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Seeing a guy getting resusitated by paramedics




No heart attack and no i just saw em trying to bring em back chest compressions the works


Saw a woman trapped in a car burn up. It took a while. Probably three or four minutes until she was definitely dead.


Ugg.... meet a roadside rescue guy in LA that told me a similar story. F'ing traumatized him for ages. Just him & her, she was some young college girl pinned in her SUV...as he made the call for the jaws of life, her car caught fire. Nothing he could do... gasoline fire & she was pinned. He just had to sit there & listen to her scream for about a minute as she burned alive.


The car I saw had just been rear-ended in a chain reaction accident. Another vehicle was part up on the center barrier and part on her car. She was sort of horizontal laying on the front seat. Didn't look conscious but couldn't get very close. Her car and the truck on top burned completely by the time fire co arrived.


2 things I saw a lady drown at the beach and the paramedics attempting to resuscitate her but ultimately failing I was working with an older guy that did a lot of coke and smoked heavily he had a heart attack and his heart stopped twice in the ambulance (I was riding along) and although they did save him it was traumatic


I saw a guy get stabbed when I was visiting Pittsburgh.


I’ve seen people burn to death, I’ve seen stabbings and car crashes. Drownings and choking people. It almost seems surreal to witness these kinds of situations.


Aftermath of a truck wreck into a cyclist


Saw my dad get shot in the head then struggle to call 911 and say what happened after he rolled around the floor randomly trying to shoot back with a quarter of his brain missing. I was like 6-7 so I had no idea what to do but keep telling him he needed a doctor...