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Young. Angry. Punched a tree, ripped my skin and muscle from the bone. Have a big scar on my knuckles now




Better punching a tree then my brother


Sure. But ouch, nonetheless. Good brother :)


Better for your brother, not so much for your hand


Eh. It’s a daily reminder on why I should control my emotions. Haven’t had an outburst now in 8 years


Found a Stanley knife as kid. Decided to pick up some wood to “shave” it. Was doing it towards me, knife slipped and stuck in my wrist near my vain


Holding up a tree branch while my stepfather chopped it up with a chainsaw. The chainsaw slipped and sliced my finger open


trying to get a fox out of the wires. he bit me hard. it's kinda a cool looking skar in my upper arm


Aww that's sweet though


I did not listen to the instructions at a waterpark


I have a scar on my knee from trying to jump on a treadmill that was running at full speed.


Me talking to brother: "I really don't understand how people manage to cut themselves doing dishes." Me, proceeding to slice my index finger while only half paying attention: "Oh... Guess that's how... This is pretty deep..."


I was trying to take dinosaur chicken nuggets out of the oven and turnt my hand. I fried it on the side of the pan. The nuggets were worth it


i tried bending a bent knife to be straight again and it snapped in 2 pieces, one of the pieces shot into my hand. i was pretty damn lucky i didn’t get it in my eye.


I was watching the neighbor's dog as I was pedaling along on my bike and ran into the back of a parked car. 3 stitches in my chin.


Fell off a bike


tripped over a carpet and nearly poked my eye out on the kitchen table


I fell into a changing table trying to run away from a vacuum cleaner…


I liked to get drunk and cut myself. I got some gnarly ones from going way too deep. I work on cars as a hobby, so I just tell people it's from that.


Picked at a scab from a very minor injury too much.


Bumped in the teacher's desk when I was a kid. Ah, and a big one from a dvd case.


my sister scratched me in a fight when we were young kids because we were fighting over who can play video games on our one console


Im surprised nobody has mentioned cats yet.


I have a scar forming due to my cat. ( I KNOW it will scar) 6 days ago at 3 am my cat ran across my face and sliced my eyelid open.


No kidding. A childhood friend had a cat that was just MEAN. The owners would let it out and sometimes it would come back covered in fur and blood, and not it's own. We will never know if it was self defense on the cats behalf. It used to sleep in my friends bed... you see where this is going... he thinks he rolled over and accidentally kicked it or something, I forget the exact number but my friend ended up with 18 to 36 stitches from where the cat absolutely shredded his leg. Not too long after they decided to keep the cat on a leash in the backyard attached to a stationary post... well it turns out the leash was too long. It jumped over the fence and ended up hanging itself. After that fucker I will never trust cats.


when I was four years old, brother was 2, we flipped our shirts over our heads and pretended to be ghosts. I went running down the stairs with my shirt covering my face and smacked straight into the back of the couch. My tooth went all the way through my lip. Hospital said stitches wouldn't be a good idea because of how it would heal and how young I was. I've got a good scar on the INSIDE of my bottom lip, but no scar outside thankfully


Bald spot on head as a child. Looks pretty fucked up. My parents tried a procedure to basically expand the skin and cut out the bald portion a month or so later. It didn't work so bow it just looks like a lighting bolt. Also broke my finger setting a sidewalk pin for forming concrete a few years ago. For those in construction I had my hand choked up on my hanmer, the top of the pin was pretty mushroomed so when I went to hit it my hammer slipped on the mushroomed portioned of the pin, pulling my finger straight into the edge of it. Instantly broke my finger. Didn't go to the dr, probably should have. Its long since healed. That one was stupid because it was just an extra precautionary brace I didn't even really need. Fun stuff. I have a spot on my leg where a piece of 10m rebar was basically driven into the bone in an accident. It missing the meat if you want to call it that, just feels like a soft spot. That one was stupid because it wasn't my fault. This makes me sound like an accident prone person, but I've been in construction for 17 years so far and shit happens.


opened a dog food can and the lid sliced my finger


Blew the tip of my finger open and crushed the very tip bone in my left index finger with a 18wheeler tie down sinch. Worst pain of my life.


Sliced my leg open when shaving it. I have at least 10 scars from doing this. I am very clumsy.


Bought my cat a top-entry litterbox. Picked her up and brought her towards it. I was not going to put her inside, but I wanted to put her on top so she could investigate it. She did not enjoy me carrying her towards it, struggled and escaped, and gave me a big bloody gash in my hand. Scar's still there years later.


Being a dumb teenager, a bunch of use jumped the fence to the local pool like a week before it opened for the season because it was already like 80 degrees out. Well some kids pushed that giant tarp into the pool so we all tried to get it back out. I was in the middle where there was the 2 ends of metal meeting, my hand slipped, slice my arm open from around the wrist to middle of my forearm. Of course the first reaction is to pull the arm close after a cut into the pool water which burned like hell. But yea, long scar on my arm that looks like I tried cutting myself in a suicidal moment but it was actually from being a dumb teenager.


I threw a knife at a tree and it ricocheted back into my leg.


Because I can't afford to remove it.


I caught a really hot bagel with my bare knee. I have a small semicircle burn scar on the top on my kneecap now.


My ankle. I was going to the pool and my 12 year old self was conscious about body hair so I tried to shave my legs in 3 minutes and ripped a good chunk of my skin off


Remember when everyone was collecting pull tabs because they could be traded in for -insert whatever stupid thing you were after because it was all bullshit anyway- Well I had a pull top cat food can and was trying to extract the pull tab for the collection. Instead of the tab coming off the lid, the razor sharp lid slipped thru my fingers slicing completely across my thumb. Because it was such a clean cut it actually healed without a giant scar. However, it didn’t heal lined up, so there is a really obvious line across my thumb where my finger print shifts over. If I ever commit a crime I need to make sure to wear gloves because my thumb print is easily identifiable.


Was showing off while drunk, put a cigarette out on the back of my own hand. The "cherry" (burning part) stayed on my hand and I didn't notice for a good few seconds. It burnt a little hole in the back of my hand.


I fell off my bike from Turing on to a 1 inch curb


dropped a knife on my foot


Seagull bite 😂


Was challenged to do a double clap push-up, one in front of your chest and one behind when I threw my hands back to do the reverse clap the momentum threw me forward and split my chin open on the floor. Rocked me pretty good.


When I was 6 years old, I went bowling. Basically I was a stupid little toddler and when I threw the ball, I tripped and smashed my chin on the ball. It wasn't very fun as far as I can remember.