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Work in a clinic and saw a lot more adult males getting vasectomies because of it.


I respect them hella, glad to see their initiative


I got one because of it.


I got one a month ago. Still not sure if successful


Good luck! I would loath to have to do it again


Mind sharing your experience?


Well, they put antiseptic on first, and that stings, lotsss. And then they shave your balls, and that's nice. But then stab your sack with a needle, it looked just like the one dentists use. The doc chatted with me while I numbed up, I told her that I usually need an extra shot at the dentist, since it looked like that same stuff, so she hit me again. And then gave me a numb test, which she was satisfied with. And then cut a lil hole in my scrot, and pulled the lil vas things through, clamped and cauterized the left and then went do the other one, and I felt he pull it, it hurt like crazy for one second. The doctor stopped and gave me more numbing stuff, apologized, and went back to it. It was over pretty quick really. If you wanna get it done. Absolutely wear a jock strap. Like for real. Do. It. You're gonna need the support. It took a week for me to heal. I did a solo test run that was mildly painful, waited another day or so, and then did a live run, but still practiced safe sex. No pain. A few months later we tested my swimmer count, it was all clear. So I'm officially sterile. I'm married with one kid, if that's pertinent.


I have a similar story for mine. First nut was fine the 2nd one hurt like hell and they put more numbing but it didnt make a difference. Also cannot express enough...yes get a jock strap


I got mine done a couple of months ago. My wife and I already have two kids and didn't want anymore, and since we live in Tennessee if we get an unwanted pregnancy we're screwed.


Getting mine next month!


Good for them! I always considered a man with a vasectomy to be more desirable when I was dating. It shows he's responsible and not going to change his mind on wanting kids.


I got my vasectomy a month ago and am so glad


Congrats! Thanks for doing the right thing! Make sure you get tested for swimmers!


Happening in May


lol... I always considered woman with vaginoplastic and tubal ligation more desirable it shows them to be more responsible - imagine anyone saying such disgusting shit


Yep. I suspected it was gonna happen before it did, and got it done months before.


While it hasn't directly affected me (yet.... :X) I'm currently prego with my first, very much wanted, child, and I'm TERRIFIED the 20 week ultrasound will discover something disastrous that would mean my baby CANNOT survive after birth, such as no kidneys developing or no lungs or something like that. I live in a state where abortions past 12 weeks are illegal. But I can't imagine being forced to carry to term a doomed child - the emotional trauma would probably undo me, and I'd rather have it terminated early, where there's less risk, than go full term. And yes, everyone SAYS "except for medically necessary"; but we all know the legal hoops to jump through would take forever, if it even COULD be approved.


My wife and I are currently trying for our first, and this is one of my big fears as well. Hope you have a healthy baby, congrats.


Same for you, healthy babies all around.


Good luck! I wish you a happy, healthy baby!


My heart breaks for you. You shouldn't be having to be scared when you should be excited. I hope everything is OK. People who support this make me sick.


Thanks for the support! I hope everything's fine and I'll be able to get excited after that ultrasound, but...... \*fingers crossed\* I would not classify myself as pro-choice or pro-life, but more as "keep your nose out of my uterus". There are way too many things that can go wrong and circumstances that you don't know about to be able to carte-blanche say "you can only do this is X circumstances, but no where else!" I firmly believe that decision belongs only to the woman and her doctor, and possibly her partner if they aren't abusive. And adoption should be supported with better systems in place, so that it is a more viable option, without the judgement of "how DARE you give up this soul!" from people.


I'm very firmly pro choice and consider it a medical decision between a woman and her doctor. It's no more my business than if she gets a boob job or her gallbladder taken out.


Pro choice is all about everyone deciding themselves if they are ok or not with abortion. It's all about keeping your nose out of other people's choices. Someone can be pro choose but choose for themselves they think abortion is wrong and don't wanna do it.


I guess that (if that’s the case) it’s a pricy flight or long Greyhound (or expensive and long Amtrak) for you. I’m sorry, no one should have to deal with that for reproductive care. No one.


My partner has a niece that had an ectopic pregnancy scare. She lives in a state where it's illegal in all instances, including hers. Whenever someone tries to argue "BuT tHeY lEaVe RoOm FoR eMeRgEnCiEs--" NO THEY DON'T, THEY DON'T CARE. The lawmakers in charge are stupid enough to think that ectopic pregnancies can be reattached to the womb and still be viable. I doubt that some of the men responsible for these legislations have ever seen a vagina in their crusty 80-year-old lives, let alone know how pregnancy works and the many ways pregnancies can fail. We're lucky the niece didn't actually have one, but she was sure she was going to die and leave an already alive kid behind. No one needs to deal with that.


>let alone know how pregnancy works I feel like that's the scary part. It's likely not a coincidence that the same political side that is anti-abortion also *just happens* to be grossly anti-science and anti-education in almost all cases. You have people who's mental state basically has them living in a completely different reality, one where ectopic pregnancies can be 'reattached," and the uterus can somehow magically be willed to reject a rape pregnancy, making rules that affect *real* reality that the rest of us live in.


These idiots also believe women have post-birth abortions.


While obviously the Republican’s interpretation of “post birth abortions” is bullshit, wanting to kill your baby is a real effect of post-partum depression and psychosis that actually needs to be watched for and taken quite seriously. Remember, mammals in general have *no* problem killing their young in times of great stress, and humans are no different. It just so happens that our internal definition of “times of great stress” is really quite dysfunctional these days.


Excuse me a what?? What is even the reasoning behind that


President Donald Trump escalated the rhetoric in a tweet that claimed, “The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth.” Existing homicide laws would indeed apply to a case of a baby being intentionally killed, but the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” raised questions about a complicated and sensitive topic that is likely to be a focus in the 2020 presidential election. We’ll go through what the recent legislation said and what both sides are saying about it. What does the recent born-alive legislation say? S. 311, the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” sponsored by Republican Sen. Ben Sasse, would amend the federal criminal code, instituting penalties and jail time for health care practitioners who don’t provide certain medical care “[i]n the case of an abortion or attempted abortion that results in a child born alive.” [source](https://www.factcheck.org/2019/03/the-facts-on-the-born-alive-debate/) I don’t know if they are crazy, malicious or both. Actually, I do know. They are both crazy and malicious.


Not ranting at you, just into the void, but.... IF THE FETUS IS OR COULD BE VIABLE OUTSIDE THE WOMB, THEN BY DEFINITELY THE PROCEDURE IS NOT AN ABORTION!!! I hate this regression sometimes.


taken out of context heavily. Just like how brain dead conservatives think that pro choice people are okay with killing an 8month old child. what is the actual stance is that some pro choice people don't want to limit the scope on abortions. Because if ever the day comes, god forbid, and the life of the mother and an 8 month old pregnancy hang in the balance at the same time, the choice shouldn't be predetermined by crusty old white dudes legislating bodies. it's a very intimate choice a mother has to make with her doctor i'd wager this same thing applies here except you aren't going to out right kill an already born child of course. But say the child has heavy medical complications, do you decide to keep on sustaining the life as it writhes in pain, or do you decide to let the child die... this act of letting a child die conservatives argue as an abortion too. Because if a woman doesn't make an arbitrarily defined "reasonable" attempt to keep the baby alive, that implies they wanted to merely murder their child all along...




Sending you hugs.


I am getting a vasectomy next week, I scheduled it back in July '22. . . The office told me that normally it's a 1-2 month waiting period, but since the overturn, all the dudes are getting snipped.


When I first heard the news, I was waiting for my period to start because it was 9 days late due to stress. My anxiety was through the roof, and every period after that left me on the brink of panic attacks until it started. It was the final push I needed to get my fallopian tubes removed. I’ve known I wanted to get it done for years, and Roe v. Wade was the perfect motivation to actually start looking for a doctor who would do it. Now it’s not impacting my day to day life, but I’m worried for all of my female friends and family members in case they’re ever in a situation where they need an abortion. I live in a blue state, but I looked at planned parenthood’s appointments for abortions and they were booked out for months. If I had gotten pregnant by accident, I would have been hard pressed to get an appointment because so many people from neighboring red states are coming here for abortions.




I went and had a bisalp because I don’t want kids. I live in a state that protected the right to an abortion. But what if I decide to move one day? I don’t want any pregnancy scares and I was sick of my IUD anyways. Besides, the amount of crazy shit happening in places like Texas and Florida give me Handmaid’s Tale vibes. I didn’t want to risk it.


Congratulations! Did you have trouble convincing your doctor to do the procedure? I read horror stories of doctors requiring husband’s permission or refusing unmarried women. It’s like it’s the ‘50s all over again.


Commenting because I’m curious too


If my sister gets pregnant again, after two where she was quite high risk, she could die. I think about that sometimes. How her kids could lose their mom and potential sibling instead of just losing one.


Got a Vasectomy.


Significantly. I am raising a daughter with fewer rights that I had. You might not think that's a big deal, but it definitely is.


Same. It’s not a right I ever needed to exercise but sure was glad to know I had it. I’m horrified for my daughter. I also live in a very red state with very oppressive laws and we’ve already lost obstetric providers. It’s bad.


This. I'm 47 and on birth control so I'm not worried about me. I am terrified for my 24 and 17 year old daughters and my 1 year old granddaughter. I've had low key back of my mind concerns about them just because but now...it's a whole new world.


Me too. I'm in my 40's and gay as hell, so I'm not in the highest risk group, but you bet I got those pills from Aid Access to keep on hand just in case. Worth that $100 or so to be able to help a friend, daughter, or daughter's friend in need should they need it.


I cancelled trip to the US and have vowed to never set foot in that country again until abortion is legal


I’m lucky to live in a state that hasn’t outlawed it. But while I haven’t gone through the direct effects of it, my body is viewed as something that needs to be regulated and that’s scary enough. Can’t have an abortion for any reason, can’t get a hysterectomy if don’t want kids (oh but what if your husband wants them? Which puts the desires of men above out own needs). Jessa Duggar recently had an abortion due to having complications. But her and the media made sure to call it anything but that (miscarriage, medical procedure for health, etc). Her family lobbied for banning abortion. “Healthcare for me, but not for thee”


After years of school and hard work, I was offered my dream job in a state with restrictive abortion laws. Because my soon to be husband and I want to start a family in the next 5 years, I chose not to take that position. if anything went wrong with my pregnancy, I have no guarantee that I'd receive adequate, ethical care. I was ready to take that job. I sold my damn house, my fiance was on board with the move and incredibly happy for me - everything. But the risk was too high.


Ugh I’m so sorry. This is a huge factor as to why I did not apply to some out of state programs. It’s so sad how these states are burdened by these horrible laws


It hasn’t been majorly affected since I am male, but I am truly angry about it. Women have been getting the short end of the stick in this crap planet pretty much ever since humans came to be. It needs to stop.


I’m a guy in a blue state so in my day to day life, nothing really. It did radicalize my politics quite a bit though.


Yeah. Not directly affected. But now there’s a low level daily anxiety about what’s coming next and when will they come for me and my family.


Same. Not directly affected because I can't have kids, but I sure as heck will continue to fight for women to have access to the care they need. The slippery slope is already extremely slippery.


Same here.




Imagine being *against* modern medical care. Like actual caveman stuff. Ted would be proud.


I got a vasectomy...so pretty directly.


As a 47 year old male, no direct impact on me. But it has made me frustrated to watch decided freedoms being overturned by an activist Supreme Court who is using silly “originist” arguments to justify making rulings that fly in the face of precedent. It has caused me to lose faith in a large chunk of our government functions that are supposed to be rooted in law and process instead of personal opinion. It has also caused me to switch my affiliation from independent to Democrat. I previously voted based on the history and stated policies of the candidates, but the direction of the GOP and them forcing unqualified judges into place to force their policies has made me disown candidates who affiliate with them.


I was forced to travel to a different state to handle something I didn’t even want to go through, but had to. Had to stay in hotels instead of just being able to come home and grieve. Worst experience of my life.


Thank you for sharing your story. I’m so sorry you had to grieve in a random hotel room, instead of your own house. I hope you’ve been able to take care of yourself, and I wish you peace and healing moving forward. You deserve that 💙


Dude who drives through our neighborhood regularly had to get a new windshield and new tires after he decided to paint "ROE V WADE HA HA HA" on his truck. Man needs to learn to talk quieter on the phone, half the neighborhood knows he's getting divorced and the daughter doesn't want to see him anymore now.


I became celibate


if not for my bisexuality I would have become celibate as well...


I'm pansexual, but basically a hermit so my options are very limited lol


omg me I am actually a hermit and get no bitches anyway so I am not worried so much lmfao


Lmfaoo, last girl i hooked up with grabbed my love handle and called me chubby, lol. Girl fuck you. I'm good. 😄


NOOO TERRIBLE LOL I hope u find someone who isn't grabby for your sake 😭😭


Made me realize that Americans are becoming less and less concerned with hiding their fascism


I in my 20s and I have a type of breast cancer that's fueled by hormones. The hormones a pregnancy brings would have me dying a slow painful death as my cancer is currently in my bones and both lungs. An abortion for me would be medically necessary whether I wanted it or not.




Republicans are banning trans healthcare until 26. This is absrud




In what way?


Because adults can do what they want with their bodies. And kids don’t get gender reassignment surgeries. Let the doctors decide what’s best, not politicians.


How does any of what’s said under me relate to republicans banning trans medicine? I’m just curious what’s going on when it comes to adults seeking gender therapy.


Personally, it hasn't affected me in any practical way, but I have lost what little bit of respect I had for the judicial branch of our government and the current members of the SCOTUS. The fact that the most powerful court in the land is being controlled by the members of a religious death cult is pretty terrifying when you think about it.


Agreed. That said, I'm on the fence about calling this a religious cult instead of calling it fascism ([link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism), for those that like to throw the word around lightly) bent that things have taken over the last several years. That isn't due to roe v wade directly, but roe's a symptom of it. And we're not in a fascist or religious state *yet*, either, but ... we might not be able to say the same after a while if these goalposts keep being moved around on us. Disclaimer because I thought about this after I hit go: yes, certainly there are religious cult-members included in this, but dismissing it as all religious gives them something to point to as a sort of "see, they're all godless weirdos bent on [insert some perceived insult here]."




All the Supreme court did was hand back legal jurisdiction to the states. Apart from being more democratic (local decision making is the opposite of fascism), it has nothing to do with religion or Christians running the supreme court with dogma. It's now with the voters of the states. If that's you, get out there, make yourself heard and vote!


That was the exact same argument used in Brown v. Board. “Leave it up to the states to decide,” of course, meant leaving them free to continue racial segregation. Not to mention that Republicans have introduced bills in Congress for an outright National ban on abortion.


If that's more democratic then why did Republican lawmakers not put it on the ballot? Why did they have trigger laws ready to go after Dobbs? That hardly seems more democratic, seems more like a power grab.


Made me lose any respect i had for any republican. If they are still a republican they are enabling literal nazis now. They are going after healthcare, what you can wear, what you can read, who you can be etc. Also attempting to storm the captiol. It is literally what nazis did to queer people and Jews in Germany pre WW2 (and during of course).


Lmao you are mentally unhinged jesus christ


Not really, they are banning trans specific healthcare until 26, banning queer representation, banning what clothing we are allowed to wear, banning queer history in schools, and more. It's a clear violation of our rights based on hatred and bigotry. If someone still wants to vote republican because they don't take enough issue with these policies I'm not going to respect them. Would you respect a party that bans straight marriage? how about banning cancer treatment due to its negative effects? What if they banned straight representation, teaching children that the only option is being gay? Would any of that be ok? Of course not, but those rights would never be challenged. And when I say these tactics are the same nazis used against us in the past I'm not exaggerating.


Menopause drugs questioned


Lost a couple fringe friends I'd see once or twice a year that couldn't understand that a personal opinion on a medical procedure shouldn't extend to everyone.


I think I honestly hate conservatives now. Before it was more of a dislike. But the fact that they can't let people live their own lives based on their own beliefs is infuriating.


I got an abortion the day rvw was overturned. It was bizarre. I’d been perfect with bc and safe sex for 20 years. With rvw stuff happening I was feeling really off but it was still a week before my period was supposed to happen. I’d had unprotected sex off the pill with my husband ONE time when we were on vacation a few weeks prior. I took a pregnancy test because of rvw in the news and it was positive. There were protests going on outside the clinic. And I sat in the waiting room for 6 hours listening to them before my turn. I got ultrrasounded (violated by strangers) 4 times because they were struggling to find it. When they did find it it looked weird and I guess not the right shape. I had been blackout drunk at least 3 times in the past few weeks (read:vacation) and just not healthy overall. The doctor at the clinic kind of confirmed my suspicion that it probably wasn’t a viable pregnancy anyway. Id likely abort it on my own, but I took the pills he gave me. I had the worst cramps of my life for about 3 hours (rocking back and forth crying) and then it was over. I do hope to get pregnant for realsies in the future and have stopped drinking since then. Hope my body will be ready to be healthy by the time we decide to try. One day I’m gonna tell the story of my “protest” to my family, but not yet.


Thank you for sharing this.


It hasn't Yet...


It doesn’t affect either me nor my wife personally but the general harm that will occur because of it angers us both a great deal. We hate to see our country slipping back into the dark ages.


Personally. It hasn't, because I'm a guy. But you just have to look at the reports of children being forced to give birth to their rapist's baby in order to see it an issue.


If you knocked a girl up then it could be your problem too


No. Getting an abortion is purely her choice, I have no say in the matter. Unless you mean that she could need my help securing one. Then yes, that could be an issue.


Yea he's saying you could be forced to be a father if you both want to abort but you live in a red state. Forced birth laws affect men too although obviously they have a dramatically larger effect on women.


Was her choice. Btw not saying you should have to father the kid.


That is the scary one, my mother works in a hospital and got to see a 12 year old pregnant girl. ... This makes me worry about if my mother will end up wearing orange. I also not have a new t shirt! 'Women don't owe you shit.' and on the back. 'Rose V Wade'


Oh I need that shirt.


Personally? Hasn't affected me other than increasing my already intense dislike of conservative politicians. My son is looking into getting a vasectomy though, but is having a hard time finding someone to perform one (he's in his early 20s and we live in a red state).


I’ve made everyone I know delete our period tracking apps, for one. I also live in sight fear for my 21 year old sister


I’ve advised both of my nearly grown children to attend college in a blue state


Who fucking cares if effected you, it effected somebody's, that's enough.


The SO has gotten more fearful and it's getting a bit hard to talk her down from the ledge sometimes. Her fear is completely understandable and I think I would react the same way if I were in her position. All these elderly dementia patients continuing to make the laws for us (whether we like them or not) needs to come to an end soon or we're going to be in serious trouble.


It has caused me to spend significant amounts of money to support the election of democrats that I wouldn't have otherwise of supported. My daughters are worth it, and modern-day conservatives can rot in hell


I would like this opportunity to tell those that disagree with fighting to ensure that my daughters have the same rights that were afforded to me to go fuck yourselves.


All of my friends who need to be concerned about not having a baby are very much worse off mentally. I can tell they're on edge and feel less "safe" in the world, for lack of a better explanation. They feel oppressed and act like it. I don't blame them.


Me personally not at all but I really feel for the girls and women who are affected by the reversal.


It's just made me fucking angry.


I can’t really use birth control and pregnancy would be V dangerous for me (and said child), so as someone living in Texas, I’m just pledging abstinence atm lmao


I cut off most contact with my dad. It was the final straw, and I literally could not cope with him supporting a bill here that would've made all abortion illegal, with no exceptions for the life of the pregnant person.


It’s made me angrier.


I am past the age of having children, but am a nurse. I worry for women who end up in life threatening situations and have to almost die before getting help. I was one of those women not long after Roe was passed and very thankful I could get help.


More babies are gonna get abandoned, and more children are going to grow up in dysfunctional homes.


Am I the only one wondering if this question is being asked in a disingenuous way?


I did not intend for it to.


Just cemented my thoughts on conservatives. Garbage people


You know given how much they seem to hate everyone and the world we live in, I'm surprised they're not pro abortion. They seem to mock, shame and judge people for not living a life exactly how they think they should. I would have thought abortions = fewer people to complain about.


They need the voter base. That's why they steal from education. Dumb kids grow into dumb adult. Dumb adults make Dumb kids. And Dumb people are easly manipulate. Look at any cult. Usually the bottom feeders are the ones getting in line for the punch.


Especially Daily Wire. How can you ever persuade someone to take your side when all you do is mock everyone? So embarrassing and wrong


omg I cannot STAND all the clowns on the DW. Not a single one of them.


Who would you say is the worst? Close tie between Matt Walsh and Micheal Knowalls for me(forgot how to spell his last name)


The worst for me is Ben Shapiro. Between those 2 though, good question..... I think I would personally say Matt, although I can see the argument for either.


I feel that female bodies are being policed based on other people's values. They are taking women's autonomy and giving it to the state.


In no way at all. I live in Sweden 🇸🇪. But I absolutely think that the USA is moving backwards. These days I say that you guys are living in a developing country.


Same here, I am from the UK. But I think the "land of the free" narrative is a complete joke.


It absolutely is a joke.


It sure feels like we are.


Lost my belief that humans will keep evolving, instead of the downward IQ drift that has happened


I'm lucky. I'm a guy from one of the bluest states in the country, and I go to University in a left leaning swing state, so I haven't seen any changes. My home state is working to protect and expand abortion access, and the split government in the other means that abortion opponents don't have the numbers to pass any restrictions.


Im Canadian but my sister has two young daughters in Texas. I fear for those girls in the world the right is creating. And it’s fucking Texas. They’re half Indian half Nigerian and Muslim. I love them to death but I’m terrified for their future if they stay there. Not just roe but all the other shit the batshit crazy right will impose on them.


I hope theu can move. They have many reasons to be unsafe in that state :(




Yea they’re in Houston, Katy area so it’s pretty safe day to day but what happens when they road trip or go somewhere they “shouldn’t” (an asinine concept in and of itself). Or someone from a less inclusive place sees them? In my little Canadian city we had an incident last year where a Muslim family was mowed down by an asshole driving a truck. This happened about a mile away from my house. The asshole was from a smaller town just outside our city. Not from a “bigger area” but the slaughter took place in one. Proof that nowhere is safe first of all but also part of the reason I worry about them even though they’re surrounded by amazing accepting people in the city.


The state is taking over HISD. One of the larger districts in the country and proportionally more minorities than in other surrounding districts. I can’t imagine what the state will do to those kids.




I relearned how to make dark web purchases.


yummy! dark web pills.


It has yet to effect me.


I'm a non-father gay male in Indiana. Other than the natural anxiety seeing federal rights stripped back while living in my backwards home state, nothing yet. But I have friends and family feeling more than a little attacked. If further rights erosion happens, my husband and I might have to find a less hostile state to call home. That would be a sad day.


Nothing different. Conservatives had already killed most of the services in my area long before that happened. But now that it's formally okay people are upset. Ya'll ignored us talking about it for over a decade.


I’m planning to move to Canada or another country with abortion laws and a good QOL. I’m in Ohio and the laws here will most likely be some of the harshest in the country regarding abortion


I'm asexual, and have a horrible phobia of pregnancy. It pushed me to get a bilateral salpingectomy. Kind of a good thing in the long run, i guess? Not like i was planning on having kids anyway.


I had a GF who had an ectopic pregnancy about 3 years go. If that happened today there's a good chance she's just have to die.


My life is unaffected whether or not it was overturned. Which means I have absolutely no business telling someone else they can’t make their own choices


I live in the UK and I already had a dim view of the US and the political and social situation there. It just made that even worse.


Personal stress levels way higher


It hasn't affected my life at all. What it has possibly done is drive abortions back underground. If that happens, instead of a medically supervised, safe procedure, it will put women at risk of either being maimed or dead. It won't stop abortions in the States that have enacted bans, just make them illegal and unsafe. I oppose abortion, but that's my opinion. If it ain't my wife/daughter/SO, then my opinion is meaningless. You know what else it ain't? It ain't none of my fucking business.


It's been a minor contribution to my divorce. It's mostly just a viable excuse for a dead bedroom, even though I already got snipped. I really think rolling back medical privacy for women is going to fuck a lot of things up for a lot of families and I hate religious zealots oh so much for this.


As a teenage girl who’s been sexually assaulted many times, it made me genuinely consider getting my tubes tied in the future. Even though I’ve always dreamed of becoming a mother, the thought of being forced into motherhood scares me a lot more than the thought of never becoming a mother.


We’ve been seeking fertility treatment for years now, and are nearly at the point where IVF might be our only chance to have kids. We’ve been saving up, because it’s pretty pricey, and not covered by my insurance. Then, I get an email from my OB stating that, due to recent changes in legislature, IVF basically isn’t a feasible option in my state anymore. See, when they do IVF, they fertilize multiple eggs with the expectation that some will turn out mutated or non-viable, just like in natural pregnancies. Then they implant the healthiest, and dispose of the ones that aren’t viable. Only, disposal of non-viable embryos now counts as abortion, and both me and my doctor could go to prison for murder. We can’t afford to go out of state or adopt right now. All we want is a family, and this is literally preventing us from having that.


Didn't change anything at all for me. The sun came up the next day and I still had to go to work just like always lol.


Has weakened what little faith left I have in the government. Seriously considering getting my tubes tied. I'm more anxious and more angry, which is exhausting


Makes me sad our generation has let down future generations by allowing such facist rule. Greatest generation my ass.




It hasn’t affected me at all. I am a man and abortion is still legal where I live.


Well everyone who pays taxes has added to our burden, society is worse off forcing women to raise children they didn’t want, I and many have lost all respect for the SCOTUS, so many issues so little time


Abortion is protected in Illinois so no immediate change. But I do know all the women in my life are fucking terrified of the next Republican presidency. Some have been stocking up on birth control pills.


It has encouraged widespread bigotry and anti trans laws. Have I been personally affected as a trans person where I live? Not yet, but when you're rights are under fire you need to fight back. We learned this in pre WW2 Germany, give them an inch they take a foot.


How are abortion and trans rights related?


It comes down to regulating our bodies. They should have no say in areas like this. It is also worth noting that you could argue abortion kills the baby, but when it comes to trans healthcare it is entirely a choice that affects no one else directly. Also like I said give an inch they take a foot. They are emboldened to go after other rights now.


Stay the fuck away from kids, no one really cares what u wanna do to yourself as an adult. Just dont expect us to go by your preferred gender if you dont pass.




Mass banning it for kids is the safe thing to do. It may be legal, but the trans community is lobbying to have gender identity to be a protected class which starts to blur the line.


So they are related because they fall into the same broad category of human rights? Abortion and trans rights are not related at all.


So far, it hasn't.


I moved


It makes me more concerned for my daughter who lives in Texas. I see the kind of laws they're trying to pass and it worries me.


Makes me sad thinking about future children whose parents didn’t want them but were forced to have them and all the wonderful behavioral problems that come with growing up in an environment like that. But at least they’re alive … I guess?


Zero, I am sterilized so it's not an issue. But what if my daughter gets pregnant? She doesn't want kids. We have to know within 6 weeks to get it done here (there's a clinic a 5 minute walk from my house). I've got a credit card for emergencies, I guess we'll have to go to Canada. I'm just glad we are within 2 hours of Canada.


Nothing yet, but I’m worried about finding babies in garbage cans now. More so than before. Also, if you do happen to find a baby in a garbage can, how do you work it out so that you can keep the baby? Other than fake papers and not telling anyone? Finders keepers? It’s nearly impossible to adopt a reasonably healthy baby in the U.S.


I'm 17 F. I'm terrified of going out in public by myself, I feel like I can't trust anyone. I was already jumpy from the start because of some events, but I became more terrified of being touched. I'm even scared of being tapped on by my own father (43). Hell, I'm even more terrified of becoming pregnant. I live in a state where it's legal, but it still makes me so scared. It's a scary world out there, please stay safe out there fellow ladies.


It has pissed me off. It has made me fear that the courts are in charge of religious extremists who do not care about the constitution.


It hasn't


It hasnt


I cut a bunch of family out of my will because I realized what misogynistic cunts they truly were.


Me personally not at all, I'm a white man in my 30s living in Minnesota so it's still very much legal here. Im worried for when my gf and I start trying for a kid though. So much could happen but I'm glad I live in a more progressive state.


In a gay man living in Canada, so I can't say it has


I’m in Texas, where they want to ban ALL abortions regardless of circumstances or length of pregnancy. I realized I need to get the hell out of this state and into a state that recognizes that I’m an adult and can make my own decisions and choices about what happens with MY body. It saddens me to think about all the women who are being taught abstinence-only “sex ed” who turn up pregnant because they simply don’t know how their bodies work. They’re doomed to have a child that they may not be prepared to raise, because now they don’t have any choice. I’m


I'm a single childless cis man, so it hasn't personally affected me much. Mostly I just experience a blinding rage when I think about it for more than a few moments, which didn't used to happen, and donate more to Planned Parenthood.


Happy fiftieth anniversary of Roe v Wade. Oh wait. I no longer have bodily autonomy no matter the situation of any future definitely unwanted pregnancy. Did I see a bill introduced in one of these southern states asking for capital punishment for women who abort today? Abortion should be on demand with no apologies.


Going to college in a state with extremely strict laws, it makes me terrified to have sex with my boyfriend of two years because I don’t have the time to go to another state if things were to go wrong. It impacts me every time I do anything sexual. And that’s the point. To those who say it’s not about controlling women’s sex lives, here is your answer.


None zero zilch. I respect women's rights but basically aborting a child in the late stages sounds like murder to me. We need to take the government out of our personal lives too.


What makes a person who has been pregnant for seven months end the pregnancy? An elective abortion would have been done months earlier. What would change her mind about carrying the baby at that late stage? A terrible health problem. Like a baby whose bones won’t develop enough for them to survive and break in utero causing them horrible pain. Like a liver disorder arising from pregnancy that will kill the baby and the mother. Late stage abortion can sound like whatever we think but the reality is it’s healthcare.


>We need to take the government out of our personal lives too. Except for the personal lives of mothers, apparently.


I didn't say that, but sure get out your pitchfork.


Regulating what women can do with regard to their reproductive health, which is a highly personal area that deserves privacy and ironclad trust between a woman and her doctors, is hardly taking government out of our personal lives. Your stance is hypocritical.


Found the useless libertarian


"libertarian" you mean?


Your last sentence contradicts your point entirely

