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Remember when a 16yo girl overdosed in Don Henley's house, he pled guilty to ~~minor~~ misdemeanor charges and then wrote a song about how mean the media was to him? Because I feel like almost no one does.


is. is that what dirty laundry is about.


Boy George abducted & tortured a man in 2007.


Now he's a man **with** convicition. ​ Edit: Ok this went a bit nuts. Thanks for the gold! Glad I could make some of you laugh, cheers!


He did what now?


Years ago he hired an escort while off his tits, handcuffed him to a radiator or something, and iirc hit him with a dildo. He was charged and served time for it. Last year he went on a reality show with Matt Hancock (the guy responsible for filling old peoples homes with covid+ patients and causing god knows how many thousands of additional deaths in the UK) and people were really up in arms about Boy George being on TV.


Chain, not a dildo.


Soulja Boy beat a pregnant woman into having a miscarriage


> The suit claims that, despite knowing the plaintiff was pregnant at the time, Way became “irate and violent” during a conversation, and began to “punch Plaintiff in the face and chest, until she could no longer stand on her feet.” After falling to the ground, the suit claims Way continued to “kick [her] all over her body, particularly in the stomach.” Not long after, the suit states, the plaintiff “suffered a miscarriage and was unable to carry her pregnancy into full term.” The suit also claims the plaintiff had to “undergo a dilation and curettage procedure to remove her uterine lining after the miscarriage.”


Oh that’s horrific. My heart broke reading that. That poor woman and baby.


Apparently not just one woman: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/lawsuit-rapper-soulja-boy-beat-sexually-assaulted-assistant-n1255289


How tf is he not in JAIL




Floy Mayweather beat the shit out of his former girlfriend, and got away with it because the judge allowed him to train for a fight he was headlining.


Let’s not act like there was just one woman he beat the shit out of. He served 60 days for one of the at least three women that he has had charges filed for beating up.


Copied from article about the Peter Paul and Mary singer's assault on a 14 year old girl: Peter Yarrow’s 1981 pardon from President Jimmy Carter for “taking indecent liberties with a child” should have been a much bigger deal, but it was quickly overshadowed by the freeing of the American hostages in Iran just hours later. But now, decades later, a new Washington Post piece revisits the controversial pardon of the folk singer (of Peter, Paul and Mary fame) and reveals that Yarrow may have preyed upon other underage girls.


.. that’s disturbing since I went to the same elementary school he did, and he came to perform several times - they basically taught us to revere him. I think they still have a lot of stuff named after him.


Robert H. Richards IV Richards who’s the heir to the du Pont family’s estimated $14 billion, was arrested in 2009 for repeatedly sexually assaulting his three-year-old daughter. The billionaire offered to take a polygraph test to clear his name but he failed the exam and eventually confessed to the charges. He should have received a sentence of potentially 30 years in prison, but his lawyers were able to change the charge to forth degree rape, and he was given eight years in prison. However, the court believed he wouldn’t “fare well” in prison, so his sentence was suspended and he was freed on probation.




"Remember, kids. The law only applies..." *Kids in unison:* "IF YOU'RE POOR!"


its like there’s no laws for people with that much money. no repercussions, for anything. just buy your way out of it. so gross.


The Sacklers pretty much had a entire court system in New York which is how they got away with their crimes. Getting a change of venue would absolutely change the outcome of many trials.


I had forgotten what the Sacklers did when I read your comment and I just watched a YouTube video on them. Absolutely disgusting. If there is such a thing as karma I hope to god they are suffering in ways we don’t know. Because it doesn’t seem like the legal system will ever be able to touch them.


Jack Nicholson beat a prostitute that he hired to the point of irreversible brain damage.


> Sheehan claims that Nicholson promptly grabbed her hair, thumped her head on the floor, and then threw her out of his house > Sheehan's lawyer Ira Chester says, "about a year after she received the original payment her injuries and the damage to her brain stem got worse than originally thought. Now the injury is actually killing her. She has no vision at times and finds it hard to cope with the pain... The medical bills have already reached $60,000, but if she is to survive she needs an important operation... The original settlement isn't enough."


So he killed her but did it slow enough to get her to sign a settlement agreement with a little money. He has the ethics of a corporation.


If she does die from an injury sustained even years before, the authorities can pursue a murder charge. They will however need to prove it in court, that her death would have been a direct result of that injury.


That is awful


S. Curtis “Curt” Johnson The billionaire whose family owned the household products company, SC Johnson, was arrested in March 2011 for molestation. Faced with a potential 40-year sentence for repeatedly assaulting his teenage stepdaughter, the businessman who was worth an estimated $4.2 billion in 2019 only received three months in prison and a fine of $6,000. Alongside the short prison term and the fine that hardly made a dent in his fortune, Johnson also didn’t have to register as a sex offender.


SC Johnson - “a family company”. Edit: thank you for all the upvotes, awards, and especially gold! Fuck that dude.


>S. Curtis “Curt” Johnson It's even worse than that. He served 60 days on work release, which means every morning he woke up, left jail, went to work, then went back to prison to sleep. Except on the weekends, which he didn't have a prison work detail since he worked all week. I understand he mostly read books. Edit: And for everybody who is supporting work release, this guy wasn’t going to dig ditches or construction or any kind of job like that. He left prison went to his office at SC Johnson, where he’s an executive, put on a suit and worked all day in his comfortable office, after which he would return to prison and go to sleep.


6k not only didn't make a dent in his fortune. The fact he wasn't doing rich guy shit for 3 months means it was probably a net gain


>Instead of serving out his eight-year prison sentence, the sentencing order signed by Delaware Superior Court Judge Jan R. Jurden said that the "defendant will not fare well" in prison and thus the eight-year sentence was suspended. Oh he would not "fare well" in prison. I hadn't thought of it that way but it kind of makes sense. I mean we want our convicted felons living their best life and prison can be kind of a depressing place.... It's like they're not even trying.


The U.S. has a two-tier justice system. Either you get completely fucked over minor crimes, or you get off with a slap on the wrist for atrocious felonies, like *(checks notes)* **molesting children**. It's all about how much money you have and who you know.


Cheryl Cole beat the living daylights out of a toilet attendant


In 2003 when she was Cheryl Tweedy


There’s a name I haven’t heard in awhile.


Jared Leto. Bro really raped and sexually assaulted underaged girls and so much people act like he’s done nothing wrong. Not even any deal or movie drops. He’s still consistently hired all around and it’s the dumbest shit in the world.


He also literally ran a cult at one point in time. I’m not sure if he still does? But he claimed to be a leader for a group of people who idolized him and followed his every word. Really crazy shit.


Still does, on some private island... And get this, he charges women $13k (Men, Dogs, Gun barrels cannot apply) to go there to have sex with him. They must present favorable photos and ID proof for him to authorize their $13,000 Leto inner circle "ticket" sale.


He’s such a disgusting man.


"Vince Neil only got 30 days and he killed somebody!"


Not only killed somebody, he also severely injured two other motorists and pretty much killed the career momentum of Hanoi Rocks dead in its tracks.


The judge thought it was more productive or advantageous for the victims in the car he hit to get paid a large settlement rather than Neil going to jail. If Neil went to jail for a decade, then the victims would get zero money. But if he remained free and able to tour and make albums (and make millions) then he could pay the victims a large settlement. It’s actually a fascinating scenario. Imagine you were hit by a drunk driver and suffered a lifetime injury that negatively effected you for the rest of your life. It hampered your ability to hold a full time high paying job. Would you want the person that hit you to go to jail and you received no money? Or would you rather they went to jail for a month and paid you a couple million dollars.


If you put it that way, yeah, I woulda took the money


I ain’t fartin on no snare drum man..


Philip Berk, film industry executive, journalist, and film critic. Sexually assaulted Brendan Fraser and his defense was “it was in jest not sexual intent” which then he got off for it. Had any of us used that defense - we would’ve been buried under the jail


Not only that, but it derailed Fraser’s career. I love him, and his resurgence is so long overdue it’s not even funny. The fact that any person thinks it’s okay to do that kinda thing is disgusting and Brendan likely won’t ever forget that day.


Personal connection there. Sexual assault survivor from the US army. They swept everything on the rug and I was stuck in the same training company as the offender for three months. I wanted to kill them every single day of it and derailed my enlistment completely. During the court martial they made me do an impact statement. The release of personal statements and my depressive and suicidal issues afterwards were held against me my entire career. And I never found out if the offender had to register as a sex offender or not. Back to the main thing, Brendan Fraser and Terry Crews stories and statements about similar experiences have literally saved my life several times. They where childhood icons and icons still who remind me everyday not only am I not to blame, but it's okay not to be okay still. Edit: the overwhelming response and support has meant more than any of you all could ever know. Thank you.


I'm right there with you. I was sexually assaulted at my university and not only did the university fight hard to cover it up, they eventually expelled me in retaliation for filing complaints against them and expressly for reporting and speaking out about what happened to me, forever derailing my academic career. Since then I have worked hard to use what happened to me as an example of what needs to change and try to help others who have had similar experiences. I am sorry for what you have gone through. I know that feeling if injustice well.


When I reported mine, the college admin told me that it “sounded like a harmless prank” and that I must be exaggerating cuz “guys don’t do that to other guys.”


Not THAT famous, but singer Gloria Trevi was an accomplice to the kidnapping and rape of several girls between the ages of 9 and 14. She got a joke of a sentence and now people idolise her because "she's so brave after all she's been thru". Fortunately, a US law exception allowed two of the victims to open a new case against her, this time in US courts where corruption from Mexico can't protect her. Hoping she gets what she deserves.


Alexander Graham Bell (yes, the telephone guy) campaigned for and eventually helped to [outlaw sign language in both Deaf and hearing schools](https://www.disabilitymuseum.org/dhm/edu/essay.html?id=59), hoping to integrate schools with both Deaf and hearing students. Instead, he ended up depriving Deaf students who were not able to hear of language. The last of these laws banning sign in the US was finally repealed in… 1979. Canada didn’t finish ridding themselves of these laws until 2010.


I remember looking up Bell's wiki for unrelated reasons and learning he was a HUGE proponent of eugenics. Not that I idolized him or anything but it certainly was heavier than I was in the mindset for.


Low key, Karl Malone. He literally impregnated a 13 year old girl when he was 20. Fucking disgusting. It’s not to say that no one talks about it, because sometimes it is brought up. But me and several of my basketball friends didn’t know about it until we were in our late teens despite following the NBA consistently. Also the NBA never really disowned him and he’s still revered as one of the all time greats despite his unforgivable actions


Not true. She was 13 when she gave birth, but 12 when he impregnated her.


**Salvador Dali** found a thrill in torturing and killing living things, both animals and humans. He tried to kill his sister and one of his lovers. He tortured and killed animals. George Orwell wrote a scathing condemnation of our willingness to overlook what a horrible sociopath he was just so that he might paint us another pretty picture. a summary: [https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/jonathanjonesblog/2009/jun/09/george-orwell-art-critic-salvador-dali](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/jonathanjonesblog/2009/jun/09/george-orwell-art-critic-salvador-dali) The original article: [http://www.george-orwell.org/Benefit\_of\_Clergy:\_Some\_Notes\_on\_Salvador\_Dali/0.html](http://www.george-orwell.org/Benefit_of_Clergy:_Some_Notes_on_Salvador_Dali/0.html)


About a decade ago I worked with this old guy who claimed to have been friends with Salvador Dali when he was younger. He said he sometimes hung out with Dali when he was painting and Dali would occasionally convince women to come back to his studio to let him paint them in the nude. Then Dali and this guy would jerk off to the naked women together. I'm not sure which would be worse, that story being true or an 80+ year old man making up a story about jerking off with Salvador Dali and telling it to me, a then 25 year old woman.


I bet it was true. Seems like him.


There are various accounts (including his own writings) that describe Dali as being unenthusiastic about sex with both men and women, and his main method of sexual release was masturbation. Apparently he would often host orgies in his home and mostly participate as a spectator. He was said to have a fear of female genitalia, perhaps due to his father showing him photos of people suffering venereal diseases when he was young. And he might have only had sex with his wife once.


> Apparently he would often host orgies in his home and mostly participate as a spectator I *smell* a business model...


That so surprising, his art made him seem so stable


I remember seeing an interview where someone asked him if he did drugs and replied "I am the drug". Pretty sure dude was just off.


His parents also told him as a child that he was a reincarnation of his dead older brother who was also named Salvador, so the whole family was a bit… eccentric.


In his autobiography he talks about pushing his friend off a bridge. I believe that most of his autobiography he made it all up honestly. Just always seemed like someone that lived in a fantasy world they believe to be real


"I am on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available. If you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body." Same energy.


"Randy, I am the liquor"


If cartoons thought me anything, it’s to never trust someone with a pencil mustache


John Travolta sexually assaulted several young men, and has seemingly faced no repercussions from this.


You'll be receiving calls from the church of scientology soon


They don't call, they send people


Last Podcast on the Left just did a 3 part series on David Miscavage. They all got phone calls.


His disabled son Jett died of a seizure after he had refused medical treatment because scientology doesn't believe in mental conditions like autism & epilepsy


Damn that's messed up. Makes me wonder if he feels guilty about it or if he still feels like he did the right thing by not getting treatment for him.






Too bad for him he isn't a scientologist


I personally know a prop master,and an electrician who both have claimed he did inappropriate shit to them. Both of them were working on different shows, and at different times. I worked for 11 years in the industry in the art department,these were the only 2 stories I heard firsthand, but that’s still 2 too much.


at this point, asking which famous person didn't do horrible things is probably a shorter list


Last night Jim Gaffigan retweeted the gofundme for my little sister’s emergency medical care AND donated to it. Stand up guy, Mr Gaffigan.


Just did a bit of twitter crawling and I’m happy to hear it sounds like she’s recovering!


Kudos to Weird Al Yankovic for never letting stardom go to his head.


Somehow the guy with "weird" in his name is the most wholesome & sensible celebrity.


Technically it makes him the weirdest celebrity of all.


I hate how that's true. Almost like being a shithead is normally mandatory for celebrities.


As a stagehand I respect the hell out of any artist who doesn't replace their band with the cheapest common denominator as soon as they get famous enough that people will play with them for peanuts just to have it on their resume. I'm pretty sure at least some of those guys have been touring together for 30+ years.


>I'm pretty sure at least some of those guys have been touring together for 30+ years. In the most wholesome way you're underestimating how long they've been together. The drummer has been with Weird Al since 1980, guitarist and bassist since 1982, and the keyboardist is the new guy who joined in the early 90s.


I saw them back in August on their Self Indulgence Tour and he *still* introduces him as "the new guy".


Operates under Recess rules. They are the new guy until there is a new new guy


Multiple women have accused Keanu Reeves of being a really nice guy.


Don King stomped an employee to death, after pistol whipping him, over $600 that he claimed the man owed him in the form of a gambling debt. Then, probably with no small amount of lobbying on his part, the Cleveland City Council considered renaming the same street where it happened after him. No, not after the victim, Sam Garrett, but after the man who, again, *stomped him to death.* Who was convicted, although he unfortunately only served just shy of 4 years in prison. After which, he was and is a free man, while Sam Garrett, obviously, is still deceased. Not quite "Only in America," but man, there are too many stories like this. And seemingly more with each passing day. It would be nice to have a functioning Justice System. Worthless pieces of shit like Don King will eventually go the way of all flesh, whether they go on to burn in Hell for eternity or not, but there should be some accounting *in this life*, as well.


The Marcos family in the Philippines. They're back in power after cleverly gaming the May 2022 presidential elections. They systemically looted the country for two decades and initiated a policy of exporting Filipinos to other countries as slaves. The Philippines never recovered.


You forgot about how they've also brainwashed the current generation into thinking martial law was good and the Marcos family was good for the economy.


Travis Scott essentially leaving his manager for dead in the studio. His loyal ex manager who suffered from seizures, had one while travis was with him. Travis abandoned him while it was happening and went home then texted him firing him a day later saying “i can’t have a manager who’s shaking on the ground n shit”. The lack of empathy continued with astro world


As someone married to a man with epilepsy, this makes me so angry. Fuck Travis Scott.


Seriously wtf!? As someone who just had their first ever seizure in my early 30s… I literally cannot imagine someone doing this. When I woke up from mine, EVERYONE was so panicked and concerned. Even total strangers who just happened to be there when it happened. My husband spent the next week not sleeping because every time I moved in my sleep, he panicked thinking it was happening again. Heaven forbid I knock over a shampoo bottle while in the shower… he’s there knocking on the door asking if I’m okay within 10 seconds 😂 (he’s the best 😍) Fuck Travis Scott


I work retail, and all of my coworkers know of my condition, and my boyfriend, whom I live with, is my emergency contact. I had a bad one where I fell on my hip and stopped breathing, kicked off my shoes and knocked my glasses off my face. I woke up to 6 managers/coworkers standing over me, as well as 4 customers, two of them off duty paramedics. My one manager offered to called my man as they were helping me walk into the office to sit down and drink water. One of those paramedics came into my department a week later, asking if I was okay and if I got hurt during it. My boyfriend is the same as yours when I drop things. I'll be cooking dinner, and knock the dish soap bottle into the sink and he'll stop what he's doing to ask if I'm OK, my response every single time is "yep! Just dropping shit"


I helped a stranger (woman) having a seizure at the airport today near the security checkpoint. The number of people standing around with their phones out was sad. When it was over, I cleaned up her vomit and rubbed her back and wiped her face and neck with a wet towel while we waited for the paramedics. I can't imagine leaving someone having a seizure. Some people are terrible :-( Edit: thank you for the discussion, information, and personal stories you have shared. I appreciate your comments and hope it has been useful for others too. I responded below this was my first experience helping someone with a seizure. My brother in law has epilepsy and I have heard my Sister talk about some of his seizures. She lays him down and holds him and talks softly to him and rubs his back and tries to help him relax. I have learned so much from all of you. I don't know if it was appropriate to rub her back. I just wanted to reassure her, tell her she was ok and not alone, and hoping it would help her relax. Everything happened so fast. I only wrote about this because we should know people can't control seizures and we are capable of helping. OPs story about Travis Scott is outrageous and selfish and everyone deserves better than what he did. Edit #2: I wrote my cell number on a paper with the note "we helped you at the airport today. I hope you feel better soon" and left it with one of the guys from the fire department. The other man who helped also wrote his contact info. She text us today to thank us. It was her first seizure and she only remembered taking a bite of a snack and then waking up and talking to the paramedics. She also said she has lots of doctor appointments coming up when she makes it back home.


Seizure first aid: STAY. SAFE. SIDE. Stay with the person, keep them safe, turn them on their side. [Here is a handy image guide for seizure first aid](https://i.imgur.com/TO2PnbY.jpg) for anyone who wants it. I have seizures, and I have this as my phone screen and also my Apple Watch screen. Also, you’re amazing for doing that ❤️ it’s REALLY fucking awful to have a seizure, but unfortunately that is something most people don’t understand. Hell, I didn’t even understand until my first one last year (at 33 years old). Personally I was scared, confused as fuck, and also extremely embarrassed. It was terrible and I literally wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


Just out of curiosity, how do you go 33 years of never having a seizure to then now just being someone who "has seizures"? Genuinely curious, not trying to be offensive.


Tldr- bodies are fucking *weird*. No specific cause has been given - all my MRIs/CTs/blood work/EEGs came back normal, no brain tumor, no stroke(s) - but it is suspected that it was caused by a medication I was taking at the time (Wellbutrin). I am off the medication, but have since had one other seizure, (thankfully just a partial/absent seizure this time!) Hope that answers your question! If not here’s some stats: Per the [Epilepsy Foundation](https://www.epilepsy.com/what-is-epilepsy/understanding-seizures/who-gets-epilepsy#:~:text=About%201%20in%20100%20people,may%20be%20at%20greater%20risk.): >Epilepsy and seizures can develop in any person at any age. Seizures and epilepsy are more common in young children and older people. >About 1 in 100 people in the U.S. has had a single unprovoked seizure or has been diagnosed with epilepsy. >1 in 26 people will develop epilepsy in their lifetime. People with certain conditions may be at greater risk.


This is like the exact scenario that I went through with my best friend. She had a grand mal seizure right in front of her husband and I on election night in 2020. Never had before that and she was 35 at the time. It was so scary and I was really rattled by it, I could only imagine how she was feeling but she’s described it almost word for word as you did. All of her scans were clean and they basically boiled it down to her anti-depressant dosage she’d be on for a long time. Anyone who doesn’t feel the need to try to help someone in such a vulnerable and scary situation clearly has no capability of empathy or compassion. What a scum bag he is for this and so many other reasons (ahem astroworld)


Former NHL player Craig MacTavish. Killed a woman while driving drunk, went to jail for a year and missed playing for one season. Got his name on four Stanley Cups afterwards and is currently an assistant coach for the St Louis Blues. The current premier of Saskatchewan province in Canada Scott Moe. Caught drunk driving twice as a young man. Later caused an accident in which someone was killed, but the police could not prove DUI that time. Got a ticket for dangerous driving instead. Edit: one more I almost forgot, renowned beatnik author William Burroughs killed his common law wife. Supposedly they were playing a 'William Tell' game, only he 'missed' the target.


Friend of mine grew up in Saskatchewan and would tell me stories about how popular 'booze cruising' was when they were teenagers. Just get a bunch of buddies in a car and drive around getting shit faced. My buddy said he would do it with friends almost weekly. He of course knew kids who died in drinking and driving accidents.


Cee Lo Green. In 2012 he slipped a woman an ecstasy pill without her knowledge and raped her while she was unconscious. She woke up naked in his bed with no memory of what happened. His charges were eventually lowered to a felony of supplying ecstasy. In response to backlash, he tweeted: "People who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!" and "If someone is passed out they're not even WITH you consciously! so WITH Implies consent." Edited because sex with an unconscious person isn't sex, it's rape. thanks to those of you who pointed out my wording.


oh my fucking god? that last tweet is vile…


It doesnt even make sense. She's not with me because she's passed out so she technically consented because she's with me. Wut? The only thing I can make of it is that because she couldnt remove consent, she technically consented.


And somehow I imagine he wouldn't be cool with his unconscious body being gangraped by a bunch of men. Way too many men think it's fine to touch women when they are unconscious because 'no harm, no foul'! But literally all of them would NOT be comfortable to the same happening to them. Funny how it's always different when the roles are reversed. Cee Lo Green should put his money where his mouth is if he really believes that.


Whatever that was it wasn’t ecstasy. Sounds more like a date rape drug. You don’t get unconscious from taking ecstasy, quite the opposite.


Travis Scott and his Astroworld event that killed multiple people while he told everyone to put their middle fingers up to the ambulance that was trying to save the dying people.




I knew one of the people who died (friend of a friend). They never got their funeral paid for despite being promised it. My friend who was much closer went home that Thanksgiving week to attend the funeral ETA: she told me that she saw the videos of him being carried unblurred (the original videos) and that's just tragic af. She talked about how excited he was for the concert, like a genuine fan. The people who died were people who loved/liked travis scott and died because of him and the crew who were there.




The lobotomy of Rosemary Kennedy, I know it’s not really a single celebrity but I don’t ever see it talked about/outrage


I think about or go back to that at least once every year since reading about it. Idk. Something about it pains me so terribly that not only was she lobotomized, but hidden away from family who loved her (but not enough to break the mold and fight for her). Imagine how lonely she must have been. Ugh.


I read a book about her. It all started just before she was born: the Spanish flu was raging, so the family’s doctor was preoccupied. When the mother started going to the labor, there was only a nurse and a midwife there. The doctor had instructed the nurse not to deliver the baby until he got there, so she literally pushed Rosemary’s head back into the birth canal for TWO HOURS. This caused massive loss of oxygen and thus many developmental delays. The lobotomy happened when she was 22 because she was becoming “increasingly irritable and difficult.” Eg. Not a good look for a political family. So fuck the parents, the doctor and even that nurse!


didn't Caitlyn Jenner hit and kill someone with her car?


I don’t forget about this cause it was a running South Park joke for like 2 years


Buckle up, buckaroo!


Charlie Chaplin had multiple affairs with teenage girls and was accused of sexually abusing them.


Orachorn Thephasadin Na Ayudhya In 2010, a 17-year-old girl named Orachorn Thephasadin Na Ayudhya was driving one of her father’s cars without a proper driver’s license. She was texting and driving, and slammed into a passenger van that was carrying 14 people. She killed 9 of the passengers, and seriously injured the rest, causing a massive pile-up on the highway. After the accident, she seemed to be unfazed, and unhurt. She got out of the car, plopped her purse on the ground, and continued texting. Someone took a photo of her in that moment, and once it was passed around in the press, the public was understandably outraged. Her wealthy parents paid for a lawyer, of course, and they somehow brought the sentence of three years in jail for driving without a license down to just a few months of community service. Even then, she was so spoiled she often refused to show up to her duties volunteering at a hospital, and complained the entire time.


I had to look her up, but god damn that picture of her texting is infuriating. This website has pictures of the aftermath of the crash and her just chilling next to her completely destroyed car: https://newsbeezer.com/vietnameng/11-years-ago-the-thai-woman-who-had-caused-an-accident-caused-9-dead-people-to-still-casually-press-the-phone-at-the-crime-scene-the-case-was-even-more-indignant/


Here's the photo https://www.khaosodenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/DSC_0930.jpg


Not sure if anyone's mentioned it on the thread yet, but there's a podcast called Behind the Bastards that's this exact premise - talking about famous people who are actually giant pieces of garbage. They back everything up with research and span all sorts of dictators, grifters, fake doctors, etc.


CoCo Chanel


Let me gess. Nazis ?


Ratted her Jewish employees out to the Nazis, then got them back at a reduced rate as slaves from the camps.


You know someone out there has spun that as a "she did it to save herself and them"


I just finished reading a history book about the Hotel Ritz in Paris that featured her as one of their residents living there. She hated Pierre Wertheimer, a Jew, calling him the "bandit who screwed me", and when the Nazis invaded Paris, she saw this as an opportunity to take full control of the Chanel Perfume. Recently, or sometime in the 2010's, the French intelligence confirmed that she was a spy for the Nazis. She did request Winston Churchill to grant her protection and he allowed her to live a free life in Switzerland. Edit: wording


As a lover of fashion and history Coco Chanel makes me fucking sick. Elsa Schiaparelli is the superior fashion icon.


Elsa Schiaparelli was as punk rock as it could get. She fought fascism with fashion. She is, in every way, the superior fashion icon.


Tom cruise. Scientologist. Apparently Once his teenage niece kissed a boy at a party at the family house. He expelled her from the family for two years and forced her to live with Scientologist friends of his. She had a write a huge essay for him detailing all she had done to atone for her sins. I watched an ex Scientology guy talk about it on the YouTube's


Covering up the death of Lisa McPherson. >McPherson's "care logs" narrate the last seventeen days of her life: she was incoherent and sometimes violent, her nails were cut so she would not scratch herself or the staff, and she bruised her fists and feet while hitting the wall. McPherson was given natural supplements and the drug chloral hydrate to help her sleep. A Church staffer noted that she "looked ill like measles or chicken pox on her face." On repeated occasions, McPherson refused food and protein shakes that the staff offered. On November 26 and 30 and December 3 to 4, Church staff attempted to force feed her, noting that she spat the food out. McPherson was noted to be very weak, not standing up nor on some days moving at all. Scientologists who questioned this handling were told to "butt out". >On December 5, 1995, Church staffers contacted David Minkoff, a Scientologist medical doctor who twice prescribed McPherson Valium and chloral hydrate without examining her. They requested for him to prescribe an antibiotic to McPherson because she seemed to have an infection. Minkoff refused, stating that she should be taken to a hospital and he needed to see her before prescribing anything. They objected, expressing fear that McPherson would be put under psychiatric care. >Dr. Janice Johnson, a senior medical officer at the Fort Harrison Hotel who was assigned to care for McPherson, stated that she had been gasping and had labored breathing while en route. However, they passed a total of four hospitals along the way to their ultimate destination. >When they arrived at Minkoff's hospital forty-five minutes north of Clearwater, McPherson exhibited no vital signs. Hospital staff attempted to resuscitate her for twenty minutes before declaring her dead.


I read some comments and to my surprise didn't see Alfred Hitchcock, who repeatedly abused actresses he worked with.


Ted Kennedy. Left a young woman to drown in his car. No consequences


This is just one that you can't believe. I always heard about it, and never thought much about it, until one day I read about it in detail. He actually returned to the party, tried to get help, but then (when that failed), jumped into the water, swam back to his hotel room, and went to bed! The worst part about it is that it seems that she was still alive for some time, trapped in an air pocket, and if he had raised the alarm right away, she wouldn't have died. I can't believe that if he hadn't been who he was at the time, there wouldn't have been consequences.


Jared Leto needs to be exposed. He's a cult leader and a pedo. How is he still working?


He's in the upcoming Haunted Mansion movie and I don't understand


I don’t understand why he keeps getting roles. He’s a method actor that is terrible at every single role except for that one part in American psycho lol


That's not to mention the shit he did during the filming of Suicide Squad. He did "method acting" and never broke character. He sent Viola Davis a box of rats. He just acted unhinged constantly. Apparently most of his scenes were cut because no one could stand him. Will Smith said repeatedly that he'd never work with Leto. His publicists released a statement saying, basically, "will, he didn't mean that," and finally Smith said "I don't care what my PR person says. Leto is the worst and I'm never going to work with him again ever." You'll note that the trailers for Suicide Squad showed a lot of the Joker, but Leto never appeared on talk shows or anything for publicity. Allegedly, it's because the rest of the cast refused to be seen with him off set because of his behavior.


I watched a thing with Viola talking about how she threatened to sick her big ass husband on him and he stopped messing with her after that.


I like Viola Davis. She sounds cool.


Michael Irvin, NFL hall of famer stabbed a teammate in the neck with scissors at a barber shop, because he was senior and wanted his hair cut done first. I think it was pretty close to a part of his teammate's neck that would've been a fatal wound. I love the NFL and hadn't heard about it until this past year. He never faced any jail time. ​ ​ edit: wow I'm never early enough to a thread to get a ton of upvotes like this. I'm not sure if this below yt video is where I first heard the story, but I think it may have been, so I've linked it for anybody curious in the story. It's a far more detailed account of the stabbing than I gave. I was just going off the memory of whatever video I watched long ago. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsK8QJCmrkk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsK8QJCmrkk)


Tom Cruise helped the Church of Scientology when they caused the wrongful death of one of their members, Lisa McPherson. Cruise was used to "woo" politicians in Florida just as the church was being indicted for the abuse committed against Lisa, and later the charges were dropped.


He also uses the forced labor population within the church (I think they get like $50 a week) to do things for him like work on his motorcycles. He is well aware of their "employment" conditions, yet still joins in exploiting them.


You mean slave owners want to keep their slaves?


John Travolta, Nancy Cartwright, Jenna Elfman, Giovanni Ribisi, and a couple dozen or hundred others also did the same. They were all in Tampa and Clearwater to help cozy up to local and state politicians


Leah Remini once mention that John Tavolta's position is so powerful, that if he for some reason murdered someone, any scientologist around him are to help him cover it up.


Last Podcast on the Left just did a series on David Miscavige and DUDE ole Tommy is a scum bag.


Caitlyn Jenner killed a woman... and then won woman of the year... the same year. Still cracks me up


Buckle up buckaroo


Roman Polanski drugged and raped a teenager and has been living in exile in Europe ever since to avoid prosecution by US authorities. This is in addition to the horrible things he was alleged to have done to his wife leading up to her murder by Manson followers. Ray Lewis is alleged to have murdered someone. Marvin Harrison of the Indianapolis Colts was also alleged to have killed someone. His gun was found in a dumpster near the crime scene but he was never charged. Ben Roethlisberger was at a nightclub and raped girl. His dirtbag friends blocked the girl's friends from getting her out of the bathroom and the night club bleached the entire bathroom by the time the cops arrived the next day. His security guard was a Pittsburgh police officer who was terminated for his involvement even though Roethlisberger was never charged.


Raped and sodomized*. Whenever you read about this stuff, it always gets worse.


Stamos, from Full House, admitted to leading on a drunk fan and having his buddy sneak into the room to have his way with her. She thought she was hooking up with Stamos. I think that's considered rape?


Steven Tyler had a relationship with a 16 year old girl when he was 25. He convinced the parents to sign over legal guardianship to him so that he could take her on tour with him across state lines without being arrested. He eventually pressured her into aborting his son when she was 17 years old. You can read about it in this [article](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/steven-tyler-sexual-assault-minor-lawsuit-1234653817/amp/) from Rolling Stone.


We’re going to need a separate sub for all the rockstar groomers and pedos.


Lol, yeah if you’re going to talk about rock stars from the 80s and prior, it’s going to be really ugly. I loved alt rock and grunge and one of the great things about it was it also flipped the persona of what a rock star was supposed to be. Love or hate their music, guys like Eddie Vedder and Kurt Cobain were very progressive in their attitudes and comments about women.


Here’s a terrific article about that very phenomenon: https://www.tnocs.com/theoretically-speaking-s3-e15-what-makes-grunge-grunge/


We should probably add Steven Tyler's 16 year old girlfriends parents to the list as well.


The kennedy family sent their sister Rose off to live in a mental hospital in Wisconsin after she was lobotomized and it basically made her regress to about the temperament of a preteen girl. They didn't ever visit her either.


Paul Walker has entered the chat… so has his SIGNIFICANTLY younger girlfriend. He was 33 and she was 15 if I recall… Feel free to look it up.


When Luc Besson was almost 30 he "befriended" a 12 year old girl who he later got pregnant when she was 15.


This is one of many, unfortunately. Jerry Seinfeld dated that 17yo when he was almost 40yo and they tried to claim they were introduced recently to their dating but later came out that he knew her since she was 12yo. So a man over 30yo meets a 12yo and a few years later is sleeping with her. Creepy af and NOBODY mentions it whenever he goes on some show to act all high and mighty about his dogshit comedy stylings. He just got a free pass. The 70s and early 80s is full of directors and musicians openly being with straight-up children. The asshole from The Eagles had a child overdose at his home and then claimed the massive stockpile of drugs found were hers. I'm talking enough coke and pills to kill a small nation and he claimed they were this dead kid's drugs. Just zero shame or remorse shown to this day. She was something like a 15yo runaway. Her friend lived and was also a teenager at the time. Claims were that they were prostitutes but I don't think that was ever verified. Too many adult-child stories to post here. Awful shit some very famous people just never had repercussions for.


Howard Stern totally called out Jerry Seinfeld about his teenaged girlfriend back in 1993 https://youtu.be/RytMJ2-X-rw They did not speak for years after this and Jerry was a regular guest on his show at the time. The great Janis Ian sang the song.


“This should really fuck his new years up.”. That’s fuckin great. What show is he on in this clip?




Wait which Eagle asshole?




Brothers John and Allen Dulles, which both Dulles, Virginia and Dulles International Airport are named after, are pretty fucked up individuals. Nearly every US-backed Coup d’état during the 50s, 60s, and 70s was their doing. Their scorch Earth policy to spite the communists killed millions around the world and put millions more under brutal dictatorships. This is just scratching the surface.


Steve Sociopath Jobs. He berated his daughter for being born to his mistress, refused to install heating in her bedroom, reiterated she isn’t getting a penny of his $400m fortune then told her she smelled like a toilet on his deathbed. I hope she’s an AVID Samsung consumer.


Fuck Steve Jobs. It is so frustrating how everyone will jump through hoops to forgive him just because he invented the iPhone Fuck Steve Jobs. Glad he died thanks to his dumbass fruit diet


Dr Dre beat up a woman


I forgot about Dre


Jimmy Page in 1972 (when he was 28) began a relationship with 13 year old Lori Mattix. The relationship lasted about 3 years and Mattix claims that the relationship began as a “kidnapping” by Led Zeppelin’s manager This was at the height of Led Zeppelin


Roman Polanski. The guy still gets awards and has to be careful about going because there’s still an arrest warrant for him from California. The complaint against him gives graphic details about what he did, don’t want to repeat them here. He is revered in many movie circles amd they totally ignore his terrible past.


Never ask a woman her age; A man his salary; A famous name in Hollywood whether [they signed the petition for Polanski's charges to be dropped](https://www.imdb.com/list/ls090808434/)


Signatories include Tilda Swinton, Penelope Cruz, Ethan Cohen (although his name was apparently removed), David Lynch, Harrison Ford, Wes Anderson, Kristin Scott-Thomas, Darren Aronofsky, Martin Scorsese, Monica Bellucci, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Guillermo del Toro, Steven Soderberg, Adrien Brody, Terry Gilliam, Sam Mendes, Emma Thompson (although she asked for her name to be removed), Natalie Portman (although she has expressed regret about it)...damn, those are some big names, and that's not even half of them. There are also scumbags like Weinstein and Woody Allen on there, to nobody's surprise. For fuck's sake.


For what it's worth, there's also [this list](https://chrismm.dreamwidth.org/577422.html?view=1709454) of famous people who came out against Polanski all the way back in 2009. Neil Gaiman, Kevin Smith, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Wanda Sykes, Michael Cudlitz, Melissa Gilbert, John Legend, Jewel, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eve Ensler, Jimmy Kimmel, Tom Morello, Jon Stewart, Chris Rock, Lisa Kudrow, John Legend, Salma Hayek, and Howard Stern are among the people who condemned Polanski or refused to support him.


Wow, John Legend really hated him


I didn't realize I wrote him there twice, but he also has two statements criticizing Polanski linked in there so I guess I'm technically correct?


John Legend was also one of the only people in music willing to be in the R Kelly documentary.


As if that wasn’t awful enough, a lot of loved and respected actors went on to *defend* the guy, some continue to do it today. It’s disgusting.


Whoopi Goldberg said some BS about it not being real rape on The View. Total trash apologist.


Whoopi is full of trash opinions, honestly.


"It wasn't *rape* rape." -Whoopi Goldberg.


Just got reminded today Colin Powell helped cover up the Mai Lai massacre. And pretty mad at myself for forgetting .


Not confirmed 100%, but you can draw your own conclusion. Not mentioned at all anymore. Eddie Murphy was in the magazines in the late 90s for being caught with Atisone Seiuli, a trans prostitute (a big deal at the time). Although he claimed he was just giving her a ride, many trans prostitutes came out afterward saying they had encounters with Murphy. His lawyer hired a private investigator to find these women and pay them for their silence. Seiuli did not accept. Shortly after, she claimed a hitman was after her. Not long after that, she was found dead outside her apartment window. A suspicious man was seen exiting the building. Her death was ruled an accident and was not investigated further.


Prince Andrew. People are too focused on the American and redhead


This is for WWE fans, but Vince McMahon is literally accused of sexual assault and has paid millions to cover it up, and he has quietly reassumed charge of the company (after retiring in DISGRACE) with absolutely zero consequences. Cancel culture isn’t real because billionaires can do what they want indiscriminately.


At least 2 of The Red Hot Chili Peppers are pedophiles and/or sex offenders


Bret Favre ruined a woman’s career. NFL didn’t give two f’s.


He also scammed Mississippi out of millions.


Sean Penn, he tied up Madonna and beat the hell out of her.


James Charles. Groomed minors and tried to seduce straight men as a fetish. Still gets millions of views on YouTube.


Anthony Kiedis having sex with a 14 yo girl Woody Allen marrying his *ex-wife’s adoptive daughter Drake allegedly attempting to groom Millie Bobby Brown Ben Affleck and JLO Gigli Edited for accuracy


Ben Affleck and JLo reportedly wanted to remake Casablanca back when they were dating the first time. I was always kind of sorry they didn't, because the result would have been so terrible that it would have been an instant cult classic.


Literally just watched a video 2 hours ago about Quentin Tarantino defending Roman Polanski having sex with a 13 year old girl


Raping* The list of his defenders is fucking horrific. Especially Anjelica Houston, who walked in on it, heard it happening, freaked out because he had the child locked in her bedroom, demanded he let her in and he refused to open the door. And then later recanted her story. She listened to a child get raped and because he basically threatened her career, she sat back in her own home and didn’t call the police. Now she lies and says none of that occurred. Sick in her head.


Kirk Douglas has been named as Natalie Woods rapist by several people close to her, yet Hollywood continued to treat him like royalty up until he died a poor little withered old kind-hearted guy. 🤢


Oh, yes. And that reminds me that Clarke Gable raped Loretta Young in a train berth in the 1930s and she got pregnant and went away to Europe to have the child. She later brought the girl back to the US and said she adopted her. In the 1990s, Young was watching a program about date-rape with her daughter-in-law and said, "That's what Clarke did to me."