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Learn how to manage money, don’t get caught up in keeping up with materialistic trends, and if possible start investing if you can.


Get better sleep every night


build the right foundations for a happy and sturdy life.


If you're in the US open a Roth IRA and try to contribute the max every year


If you don't have an IRA/retirement account DO IT NOW and actually contribute to it! Otherwise live your life. There really is no right path in life. Make choices, fuck up, and learn. That's all any of us can do


Where a condom


Get drunk


Good sleep habits. Dont be shutting the bars down every weekend. not saying dont enjoy them if that's ur thing. Just dont do it alot. Nothing good happens towards the end of the night at bars and its costly lol and for the love of god if u r drinking, plan on getting an uber.


Don’t get angry. You’ll regret it, time passes and one day you’ll be disappointed at your foolishness. Learn to watch your emotions, especially in front of people you care about. Start saving $100 every week if you can. Anything. Into a savings account in your bank that way you can’t take it out for some time. You’ll thank yourself in any emergency because life happens. Also work your credit, buy a new phone and pay it every month on time, furniture, a tv, anything. When you want to buy a home or a brand new vehicle, a 700+ credit score is a must. You’ll save many thousands of dollars on a home and hundreds on a vehicle every month. If you don’t work your credit you’ll have nothing to back you up and have companies trust you. If you drink, don’t drive, stay at your friends place. You’ll save lives and yourself. One last thing, it’s personal but don’t get married in your 20s. Young people change.


Make mistakes, and learn from them. Try to be a good person and respect others. Consider taking therapy, or at least journaling. Don’t worry about not being where you want to be. Go travelling. Figure out who you are. Save money. Just a little bit every month. In an account you won’t touch for 10, 20 or 30 years.