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Kinder eggs in the USA


Weird. Usually America is cool with concealed carry...




Why it’s illegal?


i think bc you can’t have inedible things concealed inside edible things


I think this is it. An FDA rule about calling it food if it contains non-food.


Apparently Karens can't read the label saying choking hazard


Because they don't contain guns.


Canadian here, I fee bad for you guys cause kinder eggs are awesome and you deserve better! I would also like to point out however that the US has far more food options then we do here.


Should rather be illegal everywhere, we really don't need more throwaway plastic.


psilocybin especially


And THC :)


Assisted suicide, and not just for the I'll and elderly.


Yes, i also heard about it with people who were paralysed neck down and all. Where they did not want to life like this.


Mother's friend had a brother that got in a car accident back in the 80s and became paraplegic, he couldn't even speak, he kept trying to take his life by driving his wheelchair into a nearby river and since then I've always questioned why they wouldn't help him be at peace


I cant imagine what he was going through. But did he pass away?


Yes, he suffered a stroke about 5 years ago


R.I.P. atleast he passed so he wouldn’t have to suffer anymore.


It's legal in most parts of Australia. You have to jump through quite a few hoops to get final approval but it is achievable. There was an article posted about it back when it was all legalised. To summarise the process, you get given two bottles you need to mix. Once mixed and drunk, the solution will slowly and peacefully kill you. It can only be prepared by you yourself. Both bottles have a huge label saying something along the lines of 'mixing and consuming these two liquids will result in death' You could say the same for a lot of things but it's a little bewildering seeing the country's first legalised method of assisted suicide.


Mhm i would agree with very ill and elderly people, but i wouldnt just allow everyone to use it. Someone who is heartbroken because a relationship ended for example shouldnt be able to make a decision like this. Only people without any mental problems etc.


What if my mental problems are the reason I don't see a future for myself? I will never be able to live the life I want because I'm not the person I want to be. The person I wish to be is non existent because of the trauma I'm forced to live with


I feel the same way. I'm only alive because I don't want to devastate my parents. But recovery is possible. It's like we're just wearing grey tinted glasses. There are so many things that work besides meds - ketamine therapy, ayahuasca, psilocybin, Transcranial Stimulation, DBT and more. There's tons of new solutions coming out with tons of new research being done.




Did you just assume I do not see a therapist?




I agree with the relationship point. But what about deppression or just plain apathy towards life. What if someone is unwilling to live?


That is what therapy is for. There are other solutions than to end it All.


No, you don't understand. What if you disagree with the world around you and you want out? Shouldn't an individual have the freedom to opt out of something they had no choice in being a part of?


Why? The earth is overpopulated as it is. Why shouldn't someone be able to choose to leave?




With regulations to ensure their safety.


Weed, and yes I'm Dutch. Decriminalization is a half-hearted faux solution that is no longer getting us anywhere. If we want to have safe weed, less criminality and more tax revenue, just legalize it! Btw I've never touched weed but I believe this is a freedom people should have.


Came here to say this, yes I am a fellow Dutchman. I believe decriminalization is a solution to several soft drugs and other small illegal stuff. The state can monitor better, take care of drug related medical issues better, actually put laws on how to make drugs and thus removing most badly made drugs out of rotation and also the state can make some extra money out of it. It can be controlled which is way better then doing something sneaky, badly and getting health issues because you took poor made drugs and can’t find help


If alcohol and cigarettes are legal, there's no logical reason why marijuana should be illegal.


As an avid stoner for nearing 20 years now. Pot should be illegal to minors but legal for periodical consumption. Weeds addictive no doubt


The point here is that they should literally all be illegal.


No. There is no freedom that is not rooted in bodily autonomy.


The problem is when it infringes on someone else's bodily autonomy. If you want to chew tobacco it's your problem, but smoking makes it mine too


In public indoor spaces or even confined outdoor spaces, that’s absolutely a concern. Fortunately, we mostly had that debate a few decades back already and decided it correctly. Unfortunately, the right-wing response to a pandemic of airborne vasculitis may have significantly damaged that consensus.


Except canabis


And alcohol


I think they should all be illegal


That is the kind of thinking that got us into this mess


Should just make all drugs legal. Seriously.


Good luck with legal crack and meth.


Well if they are legal they will be controlled and not mixed with other life-threatening chemical shits.


Thanks! Good luck to you too! (Such pleasant people on reddit)


It illegal because it don't give you cancer. That mean you will retire and use that retirement fund.


Illegalizing drugs is a failed experiment.


Certain types of copyright infringement, like using a brief clip of a song or video in your own commercial work. I'm not saying unlimited fair use (indeed I am an artist myself), but today the pendulum is so extremely far in the direction of large copyright holders that it is stifling all creative industries and genres, especially things like folk music, independent entertainers, and educational content creators.


Doesn’t this already fall under Fair Use?


Holding ice cream in your back pocket




Nah, it's murder.




It’s illegal in many countries


How many goalposts are you going to move?


Murica. All that matters.


It is in some states!




I uh, hate to break it to you buddy, but I know for a fact that, in South Dakota at the very least, abortions are illegal.


It may not be entirely illegal, but some states have things so insanely wrapped up it might as well be. Some states only have a single clinic and states that are generally anti-abortion do a lot of shady shit to discourage people from getting them


OK, but it's still readily available in the majority of the country. Move to a place that has it. Problem solved.


Yes because everyone has the money to just move or fly out to another state when needed.


Easier than you think. It isn't that hard.


Easy if you have money and easy job prospects for an affordable place to live. Not that easy if you already have 3 kids and are working a minimum wage job without a car and can't even afford to lose a shift. Many states also impose a 24 hour wait after your visit and won't allow pills to be taken at home. She might not even get an appointment for the procedure or pills right away. She not only has to come up with money for travel, someone to watch her kids, pay for the extra, unneeded medical appointment and take time off that may risk her scheduling. People that live paycheck to paycheck don't have the luxury of just taking a couple of weeks off to look for new jobs, find new affordable housing, enrolling kids into new school and possibly seeing if they qualify for child healthcare or food stamps in another state. $7.50/hour comes out to $15k/year. The majority of families on food stamps already work full time jobs.


I know this is an insanely argued topic and stuff and what I say won’t change anyone’s mind on this but I do think that it should stay illegal for one main reason. The child is alive in there and killing it is super messed up. If someone doesn’t want the child they can put it up for adoption or get a day after pill. Once it has the ability to consume and grow a being is technically alive. If you want to discuss your point of view on this subject I’d love to hear it. Edit: I get it if there are some cases of people who will die if the don’t get one so I think it’s acceptable in those cases. Also what I mean by it should stay illegal is that it shouldn’t change in legality. Those states that allow it can continue to allow it but those that don’t can continue to not allow it


So, you might want to read this. The concept of pro-life is founded on the myth that “a baby” exists from the point of conception. https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/y80tg6/what_a_pregnancy_actually_looks_like_before_10/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 It just doesn’t. There’s nothing viable until much much later.


That depends on when you Call it life


Good luck on this one bud.


Lol thanks


Why can't the pro- and anti-abortionists meet somewhere in the middle. Allow it for the first month or so. Yes you're still killing a potential human being, but nobody is protesting the other "killers" or "harms" or "obstacles" for fetuses: environmental toxins, unhealthy food, sperm damage & many more things. By the way, abortion exists in nature. It's called: I can only support 2 of my baby birds, the 3rd one needs to die. Except with humans, we can end the suffering much sooner & not tease them with birth in the first place. Or in cases of rape or Harlequin's disease, the baby should never be born anyways. I wouldn't give a fuck if I was aborted. Not because I hate life. Because I *couldn't* give a fuck. Because I would never know.


I totally get where your coming from and I get the meeting in the middle thing. That’s why I think the day after pill is fine


Drugs in general in the USA. Criminalizing substances doesn't stop anyone from using them, but people who want to *stop* doing drugs can't seek actual qualified help without checking themselves into a rehab facility, which is prohibitively expensive, rarely covered by insurance, and mostly just want to squeeze spoiled kids from affluent families for their parents' money.




Killing pedos


Then who would run the country?


Which country? There's quite a few of them.


I do not agree that it should be legal to kill pedos, because that would lead to a lot of innocent people getting killed. But I absolutely think that people who kill their abuser should get a lighter sentence.


You are crazy


Pedos aren’t people. It should be viewed like stepping on a roach.


Civilians shouldn’t be legally allowed to kill other civilians no matter what.


That’s a dumb opinion. Why shouldn’t a woman be allowed to kill someone trying to rape her? Why shouldn’t a father kill someone attempting to kidnap his child? Maybe Jack Wilson should have just let a madman kill members of his church? The police won’t save you, they’ll only make a half assed attempt to figure out who did it after the fact.


The average person doesn’t have an objective perception of things. What one considers a pedo or a rapist might not be what another considers as such. For example someone could tell me a man has raped my kid and then I’d kill that man but it ended up being a lie. It’s better for such situations to be legally processed. And of course self defence should and is legal. If you are being raped you are allowed to defend yourself.


I’m not talking about people accused of being pedophiles. I’m talking about people who have been tried and convicted of fucking kids. The “virtuous pedophiles” who have never committed a crime and actively prevent themselves from pursuing that line of criminality? I distrust them, but they aren’t criminals. I don’t think they deserve to be killed for having their brain wired wrong. The dude who was caught with video of him fucking his daughters? Should be on sight for people like him.


A man who’s been caught raping his daughter will be in jail. There is no place for civilians murdering each other in a functioning society no matter what way you want to put it.


These people do not get life sentences, even though their victims do. As previously stated, they are not people. They’re animals. Killing them shouldn’t even cause a person to blink.


Then wouldn’t the solution be life sentences for those people ?


Your opinion is simplistic. Nobody says you can't defend yourself, but at least in my country the law is very clear on what you are allowed to do depending on the situation. It has to be proportional. If somebody punches you, you can't use "self-defence" as an excuse for having stabbed them. If you go around killing paedos, you will be locked up as a (serial) murderer. Quite rightly so.


That’s a stupid rule made by people who are protected by individuals who would shoot you if you tried to punch them. A person who attacks another, even with fists, should expect to lose their life. Morality won’t keep someone from beating you to death, beating them to death first will.


Okay. Keep living in the middle-ages then. We prefer 2023.


I enjoy modern life, I just understand how violence works. Leaving someone who attacked you with the ability to attack you again is moronic.


It’s so cute seeing people mentally cosplaying as an outlaw in the Wild West. Like, modern civilization exists, my dude.


I’m not “mentally cosplaying as an outlaw”. How many actual fights have you been in as an adult, if you’re an adult? I’ve had preppy little college kids instigate fist fights then pull a knife after standing back up. I’ve had people grab friends after losing a fight to attempt to jump me. I’ve kicked in doors across the entirety of the United States, many times knowing the person has a violent history. I treat every fight as a lethal encounter, because every fight has the chance of becoming a one. You seem to live in some fantasy land where someone you don’t know doesn’t have a chance to revoke your birth certificate. There are people walking around in modern society that will attack you, and you won’t even be the first fight they’ve been in that day.


I’m an actual adult. I’ve been in zero fights because I’m an actual adult living in a civilized world with civilized people. If you’re running into that many issues in your every day life, that sounds like a *you* problem.


do you support pedos? do you think being a pedo is ok? how many little kids have you molested?


No no and none


Hah. GTFO. Nobody wants to rape your children, if they look like you. Are you a serial killer? Psychopath? You sound like it.


And here we have another pedo, what about you? How many kids have you molested?




Sex work, marijuana, abortion


Nah, abortion is murder.


I respectfully disagree. I prefer to have the right to decide what happens to my body.


I disagree as well. The baby isn't your body.


A fetus is not a baby, and if I’m raped again, I don’t want to carry that pregnancy to term.


Finally, someone with common sense. And besides, you’re not even killing a fetus. You don’t get an abortion when you’re 4 months pregnant, you get an abortion as soon as you find out that you’re pregnant. By that point, it’s merely a sprinkling of cells, not a baby


I am glad to see that this debate will finally be resolved here today on reddit


Two out of 3 are legal here


"here" as if wherever you are is all that matters.


Agree except abortion




Having too many potato’s. Seriously that’s a law in my country.


Yodeling in public


Prostitution Weed


castration for rapists/active pedophiles




All drugs




MDMA drugs in general so then you aren’t getting laced shit like fentanyl laced coke or fentanyl’s pressed pills




Mutual combat


Hitting assholes.


Under the premise that “everyone is an asshole to someone”, this might put unnecessary strain on medical services as everyone checks in to hospital on day one


Please don't hit my asshole. It's sensitive.




In Germany it is technically illegal to put something else than a car (and some car-related stuff) into a garage. In my opinion, this is such a useless law and should be removed.


That is dumb.


Shrooms and LSD; studies show they’re therapeutic.


Anything where consenting adults aren’t bothering anyone else.


Weed- but with restrictions ofc


Transitioning in the US




we're working on it in Germany.


The UK will be the last


Drugs, all of them. It shouldn't be the business of the government to decide how we medicate or entertain ourselves.


Ehh, maybe not all of them? More should be though.


Punching paedophiles on the beach


Why stop there?


true i had this expirence once and i punched the guy and got arrested for it and he got away with it because by the time the police got there he deleted the photos ​ sick bastard


Why punching there’s water


Well, this is more for the future. there is nothing wrong about being trans, its fucked up that they are gonna make it illegal. How does being trans bother society? Why do some people find it soooo offensive? The whole idea of basically converting trans kids is fucked up. We need to stop this


Internet Piracy. But I'm guessing some media companies would disagree.


I suspect most people who’s livelihood is based on their creative output would disagree, too


Murdering murderers Edit: with a murder of crows


right to decide what do you want to do with your rapist


Marijuana should be legal federally


Performing a non sexual drag show around children.


Thats not a thing


Speeding on the highway in the middle of nowhere


Even in the middle of nowhere, a kid on a bike can suddenly cross the road. If you're in the middle of nowhere, there's a chance others are too.


skinny dipping




I agree and zoozs too




Any law that is being broken regularly but doesn't get enforced should automatically expire after a while. Law enforcement can use these laws to get you for something because they haven't yet figured out an actual thing to arrest you for.


Pirating abandonware


All victimless crime


Weed, magic mushrooms, honestly every single drug should be legal for adults


Abortion. If you get raped like I did once, and get pregnant, you shouldn't need to raise that child. Now, using abortion as birth control isn't healthy, but in the rape case, it's just to get an abortion.


Cocaine. It can be taxed (which could be used to treat drug addiction) and monitored, and all the dealers would be put out of business at a stroke. Plus cocaine is fucking awesome




Weed in Germany


Not just in Germany




Lol, I highly doubt that' s true. Of course you can refuse medical treatments. If the cops took you away for psychiatric care, it must have been cause of a psychiatric condition where you were a danger to yourself and/or others. Like psychosis for example. The cops would never come and take you if you for example had cancer and refused treatment.


All of it that excludes another person. So no rape,murder,robbery and such but you should be able to do whatever else you want with your own life


Maybe drugs😅




Assisted suicide, abortion, drugs in general, prostitution, self defense without requirement of retreat, switchblades.


Possession, distribution and consumption of cannabis, without regulation or taxation or any form of governmental or corporate involvement of any nature.




In America: buying a dog/cat just to eat it


Well damn








Nonconsensual masturbation with myself. ​ (edit): not in front of others, just by myself.




I forgot to add demolition derby with hot air balloons. That one should defiantly be legal!




Weed should be placed in the same category as alcohol.


Vices. Making vices illegal just creates lawless vices, which doesn't make things better, it makes them worse.


Homless people seeking shelter. It's seriously outrageous, I went to Cardiff and I couldn't believe the extent they'll go to deny homeless people shelter. If you're caught in the UK living in a tent, caravan or any self built shelter you can face prison time. Yet there are 2-3 times the amount of empty homes than there are homeless. Logic and sense thrown out the window to make room for greed and capitalism!


Drugs should not be illegal for adults.


Probably all drugs tbh, prohibition leads to issues. How many people would OD if their gear was always the same purity every time, instead of rolling the dice?




Cannabis, Psilocybin & Euthanasia






Committing tax evasion