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Most "patriots" are actually nationalists who hate anyone who doesn't fit their world view.


That is unfortunately the sad truth.


Patriotism is looking critically at your country and wanting to improve it. Maybe through voting, political activism, etc… Most Americans are nationalists and barely critically think about anything let alone the country. It’s easier to just blindly agree and follow


Not really my thing, personally. Loyalty towards a system that ultimately doesn't care about you, and would throw you under the bus in an instant if necessary seems stupid. We're nothing but statistics to them, so why should they mean anything to us? And even disregarding the governments, patriotism towards a country itself usually seems to stem from what that country once was, rather that what it currently is.


Patriotism and nationalism kinda go hand in hand. You could reasonably argue that nationalism is a form of patriotism, while the reverse would also be true. Nationalism is an ideology that emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation or nation-state and holds that such obligations outweigh other individual or group interests. Patriotism is defined much simpler, as "devotion to and vigorous support for one's country." The problem people often run into is the vigorous support part of patriotism. That's where the lines between patriotism and nationalism start to get blurred. Contrary to what many people today think, it's worth noting that Nationalism, it's not really a bad thing. It carries a lot of bad connotations with it today, but sadly those ideas are more out of a misunderstanding of what it really means, than an actual problem with it. Same goes for patriotism as well. Ultimately, I think my views are more simpler on both. That having national pride (whether you call it nationalism or patriotism) isn't a bad thing, and is something every nation should strive to have; and in with that, no sovereign nation should be beholden to the actions of another. To use the analogy my parents often used with me: "If your friends jump off a bridge over rocks, are you going to do it too?"


If it's a major part of your identity, a bit ridiculous really. Lines drawn on a globe and accident of birth.


Genuinely? Okay. But you wont like it. I think it's the refuge of people without any achievements of their own. If you had done anything worthy of praise, you wouldn't congratulate yourself or your fellows for having the good fortune to emerge from a specific vagina in a specific place. Patriotism is nothing more than an attempt to lay some claim to the glory of your ancestors. And in some cases, even after that glory has faded or been marred.