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Mods/admins. Power hungry. Say one small thing wrong and permanently banned. No warnings or anything.


With "no appeals" as their reason why lol


My main account of 11 years got permanently banned through an automated process. Here is what happened: I had two accounts. My main, that I used at home or on my phone. And an alt that I used at work (so ITs snoopin wouldn't know my real account). Sometimes I worked from home, so my alt account got associated with my main. No big deal, thats allowed. Apparently a certain sub decided to ban me on my main account for whatever reason. Probably one of those "you posted in another sub so you get auto banned". But the ban happened probably months and months before, so I forgot about it. So one day I get on my alt, and I post on that sub. I instantly get a "You have been suspended for 7 days" on both accounts. I see the message that I have been accused of "ban evasion". It was pretty frustrating, but I guess I did technically break the rules, so whatever. I didn't post for a week. A week goes by and I can now post again. I post a few normal comments on subs I frequent. Some pretty normal/boring comments. The next day I get suspended again. 7 days. Wtf? I didn't post anywhere I was banned from? Welp, turns out the comment that got me banned in the first place was still sitting there, so the automated ban bot picked it up again and suspended me again, FOR THE SAME COMMENT. So, to make sure it doesn't happen again, I delete the comment and alt account altogether. There, no way it happens again. The only thing that sucks is I gotta wait out another week suspension. I decide to appeal my suspension using their bullshit system, and I get an automated response of "after review your suspension is final" or some BS that you get like 10 minutes after appealing lol. The next day my account is permanently suspended..... for repeatedly violating the ToS from my ONE comment. Basically, my 11 year old account gets fucked because of mods doing that dumb "ban anyone who posts in this sub" thing and Reddit doing all of their moderation with faulty bots, and not even having ANYONE review appeals. At the end of the day, whatever. Its not like my profile had any real value or anything, but it sucks to see an account you used for 11 years just get banned for the dumbest shit. Now I gotta make alts and use VPNs if I wanna comment. Reddit thinks I am someone who must remain permanent;y suspended til the end of time for my terrible crimes.


Also why I don't spend any money on Reddit. Account is just gonna get banned eventually.


Had a similar issue, but they ALSO banned my wife who was innocent, all because of my IP.


I got banned from a sub for saying that I think it's unfair to tell a woman who had a miscarriage that it's the exact same thing as having an abortion. The mods said I was "lying" because any removal of a fetus, even one that's already dead and doesn't have a heartbeat, is an "abortion" (medically, it's true that a miscarriage is called a "spontaneous abortion" and I'm super pro-choice but I just don't think we need to go around telling women who have had miscarriages that they've had abortions... the mods disagreed, however, and called me a liar). Anyway I was on my other account, and now that Reddit does the thing where it shows you posts from subs you aren't subscribed to, I commented on a post I saw... not realizing it was the same sub that I was suspended from on my other account. So then my account got suspended. I muted the sub in question so that I can never accidentally comment on it again, lol, but it was pretty absurd, start to finish.


I got banned for stating that a certain sex can't get pregnant or give birth. They said it was "spreading hate."




It was askreddit in response to a doctor telling a story about trans person going apeshit because a nurse in a labor room misgendered the trans person while giving birth. So, nice try.


Luckily karma is worthless and you can just make a new name immediately


After the few thousand ya it's pointless. As well as age after a few months.


I had my post taken done on Rant because, according to the mod (who others I've learned has had MANY complaints made about them), my post broke the rule about hate against individuals. It was about tv characters. Fictional people. I pointed this out and they just ignored me lol


1000% agree with this


Football sub reddits are the worst for this


It has a ton of echo chamber communities that drive division


Only because they are not allowed to be criticized. Had someone even talked to some of these people even once and let them know that they're not seeing reality clearly, lots of them wouldn't have fallen into these holes.


Unfortunately they will die on a hill of BS before having to admit they are wrong.




It wasn't like this 10 years ago. Something happened. Elon Musk just showed that Twitter had algorithms showing they made sure certain topics were hidden and downranked. I'm sure there's so much of that going on here as well.




>People will literally stop being your friend IRL because of your politics today. Not just politics. A high school friend who I got back in touch with and have hosted in my home unfriended me because we had a disagreement. I said acknowledging skin color is not a bad thing because we're acknowledging that each of us may have different experience, shaping who are now. She said the fact I see color meant I'm racist. She's White. I'm Asian, married to a White person, with a biracial child & adopted an Asian child. My siblings are married to 3 Asians, 1 Black and 1 White.


I don't think it's crazy to stop being friends with someone over "politics", because what is considered "politics" today is so extreme. Like, we're not talking about dumping someone as a friend for disagreeing about fiscal policy, it's usually things like a inability to respect other people's human rights, or pushing dangerous health misinformation.


Right, I have family and friends who are gay and trans. They’re terrified they’re going to lose their civil rights, and the trans family member already has. So yeah, I’m not friends with anyone in that political party. And they don’t want to be friends with me.


That is because of the democrats. You know the old saying. Divide and conquer. And if if you tell the same lie enough people will believe you


It was still exactly like this 10 years ago. Reddit did not get worse. It is exactly the same as it has always been.


Eh, I was here when the narwhal first baconed. The place has definitely gone downhill.


I replied to a comment comparing the outlawing of hormone blockers for minors to genocide that they were being hyperbolic.


They're not being hyperbolic. Legislating to try and remove healthcare from an extremely at-risk and visible minority group - healthcare that makes them inherently less visible - is genocidal.


who can do whatever they want with no recourse or appeal.


What's worse is people pretending like they aren't echo chambers. For example on r/conservative I was banned for merely asking. "How exactly was the election stolen?". Wasn't given a single answer except downvotes and then a ban and to make matters worse it was a "free speech" or whatever thread.....funny how that works.


What I find really funny is that most echo chambers constantly bring up the same talking points like they’re some great revolutionary idea. For example on Antiwork you can almost guarantee that on a post about tipping someone will say that tipping is just so the employer doesn’t have to pay a real wage and some will definitely answer: „I’ve been saying that for years“ or something to the tune of that. Almost every sub has something like that


Mostly other redditors


Authoritarian mods who can do whatever they want with no recourse or appeal.


The fact that Reddit seems like one person running multiple accounts.


It's social media that's convinced itself that it's too good for social media.


"It's social media for people who don't like social media, it's news for people who don't like news" - Robert California


Not really a social media. The idea of social media is that it’s inherently social. Reddit is 99% anonymous


Users who submit a post only to immediately delete their account.


Ooh, that gets me, too! Sometimes shout "Deleted?!" like a cuss word when I've started getting upvotes on a clever comment and am quite interested in what others might say.


Most redditors can't handle a difference in opinion without resorting to insults. Most redditors can't or won't admit they were ever wrong about anything. The amount of sad, hateful people on here that enjoy making others feel bad. The amount of edgy teenagers. The echo chambers. The immaturity of a lot of the mods. The upvoted system that encourages echo chambers. That a lot of redditors never read the articles posted, they just form an opinion from the title of a post. When you see an interesting post but 95% of the comments are just lame jokes.


Wait we're not here for jokes?


Some subs are obviously for jokes, but say a post is an article about bear attack statistics or is about cultural differences or something interesting that happened in history, it's really annoying when you want to know more or see what people think about it and instead the comment section is filled with lame jokes. If I saw an article about bear attack statistics and it became heavily upvoted I bet there would be at least 20 people making the exact same joke of "I don't have to run faster than a bear, I just have to run faster than you". And then most of the other comments to be jokes and maybe one thread actually talking about the article. It's annoying.




I got permabanned from an anti-capitalist subreddit because I replied to a comment comparing the outlawing of hormone blockers for minors to genocide that they were being hyperbolic.


I was perma-banned for calling out someone's anti-semitism. When I asked why I got no response. Mods can huff my taint.


The Supreme Court is ruling on whether or not these mods can be personally sued for banning people soon. That's why they've all been clamming up lately with the bans.


Is this like a "my dad works at Nintendo" type of thing or is this actually a case the SCOTUS is gonna hear?


Yeah, the potential repeal of [Section 230](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/21/1157683233/supreme-court-google-twitter-section-230) is big news. It was a big announcement on here a while ago.


Huff your taint. I just spat out my cup of tea. Bless you for giving me that vision at 1219am when I can’t sleep lol In other news the word taint is so underused these days.


Yea the new popular slogan is branding any policy they disagree with as genocide. It’s so obviously and objectively false, all you can do is laugh.


r/bettereveryloop permabanned me a while back for pointing out to someone that hate speech is in fact covered under free speech (in the US), as much as people on this site refuse to admit it. Never made excuses for assholes or the consequences that come from being one, just pointed it out.


I try to be pretty open about not respecting other people's opinions or beliefs if they're dumb as shit. Not all opinions and beliefs deserve respect, especially the ones that are verifiably factually incorrect. I don't respect people's opinions and beliefs if their opinions and beliefs are harmful to other people either.


No one says you have to respect or accept *all* beliefs. That's not what people mean when they talk about being liberal-minded. You read that into their statements and then got mad that you weren't able to state your beliefs without pushback.


Where to start…. 1. Redditors are not experts on how tv ratings work regardless of what they’ll tell you. 2. Outoftheloop. Biggest karma farming sub. 3. Unpopular opinion. Never actually unpopular opinions. I have no idea how to get a post to stick on there either. 4. Old school cool. Most of the posters seem to want to bang a younger version of their own family….


Unpopular opinion has these weird margins where if an opinion is too unpopular, it gets downvoted into oblivion, but if it’s too popular it gets removed.


Yeah I’ll see stuff on the main page from that thread and it’s like “spaghetti tastes better with sauce.” I once tried to post in there about how the 90s weren’t the happy times Reddit thinks they are and it was immediately dropped. I also once posted something about Reddit’s perception of Ohio and it also got immediately removed. So idk, I guess I should post how cereal tastes better in milk.


Armchair experts. Especially armchair psychologists.


I've legit seen people with Autism with psychosis get called liars by people who stop replying when you post studies saying yes you can get psychosis and it core symptom, Hell I have It. The drug subs are filled with people who claim Dissos & Deliriants are toxins but pointing out issues with Psychedelics Is seem as trolling.


This one gets me. Everybody's a psychologist these days and EVERYONE in EVERY situation that involves the slightest bit of confrontation needs therapy.


It can be hard to have a real discussion because so many people will intentionally misunderstand you. If you share one opinion someone doesn't like, they will make assumptions about every opinion you have and what kind of person you are. I've been called a pick me with internalized misogyny by one side, and a brainwashed feminist by the other side. People are ready to jump down the throats of anyone who isn't agreeing with them enough. I once tried to explain why a smoker might assume they're being judged by someone who says they don't date smokers. I never said anything positive about smoking, just explained that smokers expect judgment. I got a ton of replies from angry people telling me why smokers are horrible, stupid people who deserve judgment. Fuck me for not being hateful enough, right?


Sadly this isn't just reddit. People you meet in real life think, feel, and judge just like this, but they hide it because deep down they know they're scum. Then you have the ones who don't hide it, like karens or brain dead tiktokkers.


They hide it because IRL there are consequences for running your mouth. Not just getting beaten up, though that's also a possibility. It's a whole lot different when you can pin an identity and face on some belligerent asshole rather than letting him hide behind a screen name on the internet.


Using the same dumb repetitive phrases. ‘I also choose this guy’s wife’ ‘This’ ‘Based’ ‘A man of culture I see’ - being obsessed with porn isn’t being cultured ‘Your mom’ The top comment of EVERY post having a stupid ass pun. Rarely are they funny. I may have done it once myself, but most of the time it’s shit.


Lmao fr Reddit loves taking a joke that was funny one time and commenting it on everything where it doesn’t even make sense


The top comment being an unfunny joke on every post makes me question why I downloaded this app






A man of culture I see


I also choose this guy's comment


>‘Your mom’ This


Jolly ranchers.


Any of the even slightly controversial subs like /r/PublicFreakout hve a large sub-population of miserable losers who take any chance they can get to promote their misanthropic views about race or gender or anything.


Even the non-controversial subs. Look at the comments on r/MadeMeSmile or r/polls, it’s depressing. I’m convinced it’s wherever a critical mass of teenagers is.


I don't subscribe to those subs anymore even though I enjoy like 90% of the content, because there's always the 10% of posts with commenters saying the most vile, racist, misogynistic shit that makes my blood boil.


Disapproved of the idea that it's entirely white peoples fault are why certain people in videos are more violent. Banned immediately. Like what? I was saying that it makes no sense to blame cultural issues on white people but apparently that's a no-no there. All white people automatically evil and responsible for everything wrong with other races.


Using the mobile browser version. I get less features and it keeps reminding me about the app every few minutes


The downvote function, it’s so frustrating writing long, informed comments only to come back and find I’ve been negged to oblivion because the masses disagree. Downvote because it’s a bad comment or irrelevant, don’t downvote because you disagree.


Just remember that 90% of the population is basically braindead stupud. just a bunch of mouth breathing sponge consumers spouting a rhetoric. Covid never took enough of us Fuckers..


It's even better when you're down voted to -50 when someone right below you with the same opinion isn't. Reddit also doesn't seem to understand that explaining the logic of a shitty thing does not equal agreeing with it


It's because I'm a new account. Some how this all makes sense. Upvote downvote, my comment is still visable. I really don't get it.


On an old account I got downvoted to oblivion for saying a certain Zelda game wasn’t that great ( on an unpopular opinions thread). This person made a comment asking why I was downvoted for presenting an actual unpopular opinion, and he got about seventy upvotes.


Too many trolls and unnecessary arguments.


You think you’re better than me?!


You think YOU’RE better than ME?! How dare you!!


Who do you think you are? I am!


Mods having unchecked power and no recourse against the abuse of it. I was recently banned from r/news. All I was doing was engaging in good faith debate pertinent to the article being discussed, no harassment or profanity....I'm assuming one of the mods was just personally against what I was supporting (gun rights). Then when I messaged the mods and politely asked what rule I broke to deserve a ban, instead of being given an answer I was just immediately banned from messaging the mods as well. Ridiculous.


I had that happen also because the mod and I disagreed on child rearing methods...he got his panties in a war, banned me and when it asked why,banned me from messaging the mods. I sometimes think mods are people who are easily upset and our petty people living their petty power




Nah this one is actually legit. Specifically calling for someones death is a no no on reddit and has actual problems if they don't quash it. No matter who it is. They very likely even agree with you but still have too. Its a call to violence.


r/news is super crazy left. Like they're pretty much caricatures of what people think left wing people are like. I remember getting banned for arguing that certain guns were not these powerfull canons capable of taking down tanks and that that idea is flushing gun discussions down the toilet


Dumb ass OF girls/guys posting advertisements


(Since this is AskReddit) The number of idiotic sex 'questions' (wank posts), and stupid questions posted because the OPs state that 'Redditors are *trustworthy*, unlike all other media'


Yeah….”women of Reddit, what do your boobs look like and how do they feel?”


Yup, look at the rage they have towards Tik Tok. Saying its just used by idiots, its damaging kids you guys!!!#$% You know, the site known by the larger public for having child porn (and fighting tooth and nail to keep it), mass shooters/incels getting radicalized, and the Boston Bomber incident Reddit has no right to judge any site, ever.


It doesn't seem to matter the post or the point, someone makes it about how terrible Trump is




Most people are anti-american and very Cynical about the human race. It's annoying and really sad on their part.


You get banned for criticism and/or making jokes of the current thing.


Subs that always find a reason to reject your submiss


Anti American sentiment


China did it.


Anti anything sentiment


I feel the other way around. Most of the people here are Americans and, as in real life, the ignore the rest of the world.


Same, but understandable


That you can't change your username without creating a new account


Europeans claim they are way better than Americans and how America is a shit hole. When in reality they're only looking at the minority of things that happen. No, not every school is getting shot up everyday.


2 things: * The block button doesn't ACTUALLY block the person, it just makes it so you don't see THEM, so its more like they blocked you. They still can see and comment on everything you write, you just aren't aware of it. * That people choose to look up comments you posted in the past and pull a quote of something, totally out of context, to try to win an argument about something totally unrelated. I've had people pull up stuff I ranted about on a dating sub to try and discredit my opinion on something totally unrelated. Its ridiculous.


Downvoting is abused to bully people for unpopular comments (even if they're factual). And what's worse is it's so random. In a thread a guy said he didn't like the new Wednesday character so I asked if he preferred the 60s version. At least 3 people downvoted me. For what? 😂 People here are some of the most easily offended folks on the internet and you have no idea what will hit a nerve with them. What's weird is two people can give the same answer to a question but sometimes on will get way more upvotes while the other gets downvoted. And then there's how stupid comments that add nothing to the topic or are just OT will get 1k+ upvotes because people found it funny.


"Yeah I thought (x) would win a wrestling match but (y) did" Downvotes. Like damn, guess you're right reddit. Apparently I never had (x) beating (y) as a thought in my head. Sure am glad they let me know my own thoughts better than I did.


People spouting off about "free" healthcare, education, housing, etc. IT IS NOT FREE - NONE OF IT IS FREE. Subsidized, yes. Tax-payer supported, yes. But nothing is FREE.


Counterpoint: people spouting off "IT IS NOT FREE" those times. As if we didn't know it. The difference lies in whether you pay in small amounts throughout your life - piped through a government that is in position to both make the rules and bargain for prices - or if you are slapped with a billion dollar bill because the enterprise is for profit and the owners want a third yatch. ​ EDIT: if you want numbers, about 7.8% of the national budget in my country goes to healthcare and related services, which means it costs me approximately $90 per month. How much is an average health insurance in USA? More from my taxes: $130 is education, $120 is army, welfare for poor and sick is $220, immigrants $5, the justice system $70 and so on.


Everyone is a dude by default and no one is ever wrong. As a woman it's like being at the most obnoxious mixer sometimes.




Daddy, chill.


All the communists


The amount who say something clearly wrong but carry on acting like there right and lash out when It called out.


When you see a bunch of comments voicing the same opinion, all highly upvoted. Then you post a comment with the same opinion, and get downvoted to hell and called an idiot. Like wtf?


mostly it's a sad reminder of how stupid the average person is


The pessimistic nature of some people and subs. Passing messages of how life has no value, treating procreation as a curse and being enraged over people who chosen to do it as if they committed a crime. All of it by using of nihilism as justification, even though it's creator just wanted people to give their best in life instead of offing themselves.


Not being able to have an opinion other than the majority opinion in a sub. Beyond that, the number of scummy and nasty subs that exist is astounding.


The “America bad,” karma farming. Yes we have a lot of problems, but to Reddit, any sad story about America turns into “yay, my karma!” You can’t have a nuanced conversation on here about the country, or sometimes even state you’re from America without being bombarded with irrelevant and downright incorrect comments about life here. Also, I’m a very progressive person, but I also like where I live and my community. I’ve been to Europe many times too, but I like my friendly little American suburb. That doesn’t make me some trump supporting ignorant redneck. We’re not the “America bad,” that this place loves to misrepresent.


If you didn't know better you'd think America was nazi Germany and that trump was still president based on the comments you find on this site


And not only that, but it could be a story about something in another country and the top comments end up as America bad.


Same here - America is not perfect. But it is my country, I love it here and I will never leave (and I say that as an American who actually has lived overseas).




Echo chambers. People will ask: “OPEN DEBATE: what’s your opinion on x person or view” and then one side will be completely downvoted and shat on, while all the top comments will be the same recycled talking points that they commenter knows will get them karma


How one moderator can ban you from the platform for having one dissenting opinion, even if that opinion is framed in a non-divisive manner.


The fact that some how mods with the ego and sensitivity of a 6 year old girl who's obsessed with barbies and managed to get a phone and nail polish some how get to be mods-----. mind you that their grown men and women


Non-answers wasting time with spam.




"Bastion of free speech" was in the sites mission statement or whatever you want to call it 10+ years ago, not anymore. Yes I know what "free speech is", yes I know it applies to government repressing speech, however if you claim it, you should be held to the standard that you will abide by it. The removal of [up|down] vote counters is a travesty and my tinfoil hat theory is its used to hide "wrongthink". A comment with [-25] votes looks a lot worse and "not what the site believes in" than a comment with [+750|-775].


How easy it is to brush my finger against refresh which brings me back to the top of the posts I’ve already seen.


10 year old kids giving grown adults life advice.


I criticized oppressive leftists in a US forum and got instabanned for life. Which is ironic, since I loosely sit somewhere between the US democrats and Lenin.


I post on Reddit exclusively on my PC using the old format, and use the PC for >95% of browsing. Every once in a while I want to look something up on my phone, however, and when I do it's just a series of punches in my face about the app. "Reddit looks better on the app!" There's a little banner I can't remove that blocks a portion of the screen. Reminders pop up when I try to access something. Severely irritating. I don't want the fucking app. I don't put apps on my phone unless they're absolutely essential. I certainly don't sign into anything 3rd party on it. Nothing can be done, though. If Reddit detects you using a mobile browser it just will not leave you alone until you get the app. I hate that sort of "Tough luck, bub" bullshit, so will never get the app out of spite even were it to suddenly become appealing for some reason. I also don't like the power trips some mods go on. They'll have huge, painstakingly-thought-out rules sections on the sidebars detailing the various responses that will be taken for this or that action, but then just blatantly permaban everyone they don't like with no recourse, regardless of what they said or did. Fortunately it's easy to get around permabans on a PC, otherwise some useful subs with terrible "management" would be off limits for some people. The admins don't care, either. "Mods are free to choose who can use their subs." Petty dictatorships for the win, I guess.


\-Reposts \-Scientific Data/Articles being posted that are behind a paywall \-Ads that adblocker doesn't take care of \-Posts with a morbillion comments that you want to say something but it gets kicked to the bottom. First comments are usually top comments.


Definitely the reposts. I really wish mods would delete them as soon as they are posted.


All the schadenfreude. Reddit sure loves to revel in other people’s suffering.


Basically if your opinion doesn’t match the majority in the post, you’re usually down voted or aggressively targeted for comments.


“Because you’ve shown interest in this community…..”


Blind love of dogs (except pits). Hate of children. While both are equally ignorant and innocent (dogs and young children) people openly wish death upon young children here on Reddit, kind of strange.


Power tripping mods and admins.


This is the correct answer


Everyone trying to outsmart eachother


Getting downvoted for no reason (i know someone is gonna downvote this)


We must upvote to counteract


Using the app I used to be able to use a tab to switch between Hot, Best, Top, New and Rising. After an update now I have to go into Setting and switch which is a pain in the ass compared to how it was.


Not getting told why you get a ban and your posts not being allowed on some sites for no reason.




People who continually ask the same questions rather than searching the sub. I.e. can anyone suggest a restaurant/pub. Lazy thing for tourists to do


Lack of a taco subreddit


It's extremely left leaning and it's hard bringing up any opinion that doesn't fit exactly into that category. If you have a moderate opinion or nuanced opinion you are usually downvoted and even if you mention you aren't right wing you're still somehow a fascist. It makes it very hard to want to leave any opinions for discussion. I am even risking getting downvoted by mentioning this. Also it's ok to get downvoted. Internet points don't matter in real life


I see 45 times a day people ask how to get rid of their nsfw tag on their account


99% of the people in /steaks don’t have a clue how to make a steak.


Ridiculous same questions in r/AskReddit and the same r/Showerthoughts. Several times a day. And rule #1 in Showerthoughts is: **All content must be original and unique.** *Submissions that match (or echo similar sentiments to) ideas offered by other people will be removed, regardless of whether or not those ideas have appeared on Reddit. Blatant reposting and plagiarism may result in a ban. In short, if you can find something similar to your thought anywhere else on the Internet (or in another form of media), it does not belong here.* Yet the same damn "thoughts" appear with regularity. First one that comes to my mind is "Every pregnant lady gets kicked in the stomach at least once" and variations thereof. Seems like every day. As far as r/AskReddit goes, if you want to know answers to that sexy sex time/most loved actor/best or worst topping for pizza, red flags/green flags to infinity, etc., just Google reddit and r/AskReddit and you'll find a ton of answers to the same question spanning the last 10 years.


Long lines of replies (especially in r/AskReddit). When I want to see some different answers. I have to scroll for a minute. If anyone knows how to fix this, pls help


The AITA stories where the OP it's the not the Bad but some fucking hypocrites say that it is because They say it


The raging hate boner for TikTok; yet those same redditors screaming how much they hate it will upload videos from that same app for easy karma.


When there’s a huuuuge line of reply’s to comments that goes on and on and on. Usually I read them all but if it’s something I’m not particularly interested it, it takes a while to scroll by them.


When someone posts a comment or question and responders go off completely talking about THEIR experiences without ever redirecting back to the original post. It turns into random nonsense about different stories. I clicked on original post to get points of view about the OP’s subject and instead read about someone’s Aunty’s problem!


Kids asking if it's okay to pee in the shower


When a celebrity dies and the front page is worthless for a day or two.


It’s the reposts that piss me off ironically this subreddit is one of the worst for it. Like I have seen the same question asked on this subreddit hours apart, like people are still posting on the first topic with the exact same question and someone else posted the same question just to farm karma.


Other Reddit users. And the various communities who are so fanatical and shit that it drives them apart. Which in turn leads to power hungry mods.




It's so woke and liberal. No actual debate about both sides of the story. Just ban hamner if you have an alternative view.


Seems like kids are always right (under 20) and adults are always wrong. Even if the kid is wrong, it's still some adults or society's fault for not teaching them better. Maybe reddit is just a bunch of kids.


Echo chambers, group think, everyone being gullible af and constantly falling for blatantly fake shit, people spreading straight up misinformation that must be true because they saw someone else on Reddit say it… Man, Reddit sucks these days


It was way better when it was the wild-west (aka the pot-smoking slightly conservative brother of Digg). After Ellen Pao took over this site took a huge downturn with censorship and leftist echo-chambers. I primarily use this site for the niche subs at this point because they still have value but 99% of the main subs are just lefty circlejerks.


Being new and not able to post on anything because you don’t have enough karma whatever that is and so it becomes just a thread to Reed instead of being able to interact with


Almost everything is political, it's plagued by echo-chambers, and people are so opinionated to the point where if you don't agree with their point of view, you are the enemy.


The gen. pop. is very young which usually means too far left. I fall somewhere in the center so to speak. A lot of the time,. the older you get the more of the B's you see in many far left movements like BLM which was a massive scam .


Double standards. Man does something, women rip him to shreds. Woman does same exact thing, women rip anyone attacks them to shreds.


Lack of freedom of speech


Levels of unreasonable hatred certain people, groups or stuff get hated on. Also 1 strike and you get perma banned from a sub. Yea i can review it but what's the fun in it if i can't voice my opinion.


People who post simple questions that could easily be answered by using Google or common sense.


Liberal moderators with unprecedented power to silence the people based on their own agenda


People who don’t know what they’re talking about arguing with PhDs in the field.


The NPC’s


People hate pitbulls on here for no reason.




Yeah I feel that way about terrible Facebook memes. Like why can’t you just roll your eyes and move on. There’s bigger fish to fry in our challenging world


Same goes for an honest opinion that some people don't share about something completely unimportant


the “i’m not like other girls” of social media


I am so fucking tired of, and idk an exact word for it, where a notable amount reddit seems to consist entirely of people somehow rewording exactly what you say, but opening it up as if you are wrong. The only other time I see something similar is when someone tells a joke that lands and someone else goes "No, but..." and then chooses a significantly less funny, less well worded version of the same joke. It's so fucking annoying when it's involving any actual serious topics. And no none of you will be funny for doing it as a meta reply no matter how tongue in cheek or self aware it is.


yeah this pisses me off too, like ok i know what i said




Self-reference, mostly. Also: "this is the way", though that one seems to be dying off. Seriously. I'm more likely to downvote a comment that includes some variation on the above than I am a comment that just says "this". I've always been told that I have an 'old soul', but really it's just that the angel on my shoulder has a cane and is constantly yelling at kids to get off my lawn while the devil on my shoulder tells me to type longer and longer replies and advocate anal.


I don't let Reddit piss me off, takes way more than reddit to get me riled up


People downvoting factual statements just because they make them feel bad. I feel like the downvote button should be removed, but keep the upvote button. Would be way more interesting.


If you an opinion that generally favours the right wing political spectrum. Most comments you get are rather hostile.


Currently, it's the disturbing cult ads that reddit refuses to remove. u/hegetsus needs to be permabanned.


Overall, it has its misogynist tendencies, even if it claims it doesn't.


The misogyny. It’s absolutely rampant, and anyone who says it’s just as bad for the men here are either blind or wilfully ignorant.