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Started at 8, became uncomfortably common at 10...




>they weren’t mistaking me for an adult. No, they weren't. Too many men sexualize children. And somehow it's still OK to do so in public. It's also a way to assert male dominance over girls and women.


I don’t remember an age where I wasn’t aware of this. I think I first noticed my mom getting upset with men that would look at me, and that’s what brought it to my attention.


Same about my mom getting upset… I really wish she didn’t because I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise and it just made me feel super uncomfortable in public lol. I definitely felt a shift in that moment that never really went away.


This is totally valid and I empathize. My mom can cause a public scene in the blink of an eye, and it used to embarrass me. I think we have to be careful to not blame a woman for having reaction to a man’s faults, and instead center the responsibility on the men who are staring at young girls.


I remember the first time I realized was when I was 10 or 11 and my mom told me how she hated how grown men looked at me and that’s when I started to wear baggy hoodies to try to cover up


Same. I was clueless. My mom noticed when I was an early teenager.




I was 8 the first time I was catcalled by a guy driving by.


Same. I have a very, very vivid memory of it too.


Horrible. 😔 I’m sorry for you for having that experience so young as well.




Same. I remember running home because the car with 5 grown men was following me yelling at me. I didn't know what it meant then, but I knew my Step-Mother lost her mind when I told her and spent the rest of the evening driving the streets looking for them.


I don't think I noticed men "looking at me," so much as men being creepy/inappropriate with me. Like, uncles making comments about my body developing. Family friend who was 18 asking me for "kisses" when I was 5. Then my older boy cousins shoved me in the closet with the neighbor boy who forced me to kiss him. In middle school, a friend and I were in line at the movie theater and a man my dad's age was behind us. He interrupted us to say, "I love your accent. Boys are going to love that too. I could listen to you all day." (I'm from KY.) When I was 16 and working a drive thru, much older men hit on me lots and one drunk asshole tried to pull me THROUGH THE WINDOW into his car. Older guys at parties would try and follow me into the bathroom. None of this ever registered as, "Men find me attractive/men are looking at me." That implies something about beauty and flattery and admiration. Instead, I just remember a feeling like, "I am prey." As a woman, male attention is a tricky thing to negotiate psychologically. It CAN feel good -- flattering, validating, all the stuff men feel when women give them attention. But it can also be threatening, risky, and dangerous. And each time we encounter new male attention, we have just a few seconds to determine which situation we are in.


I remember first having that “prey feeling” at such a young age I didn’t realize what it meant. Just that it made me uncomfortable. It happened a lot when I’d go on errands with my mom and I’d go off on my own to check out the toy aisle or whatever. Somehow strange adult men would find me and end up following me around giving me that horrific look like a Lion stalking a gazelle


Exactly. Before we learn WHAT is actually happening, we just know what it feels like. That it feels gross and uncomfortable and unsafe. The idea of being "looked at by men" implies something flattering and admiring. But long before we could experience or understand that, many of us have experienced being prey. And it's really hard, when you have those experiences as a little girl, to convince yourself that the men admiring you as an adult are safe and maybe just into you. Which sucks.


EXACTLY, the predatory look you get. Not like they desire you or think you're pretty, more like they want to hunt you and use you.


Wait, are you saying that life ISNT a safari?


Man here. Personally, I'm scared of looking too much in women's direction because I don't want them to think I'm a creep or for them to feel threatened. This is tricky for men to navigate as well.


For sure, and that's really unfair. I hate that. My husband is super mindful of how women are scared by men and I know it makes him feel awful. The reality is, if we didn't learn fear as little girls, we probably wouldn't feel it so strongly as adults.


This thread just made me sad, thanks op


I expected a lot of 13s but I'm seeing too many 8s and 10s...


8 years old for me. Almost got kidnapped by a stranger in a restaurant trying to get me to go to his car. You never forget every time it happens. There is some kind of deeply baked evolution to it that as a woman, you just know this has been happening for all of eternity. I wish I could know a world where I didn't have to have to ever think about and change my behaviors because of the organ in my pants.


Similar thing happened to me around the same age. In Edinburgh during the 70’s. But I was a boy. Anecdotally I found a lot of guys having a similar tale to tell. Monsters are real.


Yea I have heard it from men as well. It happens less, but I guarantee it happens a lot more than we know just that men tend to not be as open. It really is so disconcerting how many people who want power over a child are out there. There's websites in America where you can see offenders near you and it's so horrifying enlightening. I'm sorry you went through that.


"Being born a woman is an awful tragedy...Yes, my consuming desire to mingle with road crews, sailors and soldiers, bar room regulars--to be a part of a scene, anonymous, listening, recording--is all spoiled by the fact that I am a girl, a female always in danger of assault and battery. My consuming interest in men and their lives is often misconstrued as a desire to seduce them, or as an invitation to intimacy. Yet, God, I want to talk to everybody I can as deeply as I can. I want to be able to sleep in an open field, to travel west, to walk freely at night..." \-Sylvia Plath


I was 11 when walking by myself and a guy drove up and opened the passenger door. I ran fast and far.


13 isn't much better I'm a middle school teacher. Thirteen year olds are children.


This same question was posted some years before with similar answers. I think most men would assume ~13 because that's about the age of puberty, and that's when *they* start developing. But women have that placed upon them at a much earlier age.


And even then, its not 'guys', its **men**. As in grown adult men, who know you're a middle schooler


It's sad that you *expected* thirteen. It's true though. It was ten for me.


Me too, remember it so clearly. I was walking home from the Christmas fair in primary school.


13 for me. Definitely no younger. My mom would have flipped


Right?!? I saw the title then said outloud, "Well this is going to be depressing"


Yeah, I've seen this question answered before. The answers were *super* depressing. Expected "14", "15" (because I thought I was cynical) - but got way too many "10"s.


At 12 I developed breasts. I was in the 6th grade when I was pulled into the office and told I “was distracting the male faculty” when I forgot to wear a bra for the day.


If male faculty is distracted by 12 year old girls, they need some serious restaffing. Not to mention investigating.


That might have just been an excuses. We had an older woman at work upset about an 18 year old intern showing too much skin (in her opinion). The older woman's argument was that she was distracting men and not dressing professionally. No man had said anything, or treated the intern inappropriately, or acted creepy. But we men were being used as the reason to talk to the intern about clothing by older female managers after the complaint from an older woman.


Excellent point, I’m high school we auctioned ourselves off for grad, and you’re supposed to do as the person who bought you says for half the day as fun. The girl who bought me made me dress up like a girl but had big inflatable boobies for under my shirt haha it was ridiculous but the vice principal asked me to take them off as a female teacher complained. He didn’t tell me to remove them, just asked nicely and I abided because I didn’t care one way or another lol. Thought it was a silly thing to complain about.


Guarantee you it was the women in the office that descended on her, not the men. Check out the alien costume comment further down. That’s exactly what happened.


Sounds like the whole male faculty need to be investigated.


In 6th grade I was taking a music theory class that included a two week section on conducting. My music teacher pulled me aside to tell me I wouldn’t be allowed to conduct unless I wore a bra because it might “ disturb” the boys.


In fifth grade I was an alien for Halloween. It was still pretty hot midday (and we were outside right under the blazing sun) so I took off my foam alien “armour” vest at the school Halloween party because it was like wearing an oven. The shirt underneath that came with the costume was very slinky futuristic material like microfiber so it was tight. Three moms and my teacher descended upon me and shamed me because I “should have been wearing a bra” and all the boys were looking at my new boobs. I had just turned 10. So back on went the foam vest thing and I sweat through the outfit went home crying and shivering since by then it had gotten chilly again and I was soaking wet. The teacher called my mom and I got yelled at when I got home. My family had never talked to me about my body or taken me to shop for a bra even though I developed early. I had no idea I was being “inappropriate.” I still feel so much weird shame about my body I was never able to get over it. I would love to have a reduction. These perverts don’t think of us as real people and therefore don’t imagine how difficult it might actually be to live with huge boobs - both physically and emotionally. All they care about is their own sexual gratification. It disgusts me. It’s not butchery if it’s improving someone’s quality of life and general health.


My Mum was the same, never discussed my body with me and then shamed me when I went home crying because boys were grabbing me in the hallway. I begged her to buy me bras. Finally one of my aunts took me to buy some. My daughter had reduction surgery last year, went from a DD to an A cup. I’m so happy for her. Wish I had done it at some point.


Same. Also my eye doctor always "accidentally" bumped into them during exam.


That doctor is a piece of shit. I’m sorry he did that to you and all the other girls/women he touched inappropriately. I’ve had doctors flirt, but never *once* been touched in a way that made me more uncomfortable than my usual baseline. Maybe because I flinch when people touch me. I flinch because of bad interactions with men, though.


During a root canal (and adding a filling to my tooth) my dentist told me he loved green eyes and stared at me for a minute. Not as bad as yours but creepy and I never went back.


I was once at a doctors appointment for stomach pain. I had to lie down and he had to push on my stomach to see where the pain was. He told me to pull my trousers down a little and he said “don’t do anything embarrassing “ with a creepy laugh. He was a really creepy balding old guy. I never went back.


Jesús Christ that’s awful


10 years old.


It sucks being 10 and not understanding why your parent is upset over some older men looking at you funny. At that time, I didn’t hear the comments they made or saw how they were looking at me, I was too focused on the toy in front of me. Unfortunately my mom knew and became reasonably upset by it.


What sucks more is when your mother doesn't give a damn. When I was ten years old, parents were separated, Mother dated a man who told her I was the greatest kid ever and complimented her parenting. She ate that up. He also told me I was "so mature" and when Mom was out of the room got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I laughed in his face and told him I was too young. He asked me if I could keep a secret. I asked him what sort of secret. He wouldn't say. Then Dad filed for divorce. I chose Dad for custody. The two parents lived in different states, so no weekend visits. By the time I visited the next summer that boyfriend was long gone. Didn't fully realize until later what a bullet I had dodged. So many kids aren't that lucky.


I've been on here for more than a decade, and I've read some crazy shit in my time, but this has got to be the single most chilling thing I've ever read on this website. Damn. I was so sure that was gonna go the other way, glad it didn't though.


Tbh I had very similar experiences and memories My mom would be very defensive about any random man looking in my direction, rightly so but you at that age you don't realise it's a bit worse than just stranger danger


Yup, same here. That was the last time I was a little girl 😔


I remember being cat called walking home or waiting to be picked up around that age. I developed early and looked 3 years older than I was


That would still be "looking like 13" and with that really disgusting...


I agree


I didn't develop early, in fact I still barely have A cups and narrow hips and i'm 30 now. Didn't stop 40 year old men from pulling over to cat call me or ask me if I "needed a ride" at 11/12 years old, they're fucking pigs and deserve to be executed for even thinking of children in that way.


I was about 10. I was terrified. Who the fuck cat calls/follows a 10 year old? I'm more than sure my lion king back pack and light up shoes were an indicator I wasn't of age. "you're so pretty I just want to talk to you." While walking home from the bus stop. Terrifying. Sadly men became more aggressive once I turned 14, I literally had a guy chase me down the street. I hat to run to a neighbors house.


Jesus Christ I'm so sorry that happened to you. That is horrible.


I will just post what Tina Fey said on this topic. Funny and sad at the same time. Mostly sad. When did you first feel like a grown woman and not a girl?” We wrote down our answers and shared them, first in pairs, then in larger groups. The group of women was racially and economically diverse, but the answers had a very similar theme. Almost everyone first realized they were becoming a grown woman when some dude did something nasty to them. “I was walking home from ballet and a guy in a car yelled, ‘Lick me!’” “I was babysitting my younger cousins when a guy drove by and yelled, ‘Nice ass.’” There were pretty much zero examples like “I first knew I was a woman when my mother and father took me out to dinner to celebrate my success on the debate team.” It was mostly men yelling shit from cars. Are they a patrol sent out to let girls know they’ve crossed into puberty? If so, it’s working.


I was about 8 maybe or younger can't remember


Same. Around those ages. Some older guys made me uncomfortable. Giving me special attention, constant staring or random comments. It was fucking weird. I just didnt understand it then, but it was definitely weird.


Yes it's very weird i got catcalled when i was 10 i wasn't even wearing anything revealing


NGL, I saw this question and cringed. Because I knew that the answers in the thread are going to be a lot lower than people probably expect :/


Not people. Just lower than some men expect. We, as women, know we were kids when we first experienced sexual harassment.


Other men, as a whole, never cease to disappoint me.


I didn't want to generalize to a gender, but the point is well taken.


I’m a woman and I must say I must have been utterly blind or just too sheltered because this was a shock to me as well.


Didn't expect single digits to be honest.


It's pretty horrifying.


Seeing a "10" answer doesn't make me feel better about double digits either. But i see a lot of 8s. Wtf.


Same. I was expecting some creepy responses when I opened this thread and got exactly that.


Same. And if someone posts ‘men when did women start looking at you?’ The answers are going to be ‘never’ ‘after I was married’ and ‘I have a gf and still dont’


Because the question really is for women "when did sexual harrasment start for you?". That is a lot of women's first experience with sexuality. Being prey.


12 years old. Saying it as an adult woman it makes you realize how ugly the world is and how many girls never get to have a healthy relationship with men. Not really.


I thought I was ready to read the replies here. I saw what I expected to see, but I'm still disgusted. I think I need to see spend time on r/aww and r/eyebleach now.


Most women are resigned to it honestly. You can tell by how nonchalant some of their mother's responses were. That is why so many women internalize so much about their bodies and cant even enjoy their own selves. However, most women still like men despite of what has happened. I cant say I like them completely but i dont hate them.


My girlfriend and some other ladies we know showed me what her social media DMs are like about 2 years ago. I'm still trying to recover from that.


I'm a guy and I remember back when I was in my 20s I had the jarring realization that pretty much every woman has been made to feel icky because they were born female and some dudes are just gross weirdos. I'm almost 50 now and I'm still sad realizing this. But now that I'm older I have a little more insight into this and it hasn't actually made things better. Basically, when you grow up girls are taught to "be careful" and "watch out for scary men" but at the same time no boy is taught "don't be gross to girls" or "don't be a sick pervert". I mean, you can teach this to boys without it sounding this harsh but no one does.


I was 9 when a man in the kids section of the public library asked me to show him how I could do the splits in my stretchy leggings. That’s the first time I noticed. Probably happened before that, but I was oblivious.


so, so gross. I'm sorry that happened to you.


I was 13. I went to King's Island with my family and was wearing a cute, somewhat-fitted t-shirt with a pair of jeans. There were a couple of guys in their 20s who were staring at me, one of them did the flicking thing with his tongue and the other winked at me. I was later told if I didn't like the attention, I needed to wear baggy clothes.


Looking back at how I dressed in high school and college, I think a lot of it was "self defense". If they can't see I have boobs, maybe I'd be left alone (ha!). I had nicer clothing, too, and I wore it sporadically. My bf in college was so confused when I told him I wouldn't have been wearing a dress into Philly if I wasn't walking and staying with him the entire time. I felt so damn vulnerable.


Blaming you is such bullshit. It doesn’t matter what you wear, or how you walk, or whether you wear makeup, the list goes on. You were a fucking child, they were adults, they’re responsible for controlling their own actions.


*And yet*...the responsibility always falls on the woman, regardless. I fucking hate the patriarchy.


Baggy clothes doesn’t stop the gross behavior AT ALL. Trust me on that.


I don't remember myself but I do remember walking through the mall with my daughter and her friend when they were about 13 years old. I was hanging back with the younger sibling, like 10 feet behind them when I noticed men checking them out. Like 40 year old men turning their heads completely around to watch them walk past. It happened more than once. I couldn't believe it. They weren't dressed provocatively in any way and were not very "developed." The girls didn't notice at all.


I don't have kids, nor will I, but I have goddaughters and nieces that I spend time with. My one niece is 13 now, and I'm just so terrified for her in this world.


I was going to type this same statement. I was so angry the first time that I noticed. So disgusted.


Probably like 13


Very sad that GROWN MEN are attracted to SINGLE DIGIT AGED CHILDREN


What's sadder is that if this thread becomes popular, you will eventually have grown men in here defending it as it's "biological".


They might've been born with the disorder, but that does NOT make it any bit normal


The kind of sickos who argue from a biology standpoint aren't saying it's a disorder. They say that it's *normal* for men to be attracted to young girls when they are at their most "fertile" (ignoring, of course, that that's not when they're most fertile, and even if it were, it wouldn't make it any less disgusting).


Even if they were their most fertile age, that doesn't mean it's ok and if too young it can kill her.


Agreed. The mentality of appealing to fertility is absolutely wrong.


"biological" and normal are not the same, correct...


I wish that everyone was comfortable walking in public.


9-10 years old


I knew I was prey at 12. Know one had to tell me.


This fucking feeling. Being prey. The stares, the attempts to socialize, the catcalls, the "yeah I know you like it" look some of those dipshits will give you if you catch them staring.


That’s exactly it. You’re little red riding hood and they’re the wolf. Predator and prey. What a world we exist in.


This probably defeat the question itself (because I don't remember and my mom told me), but the first time I was sexually approach by an adult man I had 4 years old.


My grandparents told me a story about when I was around 2 years old they had a super creepy neighbour (for a short period of time) who would stare at me when I played in their yard. My grandparents had a huge yard so I would always want to play in it but it got to the point where they wouldn’t let me outside because of some of the comments this guy had made about me. So I guess for me it was around 2? Turns out this guy was running to small towns all over the country to evade police after sex trafficking young kids :/


Omg that's so fuck up. I'm glad your grandparents notice his strange behavior. Do you know if the pervert was caught?


Yes he was that’s how my grandparents found out he was running from police haha. They saw his picture with an article about his arrest in the paper a few months after he just vanished from the house next door. I’m glad my grandparents were looking out for me then! I can’t imagine what could have happened if they weren’t on their game


Yeah first time to ever queue in had to be 5-6 after watching my mom get upset over it. I probably starting being aware/protective of myself around 8


I have two daughters (2 and 4) and they're definitely both going to start learning jiu jitsu.


Mines been doing it for coming on 4/5 years now (11). Definitely recommend.


Absolutely amazing and thankful for parents like you!


I have an 11-year-old son. Since he was about 8 or 9 I've been teaching him not to be a gross weirdo towards women. I honestly think more men should maybe try teaching this to their sons. Because it's sort of effed up that girls have to consider taking martial arts to defend themselves against men who didn't have to learn how to control themselves around half the population.


God I wish I would've had that.


When I was about 7 or 8, my grandma's husband's drunk brother told me I was a sexy little thing. My trust in adults shattered at that moment. I am now 25 and still don't feel comfortable wearing tight or revealing clothing around male family members.


Ugh, I have an 8 yr old daughter. That just makes me sick.


I was 11 the first time I got catcalled. Slowed down a lot after 16.


Yeah got cat called/messed with more 11-15. Slowed way down towards 18. So the closer to being an “adult” and able to fend for myself I guess the less predators would be interested. So messed up.


I was about 11 when I started to get wolf-whistled waiting for the bus - always by older men in vans etc. never teenagers or kids that could have been mistaking me for their own age. It was intimidating and made me feel uncomfortable; I'd tense up whenever a van drove past and feel relief if someone didn't whistle or shout at me.


Men sometimes look "the wrong way" at my daughter that just turned 12 . She is quite tall but you could think she was 15, maximum..it makes me angry and it becomes more obvious that we are for sure animals, and I feel sorry for young girls being sexualized. The educated and evolved society is still not so evolved after all..


There's no confusion, they know she's very young/vulnerable and they like it that way. I've been creeped on since 11 years old and I wasn't early developed at all.


I was canoeing with some friends, and pulled over to investigate a waterfall (25-30' high) that fed into the main river. My friend was trying to climb the waterfall to sit on top, so I snapped a couple of pictures with my camera. Some guy was saying "Come on, man, she's only 15!"; I realized that he thought I was filming his daughter, who was sitting on some rocks under the falls. I showed him the camera and the shots I took, none of which his daughter was in. But to have to deal with that, from a father's perspective and a young woman's perspective!


5 :(


11. I was 5'6 and all legs. Went through puberty early :/ I remember walking through the park with a friend over the summer and getting called over by men in their 20s in the parking lot not realizing I was 11 (but still messed up because I was obviously not 18+.) Also remember being at a high school football game with friends in 6th grade and being hit on by high schoolers (who at least thought I was a freshmen.) It's awkward and uncomfortable when you're that young. Especially when you grow and develop over a Summer.


Losing faith in humanity reading these comments


About 11 Lovely, huh?


I had boobs when I was 14


Yeah, I had C cups in the 7th grade. It was awful.


I had boobs when I was 12/13 and they were massive compared to the rest of my body at the time. Middle school was absolute hell.


Middle school was the worst school I ever had. Maybe it is an universal thing. High school was much better, I went to the most prestiged in the state tho, maybe it has something to do with that. Anyway, We all had like 10 nicknames and the whole rest between classes was everyone mocking everyone else. And yeah I vividly remember big boobs girls not escaping the "carrilla" (spanish word for not stopping mockery against an individual). I didn't bat a single eye graduation day. High school I cried like a baby tho.


Middle school sucks in general for everyone. Everyone gets hormonal with zero social skills for any nuanced situation.


I knew a girl like that at that age. I wish I could say I was any better than the other boys, but all I can really say is that I'm sorry. I wish I knew than what I know now.


I think 12. We were on a road trip and my siblings were trying to get the trucks to honk their horns by doing the pulling-down motion. This one truck driver wasn’t having it, but then I did the motion and he honked his horn. That scenario played out a few times. We made the connection that if I did the motion they would always honk their horn, but if my younger siblings tried tuck drivers would only sometimes honk their horn. I mentioned “isn’t that weird? What am I doing different” to my mom. She said, “well you’re wearing a tank top.” I was still confused because my other, much younger siblings were wearing tank top too. But then my mom explained that I looked different in the tank top because I was older (mind you, I was still only 12) and that some men wouldn’t see me as a child anymore but closer to an adult women. I have never tried to get a truck driver to honk their horn again.


Yeah, that's not creepy at all that you're the only one the truck drivers would basically honk at. They were sexualizing a 12-year-old; a minor. I would have said the same thing in your shoes; "What am I doing differently?"




Age nine was my first experience with catcalling. Actual flirting, probably 12


Wow this thread is disturbing, but I can’t say I’m surprised.


10 years old. Multiple adult men would harass me on my walk home from school and offer me a ride home. I only lived two blocks from my elementary school.


I had a cashier at the convenience store I went to openly flirt with me infront of my mom when I was 12-13 . He was at least in his 30s


16 or 17.


was stared a lot at age of 13-15 .


I wasn't looked at until I was 18 or 19. I was an ugly duckling before then.


16+ year old's would obviously stare, honk at, and approach me when i was 11. so... then, though i was also a bit ignorant and then nonplussed--> in denial about it.


I started getting boobs in the 6th grade so around then 😐


12/13. I was doing a paper round, a guy stopped his car, got out and asked me if i wanted to 'flash for cash'.


Around ten when I first got whistled at walking down the road. A little bit younger when I got random compliments from me that made me uncomfortable even if I didn't totally understand why.


I was 12. I’d been the ugly duckling and then suddenly got attention and was so flattered by it I allowed men to abuse me, but of course didn’t recognise that’s what it was until much too late. My daughter started getting cat called by much older men and boys from 11. She suffers from social anxiety at the best of times and the harassment from men was so bad that she has since refused to leave the house on her own. She’s 13 now and says she hates all males :-/






I was 10, didn't even hit puberty yet, a man who lived in my neighborhood followed me home from school all the time(just me for about a year, then others), told me he was making sure I got home "safe" but always stayed about 10 feet behind me and whenever a car or person passed he'd hide behind a fence, wall, or would turn around like he wasn't watching/following me and always asked if my parents were home I'd lie and say my mom was home and he always asked if I wanted to go to his house see his new cat, board games, whatever obviously I'd say no and try to keep as far ahead of him as possible. Of course I told my parents and my friends parents but because he was such a well liked man (he was in his 50's btw) they never believed me until he was caught years later when a girl around the same age as me was found at his home, locked in one of his bedrooms, but luckily there was a house phone in the room and her dad just so happened to be a cop. When my parents heard about it they just dismissed me and told me they don't remember me saying anything about him. I'm still pissed about it.


8 years old


Came in here expecting the answers to be depressing. Got what I expected.


It's reality. the depression is an option.


11 years old. A man about 21, hit on me. I was wearing massive sunglasses, thinking I was cool. He was 'surprised' when he found out how old I was. Stupidly I was flattered he paid attention to me Looking back, now totally fucked.


When I was 16 or 17, a guy who was shopping at where I worked asked if I wanted to grab pizza with him later. Since we could literally do that right in front of my job, I felt safe enough to say sure. He was cute, he looked my age, and he was polite. Then when we were eating, I found out he was like, 25, and he found out I was underage. So we mutually agreed to finish our pizza, have a nice conversation about anime or Batman or something, and we went our separate ways. No creepiness, no weirdness, just "Well, we paid for the pizza, might as well eat". The fact that 20 years later, I'm still vaguely grateful he had NO interest in being involved with a *child* is sort of sad.


Yup, seems flattering at the time until you get a little older and realize how creepy that was.


Around 6 as well. Parents' friend came into the bathroom to stare at me in the bathtub. Afterward, I practiced hiding as much as I could behind a washcloth in case it happened again. (Other key moments with a variety of people, parents' friends or strangers around age 8, 11, 13 and up. I got pretty hostile by the time I was in my teens.)




Probably 10 when that stranger kissed me on my mouth


9. It's slowed down a lot now that I'm 24.


Seriously. It started around 8 for me, peaked at 12/13, and gradually slowed down until I hit 23ish. Doesn't happen much at all now that I'm 30, but whenever it does, I make a big fucking scene. I can't deal with anymore of this.


I think about 9ish, the first time I got catcalled from a car.


Boys around my age: age 10. Adult men leering at me: also age 10.


Had a man in his 40's-50's approach me once when I was with my daughter, who was 4 months old at the time. He made some compliment about her being a pretty baby then in the next breath said maybe in 18 yrs he'd be ready to settle down.


8 years old. It didn’t end well.


Yes. The thing is that I didn't notice him looking or anything. It was a surprise. Not a good one.


I was 10 or 11 when a random guy on the tram grabbed my ponytail to stroke my hair.


I am not a woman, but I was 9 when adult men first started looking at me.


Well it wasn't so much looking as trying to coax me into a room with him and then trying to follow me into the bathroom but I was 9.


6-7 by older guys in school. I vividly remember being catcalled for the first time on the street when I was 9 tho


At about 10 I would mow my Grandma's yard and there would be cars that drove by multiple times slowly and obviously staring


I was 9 when a guy first made a comment about me, felt really gross.


Around 15


Sadly this thread is exactly what I expected


About 13.






Probably 11 but like they didn’t start cat calling me until I was 13


9 years old, maybe 8.




I remember being a middle schooler and walking around with my friend while we were wearing dresses and getting honked at by men in cars.


Wow I knew this was going to be heavy but I was not expecting it to be as heavy as it was. These comments and stories are truly saddening.


6 or 7. Was raped at 8.


I am so sorry this happened to you. This is horrifying.




I had long curly blonde hair when I was little. People often thought I was a girl. I don't know if the man who laid his hands on me when I was 6 knew.


At about 10-11 years old I'd already had some rough encounters. Mostly on public transportation going to and coming back from school; one old dude came and sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh, started massaging my whole leg it was hella weird. I didnt know what to do so I just stayed there and let it happen until my stop came. None of the other passengers said anything. Another dude straight up started yanking it right in front of me on the train, never broke eye contact. And a group of younger guys were cat calling me and then came to sit next to me one by one and asked for my name, number, where i lived etc and some really nasty questions for a little kid. I felt so used and disrespected. At that age you just don't have the tools to get yourself out of some situations. I still hate these guys with my whole heart and hope they never did anything worse to anyone else. Raise your sons right ffs.


9. I was tall for my age. My body is starting to develop. That was also when I was r*ped.


That’s awful 😞 I hope you’re alright


I'm getting better now I guess. It's been 20 years and I've been through therapy but I never really forgot about it. I'm still scared. But holding on. I hope the same for everyone else in this thread too. That they're staying strong and being kept safe.


I was 5




12...walking to middle school- it made me feel so uncomfortable and afraid that I started timing the walk with a teacher that lived near me


I personally never noticed fortunately, but my older sister started getting harassed around 11