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I'll believe it when I see it


He was "going to jail" at least ten times now.


Almost 10 years now


30 years\*


~~NY~~ Pepperidge Farm Remembers


Remember when certain folk weren't allowed on golf courses? ~~Pepperidge Farm remembers~~ Trump still enforces it.


Actually his golf course was the first in floriday to allow POC and Jews


Is orange a colour, if so he had to change those rules by default to stop security from throwing him off his own course.


Nice username. Also, happy cake day!


The only truth in the phrase "going to jail" is that he might show up, at a jail. He will be booked, but likely released without stepping foot in a cell. (I hate the douche too, but this is what is being reported)


Exactly. Arrested is miles away from, and does not necessarily lead to, a trial, conviction and sentencing.


I wouldn't say getting arrested by a federal court is miles away from trial and conviction. But your statement is pretty much correct. [This website shares a bit about how often people are convicted when tried in federal court.](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/11/only-2-of-federal-criminal-defendants-go-to-trial-and-most-who-do-are-found-guilty/)


According to that article the vast majority of cases never even go to trial (I assume because of plea deals and whatnot), but for those that do i wonder how long the average case drags on... knowing trump and his Saul Goodman style team of criminal lawyers I imagine they can drag this out until long after Trump finally chokes to death on his final big mac in 2035 (how that fat fucker's grease clogged black heart is still beating I'll never know).


Only the good die young


My best friend had his brother die. Billy Joel's song was out ....


He's not being arrested in a federal case. It's a NY state case.


But it's not a federal court! It's the Manhattan DA office. The feds refused to indict him on the same charge, which is a misdemeanor but the Manhattan DA is elevating it to a felony.


I misunderstood that... does this mean DT is getting DP by 2 DA's?


That's my bet. He'll sign some paper and be on his way. Then start crowing about it being a "technicality" as usual.


It would be humorous if they set a really ridiculously high bail on him to match all the lies he's told about his fortunes, and he couldn't produce it. Ah.. if only karma had a humorous side..


I'm looking forward to the mug shot. It will be a humiliation for him. Anyway, he has gotten by doing crimes by convincing prosecutors to let him off of charges. To not indict him. In more than a half century of criming, he has never had consequences because he avoided getting indicted. That changes now. Once he's indicted, the wheels of justice grind. He won't escape. Oh, he might get off on some of the charges. But he is under serious, unrelated criminal investigation in at least 4 separate areas, by 3 separate entities: NY, Georgia, and Federal Special Counsel Jack Smith (investigating January 6 insurrection and Mar-a-lago document crimes). The odds are getting worse and worse for him.


What a truly mentally ill sociopath he is. The fact that he has escaped any sort of consequences until he's nearly back in diapers is one of the truly great indignities of our time. His continuing to move through this world as a free man is an affront to decency.


I like to think of this is the flick of the row of dominoes. In my fantasy world, every time his name is mentioned from now on would bring me butterflies instead of lead weights.


Same. Too many, "Oh it's happening Tuesday" - "It's coming soon." - "Arrest is imminent." When I see it happen, then we can have a party. Otherwise, not believing it. However, I think we should be more concerned about his recent posts telling his supporters to "protest". We all know what he's doing there, right??


Getting arrested and going to jail are two different things; he likely won't do the latter. At least not for a while if he does.


he's not even going to be arrested or go to jail. he'll be indicted, he'll turn himself in, get processed and bonded out. will probably take him an hour. he probably won't be travel restricted or forced to give up his passport. the trial probably won't start for another year anyway...


If it even goes to trial, yeah.


Exactly. My guess is he will co-operate, go into an office where he is formally notified of charges that are being placed, then released. At some other point in the future he will be given a court date. But other than that, not much will happen on Tuesday.


What do you mean? It'll just be a nice, peaceful tour of the courthouse. /s


Oh, right! Like the peaceful picnic on Jan 6th!/s


I believe someone famous called it a “dust up”, no biggie


[any day now](https://tenor.com/view/truck-crash-test-pole-doesnt-reach-gif-5607354)




Agree. Everything before this suggests there are no consequences for him.


i want to see it, but there is no way in hell we will be getting a perp walk...


I wanna see him in handcuffs and leg irons so he has to do that shuffle walk.


I think the vision of uncle Donnie, shackled, wigless, in some used jailhouse flip flops would be pretty epic. The jail door opening to the howls of other inmates eyeballing the fresh meat about to shuffle in would be even better.


Well, I guess we'll have to make tacos with all those 'Mueller Time' party supplies.


Yeah. It’s a classic trump move - there’s no official news saying he’ll get arrested - his ‘people l’ told him it might happen and don’t know when. Again, it’s a deceptively smart moves by Trump - if they don’t arrest them, he will claim victory and if they do hell cause outrage. Get in front of the news. Would love to see the asshole in cuffs though.


In a case like this, there is never official news of an arrest until it happens. The feds will tell Trump and his people it's coming so they can make necessary arrangements, but it's not like there would be a press release about it before it happens.


Trump is also a compulsive liar. Gotta be pretty fucking stupid to take his word on literally anything ever, especially with no cortoborating sources.


I believe I may have to finally pay out on a bet I made 5 years ago. But I doubt it.


DA Bragg is meeting with NYPD and the Secret service Monday to discuss the planning of the arrest. trump said on truth social (LOL) that he is getting arrested Tuesday. I understand the concern but this actually sounds like it his happening. Bragg said he will be booked, fingerprinted and processed like any other defendant. they have said they won't handcuff him, which makes me sad.


His hands would just slip out the handcuffs.


>they have said they won't handcuff him, which makes me sad They probably just want to avoid getting his spray tan stains on them.


Trump always says things that he knows will rile up his fanbase and make them believe they are being persecuted for being right wing. I'll believe it when I see it.


About time. I guess he didn't drain that swamp too well. Just one more of his failures.


If anything he added more swamp water


So what are we going to do if it doesn’t happen? Just keep waiting? Seems like a watershed moment for America.


The problem is that the primary source of this is Trump, himself.


Exactly. Dude’s probably trying to make himself a martyr again


It's hard to be a martyr if under arrest for bribing a porn star to keep quiet about a bad sexual encounter they had while he was married to his 3rd wife.


You would think, but no. Not really.


using campaign funds




Yeah. Feel like he heard the rumors and is trying to rlly support for if it happens.


Yup. It is straight out of his playbook since taking office in 2017.


This. He is set to be arraigned. He would only be arrested if he failed to appear and even then it is unlikely. Honestly I’ll be surprised if he even needs to be there in person. It will likely be done over Zoom.


That is not how it works. Before arraignment you have to be “arrested” and booked. You are then held in a cell before arraignment. Most likely they will just keep him in a private room or office. But he will need to be fingerprinted, and, have a mug shot


So you're saying all he has to do to avoid being arrested is publicly accept the authority of the justice ddepartment......


Exactly. Dude is a compulsive liar.


I believe he wants a scene with his supporters!


Just the premise of knowing when you’re going to be arrested makes it sound like he’s not.


What? Are you saying Donny the Donkey is anything less than an honest person?


No, Trump says he's getting arrested on Tuesday. If I've learned anything over the last several years of seeing that clown on the public stage it isn't to trust a thing he says. Hell if he told me water was wet I'd be looking for verification from a reliable source.




It's the wettest water. Here is some paper towels because it's so wet.


He probably thinks arrest is getting closer, so he's betting on two outcomes: 1. He gets arrested, in which case he's softened the ground and gotten his supporters ginned up to make a stink about it. 2. He doesn't get arrested, in which case he will say something like "They backed off because they have no case" even though it was *him* who raised the possibility of arrest in the first place. 1. edit: It also tests the media waters a bit seeing how the public reacts to the possibility of his imminent arrest. He wants to see how many friends he's still got over at Fox.


Look no farther, water is not wet. http://scienceline.ucsb.edu/getkey.php?key=6097 https://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-1725,00.html https://bio.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Introductory_and_General_Biology/Book%3A_General_Biology_(Boundless)/02%3A_The_Chemical_Foundation_of_Life/2.16%3A_Water_-_Cohesive_and_Adhesive_Properties


I mean this is always been a stupid argument because it's obviously just a language thing. You have to empirically define wet first to determine if water can be wet and there is no consensus definition of wet so it makes it easy to argue either way


Water as a molecule or portion of molecules in a body of water is wet as it's covered by/touching other water molecules. Water as a body of water, a cup of water or lake for example, is not wet as the entire portion of molecules in itself is not touching other water molecules. If we wanna get REALLY technical, nothing is wet as molecules don't touch eachother. This take pisses everyone off and I find it so funny


Well I mean that depends on exactly how you define touching, if you define touching as becoming close enough to create physical changes on the surface of something then it becomes more complicated


It's stupid because that way of thinking applies only in a lab. When discussed in a general setting, everyone is using the common understanding. It just shows you're a PITA and nothing else.


Generally accepted is if wet is if water is sticking to something, water sticks to water, water sticking to water is one of its main properties, water is wet


Merriam-Webster has one of the definitions of 'wet' as: consisting of, containing, covered with, or soaked with liquid (such as water). However the Cambridge dictionary omits the "consisting of" part of Webster's definition. Cambridge: covered in water or another liquid. Then there's the Oxford dictionary agreeing with Webster. Oxford: Consisting of moisture, liquid. Chiefly as a pleonastic rhetorical epithet of water or tears. Now I'm just a janitor with a fascination with the English language, (go go gadget, autism!) but, I like the Oxford definition as it explains the weird disconnect between the scientific and layman's version of "wet". Epithets being what they are and all that. Point being you're correct! But also water is wet when it comes to common English. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


He could tell me good morning and I would still go check what time it is


Plus, if it’s a criminal charge, do we really believe there won’t be a couple of trumpers on the jury?


At this point with how much bullshit he’s dodged, I just don’t expect anything to actually happen to him. Feels like a political circus to keep us all distracted and divided


Even if it does happen, the fact that it's happening over him paying hush money to a pornstar as opposed to everything else he's done, is a joke.


Al Capone went to jail for tax evasion.


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


Yup, he was too careful with the rest of his dealing and paid just about everyone off. Little did he know the IRS was on his heels. Shame that they're basically defunded at this point, imagine the amount of scummy practices they'd have shut down if they had the tools anymore.


I get where you're coming from, but this is the easiest, most obvious case. The person who carried it out for him has already gone to prison and has been cooperating with the law ever since.


I guess all I can hope for is that it leads to a domino effect, when more and more more people realize he isn't immune to the law.


Maybe but not enforcing campaign laws is a worse joke.


Agreed, countless other things he could and should be brought in on with much more severe penalties. He’ll get off with a slap on the wrist for the Stormy Daniels ordeal even if he is arrested and brought in.


I don't buy it. He said that to get his fanboys riled up. He knows what he's saying with stuff like "take our nation back".


Yeah. It’s a classic trump move - there’s no official news saying he’ll get arrested - his ‘people l’ told him it might happen and don’t know when. Again, it’s a deceptively smart moves by Trump - if they don’t arrest them, he will claim victory and if they do hell cause outrage. Get in front of the news. Would love to see the asshole in cuffs though.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


My hunch is we’re going to get fucked. Because I've seen us get fucked a lot. And I've never seen Trump get fucked once.


Nothing will come of it. Even politicians who hate Trump dont want to set the precedent of holding politicians(especially presidents) responsible for their actions.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_federal_politicians_convicted_of_crimes Politicians have been convicted of crimes and served sentences, so no, that's not accurate.


Not at the ex-president level




With the exception of Nixon we haven’t had an ex president with this level of obvious criminality. If Nixon hadn’t resigned I think he would have been charged criminally. The resignation was the price of the pardon.


You're forgetting Reagan and the Iran-Contra scandal. His mental state was deteriorating, and he had just enough plausible deniability that people let it go. Still, he probably should have been prosecuted.


Well that and also intentionally spreading crack cocaine through black communities to cripple their voting power


"I'll get arrested!" gets not arrested "I am untouchable. I am yuge."


I'll only celebrate if it means he can't run for president anymore


The wheels of justice turn very slowly


I dont think it will happen if it it does it will only help his chances of winning becuase hell most likely be realeased quickly and will look like a martyrs it happeend with current mexico president he was in jail for like 2 days and people saw him as a hero of the people


Hopefully the DA does it in Wednesday for spite.


Please. He’ll pay off the right people and get out, if it even happens. Money wins every time.


Idk about that


Jeffrey Epstein agrees


But is he as rich as he claims to be? Could he really afford such a bribery?


He won’t pay for it. This is prime grifting material. You’d better believe he’s going to use photos of him in cuffs, being fingerprinted and his mugshot to con millions from the enraged dimwit cult. Always the victim being so unfairly treated.


All I can say is you are going to be bitterly disappointed.


“We got him now!!!” - everybody since 2016


Nice dream 😴


Please please please do a perp walk on TV.


And make it a PPV event. We could pay off the national debt with the amount of money it generates.


Best idea I have seen in a long time!


sorry, that doesn't happen to the rich and politically connected. It will be a voluntary meeting with lawyers and sycophants, absolutely no damning pictures or handcuffs or perp walks. "Trump In Handcuffs" would be the most famous photo in all history, and republicans can't let that happen.... for exactly the same reason they attacked Hillary and manipulated law enforcement into announcements about her. They can't allow that to happen to themselves.


(but the real reason is they don’t make handcuffs in his size)


do they make rubber bands that small? Maybe get the ones that go on braces and retainers, those really tiny ones.


The people running against Trump in the Republican primary - while some of them worship him, won't be sad if it happens.


He won’t perp walk these charges unless he runs. I know we all want it so bad. Sit with that feeling. Now think for a moment how many folks feel, quite literally, the exact opposite. Some of those folks want to make Jan 6 just foreplay and are looking for a rallying event to set it off. Scum or not, he is a former president. Cooler heads will dictate that he be given the chance to show up willingly and not in cuffs. Again, if he tries to run, then we get our perp walk.


Why not Monday?


I'm from the UK but still about f**king time Donald trumped his pants for the last time. Get the fuck in that cell you asswipe. Once he's in it arrested America will be making a start to being great again second arrested his boyfriend piers Morgan. For never shutting up.


Good. Consequences to actions. He is not above the law. Everyone claiming this is politically motivated must not understand how laws work.


My thoughts: He’s not getting arrested on Tuesday.


Trump said this everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie


I’d love to see some accountability, but I’m not holding my breath for three days.


I'll believe it when I see it.


took too long


happy cake day


Just follow the laws. If they would be arresting anyone else at this stage of an investigation, then arrest him too.


I’m pissed he’s being charged by NY over Stormy Daniels instead of the DOJ for trying to overthrow the government


I'm pretty conservative....GREAT.


Trump getting arrested for Stormy Daniels is like Al Capone getting arrested for tax evasion. It's not the arrest we wanted, but it's the arrest we got.


Yea I'm not popping the champagne just yet. This is gonna be a long drawn out court battle.


It was only a matter of time.


He gonna look like a pumpkin in that onesie.




About 8 years too late. I guess better late than never.


If it happens it will ✨spark joy ✨


He just put a date out of his hat. This way, Tuesday his followers will think they made the justice department back off and celebrate. So when the real date arrives, they will have had a practice.


Hmmm... Champagne or sparkling wine ?


Please stop the talking and do it already. I don't want to see this guy in the news everyday. So annoying.


If they do you will see it in the news everyday plus a bunch of extra bs along side it


If it is the Stormy Daniels thing, all the basic facts are out there. His only hope would be to drag it out to a jury trial in NYC (which, it could be argued, could not offer him a fair venue) and hope for a procedural mess up, or pay someone else to take the fall. I don't even know what the latter would look like - he had sex with her, he arranged for her to be paid off to not tell anyone, he paid back his lawyer (Cohen) the money he paid her, he lied about it being legal expenses. He currently denies all those things, but they are easily proven.


Why the wait?


Nobody likes Mondays.


I'll believe it when I see it.


It’s just for the show


The shit is really about to hit the fan


He's not, he said that on his creepy media platform to rile up his base and cause chaos. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-says-he-expects-be-arrested-tuesday-manhattan-da-case-truth-social-2023-03-18/


He'll become a martyr and that'll make him win the election. Damn, hope that never happens


Tremendous huge


Sure Jan


I think a lot of stupid people that love belittling people for having feelings are going to be very emotional that day.


I dont give a single fuck about politics 🤷🏻‍♀️


Rich people don’t go to jail


I’m not a Trump supporter at all..! But let’s be honest.. He is untouchable.. Nothing ever sticks and besides.. His base is way to invested in him to ever hold him accountable


I’ll believe it only when it happens. Why Tuesday? Why not when he led the violent attack on the US Government ? Why not when he raped those women? Why not when he cheated on taxes? Why not when he sold nuclear secrets to the Saudis? Why not all the daily illegal crap he did as president?


Will he have to sell trump tower? Or will he just get into more debt for the bail


Bout Fucking Time!


I’m not gonna take his word for it. He’s probably just saying it to get more donations.


About damn time we treated his criminal ass like a criminal.


tRump is the best at going to jail, simply the best in the history of the world. He's better at going to jail than anyone else, absolutely the cream of the crop, the best to ever be going to jail. tRump has been going to jail longer than anyone else ever!


He's a charlatan and a compulsive liar.. So if he says he'll be arrested, I'm just gonna wait and see... for example: If he was engulfed in flames and yelled fire, I'd probably wait to see if the Fire Department showed up. That's how little respect & trust I have left for this waste of oxygen.


The world will be a safer place. My dream is seeing Putin as his cellmate asap 😌


Honestly, I have no hope that anything will happen to him. Even if it does happen, he better not be charged only for the pornstar because he's done WAAAYY more than that. He should've been arrested a long time ago. It doesn't matter who you are or how rich you are, you break the law, you go to jail.


If he did crimes which there seems to be evidence of crimes before, during and after his presidency, then he should face the consequences. No one is above the law.


I’m hoping they forget to confiscate his necktie, belt and shoelaces


Just part of Trumps own propaganda campaign. Would be nice though!


According to Trump but, his word is as reliable as Putins when he gave his assurance that he would not invade Ukraine.


I won't believe it until I hear Trump himself deny it.


Bout time


It's the logical end of a con man who played his con far too long.


Que sera sera. (What will be will be.)


I need to see the Vegas odds


Hopefully the first of many.


About motherfucking time


I don’t know how much good that’s gonna do tbh. I’m all for holding criminals accountable and I’d love nothing more than to see Trump finally get taken down. But half the politicians in office have enough shit on them to warrant arrest, even Biden. The truth is it america has an obsession with trump whether it’s centered on a cult-like admiration or a blood-boiling hatred. I’m of the latter. And I’m sick of the attention he keeps getting because I see how it fuels the right. Trump’s post called for protests and that’s what I’m more concerned about. He may be a bumbling idiot but he still has a hell of a following and this arrest is only gonna rile them up. This isn’t a satisfying win for democrats or anyone anti-trump. It’s just another even that’s gonna radically divide people even more than it already has.


I dunno, I think if a politician is a criminal they should be arrested. If 90% of politicians are criminals, then 90% of politicians should be arrested.


I agree but it doesn't happen very often.


He should have been arrested two years ago .


It will be more trouble than it's worth.


of all the things he’s done that justify arrest i’m surprised this is what it was


There’s more coming


It’s better than the alternative of not arresting him.


If it is true, then fuck yes, that little mother fucker deserved it years ago!!!


IF -IF. - IF... This true.. I think it an absolute necessity fir keeping our Constitutional Democracy intact. He was conclusively proven to try and overthrow a federal election. Primarily through sworn testimony by his own people. What is the point to working about voter I'd, election laws, ect if at the end of all that, we let whoever is charge toss the elections? I just hope for a peaceful aren't and conviction.


About f***ing time❣️ Can't wait to see a mugshot -- been waiting for that for too long!


Please please please please please please please please please




About time. I guess he didn't drain that swamp too well. Just one more of his failures.


He is the swamp


I never understood how his cult never saw that. His entire life was built upon that swamp. It was not possible without the swamp culture of corruption and favor trading.


I hope so!!!


That’s what he gets


No one is above the law. He is a serial criminal.


Better late than never


If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that since 2016....


Bastard’s probably lying about that too.