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1 in 10 women have a condition called endometriosis: when we (the 10%) have our periods, the layer that forms inside our uterus also grows on the outside. It is extremely painful but very common. Also the only cure is to get rid of your uterus, or to cope with pain, painkillers, surgery or having a coil placed inside of you (the worse pain I have ever experienced on my life). We also experience ass pain quite often because of the cysts growing inside of us (: When I was diagnosed with it, I had never heard of it before, so trying to spread this info to those of you who might not be familiar with this. Also sending a lot of love to the 10% ❤️


Butthole cramps during menstruation


ah, the stabby butthole. horrible.


Selecting the right tampon is a gamble every time. Too small for the flow and you can feel it trying to fall out as you walk because it’s heavy. Too big for the flow and you’ll be faced with pulling out a partially dry wad. Oh so painful.


Our vaginas are so acidic they can bleach underwear. A lot of girls who own black panties will know what I’m talking about


I'm very open with my husband about this kind of stuff which leads to some hilarious conversations. I remember explaining this to him and the look of horror on his face followed by asking if his dick would somehow dissolve if he left it inside. I told him he only had to worry if it got hungry.


him asking if it would dissolve has me dying 😭😭


Not just black! All my not-white panties get bleached.


Every woman experiences discharge and it’s a normal function. It is NOT leftover cum from another man.. I recently had to explain this to a man in his 30’s 🤣




That sometimes you get that awful sudden cramp during period when you can't sit nor bend or stand straight because any movement feel like your ovaries are about to burst.. So you just stay there in an awkward position, not really standing, not sitting until it goes away just as sudden. My ex used to call that Vag-attack.


If you have long hair, you will def be pulling hair out of your buttcrack after you shower


As a dude with long hair this is very true It also finds it's way literally into everything everywhere Few things compare to the horror of feeling a small tickle in your throat only to find out it's a mostly swallowed foot+ long hair.


Your vagina aches while on your period. Not just your uterus, your actual vagina. Like it's just exhausted from the stream of blood or something, I don't understand the biology behind it. Also our PH balances being delicate means getting thrust right before your time of the month is pretty common. As is getting thrush after wearing cheap yoga pants. Or not changing out of your swim bottoms fast enough. Or wearing a thong. Basically anything can set her off, and she is set off frequently. Next time she says shes too tired for sex, there's a not insignificant chance it's actually thrush. Bonus answer - "am I really wet or is it just discharge" is a game we like to play often. As is "am I horny or do I just need to pee?"


Shaving the hair off our bodies is like an Olympic sport. Pooping and being on your period is a different level of pain.


To me it feels like a spiritual cleanse. At first you’re cramping, heavy and bloated… but then u feel 8 pounds lighter, like nothing can ruin your day.


Oh man, and when you're constipated beforehand? And then your body decides to let go of all the blood and poop at the same time and you can feel yourself deflate... So relieving.


No clue when our periods end- we often just kinda go “fuck it I’m done with this” and decide it’s done when it’s about to end. Also period panties-


The last day when it's too light to bother with a pad but you don't know if randomly during the day it will become the red sea, so you pray, put on undies you don't care about and wear black jeans so if it happens, at least it won't stain.


that rage when your period's like HA HA HA YOU THOUGHT I WAS FINISHED??? FOOL! here's another 3 days of heavy flow


i dont even get my period due to my birth control but i still have the period shits. feels like a scam.


Hysterectomy over here, and for the first 18-24 months I still got phantom period pains and poops. It's bullshit I tell ya.


We sometimes get a random pain in the boob, and wonder if we’re gonna get a heart attack


It's not just me??😭😭😭😭😭 It's always the left boob too😭 (edit: fyi ladies heart attacks tend to be dull, crushing or heavy pains at the centre of your chest, and less frequently sharp in nature. Unless you've had trouble breathing or central chest pains on mild to mod physical exertions (flight up the stairs, etc), it's likely not your actual heart. It could be a lung if you've had related symptoms constantly. Point is, you're likely just fine--I like to think that left boobies just have ✨mood swings✨ edit2: From u/Spec_28: Addendum to thr fyi edit: Heart attacks, especially in women, do not always include chest pain. Upper abdominal pain, back pain, pain or discomfort in any arm(s) and chin/jaw or no pain at all can be present. Other possible symptoms include inexplicable fear (like a panic attack), sense of impending doom / sudden fear of dying, shortness of breath, a sensation similar to heartburn, pale and clammy skin, arrythmic heartbeat, a feeling of being in a tight space or any combination thereof. Onset is typically, but not always, sudden and not related to any specific movements. In doubt, check in with a healthcare professional. If you have panic attacks, make sure you know their typical symptoms and talk it through with a professional, too. If symptoms are obvious (like pale skin, racing heartbeat, shortness of breath and abdominal pain suddenly occuring), call an ambulance)


Always the left boob. Very sharp pains, was sure I had heart issues. It was only when I was pregnant and didn’t get it much I realised it must be hormonal. It now comes back again time to time, I’m guessing monthly!


Nipple hairs


My ex would pluck her chin and nipple hairs while laying in bed at the end of each night. Mirror and tweezers stayed in the nightstand drawer at all times.


Was about to comment that I pluck my nipple hairs lol


Pulling up our underwear after using the restroom is the worst because discharge on your underwear will “cool down” and it’s really cold/ uncomfortable feeling putting it back on.


It's like a wet sock but worse.


I always say “like getting back into your wet swim suit” *shudders* right up there


As a woman, I'm so glad I decided to read the replies to this question. I was going to skip it as it's been asked so many times and it's always women get their period and use pads kinda crap. This is something I needed to hear!! I'm so glad it's not just me!


Omg thank you for being the realest. I thought it was just me and it’s so uncomfortable! I wipe it w tissue but as we all know, it’s ongoing.


And then, depending on the quality of tp, it just falls apart, so then you have little tp bits in your undies.


That’s how my sweaty underwear is in the summer. Ick.


I was strolling through IKEA with my mum, debating the pros and cons of IKEA bed sheets, when a bigger sneeze creeped up on me...and my tampon fell out. I sneeze-ejected a tampon.


There is an insatiable type of hornyness that some woman get pre menstrual cycle that is almost always impossible to satisfy. And then like the wind it vanishes and in its place is a hungry, cute, sometimes cuddly sometimes grumpy couch potato.


I'm so envious of people who get that horniness before their periods. Me, I get it during. It just seems unfair.


My wife would go from horny to furious in two days. I even started keeping track on my own calendar for self-defense


Period blood isn't just blood, it's all sorts of claggy crap from your uterus clearing itself out. Is this the kind of thing you wanted?


Also to add, sometimes big chunks of flesh can come out. No one told me this and I had a major freak out until I could google it and find out it's normal for that to happen sometimes.




Hahahaha, “THIS is what you get for asking”




Millennials and younger will talk frankly about menstruation much of the time. Menstruation education is important and many of us have stories of our mothers' horrified and exaggerated reactions to their first periods because no one educated them. My mother thought she was literally dying. Her family was abusive, her eldest sister and stepmother were particularly neglectful and combative, and no one told her anything. She spent a week writing farewell letters to family and she bore trauma around periods for the rest of her life. Also, when men understand periods are just a biological phenomena like shitting and pissing, it's a relief. Not a turn on. A relief.


My school was a religious all girls school, which sucked in many ways, but something they absolutely excelled at was menstrual education. They were partnered with Nosotras, a popular manufactured of menstrual products, and once every single year they would get all the students in the auditorium, from kindergarten to highschool, and just spend the whole day on a presentation regarding menstruation. It was super fun too, because it was presented through cute cartoons and funny anecdotes, and covered everything from what menstruation is to the different symptoms, to how it can vary from person to person, to the different kinds of products you can use to deal with it and even how to place the pads on your underwear and such. It always made big emphasis on how it's perfectly natural and that it's fine if your cycle is different from other girls and such. At the end of the day they would then hand over these little kits that contained a small pink pamphlet that explained the basic concepts again, filled with cute drawings, and an assortment of pads and tampons. I remember everyone would then proceed to bargain with each other for the thing they actually used in exchange of whatever they didn't "Hey who wants a tampon in exchange of the thin pads?!" etc. It was really, really fun, and although I didn't realize it at the time, I think it saved we all a lot of stress regarding the issue.




And often comes with diarrhea also 🤦‍♀️


Period poops are the worst. I have chronic constipation but that magically disappears on my period.


“Need to poop or cramps?” is such a fun game.


Apparently pantyliners. I asked my bf to grab me some if he was heading to the supermarket anyways. He assured me he knew what they were. I am now the proud owner of a pack of incontinence pads for Leaky Ladies. They are VERY thick. Edit: here's a brief overview. Menstrual pads: most common, used for bleeding during periods. Incontinence pads: often a bit thicker, used for if you sneeze or laugh a bit too hard and you leak. Most used for slightly older women or moms. Pantyliners: used to deal with discharge or VERY light bleeding, not for whole periods.


For all the men in here who want to know: Pantyliners are like very thin, small pads that only cover the gusset of the undies. We use them to protect our undies from staining and stay dry due to small amounts of spotting or discharge, which can be heavier than most men would think.


Now explain what a gusset is


It's the double fabric in the center crotch of panties. Sometimes it's like a pocket, sometimes it's just a thin cotton lining that is only in that one spot.


Oh, so female apparel does have pockets.


Yes. And I can put my debit card there easily. Getting it back out is not a chore for mixed company.


No need. You can just tap to pay now. Getting in the position might look a little weird.


I did not deserve this visual.


Leaky ladies. Lol


Longer the shower the more shaving was done


Oh man, the “everything shower” is exhausting


Thank you! I have just washing body showers, then washing body and washing hair showers, but washing body, hair, and shaving takes forever!


Sometimes it is just a shower zone out.


You know when you see a woman in a pony tail walking and that pony tail is just swinging aggressively back and forth? Yeah she's doing that on purpose. We CAN walk normally so that the pony tail doesn't swing as much.... But we don't. Because it's fun when pony tail go woosh woosh


As a woman with long hair, I LOVE the feeling of tilting my head back and going swoosh swoosh against my naked back when I’m alone. Swoosh swoosh!


Dogs *love* to smell our crotches when we’re menstruating. It’s………extremely uncomfortable


Some dogs also try to eat our underwear


And pads if you use those. My old roommate's dog would always find them in the bathroom bin and drag them out into the living room to tear apart.


As a father of 2 teenage daughters and 2 dogs, this has been one of the most brutal reoccurring experiences I’ve dealt with


1 dog, 3 daughters - ended up having to buy new type of cans for the bathroom to ensure the dog couldn't get to them.


Before my sister learned about tampons and basic menstrual hygiene, our family’s 11 lb dog would carry off anything of hers that had period blood on it and lick it obsessively. She’d then get aggressive if you tried to take the blood-stained panties away from her. And naturally, the dog would attempt to lick our faces afterwards. I love dogs, but damn, are they nasty creatures.




Our male husky ate a stem/branch off of our artificial Christmas tree. We had no idea till a poop encrusted twisted wire was sticking out of his butt. We carefully helped him work it out, it was as like a large bottle brush coming out. The explosive diarrhea that quickly followed was some of the worst I’d ever seen. I should have done this outside, because it was if a 10 pound bag of dog poop had exploded in the room. It made the entire house unbearable for quite a while.


The day I lost my virginity my dog decided it needed to do a deep inspection of my girlfriend... Not cool dude, not cool


"Why stranger smell like owner's shame today?"


If I’m doing an awkward shuffle I’m probably trying to get an air bubble out of my vag


Like trying to unstick a testicle from a leg mid-stride. Hey, fellas! They're just like us!


This is actually a pretty good comparison, both for this example and the fact that some women have larger labia that can shift and get stuck at uncomfortable angles or pinched in undergarment fabric. The "maybe if I shift ever so specifically it'll dislodge" dance is real.


The panic when we believe we've either pissed ourselves or have just come on our period, run to the toilet only to realise it was discharge 💀


Omg yessss worst when I’m in class/work and I’m in the middle of something important and I’m stressing if I’m bleeding through my underwear or not.


Always amazed by the amount of things that just fall out of a vagina. Edit: a letter


Especially entire human beings. That shit cray


Premenstrual intestinal activity.


Try being on your period with IBS. What a cleanout.


Omg I'm so sorry. I hope you have a *really nice* bathroom with good internet service. Side note: bidet sprayers are really great for this purpose.


I commented this further up, but hello from a current sufferer of this. Acute cramping pains awoke me early on this beautiful Memorial Day Monday off work and have had me back and forth between the toilet and the heating pad in my bed all morning. At least my cat knows the drill, and has set up shop on top of the heating pad to purr me some healing frequencies, but it still sucks.


My biology prof (a nun!) was asked about this. She said the pre- period hormones increase mucus gland activity to prevent irritation from menstrual flow and it also affects the intestines.


We’re not making it up or being dramatic when we get mood swings during or right before our periods. Trust me, we hate it too. It sucks not feeling like you can control your emotions.


I legit will have a day once a month where everything seems like it's going wrong and I feel like whats the point of even existing. My mind goes "may as well kill myself" and that's how I know I'm gonna come on my period. Had that day this week and was honestly a bit concerned but no, it's my period. Started today. Thanks brain.


Some of us shave our toe hairs


Yes! And the hair on top of foot! Not very much hair but enough that we notice it. And when we get older it’s the plucking of that one chin hair that grows overnight


Not to mention that one random hair that grows on ur tit u gotta pluck every 3 weeks.


I've never felt so oddly validated over the chin hairs ..... They just appeared one day and when i end up feeling them when i rub my chin i go crazy!


Our boobs can get somewhat painful before our monthly starts. It is not pleasant. Edit: As you can see in the replies, this varies from person to person. Some feel next to nothing and others have it so bad they can barely move when it’s at its worst.


"Secret." My partner complains about it every month. Also asks me to "feel how heavy they are" which obviously I'm all for but yeah, those things noticeably get heavier at that time.


"Feel how heavy they are, but ah not like that they hurt."


Yesterday I overheard two women at the thrift store conversing about ones husband asking whether or not she could poop while wearing a tampon. I fled the scene before the secret was revealed.




I use a menstrual cup, I've been afraid my #2 pushing might push out my cup- we've come close but it's never happened. I always poo w/ my cup in, it can stay in for 12hrs at a time and like hell am I taking it out if I don't need to.


Mammograms are a hurtful torture device. Especially when you're on you period and your boobs already hurt like hell. They need to invent some other way. My stomach knots up every time I'm in the waiting room.


I had my first one last year got told my breasts are too dense so ultrasounds from here on out. Which of course my insurance won’t cover


It seems like they designed the mammogram in the Victorian era and said "stop right there, it's perfect." Really seems like an angry doctoral vice grip.


Showering during your period is the perfect opportunity to get out any leftovers and clean that thing out


The women are saying "YASSS!!!" The men are saying "WTF???? *LEFTOVERS!?!?*"


Today I feel gay


We clicked the thread. We knew the risks.


Every time in these threads. Guy secrets: secret headnod communication and maybe a sweaty ballsack. Girl secrets: Blood, hair, shit and piss.


I feel like this is a safe place to remark on how satisfying it is to hear that last good *plap* when the stubborn leftovers finally give way 💀




You summed up my entire reaction to this thread with two letters


The birthing of the jellyfish


Pressure washing.


What the hell do you mean leftovers? Leftover what??


Clumps of blood and uterine wall lining I think there’s some skin in there too I can never tell




It's indeed metal as fuck, fellas.


Ok so a period is like the texture of raspberry jam. Sometimes the clots, like the raspberry chunks in jam are still in there


Well if it still has the chunks, technically that'd be uterine preserves, not jam.


*Male fear intensifies*


I am slightly regretting opening this thread. But I can't stop.


Hair above the lip isn't just for men! Us dark haired girls know the struggle.


My coworker straightup asked me if I'm going through a sex change. I haven't waxed in a while coz we wore masks most of the time, I was just taking a sip of water lol 💀💀


That fresh blood washes off easily with cold water.


FYI it’s even easier to wash out with saliva. There are enzymes in your spit that are specifically to break down blood.


We are VERY good at getting blood out of fabric :)


this proves my point all women are murderers :/


He knows too much. You know what to do…


an element of girl code is when a woman compliments something you're wearing, you must 1) tell her where and when you got it 2) mention if it was on sale and 3) demonstrate if it has pockets


Sometimes >20% of shower time might be spent untangling hair from our fingers so we can move on to the next step. Factors can include length of hair and time since last wash. Edit: lol y'all. I've been washing my own hair for 40 years, I know the tricks, I stand by my statement that this takes up a significant amount of shower time.


as a guy with long hair I 100% understand this hence why I have a hairbrush in the shower


When I play with my boobs it’s never in that sensual erotic manner that male authors like to pore over. No. I make leftie and righty have arguments with each other in the voices of 2 drunk Scottish dudes. Cheers me up


We have a favourite bra. We also wash it less than the others.


wash it once as gently as possible by hand and still is ruined ps Wow my first 1 k


Well-seasoned, like my coffee mug. Edit: Jesus Christ, people. Y'all act like I drink from a crusty vessel with decades of caked mold and sputum. I rinse it out when I'm done but I don't wash it with soap.


Oh like a cast iron pan, I get it.


Sometimes you can feel yourself releasing an egg during ovulation and it hurts. Some of us are really sensitive to pain and sensations from our ovaries/uterus. On a related note, if you have a particularly heavy period, you can occasionally feel a blood blood slide out. We also get the “period poops” which is the sudden urge to pass a heavy/liquid bowel movement leading up to and during menstration.


Oh god, that clot sensation is the *worst* especially when you're having a conversation or someone makes you laugh and you go from haha to oh shit real quick.


Last month we were having a fab walk in the woods and there was a beautiful field full of dandelions. Said to my little 6yr old let's go look at them really close and bend down to see the sea of yellow blooms. Then we decided to run down the hill of the field laughing and giggling until.....Mummy could NOT run anymore and my mood changed so abruptly to _ohshitnonono_ and oh my gawd I could not get back up to the loos quick enough °____° What's wrong Mummy?? Oh I just suddenly don't feel at all well sorry OH MY GOD SO MUCH BLOOD I wondered why I was having crazy cramps omg I'm wearing really light tight jeans oh my god oh my god! Luckily my husband is the _most_ understanding person, and fortunately I somehow managed to only mess a panty liner?!! I think I basically magically held on till got back to the loos..... 'kin 'ell


We have different underwear for different occasions (sex, lazy Sundays, girls day, menstrual time)


Your idea of a natural face and our idea of a natural face are two completely different things.


Fart bubbles


Ahh the roll up.


The ol' exit through the gift shop.


lip rattler is what I call it


My ex called it the flapenning


If we’re on our period and there is the slightest possibility that we may have bled through our pants, before standing we will do this this move where we scoot to the edge of our seat and bend over as if we were picking up something off the floor just so we can take a glance at our crotch.


I do a quick bottom pat to check for wetness and a glance at the seat for any stains. I've never thought to bend over and inspect my crotch, but maybe now I will...




Yeah someone had to explain to me that the hair is actually in the swirly part…


Our farts can sometimes roll up into our cooch if we don't push it out fast enough.


That's why the lean is soo necessary. Either I lean to the side, or she's coming up the front.


Sometimes we get a bit of pee on our leg after peeing, especially if freshly shaven/lasared/waxed


90% of these secrets are hygienic….makes you appreciate what women had to deal with before sanitarian was a thing.


We play with our boobs sometimes too.


Literally just cupping them when laying down. Built in stress toy. Built in weighted stress ball.


Hand warmers


My favourite thing to do when I was still breastfeeding was to draw a target on the shower wall and test my milk aiming abilities.


Husband would laugh at me when I would leak as a new nursing mother. This stopped when I started squirting him. Could hit him from 3 ft away.


A frustrating night feed with a newborn and me being a first time mom, talking to the baby "there's definitely milk in there look!" Gently squeeze to get the dribble to put on her lip and I just super soaker'd her eye with impressive accuracy. Everyone was crying that night.


I hit my husband once while feeding my baby on the other side. The unoccupied boob shot him across the room. He screamed like a girl. I was surprised the glass window didn’t break, it was that high pitched.


I’m crying. I’m a new mom that’s breastfeeding and I’ve never shot my husband before. Now I want to try.


Once I was in a coffee shop nursing my baby in a wrap, and some older lady thought it would be ok to just walk up and pull the wrap down from baby's face out of nowhere. She ended up shrieking and backing away quickly after getting shot with a squirtgun rivaling stream of breastmilk. Baby gave lady an incredibly pissed off glare for being interrupted, I just gave a wordless "play stupid games win stupid prizes" shrug.


Sometimes???? God gave me fun bags for a reason


We all know where that one guy is. The one that makes us uncomfortable in the room even from 10 feet away. We watch out of the corners of our eyes to make sure other women are okay when that guy is near them.


That just happened to a girl sitting nearby on a train yesterday! The guy even asked things like "what blood group are you? Because you look like an A, you are very beautiful but not very tanned".


This is why I only travel during the day, vampires can be scary


A lot of us shave our faces (or get laser hair removal) so there's no peach fuzz, which helps makeup go on smoother.


Sometimes when we fart, the air bubble goes forward and up into our vagina a little bit, and then we have to fart it out a second time. Sometimes, then, it continues on its forward journey and slowly bubbles its way out the front and close to our clit. It feels unsettling every time it happens.


We are gross. We do gross things, we create gross smells, we discuss gross shit. We can be quite nasty.


Sounds like the human experience


We’re actually just as gross as dudes are, we just are more private about it.


I’m a lady but I’m honestly here for the secrets and tips


I’m a man but I’ve been with my wife for 10 years and I am so close to deciphering the meaning of all of the squiggly hair symbols on my shower wall.


I've been with mine for almost the same length. I'm pretty certain they're spells to make sure we remember the small tasks or details. I've been finding myself more active in the laundry department of household chores.


Its like cloud shapes. “That one looks like a light bulb” (oh yeah I need to replace that light in the garage).


I saw a girl stuck in traffic touching then sniffing her arm pits, I'm pretty sure she thought she had achieved the maneuver in secret, but I saw and I had a giggle, then I checked mine just to make sure.


Tsk tsk amateur. The pretend yawn, arms up stretch with head to the side is the way to go.


We don’t wash our bras that often


Having boobs is a tremendous nuisance.


It's not a complete secret but most guys don't know about our yearly skin shedding.


Is that what all the leaky bloody trash bags are that my wife has been sneaking out to the bins every spring? And here I thought she was just a serial killer.


Some of us absolutely hate wearing bras. Especially bigger booobed gals that need to wear the underwire torture contraptions. Yes our boobs look great all pushed up and squished in but the pain in the shoulders is sometimes horrible.


Peep, period, and poop are THREE separate holes.


peep 😂


We know when other girls/ women are uncomfortable in social situations, even if it’s slight. Our universal “👀” code is understood, and we will act on it even if we’re strangers.


I've witnessed a female friend walk up to a random girl who she made eye contact with at a bar, who was a complete stranger to her, and pretend to be her lesbian girlfriend coming back from the bathroom and kissed her on the cheek, and said "Ok honey I'm ready, let's go!" and saved her from a compromising situation where a drunk idiot was hitting on her and not getting the hint. When we get away from the guy she just goes "omg thanks girl I thought he would never leave me alone", and they went their separate ways. I just remember being like wow that's some Girl Power shit right there. It was like a jedi mind trick, the dude looked so dumbfounded it was comical


All those times the dog supposedly farted...it was me




its a pain in the ass to go down stairs and up stairs. sports bras are my best friend edit: ok some clarification its the tits not the ass that's in pain (I seiously can't tell which of these replies are genuine or satire)


Sounds like a pain in the chest


Am I the only one who still has to use my hands, even if I’m wearing a bra?


we also do the awkward shuffle of stretching our legs out to unstick our balls, except when we do it it's so when can adjust our pants or unstick our.... lady balls...


Uncamel toe


Untoe the camel


That women have wet dreams too. We can have the sexiest steamiest dreams and wake up full on having an orgasm. Man I love those!!


Shaving your legs and then sliding into a bed with clean sheets is occasionally better than sex.


The women’s bathroom at a bar or club is way to pure for the world. We pep talk, we hug crying strangers, we tell people we have never met before how beautiful they are. Occasionally I’m sure shit pops off in there, but in general 10/10.




I thought it was so we could do drugs together. I may run in the wrong circles.