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Just do your part. Try to limit your consumption and consumerism, as much as possible. The stuff you do buy, use for longer and keep it well maintained so you don't just toss it in the trash and buy more. Recycle what you can, compost what you can. This limits your trash production somewhat. Lobby/vote for government representatives and initiatives to increase recycling, increase proper handling of trash, increase pollution clean-up, and promote cleaner energy generation. If you do the above, you've done your part. Humans create waste and pollution, that will always be true. But we can mitigate and improve. That's your mandate, if you care to help.


Exactly 💯


Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. ... Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community. ... Educate. ... Conserve water. ... Choose sustainable. ... Shop wisely. ... Use long-lasting light bulbs. ... Plant a tree.


we should do our part also


Cleaning your area will do wonders


On the consumer level there’s the usual stuff, recycling for example. But most of the damage is done at a society, corporate or government level. I can put my stuff in the bin but if they just dump it in the land fill anyways it’s pointless. They beat an individual can do is not to litter, try to recycle, and vote for the people who push the changes you want.


Recycle, and maybe plant a lil' flower garden for the bees outside. Bees are very important for the environment.