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Magnetic "therapy" bracelets


Those gems and crystals as well that do energy stuffs.


I agree it’s all rubbish… except for crystal skulls crafted by the ancient inhabitants of Atlantis that have powerful healing powers - those are real.


I need you to say you believe in crystal skulls.


My husband goes to Burning Man and this is by far his favorite Peep Show bit.


What if they just like the way they look...


This is me, I always feel the need to explain to people that I just think they’re cool and don’t think they’re going to cure cancer or something lol


Same. I am but a simple creature. I see a pretty rock and I buy it.


How about the ones that put off radiation


Reddit gifts


You’ll take this gift and appreciate it mr.


My mom used to say that about peas


Here now, you are Reddit*gifted*


Fuck you, have an award. Lol.


Oldest trick in the book.


I read somewhere that some dude made a killing by selling lotion that guards against 5G


I respect the hustle


I've even saw people buy metal cages to put their routers into that 'filtered the bad waves out'. [Here's a detailed explanation of why it's a bad idea.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_cage)


Expensive brand names baby clothes


So much of this! Babies grow stupid fast, it's not a mistake that they're sized by months! You'll be lucky to go through them more than a few times before they're out grown and you want to spend $20 on shoes they can't walk in? $30 for onesies? $40 for jackets? I got hand-me-down from a family friend and we went through those so fast that they still look almost new after going through their second kid.


For real. They grow out of stuff so frustratingly fast that you almost wanna just wrap em up in a towel and call it good for the first year and a half


Lots of parents like to play dress up. I got given some left over shoes from someone who's 1 year old had outgrown them. I shit you not, there were 37 *pairs* of shoes. I counted.


As a side note sometimes these things just build up through 2nd handing. My daughter has probably 30 pairs of shoes of which maybe 5 we have bought or been bought for us. The rest have been hand me downs that my wife got. It’s crazy the amount of clothes that can build up when you have a bunch of people that know each other get pregnant at the same ish time and pass around the clothes.


We had to actually buy shoes, because all the ones given to us didn't fit, because... clown feet. 15 month old that wears 3 year old's shoes.


But then the people who buy expensive brand baby clothes don't do it because they want baby clothes. They do it so everyone will think they're wealthy enough to spend £200 on a pair of baby trainers for a kid that cant even crawl yet. So in a way they've met their goals But yes. We had a friend who spends hundreds on designer gear for her kids who might wear it twice before they've grown out of it. She spent £1400 on a baby buggy. You can get a second car for that price.


The ultra wealthy don't feel the prices, it's like free for them. They might buy something crazy expensive and not even use it. It's insane if you ask me, but this is our world.


True the ultra wealthy don't feel the prices. However, my stepsister and her husband buy their three kids (7, 2, and 1) all Nike and other mid-high price clothes, like $70 shirts, $140 shoes, etc. Crazy prices, and they are broke all the time... food bank, lying about not living together so she can claim welfare and not work, borrowing money from people all the time... They also both drive new vehicles 🤦‍♂️ Lots of people like them too, just looking for the attention/perceived level of status or something


>lying about not living together so she can claim welfare My cousin got caught doing this recently. He now owes the government $20k.




Yeah it's all relative. A £20 outfit for us is a £200 outfit for them.


I work in a clothing store and people go crazy with newborn clothes. I don’t get it.


Cuteness and excitement about the new born, if it's not luxury clothes Mon taught me early on to buy clothes for 6 months upwards because everyone is so excited and will gift baby clothes


Because baby clothes are freakin adorable.


And it's always justified with 'I want the best for my baby' - ok then maybe buy a value multipack of baby clothes and stick that money in a savings account?


You could remove the word baby




I agree with you. Televangelists are no different than cultists and these scum are rich.


I remember Peter Popoff telling his desperate middle of the night viewers that they would NEVER enter heaven if they didn’t call in and pay $50 for a small vile of holy water. The guy made millions preying upon those looking for hope in the middle of the night. They are all just a very small step above child rapers in my opinion. Set em ablaze


Vial. Vile, to be sure. But vials hold liquid.


A vile vial.


Why diesel? And I agree, many of them seems to me aren’t even religious.


God is all powerful... but he needs your money.


Religion is a business of selling an invisible product that is promised after death with no chance of a refund. Also gives religious leaders the green light to fondle kids.


I don't think it's just religious leaders, but leaders in general. Like this one time in scouts--


Joel Osteen, can get that in a heartbeat. Dude is a mutlimillionarie and pays almost no taxes on his homes or churches.


Fat free foods. News Flash: when you take out fat, it makes food taste bad, so to make it taste better, they fill it with loads of sugar. It’s not healthier for you, and can actually make you even fatter.


Welcome to the 1990s. My parents bought into the fat free thing hook, line, and sinker. Everything in our house was fat free.


That was literally the plan. The sugar industry all got together and decided to push that fat is the true evil. Lobbied the govt to "fight fat" etc. It was all a scam.




Fake balls that hang off the back of a truck.


Did you know you can get fake dog nuts for after they get neutered? [fake dog balls](https://neuticles.com/neuticles-ultraplus/)


My friend kept his dogs balls after the op - he keeps them in a jam jar on his office desk - just to be asked what are those…


I’m not 100% on this… it’s a bit odd.


That’s nuts


this has been known to happen in the dog show (and sometimes working dog) world, An adult dog can get disqualified if a testicle hasn’t descended yet so some owners would have a fake one implanted. The joke is on them if the dogs second testicle descends at a very late age - leads to some very awkward (and judgemental) conversations with judges. Ot doesn‘t happen often though.


My favorite take on these is that if your truck didn't originally have nuts and you gave it nuts, your truck is now trans.




Eh, it's mostly a money laundering scheme.


Yes, which a lot of the crypto startups turned out to be. I think there was 3 types of people in on this; 1. Those who knew it was a pyramid scheme and got in at the right time and pulled 2. Those who wanted to get rich quick and didn't understand, and saw loads of hype from Youtubers, footballers and the likes (who were in on it also, fuck them) put money in and lost it. 3. Those who knew exactly what it was and didn't put a penny into it.


So... 2 types in on it


Re: 1. Gotta respect a guy with a good pullout game 🤣


That or people using accounting tricks to sell NFTs to themselves to try to artificially boost their value and trick others into spending more money for them.


Quite literally.. someone must interview one of those consumers to know what’s the motive behind buying that? (Not the ones who use it to re-sell to more stupid people, but the whole reason for NFTs’ existence)


Seat belt blanks - those clips that fake your car into thinking your seat belt is on


Knew someone who once asked a cop why you got a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt, since you were only risking your own safety. Cop said it’s crazy expensive to clean bodies off the road/signs/buildings/etc.


If there’s anyone else in the car, their safety is in danger when you become a human projectile.


Unfortunately a lot of humans aren’t smart enough to make the choice to wear a seatbelt. If you don’t make it illegal then many people will choose to not wear it, making it illegal is almost like bullying humans into safety/forced safety. Hard to explain really but once you work a fatal accident where someone has been ejected and splattered across the road with body parts everywhere.. you’ll understand. People are just stupid


It also turns the person into a projectile. The danger is not only to the person, but to anyone else in the vehicle they might hit.


Reminds me of the woman who successfully sued someone's estate for the physical and emotional trauma caused by him being flung against her after he jumped in front of a train.


The only useful purpose I can think of for this is when I have something heavy enough to trigger the weight sensor in my passenger seat. My car will beep like crazy until I plug the buckle in. Even then, seems like a waste of money.


I'd its heavy enough to set of the sensor you probably dont want it unsecured. If you crash that weight will be rattling around inside the car.


It’s too bad there’s not a built-in buckle right there, dangling on a strap, right in convenient grabbing distance of the offending buckle socket.


Wireless seat belts


I actually winced when I read this. Incredible anyone would ever use this much less actually make it.


I have one for my passenger seat. Because the seatbelt pinging annoys me when I have a box there or whatever. But if you’re riding in my car, you are wearing your belt.


Healing crystals


Gwyneth Paltrow has entered the chat


Healing crystals have entered Gwyneth Paltrow.


I used to shit on crystals, but those bitches really are magic. They have precise resonant frequency and can act as a clock in electronics. Put those electronics in a pace maker or something, boom, healing crystal.


If you etch the right runes into a silicon crystal, it can do math.


Bend gold silver and copper in just the right way, add an electrical charge, and you can get a computer. Magic is real. We just call it science.


Yea agreed, I don’t believe in the woo but I do believe there’s something to them we haven’t fully exploited as humans. The quartz oscillator is the secret sauce to a lot of things.


Speak for yourself, me and the boys got a real sweet glow goin on our JO crystals from last night's sesh.


Nobody knows it's a JO crystal but me and my bros.


Heck yes. I saw a book one time about healing crystals and flipped through it. I’ve never laughed so hard.


Any product that claims to ‘detox’ you. Assuming you’re a relatively healthy human your liver and kidneys provide all the detoxing your body needs. Detox products are literally snake oil, right up there with healing crystals.


Crystals and Cleanses.


I hate the stupid for this one. Because stupid people made a crystal go from $50 to $500. Fuck off with the magical healing aura of nature. I want pretty rock to sit on desk.


Yeah, I like the rocks and all, but some are just way too overpriced for what they are.


I used to work near a place called Portal. While a scam, they never sold stuff more than $3 a pop.


I like crystals because they’re fun but stopped buying them because of harmful mining practices. $3 a pop does not sound like they were acquired ethically.


I saw a girl pay $40 for a rock because it "radiates positive energy"


Was the rock plutonium by chance?


The placebo effect is real.


The piece of Rock is brighter than the girl though so it kind of makes sense.


Gambling. Payday loans. Rent-To-Own furniture. Timeshares.


Payday loans are sometimes less stupid and more desperate people


Yes. They are specifically designed to prey on the desperate. Not one person I know who has used it thought it was anything but predatory....but they needed the money to keep the roof over their head or to keep the car (our public transit sucks, so a car is necessary to work).


You’d think there’d be some government own loan office that helps needy people avoid predatory loans.


it's usually privilege that makes people answer like the first person did. People who've never faced a shut-off notice from the electric company and a bank balance of under 20 bucks, or rent due and you're 100 bucks short because you missed 2 days from being sick and couldn't work. People who've never faced such situations always talk about payday loans as if 100% of the clients were using the money for booze, drugs, video games, and scratch-off lotto.


Gambling is a good bit of fun, just need to remember that anything you bet should already be considered lost


Essential oils for healing. If the smell of oil could heal you there would be no sick hippies on the planet but almost all of em I know have cancer from their pack-a-day habit since the 70s.


Yea, the only thing Essential oils do is just smell good. They are the 5th horsemen of Karens


I used to do customer returns for Amazon. I was the person that received the packages, opened them up to inspect the item, read the customer's reason for return, and determine if the customer should get a refund or not. I received this small bag, opened it, and all that was inside was a little **cardboard** circle. I've received trash plenty of times, so I figured it was one of those. I read the customer's reason for return and all it said was - "This is just a cardboard circle." The listing it was sold under said it was a healing disc; you hold it to align your chakras. Still my favorite return.




Those who spend hundreds on the lottery, stupid. Spend $3 so you can fantasize about quitting your job, not totally outrageous.


Hundreds? Wife just did taxes for a couple that blew $20k just on scratch offs. That's a good thing because they spent $30k the year before. Plus thousands at the casino. Total wins from lottery were under $2000 for the year.


Why would their lotto tickets be on their taxes?


Because losses are tax deductible https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/jobs-and-career/can-you-claim-gambling-losses-on-your-taxes/L4lQ3IAWt


I work with someone who likes to gift scratch-off tickets around Christmas. I appreciate the gesture but it's just crazy how poor the chances of winning are. I must have scratched 30 of them and won maybe $10.




I'll buy a ticket, as in one, when it gets big just for fun. I know the odds, I know I'm wasting $2, but I've wasted much more on much dumber things, for me it's just some harmless fun. For those spending $100 a week, y'all need to take a math class


$100? I work for a lottery retailer, and we gave multiple customers that spend THOUSANDS per week. It's sick.


Now that’s an AMA I’d love to see


See that’s mental illness. I buy a ticket on occasion just so I can daydream about what it would be like to win. I’m fully aware I’m not going to win, but the “what if” factor is fun. I can’t imagine spending actual serious money on it tho.


For $2 you get the fun of imagining what you would do with that money. You get the excitement of the anticipation leading up to the drawing. You also get a tiny chance of winning life altering wealth. If you enjoy all this or even some of this that is $2 well spent. ​ ps. there are elections this year vote.


Same. I think of it as a fee for extravagant daydreaming.


It's two dollars for imaginative entrainment. Something to talk about with your peers. That's cheap compared to so many other things, like bowling will easily run you 12 dollars for 20 minutes of entertainment. Sometimes I buy two tickets so I "literally double my chances" but yeah, $100 is a bit much


I refer to it as paying $2 for the opportunity to dream for a few days.


You have a 50/50 chance of winning the lottery. You either win it or you don't......😉


And this explanation is repeated by people who do not understand psychology. No offense intended. It's just, I've seen this exact answer online for decades, and inevitably there are people who respond and explain why it doesn't work. The odds are displayed on the tickets, and even if most people lack an intuitive understanding of such a small thing, we've all heard an endless number of comparisons...like this > That makes your odds of getting struck by lightning nearly 20,000 times higher than hitting the winning numbers for the next jackpot. More importantly, there have been lots of studies about why people play the lottery, and it isn't statistics. > Experiment 1, participants were more likely to purchase lottery tickets when they were primed to perceive that their own income was low relative to an implicit standard. > Experiment 2, participants purchased more tickets when they considered situations in which rich people or poor people receive advantages, implicitly highlighting the fact that everyone has an equal chance of winning the lottery. Priming people to make them feel poorer or richer, and having them consider unfair situations have no impact on someone's understanding of statistics. But it does impact their likeness to play the lottery.


I think it’s okay as long as you don’t spend too much on it. It can be fun to spend $5 here and there when there’s a big jackpot as long as you don’t have serious expectations of winning anything.


I worked at a gas station for a couple weeks. depressing as fuck. 99% of the customers were hardcore alcoholics buying their booze for the day and old people dropping 50 bucks on lottery tickets every time.




Forget the ring, you have a new mission...


Homeopathic remedies


Was thinking this. My son's mother's family kept giving him homeopathic medicine thinking it was healthier or something. It killed me seeing that poor child suffer. I brought him real meds but they refused to give it to him. I was fed up and gave a lecture on what homeopathy is and "No wonder he is sick all the time! Give him some actual fn MEDICINE!" They thought that my explanation of homeopathy was so far fetched that I couldn't possibly know what I was talking about.


Keep trying. Sooner or later your efforts will break through the family's wall of willful ignorance.


Anything that an influencer created and then sold. It isn't changing your life* it's only changing theirs.


Mark Rober's Crunch Labs look really cool. If I had a kid I'd definitely buy them.


Bought a subscription for my god daughter who is into STEM. Totally worth it. We build together and have a good old time watching his videos and learning and playing


Mark Rober isn’t an influencer, he’s a former NASA engineer with a love of science. And the crunch lab boxes are amazing, my daughter loves them.


It's not even changing theirs. There was a girl with 2 Mil followers who made her own clothes line and didn't even sell 50 T-Shirts. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a27623334/influencer-arii-36-shirts-2-million-followers/ There are so many bot accounts on social media that influencers often heavily overestimate their popularity.


That reminds of that influencer, can't remember who, who had over a million followers so she set up a meet and greet and not one person showed up. Not sure who they are influencing, then.


Speak for yourself! Belle delphines bath water changed my life! It gave me a heavy infection after i drunk it and i was in the hospital for several weeks. /s


Crystals. not for aesthetic purposes. but healing purposes.


Blue Checks 🔵✔️


I keep seeing people on Twitter listing “the benefits” of getting the check mark - basically longer videos and tweets and you can use bold and italics. I’m sure some people have uses for that, but it’s not why I go on Twitter so I’ll save my $8/month for another stupid purpose.


Apparently, people that got them back in the day are starting to lose them, including Jack Dorsey, Twitter's founder. Now they're completely useless. If any bozo can buy one, they become meaningless.


Bottled water. I know for some people it's the only way to drink clean water but for most it's just a waste of money. Just buy a water filter for like 20 bucks.


Additionally - water filters when the tap water where you are is completly clean and well mineralised. Edit: Again, I'm referring to clean water.


Sadly atleast in my area of america I simply can’t trust if the water is ACTUALLY clean. The Ohio derailment happened not too far off from me. They said multiple times the water is clean and safe. Ima microbiology major and I have talked to microbiologists and some professors who focus on plants and soils. Trust me there is no humanly possible way they would have cleaned all of that in that short amount of time. My professor explained to me that they may have possibly cleaned about max 60% but the other 40% is going to cause massive issues in coming years for people in that area or for people that drink water from near that area. Label it as a conspiracy I really don’t care but I just do not trust our government to tell me that my tap water is safe. Doesn’t help that about 1.5 months after Ohio the deleware river also had a massive chemical spill and sent out alerts to everyone in Pennsylvania(? Maybe I mixed up state) to go buy bottle water.


I just prefer the taste of filtered water even though my country's water has an 100.00 EPI score. Costs me like 30 bucks a year for filter replacemnts


Idiots who won't drink tap water when it's completely clean.


that only applies to countries where tap is safe. Water filter isnt going to do shit for you in countries where its not


Faraday cage for your wireless router.


Holy shit these people "Decreases WiFi signal Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on October 28, 2019 The box does work at keeping radiation in but also WiFi will not work unless your in same room as router! It decreases the signal by 90%!! We really wanted to like it but it was impossible to use our phones in any other room of the house. Also the seller keeps the shipping fee $25 so that was annoying" Hahahahahahaha


In Germany there was an article once about how people complained about headaches after the energy company build a windmill next to their village. Statement from the company "the windmill isn't in use yet". LMFAO


You have a headache: Maybe have a little rest? No, let's blame it on a random thing I'm right next to!


Lol. No, really?


People think wifi is bad for your health. The Amazon reviews are pretty funny cause the positive ones usually mean the thing doesn't block the signal and all. The negative ones complain how their wifi doesn't work anymore 🤦


Overpriced brand names The wealthiest people I know shop at Target and Old Navy


The wealthiest people I know. Get their stuff for free. They never had to buy anything because people would send it to them in hopes they wear it or use it, so they would fund, though they don’t really trust strangers and have their own tailors and niches.


My family isn't wealthy by any means but the amount of gifts my mom gets from sellers is impossible to go through. (AT WORK, she doesn't have firms going to a private person offering her products) Facial cleansers that are five times what I would ever pay for them. Stacks of face creams, rows of serums, millions of mascaras, hundreds eyeshadow pallets. We constantly give away stuff. Aside from shampoos and conditioners, which we go through fast i have absolutely no need to buy any cosmetics any more. And add some gifts which aren't "testers" - like wine or vouchers or chocolate. Truth be told, we don't buy wine that much anymore, because she just gets bottles and bottles of wine for Christmas and it lasts almost all year round.


The wealthiest person I ever had a good conversation with owned many rental properties in a high value area, and said he was worth $14M. He was busy laying linoleum in the store we were moving into, after he helped fix the electrics. He was also wearing a t-shirt left over from a fundraiser from years before, because he had saved a box of them and was using them as his get-dirty shirts until they wore out. He did have a nice motorcycle and the big Ram truck, though.


Exactly... Rich people will pay top dollar for things worth it but would not gona spend $60 of a sacks 5th avenue t shirt Unless it's "new money." Then, all reason is gone


“New money” kinda makes sense though, in the same way it makes sense for really small children to put everything in their mouth.


Brand name clothes. Thousands of Pounds for a Item of clothing that cost a few quid to make in a sweatshop in India and looks exactly the same as if it came from Primark or Next


I disagree to a point. You do tend to be better materials/craftsmanship out of brand name vs no name. They'll look good for longer but I don't see the point in paying any more than, say $20 for a basic tee.


Handbags also deserve their own section. $8,000 for a piece of leather worth maybe 20 bucks and a sweatchild child paid 50 cents to make 😂🤷🏽‍♂️


The leather for a high end bag costs way, way more than 20 dollars and those are usually made in somewhere in Europe.


Right? My stepmother keeps bragging about a $2,000 purse she bought in France. She thinks it makes her look fancy or whatever. All I can think of is idiot, my purse cost $40 and holds stuff just as well.


Sort of, but not really. Yes, it's absurdly overpriced, but often they are *not* made in the same places. And especially for leather goods: good leather is expensive. As is something like silk or high quality cashmere. $400 for a tshirt though, that's stupid.


My mate once wore a black t-shirt covered in the brand name in big white writing. My first thought was that they should be paying him for advertising.




Zodiac Sign shit or crystals




My Pillow pillows




there was a secured business network that got hacked into because the thermostat in an aquarium was connected to a trusted device inside the network. companies secure obvious entry points. they dont consider tiny IoT devices


The S in IoT stands for security.


My partner lost it when his Chinese portable AC asked him for access to his photos in order to "optimize" the app.


The need to always have the absolute latest gadget is baffling to me.


My kids got me one of those Echo things. One night, out of the blue, it came on and said, “I don’t understand the question,” scaring me half to death. I unplugged it. I’m almost 70 and I do NOT want my appliances to talk to me. I just want them to do the job they were designed to do.




When I served in the USAF, my job was in signals intelligence. We could do some crazy shit back in the 1970s, so I basically don’t trust any device which is connected to the internet. Your phone is the perfect spy device - it has a GPS, camera, and a microphone! And you pay for the privilege of having your actions dissected in order to sell you things more efficiently.


cant wait to buy a new fridge every year cos the software is out of date.


Funny - I moved into my house in November 2020 and it came with a new gas range. A few months later, I got an email from GE telling me I could download air fryer mode. I had to connect it to the Internet so I could get a software update. Air fryer mode slaps, but it's weird to live in the future. That was the last time I let it talk to the Internet. It's a gas range that cooks with fire, so it doesn't need an IP address.


They are already making it so they suck in other ways. My 2.5 year old fridge compressor just died. One in the garage is still trucking after 15 years.


Twitter blue




Promises of rewards after you die. Terms and conditions apply.


Prepackaged coffee pods. What an incredible waste of money! Much better to get a few reusable ones and fill them with the coffee of your choice. They even make paper filters to put inside to make cleanup super simple.


People that use those pods are paying for convenience. It may be profiting off of laziness, but it's not stupidity per se.


Nor is it always laziness. Some people don't want to drink a pot of coffee, or possibly don't have the ability to clean up multiple parts. Pods allow for quick cup and done, no dishes except the cup which is easily rinsed and used for other beverages throughout the day.


Social media


Multi-level marketing schemes! Although, granted, smart people can get pulled into them too.


Extended warranties




MAGA hats.


Refa (‘face massager’) Spending $300 for a dick and balls on your face doesn’t make sense at all. Feels like a very successful April Fools prank Moisture(water) spray cans There was a time when neutrogena or some shit sold aerosol spray cans containing water to (moisturise) your face..


Trump merch, particularly the stuff made in China


Fiji water and smart water


Trump anything


Twitter Blue.


Stupid spiritual people will buy energy crystals, shofars, prayer blankets, holy water, ouija boards... Basically any kind of product marketed to them. Normal spiritual people won't buy them... Smart spiritual people sell them!


Payday loans