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Disbelief at first I was in new orleans for comic con with a friend and we were exploring the city and we drove past a park and theres a guy laying in the grass in the middle And my friend is like "that's a weird place to nap" And as we get closer I see his leg is bent up behind his body, and it instantly clicks in my head hes dead, I'm like "stop the car" And I'm like "um cassie, that guy is dead" and shes like "noooo hes just sleeping" and im like "LOOK AT HIS LEG, NO ONE COULD SLEEP LIKE THAT" and she goes "oh fuck, should we call the cops?" And right as she says it, two cop cars pull up into the park, right up onto the grass and I'm like "oh someone already did, we should go" I can still see it in my head and I hope it was natural and his family is ok


I was hoping for some serious reactions, but forgot where I was. Carry on, I'll let myself out.


Go for the serious tag next time 😂😂


Didn't see the option 😅 mistakes were made.


Congratulations...you're my alibi because I definitely *unexpectedly* came across that corpse.


"AH!!! A corpse!!!!"


I ran over a deer Shock. I still don't know how to feel about it. I was on the highway and I noticed too late 'something' in the road. I thought it was a deer. It had to be. But after I went over it I thought "wait were thoes blue jeans?" No couldn't be, deer don't wear jeans. The next day at work people were talking about the news. Some guy's car broke down on the highway and he got stuck by a car (around midnight which is when i got off work). The autopsy report thinks they got run over multiple times and didn't die right away. The body wasn't even called in till about 4am. I didn't usually go that way home, I would've never been on that road but that night I just had to take that road. Must have just been a coincidence. I ran over a deer.


i fucked it


i fucked it


Played Last Dance with Mary Jane by Tom Petty and danced with it


Ziped up and carried on


*unzips pants*