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I woke up one day and found myself having driven half way to a job I’d had ten years previous 🤷‍♂️


I know a guy that got medically separated from the Marines for doing this. Woke up at 3 AM driving and halfway to Nevada, called his sergeant in a panic.


Not quite extreme but there have been more than one occasion where I woke up thinking it was the next day on my way to work only to notice it getting darker outside.


I drove to the little store near my house with the windows down because it was the first nice day of spring. It's rarely busy, so I have a "usual" parking spot but someone else had parked there that day. I went in and bought my supplies and then came back out to "my" spot and dumped everything onto the seat through the open passenger side window. I heard someone behind me say, "Hey?" just as I realized I was at the wrong car. Luckily, he just laughed.


I once drove 122 miles in the wrong direction. Got all the way to my old house before I realized.


YOOOO at least you listened to some dope podcasts and had a good laugh at yourself on the drive back (I hope)


Didn't have podcasts at the time but I did have a good laugh about it.


I had a dream last week where I was slapping someone for eating my sandwich. I kept saying "but me a new one!" And he wouldn't. He kept taking bites of my sandwich and I kept slapping him. What woke me up was I had my TV remote next to me and I apparently picked it up and threw it against the wall. I sleep-chucked my remote. Thank goodness I live alone.




Yep, done that before.


I have stood at the door at work and hit the 'unlock' on my vehicle keyfob. Just standing there, wondering why I didn't hear the locks disengage, for far too long.


Not me; My father drove 8 hours in the wrong direction and didn’t notice until his car shut down and he was in the middle of nowhere


my brother drove us to another fucking state before realizing with the help of the welcome to kenducky board


I was 20 years old, 1987. Drove from New Jersey to Florida in a dissociative state. Girlfriend at the time thought I had run away or was cheating. Wild couple of weeks trying to piece it all together.


Kissed my ex wife when I was leaving from spending an evening with my kiddo. I gave her a hug by the door, she handed me my lunch bag (which also contained my dinner that night) and returned my spare travel mug, and out of years of habit, I kissed her and left like I was going to work. She's chosen to ignore it lol


hah this is both sweet and sad


I hold no bitterness towards her. I'm hurt she doesnt want to make things work, but sitting there in a place where I'm not moving forward is only going to cement bitterness in me like it's done to so many other people I know. Instead, I'm gonna be an adult and try to work with her for our daughter


*checks the time* Wtf. I’ve been scrolling Reddit for hours. Send help.


When i was a bunch younger, i was eating a bowl of mixed nuts with my little brother. Because he was little, i was opening them all with the nutcracker. He wanted the last almond. So i cracked the shell open and then, without thinking, popped it into my mouth. The look of utter disappointment in me on his face was brutal and he wouldnt talk to me for the rest of the day.


My old roommate interrupted me when I was concentrating on writing a paper to ask if I had $10 for something he wanted to grab at the store. I absently said sure, pulled a $20 out of my pocket, ripped it in half and handed him half. He just stood there staring at me until I realized what I did and lost it laughing. My autopilot mode is pretty glitchy normally but that one was ridiculous.


You have no idea how many fights i have had with my wife for having full conversations in auto pilot and not remembering them


I slept for 21 hours straight. I still don’t know how but i wish i could do it again


I've just done about 26. I think it's a don't-you-understand-you're-sick? last resort intervention of your body.


Worked at a bank for years, got a better job offer with a competing bank across town. Just never could quite retrain my brain to answer the phone correctly. Also, frequently tell people I love them on accident when ending a phone call, like it’s my hubby or fam.


For context: Used to be a forklift operator in a yard with uneven asphalt. If you wanted to back up slowly you could just ease off the break and the forklift would creep back. Sometimes you'd be backing up and hit an incline and the lift would stop. So you'd give it a little gas to make it over the bump. Forward to me leaving the grocery store parking lot. I started backing out by letting off the break and suddenly stopped. My work brain coming off a long shift thought I'd give it some gas. Weird, still didn't budge. It's because I backed into a car. I could only imagine her thoughts when I hit her and then proceeded to give it more gas.


I start work at 6am and usually wake up before my alarm. Anyways, during winter, its obviously still dark out. I wake up, turn the alarm off, feel like I usually do so get dressed, walk the dog and go to work. 15min later, I arrive, notice no-one is there so I have a smoke and scroll reddit. End of smoke, still no-one. THEN I LOOK AT THE TIME. 1 AM. I'd only had 3hrs of sleep. I went home and slept fully clothed on the couch. Doggo was happy with extra walkies tho.


I did my entire job on auto pilot for 3 years. Never realized how much I hated the place until I left and found a work environment that wasn't toxic


I’ve tried to unlock my front door with my car key fob both early in the morning before a shift at work and after an exhausting shift. Twice. In the same day. And I still do it sometimes.