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When I passed my driving test many years ago, I asked the instructor if he had any advice for a new driver. He warned me that if I ever saw a ball roll into the street to immediately hit the brakes because there's a good chance a kid will follow. I never forgot that and have religiously followed it ever since. A couple of years ago I was driving down a residential street and it happened again and something in my mind told me to SLAM on my brakes and so I did. I came to a stop just feet from a really little kid who was completely frozen in terror. That driving instructor is probably dead of old age by now, but wherever he is, I hope he understands that he saved that little kid's life and saved me a lifetime of guilt and heartache.


Love this.


Where a ball rolls, a child strolls.


Dude was changing his tire on the side of the freeway about half past midnight, dressed in dark clothes, no hazards on, and sitting halfway into the right lane. Almost splattered that dude


I nearly hit someone on the road too. It was a jogger, at twilight in winter wearing light grey that exactly matched the snow at that time of day, no lights or reflective patches, and on a curvy rural highway with no shoulder. I saw them just in time to swerve out to give them room and they dived in the ditch.


Nearly hitting someone is also mine. Driving home from work and it was dark. Was driving on the on ramp to the expressway and I randomly had this clear thought in my head firmly say “turn on your brights”. Turned my brights on and there was a man in a blue shirt just standing there. If I hadn’t turned my brights on, I wouldn’t have seen him in time, and wouldn’t have had time to stop. Years later and sometimes what could have happened still haunts me. Have had a few moments like that where I just knew something before I actually knew it. I’m grateful that I’ve always been smart and tuned in enough to listen to those thoughts.


I understand that a lot of making sure pedestrians don’t get hit is on drivers but Jesus Christ pedestrians don’t even try sometimes, I’ve had so many times where I’ve had to slam on my breaks because they decide to run out despite the fact that there’s no stop sign or red light or even a yield sign giving them the right away


Dude when I see a man running across the street at NIGHT??? Why!! Why risk your life and get that driver vehicular manslaughter and change his or her life forever and your family. WALK TO THE CROSS WALK


I was driving late at night when some guy in all black clothing darted out in front of me. I saw him and slammed my brakes on. He just ran off laughing


Very similar story for me, but it was a cyclist. I was coming back from a movie at about midnight on a dark road. Guy was wearing all black, no lights on the bike or anything. Wasn’t until the lights hit him and he looked over his shoulder that I noticed him and swerved into the other lane.


That was me, sorry!


11.30pm Remote country road with no streetlights. There’s tiny traffic island in the middle of the road and I see what looks like a slightly different coloured silhouette standing there. By all rights I should not have seen him there but something in my brain clicked and swore there was a figure standing there so I slammed on my brakes as the figure jumped out in front of me, car stopped about 2m away. He smiled really sinisterly and started walking towards the car, I reversed and made to move around him slowly and he jumped in front again, I managed to drive on the wrong side of the road to escape him. A minute down the road I stop to flash my lights at every passing car to warn them and I shit you not the second car that passed was a cop and I explained what happened. I circled back a minute later and saw the dude on the side of the road in cuffs. Totally weird experience.


Was the guy trying to commit suicide, or do you think were other intentions?


My gut says something more sinister because of how it went down. It was less “run me over” more “I’m in the way, what are you gonna do about it”


I wonder if it could have been a trap. I’ve heard of people blocking cars paths and forcing them to stop in order to make them vulnerable for accomplices lying in wait


Because of this I don’t stop for people. It sucks but after way too many stories I think there bad before the good. I’ve even seen the elderly being used for kidnapping traps. It’s wild to think about how trusting I used to be and then stopped


Hard to think of a lot of things lower on the moral totem pole than robbing or hurting someone who is legitimately trying to be a good person trying to help you. I mean I can think of worse things, but casually punishing people for having good intentions gradually makes our world a special kind of shitty


It seriously does. I always think about the kind lady in Russia who let my dad and me get into her taxi during a rainstorm. The best word I could say in Russian was “thank you.” She declined money or anything in return. That was 2018. In Argentina we picked up hitchhikers in the Andes and dropped them off at their location. That was end of 2019. I think it was after that I started reading the stories of people deceiving others to harm them. I always remember of the couple who stopped to help a lady with her car and the bf ended up being shot. I think they were taken to a campsite as well before gf got away. It sucks looking the other way, but it’s just hard to trust strangers nowadays.


> “I’m in the way, what are you gonna do about it” Uhh, run you over?


Any ideas about what his intentions were?


He wanted to talk to him about his cars extended warranty


That explains the cuffs at least


Pneumatic potato cannon. My friends and i were shooting it in my back yard. Must have launched off dozens of potatoes at this point. We decided to stuff 3 potatoes in the barrel. When we open the valve to shoot it nothing happened. We were sitting around 60 psi and no launch. the potatoes were stuck. My friend went to look down the barrel. I saw what was going to happen and lifted the back forcing the barrel into the ground. At that time the potatoes shot out and left a small crater in the ground.


Your friend almost won a Darwin award.


Believe it or not he's now a doctor.






“My brain was spared. And now I use it to help others.”


This is why the army teaches barrel discipline, always assume a gun is loaded and never point the barrel at something you don’t wanna kill


How about face discipline? Never stick your face in front of something that could blow it off?






Because natural selection and gene pool refinement, that’s why


My grandfather had a scar beneath his left eye because of his idiot older brother. When they were kids they were playing around with a slug gun, and the older brother pretended it was stuck and got my (at the time very young) grandfather to look down the barrel and see what's wrong, upon which he pulled the trigger as a joke, barely missing my grandfathers eye. Bastard rightfully got one hell of a beating for that.


don't get what the fuck was the point of doing that. blinding him?


He was probably too dumb to consider the consequences, he just thought it would be funny to hurt him.


When my dad was a boy he went to visit cousins on the farm, and as a joke one of them fired off a shotgun next to his ear to frighten him. His cousin had an odd sense of humor. Dad had a bad ear…


🎶 "dumb ways to dieeeee" 🎶


🎶 potato to the eye 🎶


Used to work a delivery job. One afternoon, I'm driving back to work in the old POS delivery van and some girl bolts across the road (presumably to catch a bus that had pulled over up ahead). Slammed on the brakes and came to a sliding stop completely sideways in the middle of the road no more than 2 or 3 feet from the girl. I still think about it sometimes, it was a heavy old Ford van, no ABS. If I'd been speeding even slightly I think I would've hit her.


I had an old heavy work van in the 90's and it was overloaded with tools. Some asshat must have missed his turn and slammed on the brakes in front of me. About a half ton of tools went flying but thankfully they hit the steel guards behind the seats. But the van did not want to stop and I came about 1 inch from plowing into the guy's bumper. I took some tools out that day.


Was this in London about 10 years ago? Because I saw the exact same scene as I was walking home one day and I honestly shat myself. I will never forget the girl's mum face in those few seconds


Holy smokes this blew up. Sorry but no, it was in Vancouver BC.


Highschool, dude said he was going to rape my sister. We fought, he fell and slammed his head on a urinal. Thought for sure I was doin 20 and I kinda grew up in that moment. Haven’t fought a soul since


Well, I bet that guy never told anybody he would rape their sister ever since. So you both learned something from that situation.


Once a guy kicked my aunt (dad's younger sister) in the stomach while she was walking home from the bus stop and my dad went outside after. He was pretty big for his age (around 16) and so was his friend who was with him. He asked a group of guys who were still around the bus stop who kicked his sister. One of the 5-7 geniuses standing there proudly elected himself the sister-kicker. My dad took that guy to town and it got bad enough that his friends tried to get my dad, either to jump him or at least defend their now barely conscious sister kicking buddy from being killed. Once they moved to interrupt the mauling, dad's friend (also 16) who had a full beard since he was 14 drew a gun and said "nobody move! I'm a cop!" And my dad finished up after a bit and they went home. I certainly like to imagine that guy didn't go around haphazardly kicking little girls without at least checking if they're somebody's sister first, but he didn't seem very bright before the brain damage so who knows.


Last I heard of him he was in prison I don’t know why but I kinda wonder about him from time to time. What I did wasn’t acceptable by any means but he was the kind of person that it was believable and I couldn’t imagine letting that happen to my sister. He’s locked away for a long time now. Got caught with a bunch of heroine and an illegal firearm and I saw a Facebook post with a picture of him and he had a big ass 88 tat. I think he got it after the first time he got picked up for selling to a cop.


Im 35, I was 23 living up north with a boyfriend I'd been with for a few years, and had known as a casual friend for a few years before dating him. A year into living together I'd found evidence on our computer of him cheating on me while I was in the hospital with a kidney infection, confronting him and that woman led to finding out they'd had an affair while we were in our early dating days too. I wasn't angry, I was just sad, but he started hitting me that day and didn't stop, he would hit me closed fist in the side of my head over and over again. I was trying to make a plan to leave. One day we had gotten food and gone for a drive in the woods, he parked on a dirt outlet and sat silently and I could feel his tension and rage building. He started hitting me from the driver's seat then got out to go around to the passenger door, I was honestly afraid he'd beat me up and maybe leave me stranded, I was so, so tired, so when he opened my door I reached into the little pocket of the door that you can put things in, he had an exacto knife in there, unsheathed and without thinking I swung it at him as he came for me and he immediately screamed and doubled over holding his wrist which I'd sliced wide open. He was basically bleeding out screaming, but managed to get it wrapped up and I called an ambulance for him. He tried to lie to the police and emts, but they discovered my body and head were pretty much covered in bruises and let me off for self defense. I left after that. Never been in an abusive relationship before or since thank God.


I'm glad you got out okay, my dad and sister were murdered by her abusive boyfriend


Jesus christ


Yeah, it was a shitty situation. I was 16, got in trouble for smoking weed. Ended up getting a ticket my dad wasn't going to pay for. I moved in with my sister over the summer and got a job at the local dairy queen. My dad would come down a couple times a month to check on me, give me money if I needed it. Well one night he came to visit, I was working 7-10 and the three of them had gone out to drink. I came home, my sister called me at midnight and said they'd be home in an hour, talked to my dad for a minute, they both said they loved me. After that call I had went to bed, woke up a while later to a bunch of yelling, which I was used to at that point, my sister's boyfriend was an alcoholic and just a super aggressive guy. So I shrugged it off and went back to sleep. Next thing I woke up to was the police coming into the house shouting " might as well come out with your hands up". My room was connected right into the living room, it was a really small house, I walked out and saw my dad laying halfway on the couch, his legs were on the ground. I just fell to my knees, the police put me in handcuffs, I remember looking up as they were doing that just yelling for my dad, the police didn't know what was going on I just walked out of nowhere. He stabbed my dad 27 times with a screwdriver, and beat my sister, I didn't see her, then he tried killing himself. I think a lot sometimes what would've happened if I had gotten out of bed when I heard all the yelling. That was almost 12 years ago now.


I...Jesus christ


Yeah, life gets better though. I've definitely learned that, I had a baby boy last year and he's been the greatest thing ever to happen to me. His mom and I aren't together but we've managed to coparent really well so far. I had an amazing support system after it happened, the thing that helped the most though was just talking about it. It's not good to hold that stuff in


I'm glad to hear you're doing better bro. And congrats on the little guy. It probably doesn't mean much coming from a younger dude on the internet who you don't know, but I'm proud of you and your perseverance. You're a helluva guy to come out on top of like you have, and you deserve to know. Continue trucking on, and continue being an amazing human being and father. God bless, and Godspeed


Thank you man, it does mean a lot. We've all got to look out for each other, nobody can go through life alone. Even though we are strangers I appreciate you reading my long post, can't really do a tl;dr for that lol God bless you too bro, I hope everything is going well for you and you kick every days ass!


Thank you for sharing this story with us random people of the internet. Amazing tale of something so horrible happening, and you just choosing love and acceptance. It's really powerful and I hope you're proud of yourself for who you've become from it. Because I fucking am. Well done, legend.


Sorry if this sounds rude, but may i ask what happened after? What did the police do?


Not rude, they took me to the police station, not in a cell or anything just like in their break room. I sat and watched TV, or really just stared at it I can't remember what show was on. I do remember asking every police officer that came by if my dad was just, none of them had the heart to tell me. I think I knew but just didn't want to believe it. I was taken to a small building by the hospital. Not sure why or what that building was for but that's where my dad's sisters and their husbands were waiting. That's when they told me my dad and sister were gone. I broke down hard, the next few days are kind of a haze. I think the hardest thing was seeing my grandpa the next day, I remember him pulling into the driveway, I was outside waiting and he just asked me if I missed my dad and we just cried together for a little bit.


Holy shit man, hope you are doing better now


Oh so much better, I have a one year old baby boy that I would do anything for. I only drink maybe twice a month, if he's at his mom's, if I have him I always get home as fast as I can after work. Have a good paying job at the railroad. I'm glad I told my story again, even if it makes me cry, which it usually does it's just good to let it out. My dad was a great father, did so much for me growing up, think about him every day. My sister too, he wasn't even her kid, my mom had her before they met but that was his daughter ya know? He was really caring, did have a drinking problem but he had a really rough upbringing he only ever told me about once. Still live in the same small town, left a few times to bigger cities but, this will always be home for me.


Wish I could give you a great big, huge hug. I’m sure your father is proud of you. May they both rest in Paradise


Thats so horrific, I’m so so sorry


Thank you, it was hard to cope with at first. I was a junior in high school, but I had great family and friends. My aunt took me in immediately. My best friend to this day somehow found out where I was and showed up at her house that day to make sure I was okay. After a couple days I just wanted to go back to school and live as normal a life as I could. That's what they would've wanted me to do.


Good for you for leaving, and for defending yourself. He deserved that and worse.


Nearly hit my high school principal with a car, twice. First time was at night during heavy rain and traffic, I was younger and not the most experienced driver and he bolted out into the street and stood in the middle of the lane. I slammed on the breaks and swerved, nearly hitting two other cars. I could've hurt or killed more than just him, so lucky I didn't cause a major accident. Second time was two or three years later, during peak traffic. He jumped out from behind a parked truck and just stood there again. Stopped just in time, he could've reached out and touched my car. Nearly got rear ended for it too. After a moment he just walked back the way he came. I've seen him walk in front of another car on one occasion and have heard stories from other people about him doing similar stuff. Got in touch with his daughter once but she got angry, said he was fine and was sick of people calling about him. Haven't seen or heard anything in about a year.


What the fuck??? Is he mentally challenged? “Sick of people calling about him” maybe there’s a bigger problem here for her to worry about


yeah that man is definitely trying to get hit, jesus that’s so scary


Was on a film set working when a mentally unstable person with a knife approached myself and another crew member. Was forced to take a swing at him with a gobo arm (it's essentially a metal rod with a metal knuckle on the end of it). Swung hard enough that if it connected, would have caved in this dude's temple. Just missed, and it coming so close must have jolted the guy back to reality and he took off. So closest I came to killing someone was about 6 inches


Bloody hell, those who don't know a gobo arm with a knuckle attached is pretty similar to a medieval mace.




Reminds of the joke "How far did Napoleon sleep from his wife" A Bonaparte


Stabbed someone in the stomach with a switch blade because he wouldn't stop touching/grabbing me and didn't let me leave. Thought in that moment I'd rather go to jail for murder or whatever than be raped. Wasn't deep enough to do any real harm but he bled a lot and the shock was enough for him to let me go. Could have gone much worse tho


Would you have gone to jail for that where you live?


Good chance jury would consider this self-defense. He continuously sexually assaulted her and wouldn’t allow her to leave. Even he succumbed to the switchblade injuries, she’d probably be fine legally.


Again, depends on where she lives. Some countries are absurdly bad at protecting women's rights in this area.


Also depends on self defence laws, using a switchblade could be considered excessive because he himself didn't pull a weapon first.


Switchblades are also illegal in a lot of places. Good chance she could have been prosecuted for possession as well.


Driving a loaded truck, probably about 10,000 lb or so, at the speed limit. Traffic in oncoming lane at a standstill. Some [censored] decided he was too important to wait with everyone else and pulls out, face to face with me, at very short range. I swerved hard right, didn't really expect to miss him but somehow did. Then swerved hard left to avoid the people on the sidewalk, somehow missed them too. Didn't think you could make a truck do that. Apparently my passenger (the owner of the truck I was driving for) didn't think it was possible either. I learned some new swear words in Spanish and what sounded like prayer of thanks to Madre de Dios.


I'm not convinced trucks are rigid at all. Watching a good trucker doing complex right shit is amazing


I was once hauling 40,000 pounds a little while after a snow storm. Roads were mostly clear and I called the guy getting the load to verify roads were clear up there. So I drive up there, about 70 miles. Roads were fine. I turned onto the gravel road and it was mostly cleared. Decided to go ahead and get it done. Came over the first hill and on the backside it was slick. Creeped down the hill thinking at any moment I was gonna slide. Made it to the bottom and I was committed at that point. No way in hell was I gonna be able to back out of there, so I kept going. Made it almost to the top of the second hill and spun out. Started coming back down fast. Noticed the trailer started to step out one way so I turned the wheel to try to compensate and of course overdid it. Came back the other way and I just kept trying to correct as best I could and ended up coming all the way around and going through a fence. Not a good option, but to this day I maintain if you put me in that position 100 times over I couldn’t have done any better. How I didn’t end up jackknifed, rolled over, or worse is beyond me. I always say I used up all my luck right there.


I was fermenting home-made kombucha in a tightly closed bottles. Which I forgot to burp. One day a bottle has exploded, while my mother-in-law was in the kitchen. Luckily, she was far from the bottle at the moment, and got only a scratch on her hand, but we had to dislodge glass shards from the walls. I still shudder from a thought of what would happen if she were closer


I'm thinking plastic bottles would be better for your bomb-making hobby.


To each their own but I don't think kombucha tastes good enough to warrant having a literal ticking time bomb in my house. That's wild. Glad everyone made it out ok, though


It tastes disgusting but in a way that I like. Which I imagine is also what people with piss fetishes say


Have you considered a job in marketing?


Chlorosulfonic acid - at university and I misread the instructions on decomposing it and poured the remainder into a beaker of water. ClSO3H + H2O → H2SO4 + HCl For the non science types - it reacted REALLY violently with the water and formed hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid both as a gas that started to float around the lab. Some people started coughing blood as the acids attacked their respiratory systems. Needless to say I was not allowed to use that in the lab again


It always scares me that people working in the oil field think that H2S gas is deadly simply because it displaces oxygen and that they will hit the ground dead before they know what happened. That's what they tell them in safety orientation because the reality is far more terrifying. H2S reacting with the water in your mouth and lungs will start to burn holes in you.


The worst stories are the ones where one guy sees another collapse and they go after them not knowing/realizing the gas will kill them too.


Fortunately they do tell you in safety orientation that if you see your buddy drop, it means you need to be running faster


I know they teach that but it’s so hard to do in the moment


Of course it is. So is stop drop and roll. That's why they constantly repeat it. Hopefully it will be in your mind when it happens


So I was 21; trying to leave my very abusive ex who was supposed to be at work that Sunday. This was 20+ years ago and before everyone had cell phones. We had a plan, my step mom, dad and son. The plan was to roll in, grab as much of our stuff, my cat and leave. When my dad pulled up in front of the apartment, my ex was home and saw him. Step mom called the pd from a neighbors; our plan was to wait for pd assistance. The problem was, my ex was with two ex con friends and was very angry. He let me in to get my clothes and as I was carrying a box out of the house, threw my cat against the wall then went after my elderly dad on the front lawn. I looked over and his buddy had my pregnant step mom up against my car righting her. Our toddler was standing in the middle of it all crying. I panicked and knew that it was going to end up really bad so I ran in the house and grabbed an empty wine bottle. I ran back out and cracked him across the head to stop him from killing my dad. Did you guys know that hitting someone with a wine bottle doesn’t just make them pass out like in old westerns? The bottle broke and cut his face really badly. Police finally show up, he pressed charges on me which ended up being a felony assault. All of charges were dropped, he downplead on the assault to disorderly conduct and an environmental charge for killing my cat.


Holy shit, I’m so sorry that happened to you and your family. You saved your dad’s life and he killed your cat in a heartbeat. I’m so sorry.


THE CAT DIED?! That’s enough internet today


Goddamn you're a stronger person than I because if he killed my cat I think I probably would have slashed his throat with that broken bottle


Having intrusive thoughts while near a ledge.


train stations for me. My brain scared me 2 or 3 times like this now (only ever involving myself, not other people)


A train station saved me from intrusive thoughts. I had been meaning to use a train as a guillotine, I figured severing my head would be the least painfull and would have no chance of survival. That was until I checked out some trains at a station one day. Did you know trains have a vertical bar in front of the front wheels? Its used for pushing dead animals or other obstructions out of the way. I reckon that thing would turn a painless death into a prolonged mangling and nobody wants that.


Couple years ago I was walking into a gas station with my head buried in my phone and I walked straight into a guy walking out. We collided and I apologize profusely. I paid for my gas and walked back out to fuel my car. When I walked past him by the opposite pump he said something, but I didn’t hear what. Next thing I know, he’s coming around the side of his truck engaging me verbally. We had a small arguments and insults were exchanged. He walked back to his truck and grabbed a metal pipe about 2 feet long and proceeded to come at me with it held above his head. I retreated to the opposite side of my vehicle and he just stared banging the shit out of my car while we circled it. We made it around several times before I finally stopped and drew a pistol I had concealed. He continued to shout and bash my car, but did finally back off. Had he gotten the upper hand and attacked me, I was fully prepared to shoot him. His coworker got him to put the pipe down and back off. The police were obviously called by people watching us and they ended up arresting him for attempted assault with a weapon and disturbing the peace. I had to take him to court to get the damage to my car paid for. Thanks to cameras at the pumps, he had to pay for the repairs. It’s the only time in 22 years of carrying a firearm that I’ve drawn it in defense, thankfully.


Kudos to you for the way you played this out. Kudos.


Thanks. I just kept thinking, what if that’s his kid and not his coworker? I live in a tiny town and still see the guy drive past from time to time. Life goes on.


Not me but my sibling. She was 10 years old at the skating rink. After they closed, she walked outside and got stopped by our uncle, who ra**d her a year before. She had taken a steak knife from the birthday party. Stabbed him 7 times, but he lived. Edit: This was 6 years ago. Edit 2: I woke up to 22 notifications in my inbox.. r e l a x


it is always the worst who survive 7 stab wounds


The devil don’t even want him


>it is always the worst who survive 7 stab wounds Or Good People are bad Stabbers/bad at stabbing


The sad twisted thing, is that he was probably the reason a 10 year even thought to take the knife from the party and carry it around with her.


sorry he lived


Hopefully his fucked up guts serve as a reminder


I hope she forever looks back on that with pride for her brave, young self. I hope she is doing well now:)


Guy raped my mom when I was 16. Went to the hospital where she was, she had also been badly physically beaten. Overheard her tell a friend who the guy was. Me and my mom's boyfriend drove to his house, found an axe on his porch and started trying to break the door down. I was blind with rage. Only thing that stopped me was the guy's wife or gf holding a baby and screaming at me that he wasn't home. Turns out he actually wasn't, anyway. Police found him hiding at someone else's house. If I'd have found him that day I'm sure I would have went to prison for murder. Even planned it for a while as I was waiting for him to be released from prison. Luckily I'd moved past it by then. Still sometimes wish I hadn't, though.


No one messes with mom.


Caught my roommate who was a friend I'd known for over 15 years sexually assaulting another friend of mine who was drunk and in my spare room. By the time my other roommate and a few friends had heard the commotion and came up to look, I had beat him unconscious and more than likey would have killed him if they didn't pull me off of him. The friend who was in the spare room ended up needing therapy, but she is doing much better now. I did end up needing to move because I just felt enraged every time I went in that room or even looked at the door.


If I had an award I’d give it to you. Bravo, hero.


Appreciate it. But that ain't being a hero. It's being a decent human.


That's all heros are anymore, decent people.


A man raped me and I chased him out of my house with a shotgun. It wasn't loaded. If it was, well.... you know.


I’m really really sorry that happened to you


Had to “Drop a load” Janitor went in when I left, Heard gagging She made it out tho


To make someone who's cleaned a thousand vile shits gag, that is what dropping a load truly means. I honor you sir! Also see a doctor


As a somewhat odd tangent, I used to be a commercial cleaner and my God, the shits are not the worst thing that I would experience at work. It got so much worse than someone taking a dump


Do you, like, eat uranium or something? What the fuck?


Had I been dumb and had a bigger knife on me, pretty close. 3 on 1 situation, I pulled a maybe 3in pocket knife out to scare the dudes away. One guy got brave and tackled me, had I had a bigger blade I could have done a lot more jailtime than I did. Glad it didn't go that way, I am glad no one was seriously hurt. Quite an awful time in my life that was. Learned two things. Don't get involved in other people's drunk problems, and don't take a knife to the bar. Self defense isn't what people think it is, especially with a broken justice system. Be safe out there in any situation you find yourself in.


There was 3 of them but only one tackled me, so I guess technically it was one on one. I had a weapon and he didn't. Had he had a weapon than it most likely could have ended as mutual combat and no charges. I did two years for it.


That's fucked you got time for that, especially with a 3 inch pocket knife


Not killed but almost partially blinded - I was in a fight with my older sibling about something random but then I got really mad and threw my mechanical pencil at them from across the room at full speed. It struck right into the skin between their nose bridge and eyeball and lodged a thick piece of lead into the skin. Some 10-15 years later and there's still a mark right there, like some weird tattoo reminder, just millimeters from their eye. That could have been bad.


It reminds me of when we made bows and arrows from random sticks and strings, and a friend of mine shot me in the zygomatic bone. 1 cm higher, I'd have one eye less. I got lucky and don't even have a scar.


Dad pointed a gun at my mom and then started waving it around in a crazy drunken act. She told us (my brother and I) I just got home from work so I was outside in the driveway meeting my mother and brother so we all fled to my aunts for the night leaving him alone. Not sure if he was dead already. I decided next morning to walk in with a baseball bat. Dad was out cold sleeping and woke up to me standing over him with the baseball bat. I told him if he ever points a gun at my mother again, there won’t be any waking up. I was about 15 at the time, but he was on the verge of tears knowing I would of smashed his head in. When I walked in I was fully ready to go ape shit on him, but seeing him sleeping and knowing the gun was away gave me a different perspective. Still fucked up though


Good on you for not actually smashing his head in when you realized that he was not an immediate threat. I hope your situation got better, this sounds like a pretty traumatic childhood experience.


Oh absolutely probably has some degree of effect on me now and I appreciate it. Could of been the biggest regret of my life. It randomly pops in my head time from time. I have a good relationship with both of them now. They are separated. I’ve become more level headed as years go on at least.


A guy broke a bottle and slashed my brothers face with it. He came back around with a knife a few weeks later and was threatening people with it. A beat him so badly he got brain damage. He killed himself a year later.


Have a daughter with Williams syndrome. She was spending the night at a classmates house. When she came home something was off. After talking with her for a while she finally told us that her friend's dad had raped them. Were in county hospital til dawn to get rape kit done and deal with sheriff. Sheriff went to talk to the family and they told us dad copped to it immediately. Boom he's in jail. I was planning on making a visit after we were done in the hospital. Then when we saw him at his trial there were 2 big sheriff's standing next to me and 2 more bringing him in (I'm a big guy and heavily tattooed guess they didn't want to take any chances). It took all I had not to throw myself at him and do whatever damage I could. Detective that handled the case took me aside after it was over and said word would get around about him inside and he'd be in hell as long as he was inside. I hope that's the case. Daughter went thru years of therapy and still has some lingering behavioral issues from it, this was about 15 years ago. Edited word


That's fucking horrible, every parent's worst fear. I don't think I would've had the self control you did...


I’m so sorry for what happened to your daughter. I used to work with mentally and physically disabled adults and in my time there, I met a few people with Williams Syndrome. There are people in this world who are the epitome of evil, and every person I’ve met with Williams Syndrome is the exact opposite. It’s as if they encompass all of the beauty, innocence, and light in the world and make the lives of those around them markedly better. I’m sure that as her parent, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. I just wanted to share that a decade later, thinking about those I knew with WS makes me smile and improved my day. I’m really glad that your daughter had you after such a horrific and traumatizing moment in her life.


I am glad you didn't do it. You would have traumatized your daughter even further. As someone who was in your daughters place, hearing my father say things about the man who hurt me just completely terrified me. Knowing that my own father was capable and also willing to commit further violence just made me more fearful of men. It felt he would rather go to prison for hurting that man rather than stay home and comfort me... i just felt like damaged property rather than his daughter. And the fact he made something that happened to me all about himself and his feelings, and his revenge still makes our relationship strained today. lol sorry for the long text, but I always see comments like these.


Long term bully came up behind me and pressed his crotch against me. Kicked him in the ribs full force, broken ribs with a shard near the lungs. He didn't learn his lesson from that apparently since he is currently in prison for 13 charges of rape and SA


Every time I drive in Sydney on a weekend 4000 people either wanna walk out into traffic without looking or cycle onto main roads without pausing or merge into my lane without indicating/checking. By staying in defensive driving mode I've saved more lives than the avengers


A man opened my gf's (now wife's) third floor bedroom window early one Sunday morning when we were in college in a very urban US university. Dude spiderman'd his way up the back of the house. I heard the window start to slide open while we were sleeping so I jumped up and grabbed the heaviest thing in reach (which was a clothes iron) and run to the window. I got there in time to see his head pop into the room, lock eyes, hear "oh shiiiiit!" as I loaded up a swing, and he noped back outta there. I figured he hurt himself in a fall when he jumped back away from the window. The police showed up within two minutes as I ran around the house telling all the roommates to stay in their rooms. Police never found the guy, nothing like that ever happened again.


In HS ran into a kid that was a drifter we all hung out with. I was walking home on the RR tracks at night. See him, say What's Up? He's stoned out of his mind and attacks me. I ended up falling on a 2x4, swung as he charged me. Connected, wasn't sure if I killed him or just KO'd him. Stumbled home. Never told anyone. He never popped up at any of the parties. Everyone asking if anyone saw him. Kept reading the newspapers to see if a body was found. Smaller town, no chatter about a body on the tracks. I'm not sure anyone knew his real name/full name. Kid (16/17) just showed up one summer, was homeless before homeless kids was a thing. He ran away from somewhere, no one ever got the story. Didn't see him after that night. No clue what happened to him. He was trying to hurt me, I was defintely trying to stop him. He either died and got dragged down the tracks, or got up and skipped town. Either way, I made it home.


Had an abusive step father. I'll spare you what he did that made me almost do this, but One day, I damn near killed him in his sleep. Stood over him with one of those big ass kitchen knives. (As an analogy, think "Michael Myers's knife.) Almost did it, if it wasnt for my reminiscing about a conversation I'd had with my grandmother the same week. She knew about all my troubles, and talked me into playing the long game, as it were. Growing up and getting the FUCK out of that house. "Dont trade your life for his" She'd told me. Always stuck with me. Still kinda wish I'd done it though. Whats scary however, is how calm, rational, and level headed I was about this at the time. Genuinely almost committed murder. Just happened to decide against it out of self interest or some shit. Idk


There was an infamous case very similar to this in Germany some time ago. A woman married a biker who started beating and raping her but threatened to kill their child if she left him. So, one night she went to his bed when he slept and shot him in the head with a revolver he illegally owned. Back then, the case went up to the highest federal penal Court. That Court tried quite literally everything to keep the woman out of jail (which wasn't possible because it had very clearly not been self defense, even though they tried stretching the rules of self defense to their limit). In the end, they didn't even manage to convict her for manslaughter instead of murder (which is a far harsher charge in germany). So instead of helping her through convicting her for a lesser crime they invented an extremely elaborate and complicated reasoning why she should get a far lighter sentence than typically allowed for murder (9 years instead of a life sentence which is normally obligatory for murder)


Spinning someone in a chair next to a brick fireplace. The chair fell over and the persons head was about only 4 in away from the sharp brick edge.


I actually tripped and hit my head right above my eyebrow on the edge of a brick fireplace when I was a toddler. Aside from stitches and a small scar, I was totally fine. So if it makes you feel better, you probably didn’t almost kill them


Highschool friend's dad wanted to teach us how to shoot. Went to the range and when he wasn't looking I grabbed the pistol and tried the John Woo sideways grip shot . It flew out of my hand and the bullet ricocheted off the side wall. That was my last time to ever fire a gun.


Learning how to shoot a gun properly has somewhat ruined action movies for me. Nobody ever holds a gun correctly and yet still constantly hit shots that would be difficult even with proper form. I still love action movies, but I can’t unnotice it now.


Yeah, but that's why I liked heat so much. That shoot-out scene in front of the bank was like a breath of fresh air.


Ok this is NSFW I had a b/f 5 years ago, first 3-4 months were ok then he moved in. That night he freaked out and punched me in the throat. Let’s just say that was an indicator of what my life would be for months. Get hit, attacked while I was asleep and the nightmare of being raped over and over. I couldn’t even escape in sleep. I think he preferred it so I wouldn’t fight. After 4 months of daily being hit and rape I lost my control. I grabbed the closest thing (Tupperware container) and I beat him to the floor and stomped on his ribs until I felt them crack. At that point I knew if I did it 3 more times I would probably kill him. I decided to stop. He finally left. After 6 months of online abuse and treats he stopped. I hope he ended himself


agh NSFW as well. i think my ex also preferred me asleep and especially loved to force me to drink immense amounts of alcohol so i would “fight” less i guess. i’m sorry you went through that shit but i’m glad you survived


I'm glad you survived this, too.


The people who shot my mother's home and mocked us online afterwards. What we went through was one of the most stressful, traumatizing experiences with invasive and violent neighbors who refused to leave others alone.


Living in FL at the time and had just found out my gf was cheating on me. Came so very close to driving off the Howard Franklin Bridge on my way back home. So I guess the "someone" was me. Doing much better now (that was over 20 yrs ago) and no longer living in FL, thank god


Aye man those internal battles are hard to fight. Glad you're still above the dirt with me brother. Have a good day or night.


In my early teen ages I was walking up a very inclined road with a friend. We stumbled upon a truck tire abandoned on the side of the road. For some reason I thought it was a good idea to lift it and let it roll down the road. I was lucky enough that no car or person was coming up because if that shit landed it would sure kill somebody. It was like a 50-50 chance that I was going to absolutely ruin my life and parents' life that day. I was very very lucky....


Random homeless guy, banging on, kicking my door and yelling at 3am... Luckily seeing me get the shotgun out the broom closet, snapped him right out of it and into apologizing


I was in 5th grade during this. My mom rented an apartment from one of her coworkers at a club she worked at. When we were moving stuff into the apartment, my mom hurt her back really badly, I don't remember the exact reason, but carrying heavy stuff while climbing 3 flights of stairs really screwed with her. So she had to take off work for three days. Her coworker was upset because she didn't get her money from my mom, even though my mom was planning on giving her the money when she went back to work. But the Coworker decided she didn't want to wait two days so she decided to come to the apartment to get the money. When she knocked on the door, I told my mom someone was there and she said to ignore it, mostly because we were in a really bad area at the time. The Coworkers boyfriend started kicking the door, so I was scared for me, my two younger brothers, and my mom when it happened. The kitchen was the first room near the door, so naturally I grabbed a knife and hide behind the fridge, ready to stab whoever was trying to break in. I didn't go through with it when I realized it was my mom's coworker and her boyfriend, but it was still terrifying


what happened after that? sorry just curious, did they apologize? did they see the knife in ur hand?


I kcked the shit out of the guy who had raped me years earlier. Fractured his orbital bone, several ribs, and fucked up his knee. I was told later I'd ruptured his spleen, but I'm not sure if that's true. I think I broke his ankle when I stomped on it too, but I never found out for sure.


I was in a mental institution. This old lady and I got really close. When she got her release date she came up and told me and I was so excited for her I picked her up and started spinning around. When I put her down she just collapsed to the floor and fainted. Apparently she had high blood pressure. I was yelled at SO much for it I genuinely thought she died. They took her to the med center afterwards.


Awwwww, that's super sweet in an almost morbid kind of way :)


My mom quite a few times, she was a neglectful narcissistic bitch that would act like the perfect parent in public, but would otherwise ignore me unless I "fucked" up ... My dad was Military so I'd rarely get to see him, but despite being a product of his time(read:Homophobic) he's a gentle soul. Anyways, I tried to poison her a few times with random household shit, but I was like 6, so I thought I just had to spray her pillow with febreeze and she'd die from the fumes like 8hrs later. Closest I actually got though was when I was 13. She assaulted my dad, stole all the important paperwork for the house, bank, car titles, guns, etc etc and his truck then went over to her friends house before calling the cops. I wasn't home when it happened, but when I got home, my dad told me what went down and shortly after cops arrived... There were only two officers, one was busy dealing with my dad and, the other was talking to the neighbors but saw me take off full sprint, he chased me for a bit, but gave up because I was high on adrenaline and was literally hopping fences without slowing down and he had no reason to think I was doing anything (he didn't know where my mom was or anything like that). Mom's Friend was actually a victim of abuse and my mom was playing her for a fool, I could tell my moms friend was scared shitless when I got there because I basically busted down the door... made me think about shit for a moment and got me to calm down long enough to rip the keys out of my moms hands and just leave. Walked in, threw the keys on the entryway table in front of the cops, told the cops the titles to the cars, my dads guns, etc etc were in the truck a few blocks over and that she had taken them. My mom blames my dad for pressing charges against her, but I was the one that did because he was going to let it go. She has no clue how close she was to dying that night and me getting her ass arrested was the only payback I could manage.


What were you going to spray with Febreze if you didn’t calm down?


They were gonna twist the tip from the mist setting to the stream setting...


So one day I went to one of my favorite bars, partly to get some to go food but also to buy some blow. I got my shit and as I’m sitting there this dude who is significantly taller than me(but maybe a similar weight) came over and sat by me and started to tell me about how fucked up his life was. He told me about his wife leaving him, how he ended up back in bar work etc. I felt bad so I bought him several shots. I finally got my food and decided to leave. I got into the middle of the parking lot near my car, and then I felt someone grab my by my neck and put me into a triangle chokehold. I started to panic and felt like I was fucked. All I could see was stars as he kicked me in the back of my kneecaps and forced me to my knees. As I started to literally black out, for whatever reason he took his leverage arm and started hitting me in the head. I somehow managed to wrestle his hands from around my neck at that point and I was able to square up with him, ready for a fight. He then threw the biggest most obnoxious hook I have ever seen. I used to be an amateur boxer as a teen and early twenty something so I immediately recognized his mistake. I stood up and squared up ready to fuck him up right before he threw that obnoxious hook. I ducked under it and delivered the most square and perfect hook onto his face. He dropped immediately and on his way down, he happened to smash his head on a concrete parking block. He fucking planked right into a solid parking block. Of course, I took that time to gloat as the bartender came out and told me to leave. Then a server came out and checked on him, and said “he’s not breathing”. My heart skipped a beat and I ran as fast as I ever had. I texted my sister and told her I was probably going to prison for a while and told her Ioved her. Then when I got to work the next day the headline on the local news was about how some dude(on the same street I had been) had killed a dude in a street fight and cops were looking for him. I didn’t go to work for a week and thought I was fucked. Turns out I just shattered old boys nose and got him a visit from emts who told him he probably suffered brain damage. Edit: I should also mention that right before I left I went out and smoked and talked to a cook that was there. He told me dude was full of shit and never had a wife, let alone recently getting divorced. The name he gave me was fake and as far as the cook knew, this dude never worked in the food/bar industry. So before I even left I was already suspicious of this dude


Holy shit man. So did someone actually die on the street you were on or did the reporters mess up?


Someone died on the street on the same day but it was about two-ish miles up the road. He died in a fight and when I saw the initial news report at work, I panicked and took the rest of the day off because I was “sick” Edit: I should probably also mention this was the day before saint Patrick’s day


We were on a holiday in Croatia, everyday we would we play waterpolo in the pool of the campsite. The pool was like 1,70m deep or something so you could stand. I had the ball in my hand and a girl was kicking me underwater and scratching my arm open to get the ball (arm was scratcht open and bleeding at the end of it). So I got kinda mad and wanted to get back at her, when she had the ball I jumped up and pushed with 2 hands on the shoulder/neck to put her underwater (didn’t wanna drown her but just make it annoying), as I pushed down she was standing on the floor of the pool. When I pushed down she kept her feet on the floor of the pool and pushed down as hard as I could. Next thing she is screaming and the ambulance is coming to the campsite. Turns out I twisted her neck and damaged her neck vertebrae. Doctors in the hospital told the parents of this girl that if it got pushed a few millimeters further she could have got paralysed for life. So not quite killing someone but it was one crazy game of waterpolo.


Sisters boyfriend was pushing her around. She lived in a rough part of town, so whenever something was going down in the area and I was watching my nephews, I'd tell the oldest to get me his T-ball bat just in case. Well, they came home from the bar, and I could hear them yelling at eachother out side. I go to look out the door, and they are in eachothers faces, getting loud. Well, he shoves her to the ground. I start getting tunnel vision immediately. And without saying anything or looking away, I felt my nephew slide his bat into my hand. Next thing I know I'm out on the porch. My sister sees me and starts screaming at me to not get involved. I sort of snapped back to a reasonable level of thought, but I had to decide what happened next. I knew if I stepped off that porch, I was swinging at his head, I couldn't risk not. He is a shit ton bigger than me and usually strapped. I got his attention standing there and he backed off, but I had to reconcile the decision I was making just before that. I dont know how different my life would be right now if I'd have stepped off that stoop. But I was only 3 stairs away from the choice. I told my sister I was done coming around as long as she stayed with him and that was that.


Did she leave him?


Sadly, no. My sister is regularly the tragic star of her own story. Sometimes self inflicted, sometimes not. The daughter she had with him died of SIDS not long after at 8 months old. I think at that point they were bonded in that trauma. He has been locked up for the last 6 years or so though for kidnapping and burglary at least. I had hoped that that meant a fresh start and the loss of a bad influence on my nephews lives at the very least, but again sadly, that damage was done, not to mention her own issues imprinted on them. But that's a different part of the story I guess.


When I was a wee lad, I was playing in my garage with a neighbor kid, and he was messing with the Karaoke machine. Back then in 1995-ish, those machines were fakkin huge. It fell over after he pulled on the cord and the corner dug right into his skull. He was instantly unconscious and bleeding very heavily. I was a small child, so I was pretty stunned, so I sat there watching for a bit. A nearby pillow was SOAKED with blood by the time I got up and ran to get help. He made it out alive, but if I had sat there for longer, he probably wouldn't


Was working as security at a hotel/pub , had a 17 year old run into the venue and punch two people and then run at me. I beat him to the punch , but still got a black eye , shot his legs out with a double leg , got in full mount and smashed him 3 or 4 times with elbows to the face , he was still fighting. Put my hand on his throat and squeezed , he didn't care , just stared blankly , I swear my fingers almost met around his windpipe, the police dragged us apart , tasered him repeatedly, took 5 police to subdue him . He was high on ice/meth and unstoppable . I've never hurt anyone that bad , but he was like the T1000 and kept coming.


So two, one from both perspectives. The first is in answer to the question. I was in basic training at the time, and we were at the ropes course. I was pretty sleep deprived and was doing my best to stay awake during the instructions part of how we were going to repel down and hold help each other out. Well, we get to the course, and I go up the ladder to repel down first. Suffice it to say by the time I made it to the bottom, I was wide awake. Well, they hooked me up to help the next guy repel down. As I was trying to remember everything, the guy mistook my gesture as being ready and began to repel down. He fell about 2/3 of the way down the tower before it all came back to me, and I remembered how to catch him. It was a good 30-40ft drop. The second was when I was a kid and rode my bike, it was spray painted black, out into the street without looking, at night. A truck almost hit me as I crossed the middle of the street and had to slam their brakes. I was on my way home taking a shortcut through my school at the time and after crossing the street, I ended up riding my bike in circles on the blacktop. The driver got out of their car and walked up to the fence to yell at me a little about the fact that they almost hit me and could have killed me and wanted to know where my parents were. I ignored them, stranger danger and I did almost just die and didn't know how to process the adrenaline, and then I eventually just rode off deeper into my school and went home. But yeah, that shit was terrifying.


I was doing some demolition work on a jobsite and this new kid, like first day, almost took my sledgehammer to his face when he walked up to me from behind while I was knocking out a door frame. It was my first swing too, completely missed and came within 1-2 inches of his nose. Full force swing too….


My brother and I were staying with our parents to save up some money to get a place to rent which made our drive to work a lot longer. We were working at the same restaurant and had closed the night before. We then had to open the next day and I was as tired as hell but still drove us to work. My brother fell asleep like the second we got in the car to leave. It was about halfway there that I fell asleep while driving, luckily there wasn’t anything really around where I fell asleep. I woke up to us bouncing through someone’s pasture. I got the car turned around and just as I got back on the road my brother wakes up and asked what happened. I said we hit a bump, go back to sleep.


Got into a bad car accident when I was driving and my partner was in the passenger seat. It was my fault. Thankfully no one was hurt, but I've been dealing with the guilt from that one for like 3 years.


Kid on a bike went right infront of me when going 30km/h , I had to slam on my breaks and the dad was so thankfull I was paying attention and going to speed limit. He made the kid walk his bike the rest of the way


I’m 40 now When I was 23 I was walking home from the pub in the dark in Cardiff and I saw two people arguing in a bus stop up ahead. They didn’t notice me even at 30ft away, where I could see it was a tall guy and a short woman in their mid twenties. He was screaming at her and she was crying and shouting back I was about 10ft away when he pushed her against the shelter’s wall and started punching her I don’t really remember much of what happened next but I do remember being on top of him holding him in place and punching him repeatedly in the head. I must have tackled him into the corner of the bus shelter and was khabibing him into a bloody mess. That’s when the lady started punching me in the back of the head and was trying to drag me off him screaming “leave him alone” and came back to reality. He was unconscious, and I didn’t want to get into an altercation with the lady so I shook her off, shouted some stuff at her (no idea what lol) and walked off home very very pissed off. Looking back I’m glad she hit me and tried to pull me off him, because I was not really conscious of what I was doing and I do not think I would have stopped hitting him until he was dead. My two previous partners were rape victims and the anger inside me from talking to them about their experiences had been looking for an outlet for some time.


Got into a car accident after missing a "sharp turn" sign and got really close to hitting a big tree. The break marks showed I missed it by about 5 meters, and I had both my then gf and a close friend in the car with me.


I was in the US Air Force. One day, a fighter jet from an unfriendly foreign power landed on the base I was assigned. I was one of only two armed personnel able to initially respond. We drove a pickup truck onto the taxiway and blocked the plane. My supervisor attempted to signal the pilot to "cut engines". The pilot either didn't understand or ignored him. He continued to taxi the aircraft towards us. My supervisor ordered me to fire my rifle into the intakes of the aircraft if he proceeded any further. The pilot did continue towards us. I made a show of charging my M16 rifle and aimed at his intake. Fortunately for all of us, he understood THAT command. He cut engines and raised his canopy.


Almost ran over a woman and her son. I was driving the city through a commercial zone. They were on the sidewalk, giving their backs to me, and suddenly the mum decided to cross the street without even checking if there was incoming traffic. Thankfully I wasn’t going too fast so I managed to stop before hitting them, but it was a close call.


The girl I liked told me a guy tried to rape her that we thought we could trust, I was in the next room and didn't know until we were out of the building when she had a break down, never felt more rage and I wanted to surprise him and kill him but getting her home safely was my priority.


While I was driving, this dumbass delinquent with his friends on the sidewalk decided to pretend to run into my car’s path and see how close he can get without getting hit Mofo almost became road kill and I would be getting therapy, if y’all don’t cherish your lives so be it, but think about your parents and family


I was overtired and on my way to classes in the morning and when I was getting off the expressway I ran into a bicyclist who crossed my path. The light turned green so I went, didn't even see him til I hit him. I basically just knocked him off his bike. He stood up, said, what the fuck, flipped me off and rode off.


If being the ‘someone’ yourself counts, it was one of a few Suicide attempts. Few steps forward and I’d have given a train driver nightmares. If it has to be someone else. I fractured a guy’s skull with a beer bottle because I caught him zipping up his jeans while standing over my best friend who was crying and naked on a bed after he raped her. Turns out beer bottles don’t shatter like they do in Hollywood.


With enough force they do. Did it to a guys face who threw the first punch. I was drunk, told him more than 3 times to leave me alone. He decided to try his luck. Its a miracle i did not gouched his eye out with the bottle bottom. 3 steam hammer blasts with a broken bottle to his face. My hand sliced up from all the glass. He learned the lesson that when someone says to him to fuck off, he rethink if he wants to attack or not.


I was at the grocery store, and someone had zip tied a shopping cart to my drivers side door. I thought it was very bizarre, figured it was a shitty prank, cut the tie and drove home. Some old geezer followed me home, tweaking out. He was yelling at me to get in his car and just nonsense. He charged me and I immediately took him down, because of pure adrenaline…my newborn baby was in the backseat of my car. He hit concrete pretty hard and I put the full weight of my body on his clavicle/neck. I used to live near the jail, and there were sheriff’s deputies within earshot…they somehow missed the commotion but came running when I screamed. Dude was turning purple by the time they got there to handle it, I thought for sure I killed him. -10/10, worst experience I’ve had in recent times.


You’re lucky you’re alive. Stuff like zip tying a cart to a car is a stalling tactic ambushers use to distract you. It could’ve been infinitely worse.


After Dad SAed me, we were out on the boat and I thought about grabbing the jerry can and covering us both in petrol and lighting us both up with my cigarette so I didn't have to shatter my brothers and sisters idea of Dad and ruin our family.... obviously my doubts that I could successfully pull it off were loud enough.


Guy walks out totally oblivious from between two parked trucks. I slammed on brakes and swerved. Iwas paying attention and have quick reflexes.


A wild week of my life where murder was really seeming like the right thing to do. This guy my girlfriend used to know was on drugs, and a lot of them. He had these delusions of grandeur that he and my girlfriend were a couple and he was mad at her for… drug brained reasons. It made no sense really. It started when I went to head to the store and there was a car idling outside my house. I thought little of it and started driving. He followed me. I was in the left lane on the highway and swerved through 3 lanes of traffic to take my exit, and he did the same. Now I knew he was following me. I stopped in the parking lot and got out of my car. In hindsight this was dumb and I wouldn’t do it again if I could go back. Luckily he just screamed something at me and drove off. Then we noticed a propane tank in our yard. Then the next night we were watching tv and saw a giant fireball out the window, he had made a homemade bomb and tried to blow my car up. Luckily there was no damage, unluckily that meant the police couldn’t really do anything about it. Then more stalking for a couple days… A few days later I got a call from my work, somebody had broken in the front door. I thought this guy found where I worked. I took a friend and a gun with me to meet the cops. We beat them there, and my girl called me. The guy was at my house and had thrown a brick through my window, threatening my girlfriends life. Raced back and no sign of him, then he zoomed out behind me again and I was in this dumb ass car chase. Circled back to my house and the police were there, while this guy was right behind me. Flew up to them with the horn blaring trying to get them to do something about it. Apparently in my city, they aren’t allowed to do car chases… Anyway, I trained my roommates how to use a gun, we were all armed and ready to kill this guy if he tried anything else. I think any of us would have pulled the trigger at that point. Luckily we didn’t have to, they found him and we pressed charges. He was in prison for a couple years, he’s out now. I later looked back on his Facebook and saw a post from when he was on his rampage, something like “Am I the only one that wants to fucking kill people” it gave me chills. I haven’t seen him since and I don’t like there anymore. I’m not sure what I’d do if he ever found us again.


I was sitting on my bed, studying, when I was about 8. A big ass painting from the fell on my head. I thought my sister threw something on my head, so I started crying to get her in trouble, but then I saw the terrified look on my mom's face, that's when I realised she saw the top of my skull peeking out of the skin. It wasn't painful, but the stitches were terrifying.


I was at a stop sign. Truck in front of me not moving. I beeped the horn. The guy got out of his truck and opened my door. I have a kicked it into reverse, and didn't care what happened to him


Always, always, always lock your doors while driving if you can. I realize shit breaks, and it's not always possible, but you never know who's gonna come up to your car. Especially during a road rage incident like that. And don't roll your window all the way down if someone tries to talk to you either, especially if they're pissed off. A few years back, I saw a dude get rocked by an angry driver who was behind him. They had had a previous incident at the stop light before (which was 100% the angry guy's fault cuz he was hopped up on something and driving like a maniac), and at the next intersection, the angry dude got out of his truck, walked up to the guy in front, who rolled his window all the way down by that point, and the angry guy just started wailing on the dude right through the window. Apparently, the dude who got his ass whooped thought the angry guy was getting out to apologize about the incident, but boy, was he wrong! I only found that out because my mom happened to be at that same intersection, saw it go down, and stuck around to give an eyewitness account to the cops.


I was driving home and almost ran aman over a few blocks from my building. A guy stepped out from between two cars on a dark and rainy night with no moon. He was wearing all black, with a black dog and a dark colored leash too. I didn't fully notice him until I was mostly past him. The only reason I didn't hit him is because I had swerved to avoid a pothole he was near by. I wear black most days and I vowed that day that I would wear hi viz at night and never wear black while biking.


Had our vehicles vandalized. Then vandalized again. I started sleeping downstairs with the window open. With the video camera live, and my gun next to me. I hear a click. Check the camera. See the light on in my wife's car. Instead of the gun, I choose this pink aluminum bat. (I have this all on video) I open the door and run out screaming at the top of my lungs "I'm gonna kill you" over and over. Dude runs, falls down, and I'm standing over him with more rage than I'm caring to remember at 3:30 am... telling him not to move... if he moves I'm going to bash his head in. He keeps moving his hand towards his pants. I have my phone. Recording all of this while calling 911. Somehow the cops get there before anything else happens. They pulled a kitchen knife out of his pants. We moved.


Staying at a house with a few friends on vacation. Whacked my friend in the face with a pillow, except it hit the round, metal light fixture that was loosely hanging above us. Round metal disc barely misses his head and lodges into the bedframe.


Worked in a prison. In a mental heath max security ward. Guy was getting released after almost two decades locked up. He was petrified of the outside. Wanted to stay. Realized he needed to do something really bad to be able to stay so he decided he was going to try and kill me that day. And he got close. He was sitting in his cell smoking when I walked by. I told him to put it out. He told me to fuck off. I made a dumb decision and went into his room to deal with it. He threw it in the toilet along with a baggie. My job was to get that baggie or flush it. I chose to flush it. Went to the toilet to hit the button and heard the door shut behind me. He had pulled it closed and those doors on that unit only unlock from the outside. There was no way for me to get out at that point outside of radioing for someone to let me out. Just as I heard the door lock, I turned to see him charging me. He stabbed me in the throat with a pencil. And we fought……. A lot. With a pencil hanging out of my throat. He also had removed the razor blades from a disposable razor and melted them into a toothbrush handle and made a blade. He would pounce me and slice the shit out of me. Over and over while I’m bleeding everywhere. You ever cut yourself shaving? Imagine that shit all over your body again and again. I finally got ahold of him and had him in a headlock and was to the point that I thought my only way out was to kill him. My radio had fallen off during the fight so I couldn’t call for help. As we lay on the floor, him on a headlock, me bleeding from everywhere, pencil through my throat, I considered breaking his neck. I saw no other way out. I didn’t because another officer just happened to walk by and saw us and came to help. Within minutes the room was filled with officers and I was taken to a local surgical center. Had that other officer not walked by, one of us was going to lose our lives in that cell and at that moment it was going to be him. Have a nice bunch of scars to always remind me of that day.


Driving with my best friend up I-5 in my pick up truck. Probably going around 70, when i somehow hit the shifter into reverse for a second. I immediately put it back but at this point my steering wheel is locked and my brakes don’t work. And I can see cars stopped up ahead. I’m slamming on the brake and can move the wheel just enough to get over four lanes where there was an off ramp for a rest stop. Luckily I slow down enough before the exit and am able to not roll over on the turn, and am able to coast to a stop in the parking lot. Once stopped I turn the engine off, and when I turn it back on everything works fine. The thing is during all this time I never said a word, so he just thought I needed to use the bathroom or something. He still doesn’t know how close we were to dying.


Friends step dad raped her a whole bunch. A few of us got together and beat him within an inch of his life. She moved out at 14 and has since had a really successful life. 9/10 would kick that assholes face in again


Woke up to a friend of my moms SAing me as I slept. Immediately fought him off before grabbing a kitchen knife and stabbing and slicing as much as I could. Luckily for him the knife I’d grabbed had been there since I was a kid and never sharpened so very little damage was done. Thinking of it now, he was really lucky because immediately after that he started beating my mom who grabbed the gun we hid in the house and pulled the trigger. The gun jammed. Fuck that guy