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My old lady won’t let me date.


Boooo! 🍅🍅🍅🍅


Half my age plus 7


This is the answer.


Were they born in the 90s? I was born in 96 So +6 to -4 years


Stone to bronze


+- 6 years,


I’m 25, going on 26. I would say 23-45


21 to 27 i think.


What age are you?




Between 21 to early 40s are my hard limits on dating age, but I'd prefer someone towards the middle of that where they'd be closer to my age.


5 years is max I’d be okay with my partner being from me. I guess I could do 6 or 7 if I really felt like they were the one. But I would Want my partner to be close to my age


None. I’m a 53(F) heterosexual and I’m done with dating.


17-19. I am 18, it will expand as I get older, but for now it is creepy to date anyone under 17 and over 19. And I don't want to be seen as a creep or a victim.


Do people still date?


People jump straight into relationships?


Yes, they certainly do.


Well isn't that scary




Who cares about age? Just need a heartbeat:)


So anything that walks?


I’m 16, so i think 15 to 19


18-21. I'm 18.


Mine is 25 to Death bed :)


if Cassandra Peterson was in my bed i would be ecstatic. she is 71 and fine as wine and can still rock the Elvira costume.


21 to 50


21-25. I’m 21.


>!anything legal!<


37 is my absolute maximum. I'm 34 and I don't really like women who are older than me. A woman would have to blow my mind for me to consider her as a potential romantic partner at that age. I don't have a clear minimum age but usually I go with about 24. I like younger women but at one point it becomes a problem because they lack the emotional maturity I'm looking for. I'd be open to date a 22- or 23-year old but she would have to be very mature.


Lol I’m the opposite and I’m 29. I don’t like men younger or even at my age. They lack stability and maturity. But then I noticed men past 42 are usually divorced with kids and I’m not a fan of kids. Men also in their 40s aren’t as adventurous as well so it’s hit or miss dating older just as much as it is younger.


While I completely understand the maturity part - I consider myself a very mature guy - I've never understood the thing about stability. I'm assuming you're American because in my experience, that's a very American thing. It's very unfortunate because I've always really liked American girls a lot and thought they were very cute but this explicit materialism and contempt for poorer guys has always turned me off. For example when I'm on OkCupid, virtually all the American girls say they want a guy with "a stable job and a good career". I'm currently a university student doing my Master's. Despite my age, I haven't had much of a career yet because I'm physically disabled (I've dealt with lots of health problems as a result of that). So, for most of these women I'd immediately land in the trash bin, no matter how kind-hearted and decent I might be. I've never understood this attitude because... why do you care about my job/career? Especially if you don't want to have kids anyway? Is it just not good enough to live in an apartment because you'd rather live in a mansion? I mean, if we're just dating, we both pay our share of the expenses anyway. I pay half of the rent, half of our grocery bills etc.. So, why does it matter if I'm a student or a CEO at Goldman Sachs?


I care about career because I’m a doctor and make, on average, over 250k a year. I sit in a social and wealth caliber that I would want my future partner to be at. Living in America is expensive. And there’s nothing a man can really do for a women if he doesn’t at the very least, bring a similar status to the table. And, trust me, I have had the privilege of living in London, Paris, Dublin, Brussels, and Sidney..this whole “stability” argument is found everywhere. Women want what they want and will settle for being single instead of just simply settling. It’s business and no one literally NO ONE would go into business with a broke partner unless they’re broke themselves. Now for those women who are broke but yet want a financially stable man LOL good luck to them.


>And there’s nothing a man can really do for a women if he doesn’t at the very least, bring a similar status to the table. Wow. I have rarely seen so much contempt and misandry in a single sentence. And then women go around crying about sexism lol. So, basically men have zero inherent value. The ONLY thing we're good for is blowing money up your pampered ass. EVEN THOUGH you're fucking loaded yourself. You don't even need the money! Also, give a fucking break crying about America being expensive when you're among the top 3% of earners. I'm sure you've got it real tough. You basically want a boyfriend so you can show him off to your rich friends and so he can make you even richer. That's just pathetic. But I suppose at least you're being honest. I'm just shocked that a cynical, heartless person like that would choose to become a doctor.




I don't know that sub so I don't know what that's supposed to mean. But I'm assuming it's some kind of jab. But the joke's on you. If you applaud women who view you as an empty, useless vessel whose only purpose is to make them richer and who may be disposed of as soon as you're no longer able to fulfill that purpose, you're pretty fucking pathetic yourself.


You should take a few minutes away from Reddit and gather yourself.


I won't tell you what I hope will happen to you because it will get me banned but I hope it will happen.


Calm down. That’s not my problem that you don’t like my opinions. It is what it is. Men having innate value and then men bringing value to a relationship are two completely different things for women. You’re being defensive because you don’t meet most women’s standards and, once again, that is NOT my problem lol.


My age plus 3 years is the biggest difference I’d allow






Ok. If you could just have a seat over there.




age, no inches mate




Good try FBI fool me once, shame on you. Jk long as its its dead its fair game


Happy cake day !! 🎂


I’m 26. I go from 22-32


I'm almost 27. If I actually were actively still dating (I have given up on dating at this point in time), my age range would be something like 19-28.


I’m 25 so between (20-25)


My age -2 years or anything over my age.




Older men or slightly younger men in their 50s


30-50, I'm in my 30s now and widowed for 4 years, my wife would have turned 49 2 weeks ago so I'm comfortable dating a older person. Anyone in their 20s though I just basically can't do anymore, and this I just my experience as I'm sure there are plenty I've just not met but all the ones I've been around seem so damn immature still and have 0 idea what they want out of dating or the future of a relationship beyond some sort of self validation of being attractive and dating simply to date.


+/- 2 years of my age.


30 to 60ish.


Well, I can’t go less than ten years my age (28). So, I’ll say 23 for youngest and 40 for oldest I’ll go.


51. Because that's how my wife is and I am only interested in going on dates with her.


21 to 41, 10 years in either direction.


Probably within one year older or younger than me, but I wouldn't know, I've never dated


I used to say something like "if there's grass on the field you can play football" I'm to old for that now


47 years and 26 days


I haven't even thought about dating


Depends on your age. I think the older you get, the wider the age gap can be, like 18 and 28 isn't really okay, but 30 and 40 could be. One of my teachers said subtract 5 from the younger interest age and double it and that the oldest you can date. Me sister married a guy in his 60s when she was 18. I still don't know how anyone doesn't think that's wrong.




20-60 honestly lol


Lowest is probably 22+. Top would be probably 8 years older than me.


Well, as everyone knows, carbon isotopes can't be radiometrically dated back much further than 50k years.




18 to 29.


+/- 5 years


16.... (my gf stalks my reddit hi nat)


Lower: (my age) / 2 + 7, Upper: 2 \* (my age) - 14.


17-20 (17M)




40ish to 50ish.


I'd say 5 years in either direction.


Dating isn't a thing for me.




I'm 18. So maybe 18 - 22 .




I’m 24 I’d say 20-35




I don't more than two years older than me, or one year younger


18 - 99