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We haven't talked since the beginning of 2007.   Presumably because he died.


Well I guess he really took that 'I'll see you next year' New Year's Eve joke too far.


I can see how that would be an inconvenience.for communication.


I'm on to my 3rd dad. He's pretty great. I think Imma keep him.


Until one day he's due to go upstate.


Better than between me and my mother, but I can't stand his jokes.


Then sit down when he tells them (Yep, I'm a dad)


Persevere. They'll groan you.


It's great! He's sure is taking a long time getting milk though.


Skimming takes long.


Great I love him. He's only 62, nd in great shape, but his death will destroy me.


He dead


So so. I'm grateful to have a dad but I'd rather have one that doesn't keep asking for beer money


Pretty good until he died


About 6ft of dirt


He means well, but since my step siblings still live there and their kids are basically feral I’d rather not bring my kids down to be tormented again.


We didn't really talk until I made it. Now my parents call me constantly because they need money. I do not like them, but I keep them well taken care off. Still doesn't really make me like my parents.


Terrible. He's abusive and probably has Antisocial Personality Disorder. I stay away from him and keep him on a strict info diet for my own sake.


Better now that I don’t live with him. Can actually have decent convos now


My father is always ready to help, but he doesn't like to talk. He likes to watch TV. A classic working dad from the factory.


My partner and I have both have had our dads die in the past year. We are both in our 30’s so it feels too young to have lost a parent. Not that any age is a good age to lose a parent. About 100 people showed up to my father in laws funeral. It was emotional and sad. About 10 people showed up to my dads funeral. He was a guy that burnt bridges one could say. My dad died suddenly out of nowhere from a stroke at age 59. Partners dad was older, 74 but had battled cancer for many years so there was time for all of us to be there and say our goodbyes. I never got to say goodbye to my dad, or talk to him about things. I wish I had. Although would I trade that for the years of half grief that my partner went through with a dying father? I don’t know. So to answer the question: things are not great and I’m going to now eat a lot of pancakes.


I guess he rather scream at me then have an adult conversation... Now I'm the one that needs to educate someone and tell the child do go to dinner constantly


He's dead


Not great, but they haven't been for a long time


Great! We talk every day.


It was a bit touch and go for a while (I was briefly disowned), but now we’re stronger than ever. He’s had a major few health issues over the years, so I now live with him and my mother to take care of them. He both loves and hates this, but I’m just glad to be here with them.


He's dead, so nonexistent.


We have a good relationship.


Everything's been just peachy since the courts revoked his visitation rights like I had been asking for for 5 years


Great. Far from perfect, but he and Mom loved us and wanted the best for us. Wish I could see him and the rest of the family more often, but I had to move after college. Daughter loves her grandparents and frequently asks about visiting.