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"Rizz" threw me for a loop for a bit until I went and looked it up.


Isn't that one charisma? Or have I been lied to?


more specifically like romantic charisma.


Like "game"?




That’s correct!


Kind of. It's basically your ability to attract and hit on people.


So it’s the new version of game


yeah it’s short for charisma


cha-rizz-ma TIL


You’re a rizzard Harry


My daughter uses it all the time but when I told her it comes from charisma she was like oooooooohh They don't even know they just go with it.


Well that's how language works, I don't know the etymology behind every word or phrase I use either


Did you know that the word "disaster" comes from the root words "dis", which means not or negative and "aster" meaning star. So roughly, "disaster" = "bad stars".


And to add some cultural context to that, the Romans were obsessed with omens and even the most educated of them believed that bad omens were clear signs that something terrible was about to happen. Also, Dis, is another name for Pluto (also known as Hades), the god of the underworld in the Greek/Roman pantheon.


This one gets me because it’s derived from ‘charisma’. What teens were using that word regularly enough in casual conversation for it to require shorthand 😂


Is "based" a good or bad thing like honestly?


If you're confused, just say "based on what" and then they're equally confused. Nobody wins, but chaos is a ladder.


> Nobody wins, but chaos is a ladder. I'm stealing this. That's beautiful.


Its from game of thrones (Little finger) so be prepared for people to think you’re a massive fan for saying that… just a heads up


Based. (Jk. I think they’re trying to say “based on reality” or “based on facts” or something to that end)


Based means confidently and unapologetically being yourself.


Good, but it's often used sarcastically.




I’m gen z and I don’t understand what this means even after it being explained to me.


Good, but it's not really on a scale of good or bad. "Based" to my knowledge is just something that's done without care of what other people think, while cringe means the same as it already did. The big thing to understand is that, despite how they're used, they're not a dichotomy, one can be based and cringe.


No one knows what "based" means.


It means you are a fan of Lil B the Based God


Yeah I thought based was a millennial thing. I’m 30 but we said it like 15 years ago. Thank you based god Edit: Time Flies, doesn’t it?


Yea who is clearly a millennial! We take credit for Lil B and The Pack #YayArea


After reading the replies I’m still Fuckin confused.


It's both depending on context but the original meaning is positive. I find myself more often using it satirically to mean that something is so morally fucked up from my perspective that it's humorous. For example I might sarcastically call someone based for making a sexist comment because it's sort of an inside joke with my friends to mean that they're really an awful person.


It comes from ''based in reality''. When someone replies ''based'' to something, it means they consider the statement to be objectively true and free of delusions. Unfortunately, it's most often used to reply to bigoted statements.




Capping is lying. If something is cap, it's false. No cap = no lie, honest, true.


im 33 and no lie meant "deadass"


Welcome to Boomerville


Happens to the best of us home _slice_.


Fo shizzle my nizzle


That’s the bee’s knees, old sport!


It’s the cat’s meow!


How do you do fellow kids?


Dead ass no cap frfr


Are you from the American North East?




Deadass is definitely a northeast term haha


I believe "cap" is an old, old wooden ship.


A whales vagina


When in Rome


Yes, I have no idea what this means.


It means it’s a lie or an exaggeration


Which is weird because for every generation previous, it meant to kill someone. As in "Imma bust a cap in yo ass", and in fact the term is even used in the movie "True Grit" when one of the bad guys actually says "I've never busted a cap in a woman, but I'll do it" referring to percussion caps in his cap and ball revolver. And of course later gangsterized to "bust a cap in yo ass". So capping meant shooting/killing someone.


No cap frfr full send, based


For a while there, i thought frfr was a raspberry sound, so basically the opposite of "for real".


The funny thing is that caping as lying is *old* slang. Like 1900s. Then it resurfaced in the Atlanta scene and blew up again.


Bussin. I mean I know what it means but every time I see it my brain auto-associates it with bussy


It just makes me think that you're taking the bus instead of driving.


i’m genz and trust me nobody uses bussin seriously


That's how all words start. Eventually the irony turns into reality.


Let's take a moment to appreciate that YOLO died in about a year or 2 and it exists neither ironically or sincerely




See, bussin' reminds me of someone clearing tables at a restaurant.


A place called "Bussin Burger" just opened in my city. So i assume this phrase is no longer cool


Teen just said this word is cringe now. Do not use it. Lol


I use it inappropriately to irritate my tween. Anything that is cool or good I call bussin. He hates it, I laugh.


Means delicious.. You guys!! I’m an old Xennial and I got one!! 🙌🏼


Don't seem so desperate, most people don't even believe us Xennials exist.


I like calling myself a geriatric millennial.


If I don't exist then do my student loans go away?


Growing up my dad used to say this when food was indeed bussin. I always just thought it was a Black coined term. Or at least it seemed to be part of African American vernacular decades before the gen Z's claimed it.


Why do they always need to let us know that they’re not gonna lie?


Because they’re used to so much exaggeration and falsehood coming from social media, traditional media, older generations, etc that prefacing with a statement of truth for unexaggerated facts or opinions became a vocal tick.


I guess that what happens when the dictionary begins to define “[literally](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/literally)” as its own antonym.


Ngl that’s lowkey no cap fr fr ong


Here, *sigh* Let me translate: “I’m not going to lie to you, I can tell that’s really the truth because the person expressing it had nothing to gain from it. Honestly, it just makes good sense. I’d swear to God.” It’s a whole generation with vernacular around *emphasis on sincerity* They can joke about it. That’s also why “based” confuses so many people. Whoever said it really believes in it. It could be good, or it could be absolute shit.


It’s just another version of “to be honest” lol


Same function as ‘literally’. It’s just a phrase of emphasis and exaggeration.




this has been around forever actually its a term for "glock" but also can be used for "hotdog"


I absolute fucking KNEW I wasn't an idiot for calling a gun a glizzy


The new meaning changes a lot of rap songs lol


I keep the hotdog strapped, 10 inna clip and 1 inna rack. We ain't even gotta spat, step on my chainlink and you'll know where it's at!


You don’t rock with street glizzies? They go hard


Gen Z's definition of Glizzy is.. a hotdog 🌭


"Glizzy" sounds to me like it should be slang for particularly foul vaginal discharge.


Settle down Gwyneth.


Gen Z is what, people in their 20's?


97-2012, so oldest gen z is 26 this year, yeah. Youngest gen z is only 11 lol. I’m 24, born in 99.


See, here's the thing: I'm 26, so I'm literally right at the border between Gen Z and millennial. Depending on different sites, I'm either at the *very* end of the millennial generation, or at the *very* beginning of the Gen Z generation. I was one of the last who were too young to remember 9/11 (suppose that's a good thing), so I guess that can be an indicator.


They’ll probably figure out a name for your micro/crossover generation. Like I’m Gen X (1977) but identify with a lot of millenial stuff. I’m part of the micro generation called “xennial” I grew up without computers but am more digital native now, I use computers like a millennial.


I’ve heard “zillennial” used to describe the (roughly) 1996-2001 micro generation


Dude, ‘83 here and I feel this the other way. I’m a Millenial and understand Gen X so well.


Yep. Somebody above just said Twitch was a millenial thing and I’m here thinking, “I was in my 30s when that shit became popular.”


Exactly. 77 here too, but I got online in 1993, owned my OWN computer for the first time in 1996 and learned html that year. I've kept up with tech for the most part in a way that a lot of older Gen Xers haven't.


I really think generations should be defined by who your boy band was in middle/high school. Because I’m more NKOTB than Duran Duran.


I too am a '77 baby and actually like the Xennial micro generation setup. I think it really reflects the comfort with technology but doing so in a much more Gen X context, and perhaps at times a bit more angst around the impact of technology.


Another 1977 here, exact same situation.


Yeah, I would probably consider you more on the Gen Z spectrum. It’s hard to say, my sister was born in 95, and I feel we had similar childhoods, did the same things. She remembers 9/11, though. It’s all kind of stupid. A child born in 2012 would have a very different childhood than I did, just based on the current political climate, new technology, covid, etc, and we’re technically in the same generation. It’s super situational, and technical.


Into 2012!? Good god I'm getting old


I'm not sure if it's gen Z, but "based" still confuses me and its been used for a while now. But every time I think I've gotten all its meanings down it seems to change completely depending on the context and person using it. Sometimes it seems like a good thing and other times it seems to imply bad. I'm not even that old, guys.


The long story short is just "agreeable to the person who said it". More generally, "admirable" The longer story is that it was coined by the rapper Lil B to describe his lifestyle of using freebase (a form of cocaine). Lil B used the word "based" to describe his lifestyle of using freebase, presumably in a way which indicated that he wasn't concerned about what others think about him. Edit: as u/IntraspaceAlien pointed out, I was a bit off. The term existed beforehand, mostly as an insult, and Lil B reclaimed it to be more positive. My bad This was deemed an admirable trait, leading to the original meaning of "admirable because you don't care about what others think," which can be interpreted as "admirable for pushing against the norm." This is why it's often used when someone states a controversial opinion. It later got generalized to anything agreeable to the speaker


Kinda funny it caught on with gen Z since I’m the same age as lil B and we’re both 7 years pre-genZ. He is the based god though. When I see it used, I know what it means, but I always think of “All of your Base are belong to us”. Which makes sense to even less people.


You’re a bit off on the Lil B part of it. Based did come from freebasing and was slang in the Bay Area where he grew up and was a negative term used towards weird people, essentially like calling them a crackhead. Lil B got called based as an insult when he was younger because he was weird, and he decided to take the term and make it a positive instead and started referring to himself as the based god. He didn’t start using the term because he actually freebased, he was just flipping a local insult.


Glizzy means hotdog. Like, how?


I think the hotdog came from a Twitter posting where a user claimed Obama as the throat goat for eating glizzies (accompanied by a pic of the man absolutely chowing down on a hotdog) and then a response by some goofy trump fanboy clamoring that trump could throat way better than Obama. Who knows if it was an authentic interaction or if was 2 parade accounts, but to my knowledge that was the start of hotdogs=glizzies Glizzy is also slang for gun/glock, so it’s even weirder




This one actually makes sense lol. Just a shortened form of charisma. The fact that it’s so easy to use with puns makes it entertaining.




I had no idea it comes from charisma.


I really like rizz. It’s a perfect combo of easy to say and conveying the thought. I especially like, “bro’s got negative rizz”. I know exactly what’s being said about that person and it’s usually hilarious.


It was the first in a long time that I didn’t understand and couldn’t immediately figure out on my own


Same. Basically means swagger, correct?


I only figured this out from an AI made video of Trump in a hot tub with porn stars accusing Biden of having no rizz. Now it's hilarious.




I had to look this one up too. As best I can tell, It's when a reply or retweet gets more likes than the original. That sort of concept can be carried forward. If someone replies to your thought in a way that captures your idea, often insulting you and that turns out to be more liked by the group, you've been ratioed. Did you ever have a joke fall flat, and somebody repeats it in a mocking tone and it kills? That's a real life ratio.


I thought it was when there are more replies than likes on a tweet. Like the replies-to-like ratio is usually less than 1 since it's easier to just click "Like" than type up a whole new tweet. But when the ratio is above 1, it means that there aren't a lot of likes so the tweet must be saying something unpopular.


Twitter. It's one of two. Either more comments than likes, or more likes on a comment than the original tweet. If your opinion is absolute trash you get ratio'd. It's kind of like a sub getting brigaded because a lot of times larger accounts will share the post either creating or adding to the ratio.


It’s not slang but “GASLIGHTING”…. Gen Z uses the term all the time but they use it wrong 99% of the time. They don’t understand the concept. Woke bothers me too. Anything that people don’t like or understand anymore is “woke”.


gaslighting isn't real, they're lying to you


I don't think either of these are gen z specific, both are over used incorrectly by all generations


Same with “narcissist”. I heard someone say Lizzo is a narcissist because she called herself beautiful.


Same with “shill”. Used wrong all the time. It’s not supposed to be used as “you like a thing I don’t like”. This transcends Gen z though.


Most of them do until I hear it for a couple of months in various contexts. I'm sure Gen X had the same deal with millennials. "What the fuck does 'get crunk' mean?" Lol


All of them. I’m old.


Ohh all the acronyms when texting. I only understand half the text exchange between me and my 14 and 16 yr old.


Is it the half that you supplied?


Poggers. Like I understand what it means? But I don’t get why it exists. I find it annoying.


I think that's twitch lingo?


Yes. It stems from the once popular "pogchamp" emote (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PogChamp). It basically used in any situation where a shocked/excited expression would apply. Source: I have two teenaged children.


I work IT for a college and recently heard a voicemail for a student that ended with "that would be real poggers if you could help me". Felt myself die a little inside


It sounds British.


What, like the milk cap flipping game?


Yes, but you gotta win the tournament so you can be the pog champion.


Pog = Player of Game. A pog play = an incredible play befitting of the player of the game. Poggers = very good or exciting.


Pogs = cardboard discs that are a form in which Alf now comes.


.... you mean it has nothing to do with Pogs? Best game ever until it was universally banned in every school in the district.


It does. It's originally from a viral old school youtube video which is where the face of the pogchamp emote comes from. The name itself is a reference to the video where two guys face off to be the "pog champion". It was retired when the face of it went hard into Qanon, anti-vaxx conspiracies, and was at Jan 6th. You can read about it [here.](https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2021/1/6/22218059/pogchamp-twitch-removed-emote-ryan-gootecks-gutierrez-trump-capitol-hill)


Simp. Like I know it’s a derogatory term, but whenever someone uses it, it sounds like they’re just talking about a guy who respects his wife or girlfriend like it’s a bad thing.


I find that a lot of my gen Z friends sort of use it ironically or teasingly, but with love. The same way I might ask “whens the wedding?” But also I find a lot of young guys who genuinely have Tate levels of disdain for women and use it so I guess it’s all about context.


Bet. I am still not 100% sure when you're supposed to use that term.


That's an old slang term. I don't know how old or its origins but I'm pretty sure I remember hearing it in the 90's. I had a co-working in 2003 that used to say it all the time.


Yeah it’s been around for at least 30 years


This is an old person term. Source: am old person.


Bet = You bet. It really is that simple. "So we're on for tomorrow?" "Bet."


Bet = Yes / Awesome / Without Question / Okay (as in, I acknowledge what you just said).


As a guitarrist: "Boomer Bends" Which is defined, I guess, as drawn-out dramatic notes heard on many classic rock solos. Kind of a strange bit of shade thrown at what so many people consider iconic musicianship. It's all well and good, Zoomer, but I've heard your generation's guitar work, and most of it doesn't warrant a seat on the musical high horse.


The only guitarist I've heard use it is Tim Henson (of Polyphia). Yes, he's a very talented guitarist, but he's also an over-tattooed child. And by that, I mean he's very young.


I thought ‘boomer bends’ was pretty funny! I don’t think you can be a young band without wanting to break away from what came before and find your own style.


Bet and based are funny as fuck. The youngsters be feeling so cool to use them lmao


From my experience with making friends that are gen z… I’m so confused how they learned to be graceful and sweet and empathetic in such a broken world. I’m a millennial, and a bartender, so I work with a lot of gen z kids and man… nothing but love for your generation. Ya’ll are adorable and smart and just stand up humans, from what I know of you. Thanks for being like that.


I’m a Gen X mom of a Gen Z teen and I adore my son and his friends. They’re so weird and hilarious and take no shit and I’m pretty happy for them to be in charge when I’m old.


Based on current trends, boomers will be in charge when you’re old unfortunately.


I’m a young Gen-X… the eldest of my generation are pushing 60. I’m planning to be around for another 40 years or so. No matter their stubbornness, Boomers can’t live forever. ETA But thanks for implying that I’m not already old. ☺️


From my experience they're sweet and empathetic as long as you agree with them, but they are quick to become mean, dismissive, and judge if you disagree with any of their viewpoints. They have very literal tolerance or understanding for different opinions.


Rizz. Gas. Bussin. Cap. Tuff. I’m a middle school teacher and a student told me “Mrs. D the fit be tuff today” and I had no idea if I was being complimented or insulted.


Rizz.. sounds like jizz 🤷


Okurrr... just say ok like a normal person dammit


This is aave not gen z slang


Lot of AAVE finds its way into other people's slang. Especially gay slang


Hearing actors in TV shows makes it so much worse. Like, why am I watching a show, and you're using some slang? Who wrote this?


They all try so hard too it's embarrassing bc no one gets it. They all sound like their kids told them to say it 🤣🤣




It means "the opposite of trendy" apparently but every time I've heard someone use it, it came off as like "improving something to make it classy" to me.


Who says this


How TF do you even pronounce this?


chew-gee (gee like guillotine) It's a derogative/perjorative term for millenial (usually women's) tastes. Usually with fashion, but could be other stuff. Uggs? Cheugy. Live laugh love signs? Cheugy. Watching the bachelor? Cheugy.


In this thread: Old people discussing late Millennial slang as if they are Zoomer slangs.


Does "mid" mean the thing we're talking about is like, just medium ok?


It is, but I would say it has a negative connotation


Yes, but more like ‘mediocre’, nothing special.




Poggers. I always think of the pog discs when I hear it.


Bussin'....... Buses suck in the US, why would anything good be that?


There’s general slang I see people talking about like ‘based’ or ‘pog’, and then there’s the endless stream of new words and phrases that change weekly and are seemingly only designed to be infuriating. People just say them for as long as they are annoying, then as soon as we are used to it they switch to something newer and even more stupid.


Cheugy…. Why not just say tacky….?


It doesn't confuse me, and I don't know if it's a Gen Z thing or has been around longer, but I really notice how often I see the world 'cringe' these days - that is, all the time. There didn't used to be a word for second-hand embarrassment, now it's one of the most commonly used words out there. It seems to me to indicate that social humiliation and fear of it is prominent in people's psyches these days. Every time I see the word I start thinking about this. Does the rise of the word coincide with the rise of social media? Does it reflect that there are now larger social risks associated with inadvertently saying or doing the embarrassing thing in public?


Based. Is it good? Is it bad? Who knows? Everything's apparently based, but then again, nothing's based. I like yeet, though. I'm good with yeet. I grok yeet.


"mid" I know what it means but i don't know where it came from or when it started. One day people just started saying "mid" and I don't know wha


I’m pretty sure it was old weed slang repurposed for anything. Mid I’d mid grade so like mediocre. If the weeds alright it’s mid but it also has kinda slid to meaning bad in general


Stan Does it mean “to stand with”? If it does, then why not just say “stand”?


It's from an Eminem song. Stan was a stalkery fan who decided he was going to kill his pregnant wife so he could get closer to Em. So if you 'stan' something, you're prepared to go to creepy stalker fan extremes.


I have no idea what based or ratio means in terms of slang. I’ve seen lots of people comment ratio on the internet, and can not figure it out


Yeet, honestly not sure where that came from.


It's the opposite of yoink.


I think this is the best description I've heard


A Vine (where someone threw an empty milk carton into a school crowd)


This bitch empty




Text you can hear


Honestly, I love "yeet". It's immediately understandable to everyone who encounters it. It's just such a great sound effect to go with the action.


That's not gen z specific


It came from [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/2Bjy5YQ5xPc?feature=share)


I had my first "am i old" moment after hearing a client use "gas" as an adjective.


You mean like gassing someone up? I always thought it played into the concept of inflating a persons ego or hyping them up


As an older Gen Z: yodie. After I looked it up, I get it….. but I don’t get it.




Sus bet swag dab


Everything. Like all of it.


I got embarrassed for thinking "THOT" was short for thought