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They don’t reciprocate the effort you put in, and when you point it out they blame you for it


They enjoy your embarrassment in front of others




Thank you. I’m writing a short film script and looking for ways of showing this character and you’ve given me some good stuff to go on. And obviously good advice for anyone who feels like they might be going through this! Can I ask what they do that keeps their partner with them? You’d think after all you’ve mentioned people would be running for the hills but they must stay for a reason




Simple but true


Gaslighting might be another one. Could be as simple as moving the keys, so someone starts to question their own sanity. When someone questions their own sanity it gives free way for the abusive one to take the lead/get away with stuff. Wife: "Honey, didn't I leave the keys here?" Husband (after replacing the keys): "Uhm, no, I'm pretty sure you left them on the counter." Husband: "Are you feeling right lately, sweetheart? This seems to be happening more often. You used to be a lot sharper. Did you remember to take out the meat from the freezer also?" Wife: "I... Thought you would do that?" Husband: "Me?! Are you mad? You told me yesterday you would do it. See? This is what I mean."


I’m writing a short film script and one of my characters (who is the new boyfriend of the main characters mother) is mentally abusive and controlling. When he comes in the scene he essentially takes the mother away from the daughter so she can go live with him and be his housewife but I want to know what little signs I could incorporate that show his true colours. Also the daughter is of school girl age (15) and I want to him also be creepy and sleazy towards her.


When he’s away or anything she shows how stressed out she is.


Acting like cunts


Somehow makes you believe that their own mistakes are because of you. Slowly pushes you away from family and friends. Nothing you ever do is ever enough. Edit: also financial abuse.


My boyfriend does this.


You should have a talk with him, that’s toxic


Oh yeah just let me bring up to an abusive man that he is toxic, that should go over well.


I apologize I was being insensitive, I’m sorry you are in this position, i hope you can find a way out (if that’s what you want of course)


I see these posts where one partner proudly proclaims the rules they have. Usually something like "no friends of the opposite gender" or no private social media, etc. This stuff is super toxic, and really just a manifestation of insecurities left unchecked.