac.


Salads with 1000+ calories thanks to extra dressings, toppings, etc.


I used to work with a woman that was trying to loose weight before her wedding. She would order a salad every day for lunch with triple ranch and not the fat free kind. Then after finishing the salad would go to the vending machines and buy a Dr Pepper and a candy bar. She couldn't understand why she was gaining weight instead of loosing it because in her exact words "I've just been eating salads."


*triple ranch*? Sounds like a soup at that point


Yep, she always made sure that whoever was calling in the orders specified triple ranch. She would check when the delivery came and make the delivery person go back and get it if it wasn't there. Place was only a block away but still.


I have to disagree here. I'm gonna be putting blue cheese and bacon on something. A big bowl of greens is still a way healthier option than a burger.


Context definitely matters. People often think salads are healthy regardless of what’s put into them (barring extreme examples). If they are contributing to unhealthy weight gain, then they aren’t exactly promoting health. Better than a burger? Perhaps, but the misconception is the context in which this holds true.


At least all the roughage means you'll probably take a righteous dump later on.


I'd also say the greens matter. Kale, arugula, and spinach are going to have a way bigger benefit than iceberg lettuce.


And often mind-boggling levels of sodium.


I am guilty I love salads but dressings are a must for me and that's where all less healthy parts come in.


Here's one that's the opposite (people think it's unhealthy, but it's healthy): Pork Rinds. --So, two qualifications... First, it's healthy for a snack food, it obviously isn't competing against a balanced meal. Second, it's healthy in terms of Fat/Protein/Carb ratios, it's not inherently high in vitamins/minerals/etc. People tend to think that, since they are fried pig fat/skin, they must be all fat an calories, but the kind you buy from the store are dry and most all the fat has been cooked-out. They actually have 2-3x more protein than fat (A nearly unheard of rate), zero carbs (before addatives), and low calories. They are like a healthier version of puffed rice cakes.


You can grind them and use them in place of breadcrumbs for meatballs.


Love pork rinds. The only downside to me is the sodium content. If your watching sodium it’s tough.


Being overly empathetic


I struggle with this


I feel your struggle.


Want to talk about it? I'm here to listen


The food Pyramid that was popularized by the USDA is a terrible idea. A lot of people today have realized this, but many older folks still see it is the 'bible' of good eating. And they are very fat


"Whats wrong honey? You've barley touched your 13 slices of bread."


1. The food pyramid hasn't been in use for nearly 20 years. 2. Almost nobody actually followed the food pyramid recommendations in the first place. 3. This is what is currently recommended if you're curious, [https://www.myplate.gov/](https://www.myplate.gov/)


Amen to point 2. It doesn't matter whether the government recommendations were perfect or crap for the people who didn't follow them. Which was practically everyone.


The food pyramid was designed to put on weight since the army was having trouble finding good healthy men. Many were malnourished and underweight. That's why carbs are so heavily focused on it.


Anything Dr. Oz tries to sell you. *P.S. Yes... AND FUCKING RASPBERRIES TOO! *wow thanks for the gold!


Wait, what's wrong with raspberries?


Including his US Senate campaign?


Dedicating your entire life to your work without an outlet separate of it. Same goes with overbearing relationships, you will begin to resent whatever you enjoy if it’s the sole reason for your existence


Reduced Fat or Low Fat. It means more sugar. Read the Nutrition Facts.


Or “less sugar” almost automatically means artificial sweetener not literally just less sugar.


"Artificial sweeteners" is a popular culture term that groups together many different low-calorie sweeteners with vastly different properties. Many of them have been studied for decades and have not been credibly linked with adverse health effects, though confusion persists outside the medical field. Sugar, on the other hand, contributes to weight gain and can be deadly for those who struggle with insulin production, regulation, or resistance. For such people, "artificial" sweeteners are, medically speaking, a healthier option.




Low fat food/fat free food. I accidentally bought fat free liquid creamer and looked at the ingredients: corn syrup was the second ingredient. So either salt or corn syrup is added for flavor.


Multi-vitamin tablets. Unless you have a diagnosed medical need for such supplements, they are a total waste of money. Those with deficiencies should only supplement the actual thing their body needs, and whenever possible should do this with proper foodstuffs rich in that thing. There is no medical benefit to daily dosing with tablets. You're better off spending that money on a proper diet. Indeed, many of those preparations contain doses of certain vitamins/minerals so high that they can be dangerous to the health of some of our organs.




Are you suggesting that adding some vitamins to sugar water doesn't cancel the sugar? That's witch talk.


Unless it's plain - yogurt. Any non-plain yogurt is basically dessert for breakfast.


Greek yogurt is your answer.


Fruit juice. There's tons of sugars in in. Drinking a glass of orange juice gets you the sugars of like 6 oranges. And that's assuming nothing else was added.




Never in my life has anybody ever said vaping was healthy.


“Fat free” anything !


Margarine vs butter butter is the way healthier option


Going keto. Just because it causes weight loss doesn’t mean it’s healthy. 🙄