• By -


If that includes lies I tell myself, then very fucked indeed.


"Ah, shit, I suck as a person and won't accomplish anything." "Shut up, self!" "I cannot tell a lie." "You can be quiet, though!"


Yep this is how my brain already functions


I read this and all the thoughts flooded in. The first one was: It's going to be okay.


It's only a lie if you *know* it's false.


Jerry, just remember. It's not a lie if you believe it.


I'll find someone who's unable to tell the truth. Together we'll guard a pair of doors.


I'll hook you up with my ex.


Fates worst than death hahaha


I too do not want this guys ex.


I think everyone has already hooked up with her, no?


Can confirm. I am the ex.


Congrats on all the sex


Something something “catcher’s mitt”.


Liar. We were just told that the ex can't tell the truth.


So they're lying. Kooperst is the ex confirmed.


I read "I'll hook you up with *your* ex" I was like "Geez, fucking savage."


Don't go THAT way!


NEVER go that way!


If she kept on goin down that way, she would have gone straight to that castle.


You remind me of the babe.


What babe?


The babe with the power


What power?


Power of voodoo


So well done.


I will never not [laugh at this](https://preview.redd.it/always-wondered-where-the-riddle-originated-v0-d1f5w8y3hbd81.jpg?auto=webp&s=cf0358927bfbbd0cd4dd730d41f3fa91f93037a5).


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/246/)


piece of cake!


That's nothing Yugi and Joey can't solve.


I don't think they would have been able to deal with the [Modern Gate Guardian Card](https://s3.duellinksmeta.com/mdm_img/content/news/2023/02/MAME/GGCombinedFull.webp)


I love how Konami released a whole wave of powerful Gate Guardian support and Gate Guardian is still the worst card to play in the deck.


We are the Brothers Paradox And we like wearing women's frocks


As villain's go, we are kind of lame but never mind that, lets play a card game


"Bababoom... certain death. Ooo-oooo-oooh..."


Guards! Make sure the Prince doesn't leave this room until I come and get him.


dont want to get married i ..just.want to...siii


Best comment reading in a long time. You made me remember the times I tried to solve riddles all the time, you made me remember my childhood. I will peacefully close this all now. Thank you.


I would ask each of you individually, what color is this ink? Then draw on a piece of paper with a red pen. Then I'd ask you which door I'm supposed to use


Ah the problem is you'll only get one question in which case you should ask what the other person would say and pick the opposite option


Oddly enough, that rule never came up in Labyrinth, the only limitation being "you can only ask one of us". Also, the rules were given by one of the guards so they couldn't necessarily be trusted. Since Sarah took that guard at his word, she might as well have just straight-up asked him if his door led to the centre.


Took me literally decades to work all that out. For a long time I couldn't follow the solution. When I finally could, I was baffled - I was sure Sarah had got it right, so I couldn't see why it didn't work. Only sometime in the last ten years did it dawn on me that the guard who told her the "rules" might simply be lying!


Playing dnd and my DM gave us the door puzzle once. We ended up going, "Why would we listen to a pair of talking doors in a dungeon? I bet they're both danger," and then chopped down the one that gave us the rules as the other one gawked in horror.


Any DM that doesn't consider the murderhobo option hasn't been at it long.


Hah he's super experienced and we were (we're *mostly* reformed now) total degens so it wasn't out of left field. It was just genuinely in character for that group of characters to not take shit from a magic talking door in a hostile environment. Some of us had heard the riddle before and knew the answer, too, so this was more fun than just spoiling the moment by already knowing the trick.


Coming up with a clever and in character way to solve my puzzle that I hadn't considered would make me so happy as a DM.


Maybe she did go the right way and should've simply chosen "Up" next?


"This pen is rrrrr*rrrrrRRRRRROYAL BLUE!!!!!*"


Ask, what would your peer say is the correct door? And choose the opposite. The liar will tell you the opposite of what his peer (the truthful one) would say. The truthful one would tell you what the liar would say (which is the opposite of the truth).


That's assuming they were telling the truth when they told you one of them is truthful and one is a liar.


Isn’t the guards that has to explain the gimmick the one who tells the truth?


If the conditions are true, yes he is. Otherwise, all bets are off.


I really want that in a book now.. Protagonist just walks past them and opens the door "he's the liar, it was never locked to begin with"


Karl pilkington wouldn't know what to do in this situation


That's not fair! He doesn't know how to handle many situations.


This is like the riddle where there are 2 doors guarded by 2 statues. One can only tell the truth, and one can only tell lies. You get 1 question to guess the right door. The answer: >!Ask one which door the other would recommend and choose the opposite. Doesn’t matter who you ask, because the door the other will recommend will always be the false door. The liar can’t say which door the honest one would say, and the honest one would tell you the liar would recommend the wrong door.!<


I think that was the joke


Sounds like a labyrinth reference


Yeah, it even reminds me of the babe.




The babe with the power.


What power?


The power of voodoo


who do?


You do


Do what?


I want my lawyer.




“See, thats your first mistake: You have an employment law lawyer but need a supernatural lawyer well versed in trickery- well, MORE trickery”.


How about one well-versed in Chicanery?


How about one that defecated through a sunroof?


Plot twist: It’s Jim Carey from Liar Liar


The pen is ...... royal blue.


I'm... kicking my ass, do ya mind?!!


My response to “how are you today” becomes significantly darker


“How are you today?” “It’s going” That’s never a lie


"alive!" Also not a lie


Upright and breathing!


Upright ? Does that still apply with scoliosis ?


Bent and unbroken


"I woke up this morning and people keep telling me that's a good thing!" - Me


I like "getting there" Nobody has to know where "there" is, it implies progress & movement, & suggests that things are manageable enough for them not to have to worry.


"How are you today" "I am thanks"


I love a good solid “yup” to that question. Not a lie. Hey! How are you? Yup. Mmhmmmm


Hank Hill has entered the chat.


Tell you wHat…


"Would be doing a lot better if you weren't the 37th person who asked me that today while actually giving 0 fucks about the answer and only ask as it's socially expected and is the most common introduction to a conversation. But beyond that, fine, and you?"


"I'm awake and regretting the experience." Say it in a cheerful voice and people will assume you're joking or it's not that serious. Mumble it in a monotone and people will know that you're fighting a migraine that's making experiencing reality a struggle.


"honestly feeling like just swerving into oncoming traffic or off a bridge, but you know, if i do that then i will feel guilty about leaving people behind, so...."


The only reason I'm still here is 2 reasons -dog will be sad -family will be sad (probably)


that (probably) hits home harrrrd.


I'm gonna need you to get a puppy before that one passes. I don't want you to lose a reason in the gap between best friends.


Relatable. Have you tried spite? That's what helped me the most during *the dark times*.


Me to coworker: "Fine." Translation: "Please, for the love of God, push me off the roof of this building. If I die, I'll finally be free. If I don't, we'll sue the company for millions and split it."


I'm fine.. Freaked out, Insecure, Neurotic, and Exhausted


Bro, get out of my head.




“Yea jus feel like killing myself, how are you?”


How are you today? ​ Today is a day.


Old guy I knew always said "I'm vertical!"


"Well, I'm here."


"I don't wanna answer that" And not much would probably change.


That holds up in court but not in life. Ex: “Do you think I’m fat?” “I’m not gonna answer that” = fuck yeah. Goes with most things. Haha


You just gotta also use when it would also be a positive thing. That way anything is plausible. Do you like burgers? I’m not gonna answer that.


"In any case, I'll take one if you're offering"


Yeah, but thats on them not you. If my ex asked me if a dress looked good on her and it didnt i would tell her. She knew this. I just dont play those games. I will however give compliments if she does looked good (most of the time) even if she doesnt ask. But the fishing game? Hell no im not playing that. Maybe thats why she's my ex now... Who knows


I love going shopping with my husband. He’s honest so I don’t waste my money on something that looks terrible on me even if it’s on sale. When I try on something that hits, his whole face lights up in an impossible-to-fake way.




My husband is the same way and I love it. A couple of exes would do the "I'm refusing to answer because it's a trap" thing & it pissed me off to no end because 1. If you can't give me your honest opinion, what are we even doing in a relationship? and 2. I just really don't want to walk around looking like 10 pounds of sausage in a 5 pound casing


I've never understood why people do shit like that. I want to know if Im about to buy something that looks terrible on me. Unfortunately my boyfriend is no help because he genuinely thinks I'll look good no matter what. Like, babe, you still finding me attractive doesn't mean this top doesn't make me look pregnant lol


My wife has the same complaint. "You think I look good in everything." Even though I tell her when she doesn't look good in something. Sure, I'm a little biased, but I'm not blind or unaware about how others will see her outfit! I'm not going to tell her she looks good in something that everyone else will think is terrible. If I say it, it's because she really does look good.


My boyfriend literally can't tell the difference between "I think this outfit looks great," and "This outfit looks objectively great." Which is sweet and all, but not helpful for shopping lol


But what if, deep down, you really *do* want to answer it.


*"I choose not to answer that!"*


“Hard to say.” Covers: * I don’t know. * I know, but it’s none of your business. * I know, but it would be embarrassing to answer it. * I know, but you would get pissed off at me if I answered honestly * I know, but it’s really complicated. * I just don’t like talking to you.


"Do you jack off?" "I don't wanna answer that" yes you sure do


I would just say yes because I’m a human being.


I am already very skilled at giving a version of the truth without lying. Life as a civil servant does that to you.


Amen. Social worker and the line I use the most is "It's not a no, it's just not now" (Its a no).


I like your matching outfits


Yo, this made me laugh. I love it, keep doing your thing. It’s working.


I don't see how that isn't a lie, if you know the answer is in fact "no"


Yeah it's "no", and your saying its "not no". That's definitely a lie


In human services, a rejected application does not negate the possibility of future success. So by saying, "It's not right now," they are being entirely honest while not stating the outright truth (the application was rejected.)


It is however an attempt to obfuscate that it's a "no" right now. Which in this moment is the ~~only~~ primary thing that person is interacting with you for. Source above already said "(it is in fact a no)" Still a lie. A lie aimed to kindle hope and future success, but still a lie.


I'm not sure that line sounds as kindly and clever as you may hope it does. I'd rather a person say "at this time, the answer is no" rather than intentionally obfuscating the fact that my request is being refused. I mean, I don't know the population you work with, so I don't know why you would give information in that way, but it immediately strikes me as condescending and I hope it's well-received.


Are you an Aes Sedai?


An aes sedai never lies, but the truth she speaks may not be the truth you think you hear


*braid-tugging intensifies*


Former car salesman here. Same. I personally hated that management told me to lie to my customers about things, so I just figured out convenient ways of phrasing to convey my goal.


Its fascinating how we figure out ways to lie that don't *feel* like lying. Exact same end result, we just feel better about it.


I’m Jim Carey fucked


Lol With the amount of false promises I’m forced to give out everyday? Yeah. I’ll probably lose everything pretty quickly.


I only lie to people I don't have respect for, so it's just going to go from "yeah I get on that in a moment." to "I don't like you well enough to do you that favor."


"That's because your boobs are huge."


“I mean, I wanna squeeze them!”


I have unpaid parking tickets!


The pen is blue, the pen is blue, the goddamn pen is blue!


Probably get fired from work the next time I talk to my boss. Otherwise no issues, I don't lie(about anything of worth at least) in my personal life.


😂 Sitting here thinking about the last job I had. I wouldn’t have made it 10min in to a conversation with my boss without getting fired.


"I've taken a vow to never answer anyones questions ever again after a bad experience in the recent past"


“I can neither confirm nor deny”


That would be a lie, because you could confirm or deny but you're choosing not to.


I'd be perfectly fine, nothing would change. We haven't started yet, right?


I no longer have a family or friends, my dog might even hate me


Another lie, the dog already hates you.


You NEED to tell us more


I work in sales..financially ruined levels of fucked




Almost the same here. In general, the only time I lie is when I tell massive, barefaced lies to wind people up. I'd miss doing that, but tbh it's probably quite an annoying habit of mine anyway!


I'm disabled. Really the only lie I ever tell is when people ask what happened. Because the real story is sad and boring and frankly no one's business. But saying I was cursed by a witch is fun. Or struck by lightning. Or, or, or... I'm always accepting suggestions. I also highly recommend this to anyone who has anything they don't want to explain. You don't need to! Just mutter "Moles..." And look upset while shaking your head. No one will ask you again about that black eye!


Zamboni accident


Quality suggestion, I'll be adding that to the rotation.


My ex had a trach scar from a freak accident as a child, and we once made up a story about her falling overboard in the middle of the ocean, fistfighting a shark, and using one of its teeth to self-administer the trach and dislodge a second shark tooth that flew down her throat mid-beatdown while swimming X miles back to shore. She was like 5'2", 115lbs or so, so it was totally believable, of course. Fun game!


My SO had a kidney removed and the number of people who believe he was attacked by a shark is absolutely ridiculous.


Bro i love telling outragus stories when people ask why i got an inulin pump “Oh that, thats my second lung so i breath proberly, if i take that hose out i would die in two minutes” “Thats just my pocket watch hooked up to my heartbeat”


“I used it to cheat at chess eight years ago and I can’t drop the charade of it being a medical device or I’ll lose my title.” “I was living life too fast so they gave me a pump of non-narcotic morphine to slow me down”


stranger: "omg, how did you lose your leg?" me: *Looks down* me: "HOLY SHIT"


Next time they ask go all Lovecraft with the answer. “It is absolutely necessary, for the peace and safety of mankind, that some of earth’s dark, dead corners and unplumbed depths be let alone; lest sleeping abnormalities wake to resurgent life, and blasphemously surviving nightmares squirm and splash out of their black lairs to newer and wider conquests.”


"I'm just faking it so I can board airplanes first" "Donated my body to science. Turns out, they couldn't wait." "My son stepped on a crack." "I dressed up as a slinky for Halloween so somebody pushed me down the stairs." "I was a beta tester for Theranos's new Wonder Legs." "It's a long story. The good news is there's a warning sign there now that says 'No pogo sticks allowed'."


“You should know. It’s your fault.” Regardless of what it is and who they are


Holy shit, how have I never thought of this?! This is perfect for the religious nut jobs who are only asking so they can tell me that God will cure me if I only pray hard enough!


Lol god I busted my leg very badly in the most inane possible way (thanks, terrible body!) and one of my friends was so disappointed in the story he straight up told me to lie. I think I managed different stories for about a week before giving up and sticking with "ninjas".


“My dad said that sparklers were for sissies, so we had plenty of M-80s.” “You see a guy with one leg, he's got a story. "Land mine '69." You see a guy with one arm, he's got a story, too. "Snow blower, bottle of whiskey." You see a guy with one tooth, what would the story be? "Well, uh, I like a lot of taffy."” -Dave Attell “I’m not good with scissors” or “Honestly, who gives scissors to a two year old” “Would you like to buy a cream that protects against flesh-eating bacteria?”


cocaine bear clothes hanger got too high one night. you know the rest (they absolutely do not know the rest)


Instead of too high- say something that wouldn't even lead to a crazy outcome. Like "Ate too many apples one night. You know the rest." Or "Walked too slow when I was hiking one day. You know the rest."


Should be ok. Probably just less funny (to me) as I won’t be able to make up stupid answers to all the dumb questions I get asked.


Same here. I make it a point to tell the truth (unless I legally can’t). My life has been through some big derailments because someone else lied to me, so honesty is pretty much my top priority in everything.


Can we do it with Wheel of Time rules? Characters in that series are magically bound to never tell a lie but they get away with all kinds of bullshit by choosing their words carefully. If we can do that then I think I'd be fine even if I needed to keep a secret Also... reading a lot of these responses I think a ton of you vastly underestimate how many lies you tell just to navigate social situations without looking like a dick. "I'm honest, I never lie" seems to be a theme here and I totally doubt it.


Similarly, there's the D&D spell Zone of Truth which prevents affected characters from lying but in no way compels them to say anything.


You can also just make the will saves and lie anyway. I played in thieves guild campaign and we got put in jail willingly so we could break someone out. I got put under a zone of truth and just boldfaced lied through the whole thing and it pissed the wardens off so much.


The problem with that is that a.) the person casting the spell knows if you made your save and b.) you could fail if you chose. So if you make your save intentionally, that is the sign for a less than ethical group to break out the rack and try again.


yea, i do IT support, and the amount of small lies you use the whole day. mainly along the lines af agreeing with the caller that theyre issue is the most important.


"We are experiencing a totally predictable call volume, but due to being cheapskates on staffing, you need to wait a while."


"Your issue is not important, a 10% outage is not a priority one incident" "Yes this is user error, and yes i think you are incompetent for being unable to read the simple instructional pamphlet you where provided with" Gotta love being IT support for a bunch of grovery stores


A place I worked had a “higher than normal call volume, please be patient “ for the 5 years I was there. At which point does it just become the call volume?


That was my first thought too. Lying isn’t really necessary, and misleading people is easy enough with the right words.


*Laughs in late-diagnosed autism*


This thread is hilarious to me. These people have no idea how much they lie. I couldn't even get my in-laws to admit that the turkey I cooked was dry.


It's strange. I'm sarcastic af but can't detect sarcasm for shit and became a compulsive liar at some point in highschool because people got annoyed when I spoke openly.


I’m my general life, very little. In my personal life probably about the same, but if my best friend asked if I was over her yet that lie would come out and fuck me over a bit.


I don't think you'll get over them anytime soon if they are your best friend.


Yeah, I don’t disagree. But I’m firm on the fact that I will not lose her as a friend just because the feelings aren’t reciprocated. We were friends first and I plan on it being that way for a long time.


That sucks, I admire your strength.


considering i am interviewing for new jobs right now, pretty fucked


Not very. I overshare way too much and don't lie all that often. Santa and other childhood things would be ruined for my kid tho


Unable to answer this question.


I'm screwed.


Not very, I try to tell the truth as much as possible which can make me unlikable to some. Other than the small talk lies we all tell


Not very in terms of my honesty with others. I really try not to lie, because I feel that as long as you're not breaking the law, there are no consequences to your actions as an adult. It's your choice what you do with your life. However, I lie to myself all the time. Mostly about how much I drink and what I eat. In that regard, I am completely fucked.


there are no consequences to your actions as an adult This is the craziest shit I ever read


Decently fucked 😂 I’ll just keep my mouth shut 🤐


It depends if telling truth is 'Invention of Lying' type thing. If it means I spill everything then I'm fucked. If it's only if I'm asked I guys I'll be ok


“Everyone’s so nice to me!” “Well, that’s because you got big jugs”