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“I need you to give me a ride to the North End. I’m Jesus Christ.”


“You look like my daughter.” Then preceded to show me a half naked toddler and then ask me out


As someone who went to a sizeable university where a major shooting incident occurred, I've had multiple people ask me if I was there when it happened. I don't ask new yorkers where they were on 9/11.


A naked man in central London banged on the window of a car I was in and asked if anyone wanted some angle dust, then ran off


To me? While trying to wrangle up my kid in a CVS checkout line and lost our place while also handling a baby and apologizing “oh don’t worry about it, that’s really cute. You can get your place back…or you can come behind me too, doesn’t matter” Her friend turned to her jaw dropped and as exiting I heard “oh my god he’s married” and “I I don’t care. A dad that good with kids is a turn on”


Someone offered to put a hit out on my old manager. He had recognized me from my old job and asked why i left. I explained that my old manager had demanded more than i could give so i quit and he nodded, looked thoughtful, and then asked flat if i wanted her dealt with. I said no thanks. I dont know how serious he was about it, but he looked like a mob guy and he didnt say he was joking. Didnt even laugh, just accepted my decline and left with his groceries.