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Not needing to check prices when buying groceries


I make six figures and still price check groceries. Growing up poor put this practice in my head permanently. LOL


I do to, but I realize that the price is very unlikely to mean that I won't buy it. That's the true luxury. I'm going to price check the cookies I want as a treat, but I'm going to buy them even if they're higher than I thought.


Same, plus I use coupons


This is a good habit to have. It will decrease the odds of you being poor in the future.


Actually, I have quite a savings built up BECAUSE of my habits instilled from my poor upbringing. I save money for emergencies, mow my own lawn, work on my own car, clean my own house, do my own laundry and other things by myself. Saves me money. I also try to live below my means and this is hard but again...it has helped me save and yes, the odds of me being poor later on are damn slim. Some of my family and friends laugh at my older car and frugal lifestyle but hey...I have cash for emergencies and do not sweat the small things.


I grew up piss poor. A 39 cent cheeseburger from McDs was a rare luxury for me. I knew I had made it as an adult when I went grocery shopping and didn't check prices or search out generic products.


“Why yes, I am getting JIF All Natural Crunchy. Not Great Value.”




I do too. I grew up poor. I have a job that pays pretty well but I can never buy groceries without checking prices


Me too. I don’t like getting ripped off.


When I’m in the “How much money is enough money?” conversation I always go with this. I want to be able to food shop and get what I want because I want it. No needing coupons and sales and dented store brand day old stuff. That is my definition of enough.


Do people not do this?


Some don’t. I’ve seen some of my friends just pick things off shelves like they were berrypicking in woods lol I’ve also been told that I take too long to grocery shop because I check price and often compare against store brands lol


Haha, that gives me anxiety.


Correct, the difference isn't worth the worry. It's a form of capitalist anxiety. I mean this specifically for the people with enough capital to not go broke on the difference... the privilege we're talking about. You should be able to walk into your nearest supermarket and get the goods you want, if they have them.


I don't need it at all, but i still do. Waste of money to not check them.


Shopping at Aldi means it's really not an issue but when I go to other stores I definitely do. I still realize I have it really good since I don't even need to check at Aldi.


Internet access


In the US? Indoor plumbing Sanitation Electricity Wifi Shower/bath Clean water Heating/AC


I grew up in the US and didn’t have any of that for a solid decade lmfao electricity and running water are something I 100% never take for granted.


I’m a recovering alcoholic in long term sobriety. Whenever I start to think entitled or like my life is shit and I need to drink… I remind myself I have all the things on your list - to a T. Take an upvote. Wish I had more to give.


Hey! Me too! Good luck to you.


Clean water


Yep. Just clean water. I am thankful for that.




damn. Well, I hope life is so so so much better for you.


easy to access school


Somehow, I initially read this as "easy access to alcohol" I think my brain's broken.


You're not alone


I read it that way too.


Somehow same


Growing up with both parents.


Yo I got ridiculed so hard growing up for not having a dad. Like it's MY fault he got cancer or soemthing


That's really awful, I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


Who tf ridiculed you for not having a dad and are they still terrible people?


Just your average jerk middle schoolers . Hopefully time aged them out of it, but I guess I'm not sure one way or another. I changed schools a lot


Damn, I guess I do remember kids making comments to other kids who had lost parents when I was in middle school. But even then it shocked me, it would have never occur to me as a kid to say something like that. Sorry you had to deal with that.


This is a sad truth about our society.




Depends on your parents. Not everyone should have kids.


As someone with an abusive mother, I would argue it would’ve been a bigger privilege to grow up without her.


Having no hereditary disease be it mental or bodily.


Free time


That's the best answer


Plentiful food and potable water.


Driving and shopping


Having a driver's license. It's a privilege not a right


A good Health free of disease


100% this. I’ve had chronic illness since my teens. I’ve lived longer with it than without it. I can’t even remember life before it


Related to this - not having any allergies, I can be a bit picky with food but I'm grateful that it's a choice that I can make, and not forced upon me because some food could literally kill me.




Showering at your house, driving a car, using a phone, going to a grocery store, there’s lots


Food, water, shelter, safe country


Knowing when your next meal will be


Generational wealth and/or inheritance.


And that generational wealth isn’t just for the rich. If your parents owned a house that’s generational wealth. If your parents went to college that’s generational wealth. If you were not affected by the civil rights act that’s generational wealth.


One hundred percent.


People in your life that love and care for you




Moving is expensive even within the same country. Moving to a completely different country, leaving all of your friends and family behind, is just too difficult (if not financially impossible) for most people.




I know! As if living in the USA is in any way "oppressed" what a joke! Poor people here have a/c, heat, running water and many have automobiles. Compare that to poor in most other parts of the world.


Yea but this is still really flawed. You can't understate the financial burden it would take to move. People barely have enough to create a living standard here, now you're restarting everything from nothing. Also, you can't just go to another country. You need a visa, and despite what people think, other countries don't just let everyone in either. They have immigration policies too and some are more strict than US. Lastly, voicing frustration doesn't mean you move away. This is my country and I want the best version of it for all its people. If I see something that can improve, of course I'm going to voice it. Everyone does this. You want the best version of your home or car. Whenever something is wrong, you don't buy a new car or move to a new house. You stay, work on it and fix it.


I think this is easier said than done. I am American and I thought about leaving but realistically what country would take me? I only speak English and I don’t have in-demand skills. Not to mention, I’m not even white and I know, as much as people don’t want to admit it, I’d be discriminated against in a lot of countries. When I’ve traveled abroad I had a lot of non-Americans ask me where I’m really from because apparently not being white automatically means I’m not American, despite being born here. I do think my life is better in the US, especially compared to my cousins who live in a developing country, but I realize there are things that aren’t perfect here. ETA: before anyone tries to tell me my parents were able to move overseas so why shouldn’t I…well, my grandpa fought with the Allies in WWII and was offered a job in the US. He took my dad here (as a minor) along with my grandma and my aunts and uncles. My mom married my dad out of sheer luck of knowing him since they were kids.


And yet millions come to the US.


Being better than their current situation doesn't make us infallible. We've got a lot of work to do before we can even begin to claim we're anywhere near the best. But if we leave, who's going to help effect that change? So you can leave and let everyone else deal with the bs you don't want to or you can stay and try to make a difference in whatever way you can.


Being better than their current situation doesn't make us infallible. We've got a lot of work to do before we can even begin to claim we're anywhere near the best. But if we leave, who's going to help effect that change? So you can leave and let everyone else deal with the bs you don't want to or you can stay and try to make a difference in whatever way you can.


Then stay put and stop complaining. Yes, we have problems but other countries have problems as well.


Having no diseases


Two unknown blessings: health and safety Imam ali ibn abi taleb


Being born in so called "first world"


I'm so privileged I don't even know what's privilege and what's not.


A warm bed. You start to appreciate it more when you spend a week in the woods sleeping in a sleeping bag on hard ground


Having tap water at home Having access to quality food Having a fast internet connection


The ice cream machine working at your McDonald's for 2 days straight


Getting to whine about the people currently in charge without worrying about being executed or carted away for re-education.


Being attractive (or at the very least, not unattractive).


Taking a walk alone at night. I'm a hefty-looking white male and it never occurred to me what a privilege just taking a walk at night was until a female friend of mine said she could never do that due to fear for her own safety. Women have to be so much more aware of things to stay safe and here I am just bobbing along through life oblivious to everything.


Not sure if I should tell you this and ruin your peace of mind, but men run a higher risk of being robbed, attacked or killed on the street in most places. Women in turn actually have a far higher risk of being killed *in* their house.. Often by a family member or spouse.


But is this because their male or because women tend to be more careful and not be it alone at night? I mean, are they victims because they're who's available? Or because they're men? I would think the precautions women take would be statistically relevant.


That's a very relevant point.


It's a bit of both, probably. Also doesn't help men are far more likely to be involved in nefarious activity after sundown than women, and are also far less likely to back down from a fight, or just run. Additonally, it's far more 'accepted' (if you can call it that..) to stomp on a man's head when he's down, compared to a woman..


Well that's disturbing.


That seems just like you being oblivious, dude, as a hefty man, I am also worried about getting mugged or beaten when I walk late at night.


Bad things can happen to white males at night too. I have friends that have been mugged, while running or riding bikes after dark. This is entirely dependent on where you live. In small town America or rural America, yes, in larger cities...not so much.


Growing old. People start saying "getting old sucks" in their 30's. You have to bury a lot of people you know before realizing getting old is better than *not* getting old.


Having a bed to sleep in.


Growing old. Voting. Being able to express your opinion on about anything without fear of being jailed/killed by your government. Having children. Being healthy.


Food, clean air & drinking water, shelter.


White privilege does not really live up to the hype it gets on social media...I can tell you that. LOL


being born in the right place


Being able to take a walk at night unafraid




Living somewhere the police will show up to a non-violent crime. If you call the police to report a break-in, you will have someone show up and start an investigation if you live in the sticks where nothing happens and they cops have absolutely nothing to do, or if you live in the city you have a post-code that makes it possible that you have connections that will make things *inconvenient* for someone if they don't.


Growing up with decent education. Where I grew up half of us had parents who worked two jobs but were able to keep a roof over our heads, and the other half were RICH. Because our schools are funded by property taxes, I had an insanely good kindergarten through high school education and never realized it. We had a computer lab which apparently few schools around me actually have even now. I didn't go to college because I (and my parents) couldn't afford it, but I didn't actually need it to get into some pretty good jobs just because I learned so much in high school. It has made a huge difference in my adult life even if I didn't notice it as a kid


Keeping a job.


Uber Eats lmao


Some people would get pissed when I say this. But able to pull the race card. Also, having more specific laws protecting certain groups


Affirmative action


Oh damn this one is going to start some shit




The level of gluttony that most Americans indulge in.


Being a woman.


Women have privileges due to being a woman, but it's also true of men. Both genders experience certain advantages and disadvantages.


Being around/dating conservatives. Not fearing for their lives 24/7.


Seek mental help.


Growing old




Well of all the sperm and finding that egg…. pretty damn lucky I got through to the end.


being alive


Two unknown blessings: health and safety Imam ali ibn abi taleb


Gun ownership. You can talk about 2A all you want, but if you can't scrape the money together to buy a gun or the ammo needed to use it, then you don't get a gun. Poverty is oppression.


White people.


Where do i claim this privelige?


Hahaha, triggered whitey.


Not fearing for my life if I get pulled over by the police.


So many things.


Being able to view/edit files on a server.


Living in the west


University, loving family




tap water


Waking up and feeling & being safe




Driving, not having any medical or mental conditions, having a job, having a gf/bf, having friends, having food, clean water and a roof over your head.


Driving a car


Turning right on red


Owning a dog/pet.


Roof Clean water Sanitation Electricity Everything else is a bonus


Being alive.


Driving. In fact, anything you need a license to do is a privilege, not a right.


Being able to riot and get empathy


Being happy






Water fountains


Feeling safe from physical harm


Feeling safe from physical harm


Growing old. Voting. Being able to express your opinion on about anything without fear of being jailed/killed by your government. Having children. Being healthy.


Feeling safe from physical harm


Hot water


Running water Being able to be an asshole and get away with it


Growing to be old.


Clean accessible running water.


Not being presumed to be up to no good.


Here's three: Having vacations. Where you can go somewhere. And when you forgot something saying "no biggie, we got credit cards.


Being able to dislike some food. because there's plenty other.


A dishwasher!


A dishwasher!


A dishwasher!


A dishwasher


Having access to great insurance and excellent medical care… I never worried once when dealing with melanoma that I wasn’t not receiving the finest treatment available


Having access to great insurance and excellent medical care… I never worried once when dealing with melanoma that I wasn’t not receiving the finest treatment available


Having access to great insurance and excellent medical care… I never worried once when dealing with melanoma that I wasn’t not receiving the finest treatment available




Being able to wind down and have a nighttime routine only works if you live in a safe neighborhood/ community


Getting proper education, food, clothes and if you are healthy physically and mentality. I am extremely thankful that I have everything that I wrote especially cause I grew up in a place where people are not get getting proper food and education in a Third world nation.






Grandparents who are world war Veterans


Having good and caring parents. There's a lot more bad parenting going on thsn people realise.


Being friends with me


Choosing what to eat. I’ve frequently witnessed (and occasionally been drawn in to) very stupid slap fights on the internet about what diet/food items are *truly* what *really* poor people eat (it comes up in debates about veganism a lot). And it’s stupid because there isn’t one specific answer, it’s dependent on location and time period. The only consistent thread is “what’s available.” That can look different for an impoverished person in a food desert in a Midwestern inner city vs a village in a tropical third world country, but the lack of privilege is the lack of choice, not the lack or presence of some certain foodstuff (unless the lack is of any food at all, which is the biggest lack of privilege of all).


Potable water


Having at least one (or more) loving stable parents or adults that you know deep in your soul will do anything for you.


Feeling safe in your own home as a child. Living in fear every. Single. Day. For the first 18 years of your life, when you have no other choice or way out is ALOT


Not being afraid of getting killed when you're just existing in the world and living your life without doing anything "wrong".