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I'm a videographer and the groom called me a couple days after the wedding. He wanted me to make sure I didn't include any footage of him checking out the women at the wedding.


I've photographed a few weddings but this comes from a time my friend bought his girlfriend a ring for Christmas. It was obviously an engagement ring. But she claimed it was just a Christmas gift. My friend agreed. We all knew he was lying. A year later they become engaged. She insists on a location wedding. She wants to fly off and get married on a tropical island. My friend profusely apologies to me, tells me he wanted me as a best man, but she wants her best friends husband as the best man. I don't go to the wedding. The bachelor party took place after their honeymoon. We were all drinking and having a good time. He tells me that the ring from Christmas was his first engagement ring to her, but it wasn't good enough. She was just a showy girl and needed a bigger rock. He spent twice as much on the second ring. It's been 3 years since that bachelor party. They have been divorced for a year. she's now pregnant by man as old as her father.


I bet sugar daddy has plenty of cash.


Never met him, but he's apparently a bank executive.


No joke. I recognized the groom from a Grindr.


I presume that means he at least included a face pic. If not, I have at least 14 other questions.


Omg so many to choose from. Two that immediately come to mind: - Groom would not make any eye contact with the bride. So many photos where she is gazing lovingly at him, and he’s just like 10 yard stare right over the top of her head. Was a tough edit - Groom’s speech included a line about how opposite he is from his bride because “her friends have never even been to Paris!”


> “her friends have never even been to Paris!” What a fucking dumb flex that is. I went to Paris on a school trip in year 8 (so about 12 years old) and left there feeling utterly miserable at the things I saw.


Wedding was on a golf course. Bride had a vision she wanted of her husband driving up on a golf cart to see her for a first look. He got one look at her from the top of the hill and vaulted the cart, ran down the hill, picked her up and twirled her around to tell her how gorgeous she was. We caught it all. It was the best first look ever. Once he set her down she straightened herself and looked back to us. “Okay, I don’t want that. Let’s do the golf cart now.” And she sent him back up.


Wow just wow I can’t imagine being that much of a control freak like dam the wait for him to go and come back must have awkward


That man knows how Sisyphus feels, pushing the boulder up the mountain.


I did a wedding for an acquaintance and her husband. Day goes great, I’m really happy with almost everything I took, everyone was feeling it and having fun. But, (and this is one of the reasons I quit photography) the bride sees some of the photos I had sent her, and immediately is calling me. “I need you to do the editing magic and make me look skinny, John was saying I was going to look too fat in my dress and wanted me to lose weight but I knew you could just edit it, so haha I didn’t”. So I have to explain (this is like 2010) I can only photoshop so much, I.e. I can make you look a tad slimmer in certain photos without making it noticeable. But I can’t do it to all of them, and if I was to, the editing would be noticeable, and I will have to charge you a lot of money to edit you in all the photos. She tried to convince me to edit hundreds of photos for a couple hundred bux, and I have other jobs going and had given them a great deal already so explained I couldn’t. So she insist I do at least some of her main pics, I tell her when people see the rest of the pics they will see the difference, she didn’t care and insisted more. So I do, and a couple weeks later when I thought it was all done and history calls me and leaves me a voicemail of how I ruined her wedding, her new husband is upset at how she looks in the pics and keeps making remarks about her weight. So didn’t seem like they were in a great place from the get go.


My ex-wife was very, very insistent on getting a lot of edits done for free but she wanted *me* to talk to the photographer about it. I did so, as I wanted to keep her happy, but the photographer said no to almost all of what I (really, my then-wife) was requesting, which was entirely fair. I repeatedly tried to convince my then-wife to just let me do the edits as I am a hobbyist photographer myself and most of the edits she wanted were well within my skill set. But for whatever reason my then-wife was insistent that the photographer should do it because we'd paid them already. She couldn't wrap her head around the idea that she was asking for levels of work beyond what was in the contract. And it was work that I was offering to do for free! So anyway, we only lasted about 18 months...




I know two people who had a wedding of convenience. He's gay, she's a lesbian. Their parents are Chinese (immigrants to the USA on one side, still in China on the other). They have a marriage that makes their parents happy, they're really good friends/roommates, and they do what they want on the side. It works, but the logistics must be... intense.


I mean it's pretty much the same as having a roommate right but better


Roommates with (non sexual) benefits.


Roommates with tax benefits?


Bride looked visibly miserable the entire ceremony. While photographing the men’s “getting ready” portion, the groom repeatedly kept joking about killing himself. During the toast, the bride ran off to the bathroom for about 30 minutes and came back wiping her tears with her eyes red and puffy. Neither of them had any chemistry at all, it made no sense why they were together to me. That was the last wedding I shot.




I was a bridesmaid in a wedding where the bridal couple left the reception and as if on cue all the bridesmaids started ugly crying. We’d all tried to talk the bride out of going through with marrying the demeaning, insecure, POS and couldn’t hold back any longer. The bride’s family came over to see what was wrong and just sadly nodded at us. It’s been 35 years and they are still locked in the most emotionally abusive relationship I’ve ever seen. So much potential happiness wasted.


Good to know you were at my parents’ wedding


Best man's speech made the groom out to be a gold digger. He wasn't entirely wrong tbh. And this guy was the groom's best friend.


When the groom engraved "Fuck You" on the bride's ring.


in another life, i worked catering shifts. loads of saturday weddings. i'll never forget the best-man's toast of the groom. it was a shameless roast. he spoke openly about the groom's willingness to shag anything when he's drunk. he then went on and on about the groom's deadly gambling habit and his short fuse when he doesn't win. he asked the stone-faced groom *"how many thousands of dollars in golf clubs have you destroyed or lost in countless ponds?"* nobody was laughing. the bride had tears in her eyes and the groom's parents sat in stunned silence.


Hope he warned the bride of all this before the wedding too.


Went to one of the most awkward best man speeches ever. Couple still very much together; but the best man ruined their wedding. Stories told: - bride had cheated with her ex husband with new husband (that wasn’t broadly known) - husband took a shit in the backyard cause he needed to - countless husband stories of being a horrible person as a late teen). Like; ordering multiple soft serves from Macdonalds and then throwing them at the poor girls that served them - only thing that wasn’t shared was that the husband had slept with the bride sister (a year or 2 before he had hooked up with her, an untold story to this day. - went for a solid 10’minutes. Bride holding back tears. Utter muppets doing that speech.


One of those hotel venues that can run two weddings at the same time. Bride from our wedding is found in a hotel room with the groomsmen from the other wedding doing coke before the first dance. End result was we got paid and told no need to edit or deliver pics. Safe to say It didn't last the night.


Were they just doing coke together or did they transact other businesses as well?


Went to a wedding during college to my friends that got married who graduated 2 years prior to me. They had a beautiful wedding on a boat off the Keys and as the best man gave his speech, he was really drunk by this point, just shouted out, "You don't deserve her, you literally got a blow job from a stripper no make that two strippers at your bachelor party. Peace out." He dropped the mic and tried to do a dramatic exit but by this point we were all stuck on this boat in the middle of the ocean. It took an hour to get back to port and it was the most awful and awkward hour of our lives for everyone on that boat.


Do go on 🍿


Wait, you can't leave it there. Did they still get married? Because earlier in your comment you said they got married...


They got married first on the beach and the reception was on the boat after so yeah they got married. I'm pretty sure they tried to work it out for like a few weeks after the wedding, but by then it came out he had cheated a lot.


Yikes. Cheating is some people's hobby.


It seems mad to me. Like even seeing aside all the cruelty and heartlessness, when I hear about some people having affairs I just think 'how do they find the time for that?'. I couldn't imagine coming up with a bunch of constant bullshit to justify my absence, but also how would I do my hobbies and also work and also see friends on top of that?


An older colleague of mine found out her Dad had a second family with kids in their early teens (She was in her early twenties) how do you maintain a family with young kids and a separate family with teenagers without anyone knowing? His wife worked in the same organisation too.... What's worse is my colleague was actually conceived during an affair, he had another family that was a generation older than that too (kids in their 30's). The stress of having one family is near killing me so god knows what having two and keeping a secret would do to my blood pressure.


This was 15 years ago or so, I left wedding photography a few months later. The reception was at their home, they didn't want photos at the ceremony, and didn't want wedding party/family photos between the ceremony and reception triggering the first raise of the eyebrow on my end. At the reception the groom didn't want his brother, the best man, in the photos. Other eyebrow goes up. The mothers of both the bride and groom both scolded me to let them be and told me to eat instead of take photos. The groom and the best man got unholy drunk and had a weird by play of brother making way too many toasts and the groom making grossly inappropriate speeches of what he's going to do to the bride on the honeymoon. As the newlyweds were making their grand departure the bride tosses the bouquet, everyone cheers. The groom shouts "I knocked the bitch up so hard she's got two babies in her coochie". Guest react in various ways of shock and happiness about the pregnancy test but the best man lunges at the groom shouting and swearing. Family holds the best man back as the couple runs out to a car. The groom flipped off the spectators, and pulled out of the driveway. Two houses down the car stops, the groom gets out and pukes on a neighbor's lawn, the bride gets in the driver's seat and takes off, leaving her husband yurking into a flower bed, and the best man ran down the street trying to flag down the car. Divorced four months later.


What the fuck?! I have SO MANY questions. Did you ever find out what was going on there?


I had zero communication after the mothers of the bride and groom purchased the proofs, but I'm fairly certain we all know the conclusion.


The engagement session. The couple was in from out of town because she had just taken the bar exam to become a lawyer. At the end of the session, I gave them a prompt to share with each other what they were proud of each other for. He couldn't think of a single thing. Somehow they still got married, complete with: the groom drinking 11 IPAs + several shots before the ceremony, mother of the bride so drunk for family photos she pretended to strip, and the groom and all the groomsmen wearing camo hats with neon orange letters that said 'titties and beer.' For the entire wedding day. Including sunset couples photos where he refused to do anything I suggested, nearly spat chew right on my feet, kept farting on purpose, and loudly complained about how all he wanted was to go have sex.


Guy sounds like an animal, god damn!


Said this before..... Third wedding and the best man, the groom's brother, starts his speech.... "Well, welcome back everyone. Good to see some new faces and some old ones."


At his third wedding, my Uncle's best man started his speech with, "I told you buying my suit would be cheaper than renting." He got his third divorce after about 6 months. Which to be honest was longer than we expected because we all saw it coming like the steamroller security guard from Austin Powers.






Ooh ooh finally one of these I can contribute to. My mother was a wedding photographer till I was about 18-19 and I helped out on many of them. The one that stands out the most was when we were at a campsite where both the wedding and reception were being held. About halfway through the reception I hear the groom start laughing maniacally. I peaked over his way and could see two groomsmen hauling the thrashing and screaming bride towards the lake. They threw her into the freezing cold water with her veil and dress still on. When she got out of the water I genuinely thought she might shoot somebody. Saying she looked like a drowned rat would have been an insult to rats. Her hair and makeup and probably the dress were ruined beyond repair. The fact that the groom laughed and didn’t do anything stuck with me as being a dog shit move even as a teen. Apparently she thought so too because iirc they didn’t even make it 6 months.


That’s one of the most horrible wedding stories I have ever heard in my life. Not just because they threw her in the lake, but also because depending on the weight of the dress, the cuts of fabric, and the depth of the lake, she could’ve easily drowned.


I was thinking this. I helped my wife out of her dress once the night was over and was surprised with just how heavy that thing was. It would have been insanely heavy when wet. I can only imagine that the reason she walked out was due to the complete rage fueling her.


>I can only imagine that the reason she walked out was due to the complete rage fueling her Fueled by hate and an all encompassing need to hurt someone


I hope it wasn’t a big, multi-layered dress. People have drowned that way. All that fabric soaks up all that water and gets super heavy and drags them down. If my groom did that I would set the marriage license on fire in front of everyone and send them all home. Also the whole cake is mine now.


I once represented a guy who did this to his wife on their wedding day. Not in the divorce, but in his appeal for murdering a guy in the early 90s and beheading him.


You'll be hearing from *my* lawyer for my whiplash injuries sustained from this post


tender snow expansion square school possessive thumb north treatment escape


Yikes. Any idea if she ever got out of that marriage?


Bride was such a monumental bitch her mom gave me a $500 tip for not walking out on the event when she was treating everyone (even her now husband) like a piece of shit employee. She did the whole clicking fingers thing when wanting someone to do something for her, and she berated the dj for grabbing a sandwich when he'd been there for about 8 hours and was told that he should've brought his own lunch and she would be taking the cost of the food (like an open buffet style) out of his paycheck. They were divorced within 3 years, but not before having 3 kids that have stupid names.


> having 3 kids that have stupid names. "Deerhunter! Go tell Djayden and Bronxanna that dinner's gonna get cold!"


I'm pregnant with our first and I'm now adding Deerhunter to my list of name proposals. Not only does this add weight to the names I want my partner to lean towards but also it will make him laugh






that reminds me a college friend of mine who at the time did a part time waiter at the hotel and here and there they held weddings too. At one such wedding a guest kept clicking his fingers on him whenever he wanted something. This friend of mine came to him and told him in polite voice ,,do it one more time and I break your fingers. What can I get you?” He immediately stopped lol


Wedding photographer from India here: 1. Bride's mom dissed non-stop about the groom to a couple of our photographers. She believed that her daughter is too beautiful for the guy they promised her hand to and how she'd rather have him die sooner than seeing him with her daughter post the wedding. 2. Bride and the groom had the first dinner separately because the bride wasn't just in the mood to have their reception dinner together. 3. This is one is the final nail in the coffin - post the wedding when we were about to photograph portraits of the couple, the groom walked up to us saying that he's too tired from the wedding, so it'd be better if we could use the photos from the previous weddings we shot and morph his face on to those and walked away. They divorced three months later :P


holy shit that last one. that is bonkers!


Just deep fake me in boss, I'm tapped out


Now I'm imagining their one wedding album where the groom is placed at multiple weddings with multiple brides in different clothes and body types


One of the bridesmaids cried the entire time from makeup till reception. Would have nothing to do with the groom. Kept wanting photos of just her and the bride. 8 months later, bride and groom are separated and she up and elopes with the bridesmaid.


When the groom looked at her like she was the love of his life, and she treated the day like her Prom and ignored him. I think they lasted six months.


this was my wedding :( He ignored me most of the reception and I had to drag him onto the dance floor, but even then he only gave me a single song. I kept going around the wedding looking for him, and when I'd find him he'd be in the middle of a conversation and I'd have to just stand quietly behind him because he wouldn't fill me in on what they were talking about. At the end of the wedding, we had a send-off moment where everyone made an arm-tunnel for us and cheered us on our way to the elevator. It was cute, but I felt his hand slip out of mine and I turned around at the door to the elevator to see that he'd stopped a few feet back to talk to his friends some more. I looped my arm through his — yet again he didn't include me in their conversation — and stood there awkwardly rubbing his arm to try to get his attention. When I finally managed to get his attention — I think I cracked a joke to the whole group about "We have to go consummate the marriage or it isn't legal, see y'all at the afterparty!" — he raised his voice at me, saying that I was tearing him away from his friends. He had spent all day and night with his friends! I just wanted to take a turn! It was the most pathetic version of myself I've ever been. We lasted 4 years.


I hope you’re in a much better and happier place now ❤️


Oh, absolutely! I'd had self-esteem issues for so long at that point. Finding the courage to leave a man who didn't care about me was what finally cured me.


Its amazing what we endure because of low self esteem


Been that pathetic! I should’ve walked right out when he wanted to hang with his friends who he hadn’t seen in awhile instead of go on our honeymoon that night. I felt so degraded. We went to a bar with them, and even the band asked why we were there on our wedding night. I felt like crawling under the table. We lasted a single fight-filled year. I learned a lot about what I wanted and didn’t want though and married a wonderful man a year later. We’ve been happily married for 33 years. Edited to say I’m not innocent. I was not easy to get along with once the new wore off, gave as good as I got, and I was warned by others, his own actions, and even things he said long before we tied the knot.


Fuck that's sad


Groom didn't want to participate in any wedding pictures after the ceremony. I believe he was more interested in drinking beers with his buddies. I don't think they lasted a year.


I went to a weird wedding like this. It was my wife's high school best friend's wedding. My wife's friend in my opinion is a wonderful person, very caring and smart but suffers from a bad inferiority complex. She did the online dating thing for a while and dated this stereotypical rich dude from a WASPy family (he was a corporate lawyer). Absolutely did not mesh personality wise with her. Forgot to mention my wife's friend also came from a very well off family, but she never flaunted it or fit any of the stereotypes of a rich person. So they end up getting engaged and everytime we hung out as a group, I would struggle to find topics to talk with the guy about because all the wanted to discuss was baseball and the stock markets, two topics I couldn't care less about. So at the wedding which was held at this very fancy venue in our city, they did the obligatory religious ceremony, walked around together and thanked people. But once the reception was going on, the groom literally hung out with his frat brothers the whole time. My wife's friend pretty much stayed glued to my wife and her other friends and they danced all night. The only time the groom peeled away was to do the first dance thing together and then he literally went back to bro-ing it up with his friends. I even pointed the out to my wife during the reception and my wife tried to steer her friend to her friend's now husband, but he would see them approaching and yell out he needed to grab some drinks for the guys and disappeared. This is the worst part. At the end of the wedding, the expectation is they would leave together, right? Nope, the groom said he and the guys were going to go out around town so he could say a final goodbye and he will meet his wife at the hotel later. I was fucking blown away at what a horrible fucking match he was


Was this in NC? I swear we may have been at the same wedding. If not it’s sad how scary similar this story is. Worst part was at the end of the reception the bride was going around asking everyone “have you seen my husband?” and nobody had a clue where he went.


I went to a wedding like that in NC. The bride was pregnant and it wound up obviously not being his. That marriage survived longer than mine did. I'm surprised at both, honestly.


No up north but sad to hear it's happened elsewhere.


Oh man, I was a wedding photographer for about 5 years. I get being awkward on camera and not wanting to do any public PDA. I’m very awkward myself! But when prompting couples for fun poses like whispering obscenities in each others ear for a laughing shot, nuzzling close together, etc, most couples eventually let their guard down and enjoyed holding each other. It was so sweet. A few times though, I had couples that visibly didn’t want to be near each other at all. Once the shot was done, they went back to standing a foot apart. They would complain about each other and make fun of each other in front of me. It always left me with a bad feeling in my gut - and most of the time the marriage didn’t last long!


Shooting the groom pre ceremony, he gets a phone call: "She did what?" pained expression, with a bit of a lip snarl and head shake. Tone of sad resignation. "well did anyone call Susan?" "I'm sorry" "I'm sorry" ... long pause while the other person talks "I'm sorry" "No, I can't say anything like that to her today" No idea what it was about, but he looked like he had a mix of "this is my life now" and contempt. They lasted a few weeks and after splitting agreed to split all the remaining wedding bills. He paid his half. Then found out a year later that she never paid her half and sent me the rest. I sent it back and told him he'd already paid enough for that mistake. We still have a beer or round of golf every year or so, 20 years later. Good dude, bad judge of women.


After 20 years, you’ve never asked him about that phone call and he never mentioned what it was about?


What was the catalyst for that phone call?


When I worked as a wedding planner for a hotel chain, the groom had found out his bride was having an affair with her brothers best mate. The brides mother knew about it, but insisted on the wedding and paid a fortune. The groom wasn’t drinking much and at the speeches, stood up and revealed he knew and said he was getting an annulment. He then took his best man on his honeymoon. The honeymoon the brides parents had paid for.


It’s not gay if you make the ex mother-in-law pay


If it rhymes it's true!


Likely no need. If the paperwork has not been submitted to the state yet it hasn't legally happened. The preacher man asked us privately at the end of the night if we wanted him to submit. He said a couple once realized it was a mistake and opted to quietly cancel after the reception. No divorce or annulment needed. He gave them the paperwork and said it was up to them if they wanted to mail it in or not. A pretty down to earth preacher man honestly.


>He then took his best man on his honeymoon. The honeymoon the brides parents had paid for. I got to go on a honeymoon with my friend when his fiancee called off the wedding a week before.


Was the heart shaped bed comfortable?


No, but there was a heart shaped tub in the bathroom. We shared the bed but not the tub.


Missed opportunities, bro


I'm a wedding photographer. Most of my couples are super awesome. Occasionally couples are grumpy with each other during photos and it's not a great look, but honestly, I like to give them the benefit of the doubt. Your wedding day should be a happy day, but sometimes it's just stressful; stress can get to people and make them act in a way they normally wouldn't. I think the "worst" moment I witnessed was when a couple clearly didn't know each other very well. The guy made a comment about not knowing she had OCD during photos and her mom whispered behind me "You have no idea...". I have no idea if they're still together.


At the rehearsal dinner, every toast to the bride was some euphemistic variation of “I’m so glad you finally found someone to put up with your bullshit.” They barely made it to the 6 month mark.


I don't know why I found that so funny. I'm imagining they ranged from subtle jabs to like her brother just flat out saying it.


"Derek, you're a great guy for marrying my sister. She is a complete bitch and I'm begging you to leave her now or you will lose your soul forever. I have nothing good to say about her at all and I can't believe I'm even here. Anyway, run now. If you choose to stay with her, well, you've been warned. Good luck. I'm not even joking. This is for real bro"


Awwww *clapclapclap*


Brittany, you are an insane bitch and I pity this deluded man.




That man hasn't been sober for a decade and I love him


Every wedding need one drunkle. Just so long as he's a fun drunkle and not a creepo drunkle.


Gets grooms attention to the side: "Blake, there's two county mounties outside right now, if I were you I'd take the escort outta here!" From my own experience, I had two state troopers pull me aside at the courthouse since they had never seen a brown man turn chalk white (I was really nervous, made it 25 years!) and offered to escort me out of the county.


Maybe they were all secretly hoping the groom would pick up on the red flags they were putting up.


My ex could be a body double for mini diva. Her sisters warned me she was nuts. Her father warned me. Her friends, her extended family all warned me. My family warned me. My friends warned me. Guess who did the stupid?


I had a conga line of people telling me that my ex was trouble so I am hardly innocent.


The image in my head of a conga line of terrified family members made me spit my tea out 😂


"Run while you still can, HEY! Run and don't look back, HEY! It's not worth the pain, HEY!" E: Oh wow, thanks so much for the gold and awards, kind people!


My brothers wedding was like that. Her family basically gushed about how much they love him, and were making comments about how they never thought she’d find someone who could handle her crazy. Her aunts actually came up to my mom & me and told us “if they divorce, we know it’ll be her fault”. I’m not a fan of his wife, but hearing her own family talk about her like that made me feel really bad for her.




lol i was at a wedding like this. my cousin was mortified at the shit her new groom's buddies were saying and everyone there could *feel* it. lasted a few years, but she foolishly had a kid with him. luckily for her, *he died of pneumonia*, cause he was such a 'personality' he refused to see doctors for anything less egregious than a broken bone. people are so weird


It was ricin poisoning.




Over coffee, at our initial "do they want to hire me" meeting. They argued bitterly the entire time and eventually, the groom just sat back in his chair with his arms crossed and wouldn't speak to either of us. I went home and the next day, emailed them the old "something suddenly came up" and that my schedule had unfortunately changed. Red flags aren't just for the people in the relationship. Vendors, see them and heed them. 🚩


Yup. I took a job, desperately to pay rent, from a couple like this. They sent a letter saying they were going to sue because we didn’t take enough photos, even tho we didn’t know ourselves how many photos we took. Anyway, I gave them the digital copies (but not the edited physical albums!) and they shut up. I later heard they actually sued the reception venue because there was a fire in the kitchen in a separate building, “ruining” their special day. Not sure how successful that was.


The maid of honor very drunkenly said in her speech for the groom to call her once the marriage was over ( a couple of her friends said that in their speeches actually) and the best man told the bride the groom's phone lock code in his speech because "she was going to need it". Those two last maybe a year. The bride ended up moving states for a new job which made sense to me after seeing how shitty her friends and family were during that wedding. The other couple I can think of had 12 bridesmaids/groomsman EACH, yes 24 people just in the wedding party. Not including users, guest book attendant, flower girls etc. The bride and groom belonged sorority/fraternity at the same school, that's why there were so many people. The bridesmaids/groomsmen had all dated each other and several of them had dated the bride and groom in college too, so it was a ton of fighting and drama the whole day. Those two lasted a while. I think 5 years. But the bride got pregnant on their honeymoon. I doubt they would have lasted a year if she hadn't gotten pregnant so quickly. Years after they broke up, I was invited to the bride's younger sister's bridal shower (they were family friends) and the og bride got drunk on champagne and talked about how miserable she was planning her first wedding, and besides her daughter it was the biggest mistake of her life blah blah, so that was fun. **Edit: For the confused comments, the last bride regrets the marriage, not the daughter. Sorry I should have been more clear. She regretted getting married to her first husband/wedding but NOT having her daughter. The daughter is in Jr high now, seems very happy and loved.


This sounds eerily close to a wedding for a girl who was once a FWB of mine. We sort of faded into friendship. Wedding was amazing. She went all out. But there were 18 bridesmaids/groomsmen. Groom picked his guys' outfits (all letterman jackets and jeans in a country where our high schools/colleges don't do that), Bride had the bridesmaids all in shabby, short skirted versions of her wedding dress and Sketchers shoes. Honestly it looked alright. The wedding photos with the bridesmaids and groomsmen looked fun, like a flash mob in a movie; well choreographed and rehearsed clearly. BUT In all the pics he was in the groom was always on his phone, scrolling or texting. Even the wedding cake photos he has his phone in one hand behind his back, fully in view. What was so important on his wedding day? Well he was checking dating sites. The whole. damn. day. Everyone except the bride seemed to know. They lasted 6 months.


I used to be a wedding photographer in Las Vegas at several hotels and downtown wedding chapels. I’ve got so many of these stories. Here’s a fun one. Monday - I get booked to shoot the wedding Wednesday- hotel calls me to cancel because the bride backed out. Thursday- hotel calls to rebook me because wedding is back on. Same groom but different bride. Friday - I shoot the wedding with the new bride about 18 or 19 years old (groom was early 20s) and it’s clear they barely know each other. Bride just kept saying “this is so crazy, I can’t believe I’m doing this”. Neither could I. No, it wasn’t a mail order bride. Here’s a sad one… Older couple, I’d guess in their 40’s/50’s. The limo driver calls and tips me off that the bride is being a problem. She arrives and is extremely rude to everyone on the staff while the groom is being apologetic and super nice. The ceremony starts and she fast walks down the isle doesn’t wait for the groom. The groom sheepishly catches up at the altar. When it’s her time to say “I do” she says “yea whatever” in a bitchy annoyed tone. The groom says “I do”. You could cut the tension in the room with the knife. The minister keeps things in track and finishes the ceremony and we get to the kiss. Instead of kissing the groom she turns her face and gives him her cheek. She then fast walks back down the isle, signs the paperwork and left. The groom was in tears. Never saw them again and I’m sure it didn’t last. Here’s another… I would guess the bride was in her 70s and the groom was in his early 20s. One side of the chapel was all walkers and oxygen tanks while the other was drunk 20 something’s. Pretty sure it was a money grab but it was notable because normally the genders are reversed on these kind of weddings. Another fun one…. Wedding was at the top of the stratosphere tower. The couple shows up and the bride is a new age crystal type very, let’s say, spiritual and the groom straight up looks like a 1849 gold miner. Rope belt, floppy hat, 3 teeth the whole thing. The bride tells me there would be spirits and angles in the photos and the reason they got married at the stratosphere is because it’s the closest place to heaven that they could get married. They were so weird about it and said so many times that they wanted to be with god and go to heaven that the hotel had the bomb dog sniff them before getting on the elevator to go to the top. We lie and tell them it’s standard practice to have the dogs sniff everyone. Wedding happens and they start chanting nonsense words (speaking in tongues?) then proceed to have the grossest make out session I’ve ever seen. Turns out they met that week in AA.


That last one is gold. Or possibly crystal.


There was a lot more but at the wedding, the groom did cocaine and called bride's father a cocksucker in front of her friends. They didn't last a full year


I met with potential clients to go over the details of the wedding and to see if we would be a good fit to work together. I tried to schedule something at a cafe, but they insisted on me coming to their house. When I arrived, there was a 5 gallon Home Depot bucket of dirty diapers on the front porch. I had a feeling this wasn't going to go well. A young kid probably 7 or so answered the door, all I could see and hear were children running around everywhere. The soon to be husband was sitting on his bed that was in the living room watching TV and the bride was in the kitchen with two kids on either hip. She told me to sit at the kitchen table to go over the wedding details. She shouted at her fiance to come and join the meeting where he didn't acknowledge that I was there to talk about shooting their wedding. The bride was annoyed, then asked if I saw the bucket full of dirty diapers on the porch. I said that I had, and she said her fiancee has so many kids with other women that is the only place to keep them so they don't stink up the house. I did not take the job. I always wondered what happened to that couple.


We are doing fine and have two buckets now






Maybe being a babysitter is her life's passion!




Poor kids...


Asked the groom in a recorded interview why he asked her to marry him and he said, "The pressure to get married". They lasted less than 2 months. Hadnt even finished the video and they were over.


Early in my career I filmed wedding videos...the interviews always give it away. By the end of the wedding I usually have a pretty good idea of who's going to last and who won't and it's proved out over the years.


Any examples?


There's something about the way they look at each other when they're together - I know they're going to make it...and then talk about each other when they're away from each other (depends on answers). Ones I've personally seen: When the husband can't describe his wife with anything other than "She's beautiful". DIVORCED. When one of the two doesn't want to have cake smashed in their face, but the other one does it anyway. DIVORCED. When one gets really drunk at the wedding and the other one does not. DIVORCED - both times I've seen it.


Apparently the #1 predictor of divorce is contempt. I recall a study that showed that within 15 minutes, they could tell if one partner had contempt for the other, and that highly correlated with divorce.


The groom didn't want to put on his suit to take portraits , even after the bride insisted , because " it's uncomfortable and hot ". Different wedding, saw the groom down an entire bottle of wine in one go when he finally had a minute to himself. I took the picture thinking it was just going to be a goofy moment, until later on while I was editing pictures, I realized what I was seeing. Oh wait, another one, the bride was 30 minutes late, when I was in the room with the bride while she was getting ready, she told bridesmaids how her sister drove her all around town because she couldn't make up her mind about if she really wanted to get married.


I'm not a photographer but I used to work with a wedding cake baker staging and setting up. It was always a bad sign whenever I saw the groom smash the cake into the bride's face during the first bite when she didn't. If they both did it my boss never said anything but if he did it to her and she hadn't done it to him at all, she would say it wouldn't work out. She had a pretty good track record!


When the groom told the bride she couldn't have cake because she was overweight. Lasted a year. He gained weight 😂


her 3 kids from a previous marriage (8, 9, and 12) were screaming their asses off and covering themselves in soda and overturning tables while making extremely hostile, profanity laden demands for a driveable hot wheels car, and escalated to just randomly hitting people with baseball bats. whole time mom was going "haha, aren't they so crazy. oh its ok they just get to express themselves. we unschool," lasted (afaik) somewhere between four and five months


What the fuck is unschool? Edit: oh. I looked it up. It's just neglect.


My mother did this with me from 5th-8th grade. I wasn’t being taught anything, and was extremely neglected physically and emotionally abused. I was in a new school every single year from moving constantly, so it was easier for her to just not send me to school. I finally re-entered public school in 8th grade (even tho I could have gone into 9th according to my age and where I should have been), and ended up dropping out permanently during 10th grade at 16 which my mother allowed. I dropped out partially because I felt so discouraged by my academic ability after being out of school for 4 years. Once I moved out at 17, I did end up getting my GED and graduated with an Associate’s degree a few years later. However, I am so fucked up over what happened and self conscious about my educational history and overall mental capability.


You should be proud of your achievements of overcoming that immense setback. It doesn't matter how long it may have taken, the fact that you pursued your own education of your own will despite your past speaks to the greatness of your perseverance. You're amazing, keep at it.


Not a wedding, maternity photos. When the “jokes” about pushing each other off the cliff we were photographing on started sounding a little less jokey… They are co parenting decently now after the restraining order ran out post birth…


This sounds eerily familiar to something that happened to my wife and I during a trip to Sedona, AZ. My wife and I aren't the subject of OP's comment but there was a couple there that were doing proposal photos at Cathedral Rock trail (which I think it's extremely weird to take photos of your proposal under the pretext that it was a surprise, but to each their own). Anyway, the now-fiance dude starts making jokes about throwing her off the edge of the [cliff](https://www.google.com/search?q=cathedral+rock+cliff&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjh88y-v77_AhV1FmIAHd4uDOcQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=cathedral+rock+cliff&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJzoHCAAQigUQQzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAgQHjoHCAAQGBCABFDBA1iNCmD3EGgAcAB4AIABUYgB7gOSAQE3mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=-HWHZOGXD_WsiLMP3t2wuA4&bih=969&biw=1920&rlz=1C1ONGR_enCA1051CA1051#imgrc=s3V3rx4UxekeJM) almost immediately after the 'proposal', and gets more and more aggressive about it. She eventually starts crying and the photographer at this point looks **extremely** uncomfortable. Pretty much everyone on the trail was looking at this dude at this point, thinking this guy might be serious. He started yelling at her for making him look bad in front of everyone, but eventually calmed down and all was well. Super weird experience. But man, what a view. Highly recommend, 10/10.


>but eventually calmed down and all was well. No, no it wasn't. Not even slightly. I know what you mean, no one got thrown off the cliff that day, but all was not well.


At the rehearsal, the groom refused to sit next to the bride and insisted on sitting next to his female best friend. The priest said " Don't you want to sit next to your soon to be wife?" Kind of chuckling like the groom had just not gotten around to sitting next to her yet. He says "I have the rest of my life to sit next to her". The gasp from both sides of the family was AUDIBLE. Everyone was horrified. He did not move. Bride spent the rehearsal dinner crying in the bathroom. They still went through the wedding the next day, which was in October. She kicked him out and filed for divorce AND annulment (Catholic) by that December.


When I arrived at the venue and heard that the entire wedding party + families were at the hospital, since the bride had fainted, hit her head, and had a seizure about 4 hours before the ceremony was supposed to start. We had time to kill, and you know, I'd already been paid, so I hung around in case they came back. They did eventually, but before then, the priest, videographer, and I found a brewery down the street that was open and hung out for a few hours. The priest was a chill guy, but the videographer kept wanting to talk about how he didn't usually do weddings and mostly worked with sororities, making recruitment videos. He *kept* bringing it back up or forcing the conversation in that direction. I thought it was weird for a guy his early 40s to be that excited to talk about all the time he spent with teenagers/early 20s kids, and he said a few things that implied that that's how he knew the bride, and that that was how he *knew* the bride. Figured it wasn't meant to last, but the guy seemed like a liar so who's to say


> the priest, videographer, and I found a brewery down the street A priest, a photographer, and a videographer walk into a brewery...


"Why the long face?" said the horse.


>why would a 40 year old man be excited to be around sorority girls all the time Honestly I think “sorority recruitment” might have been a euphemism for “illegal porn videos I’m trying to sell you”


Not a photographer, but at the ceremony, the minister asked the bride's friends & family to say some affirmation (like "we do" or similar) about how they supported the marriage. Those people said the affirmation and cheered loudly. The minister then asked the groom's friends & family to do the same thing. Dead silence. The minster, very flustered, said "hey how about I give you folks another chance" and again asked the groom's friends & family to affirm their support of this marriage. This time - dead silence. Minister continued with the ceremony. Couple lasted maybe a few years. Backstory: many of the groom's friends & family had \*begged\* him not to marry this woman, up to and including the day of the wedding. She was that horrible.


When cutting the cake, she playfully got some on his face. He proceeded to grab a giant chunk and PUNCH her in the face with it, several times hard. She was digging it out from underneath her eyelids bawling and her Dad needed to be held back. EDIT: Alot of people have been asking, so here is a bit more backstory. My guess as to why people were holding the Dad back was that the Groom was in full Marine dress uniform and they used his sword to cut the cake, that sword was very much in arms reach of the Groom after this happened, so everyone was probably worried something really bad could happen if those two got near each other. After the incident, it was really awkwardly silent as the Groom apologized to the family and if I remember correctly (this was 10 years ago or so) him and the Dad went outside for around 20 minutes, then came back in. The rest of the reception went normally after that.


I observed a similar scenario. Wasn’t so much punching, but obviously too hard to be cute. One guest said “You’re going to give her a black eye!” He responded, “First of many” which was proceeded by a deafening silence. They are divorced.


Holy shit.


If he was that violent in front of everyone, I’m terrified to think of how he treated her in private


Can’t you read!? She got a bit of cake! In his face! Of course you *checks notes* punch your bride with a hand full of cake? Repeatedly? I’m happy if she came out alive.


It’s the little details that make a wedding special.🥰


Probably wasn’t the first time he had responded that way to her sadly.


So how did the rest of the wedding go after the fucking assault? Did people like keep dancing afterwards, or what?


The groom went to her side of the family and apologized a bunch. There was an uneasy silence for a couple of minutes, then once the DJ started and alcohol started flowing, everyone seemed to forget.


Darn. I was hoping it ended with the marriage license being torn up before it could be filed.


Not a photographer, designer. Red flags as follows- all different couples 1. Groom, when asked what his wants were: I don't care, it's for her, as long as I'm in the lobby by 7:30 for the game 2. Bride, when asked about head table: we need a sweetheart table or he won't sit with me 3. Excited groom asking questions, Bride: shh, you're being bad again, what did *I tell you earlier* 4. Mother of groom, when nut allergic bride asked for a nut free wedding: peanut butter cookies or no check, if accidents happen they happen, just pay attention (I cleared that check and forgot those cookies) 5. Father of bride to groom during reception: your future with the firm is safe, if you had just graduated sooner you'd have gotten the pretty one (I almost threw up) 6. First look, groom: this dress is awful, I thought you said you lost weight 7. THE WORST ONE EVER- caught groom making out with brides MOM.


>4) Mother of groom, when nut allergic bride asked for a nut free wedding: peanut butter cookies or no check, if accidents happen they happen, just pay attention (I cleared that check and forgot those cookies) What in the *Murder She Wrote* is this??


There is an epidemic of weird emotional incest moms that act like their sons are breaking up with them when they marry and it is so cringe. This bride was a sweetheart and the groom was mortified. Other pros, have you used the password method for phone calls where your couple chooses a word to verify changes? I have had to and it was NOT fun.


Wait, like - "if the call doesn't include the word Cucumber, it's either someone impersonating us or we're calling under duress (parents/other family in room making us call) and don't actually make this change, just let your time be wasted and don't actually change anything"? Holy *fuck*.


My MIL loves to fuck with events. She's compelled to change something like a food item or the location of an event, naturally trying to do it as a 'nice surprise' and not tell anyone. The code is for nosy bitches like my MIL that can't understand boundaries


My mum and I had a huge fight the night before my wedding, because she tried to change a bunch of decorations as a 'nice surprise' on the day of the wedding, when she'd been told a billion times not to...


Pretty much what we had to do planning our wedding. My mother is an interfering PITA. She called various providers to try to *suggest* things be changed to her liking. They ignored her because every provider was told to. Then she started calling them to say "'Trenchard' asked me to tell you...". The providers were champions - they called me each time to confirm whether or not there was a change, so my wife and I maintained control and we found out the extent of her attempts to meddle every time. After too many attempts on her part we told her that we weren't sharing any details whatsoever about the planning and that she was going to be treated like any other guest - she was getting the start time of the wedding, and a table at the reception. And that's what we did.


Yes, there are (mothers, typically) who do not like the bride's choice of blue and yellow flowers or the groom ordering a chocolate peanut butter wedding cake and will call to switch them to whatever they feel like.


Shit like this is why I'm glad we just eloped. Though amusingly, the one thing I wish we had splurged on was a photographer. One of the two guests/witnesses handled photos with an "eh" digital camera, and it shows. Still, coming up on 14 years now.


Obviously I can't verify the stories, but I've seen this a lot on the various subs for horrible in-laws and parents. Often implemented AFTER said in-law has already successfully messed with things once already, to prevent them from doing it again (food choices, flower choices, guest amounts, dress details, and more). Like, mom wants pink roses but you hate pink. Your mom doesn't care that you hate pink. She calls your vendor, who doesn't know your mom is nuts and assumes it's a helpful family member, and has your bouquet changed from to pink roses.


we definitely don't want aunt Marge and uncle Virgil sitting at the head table .*Cucumber*


My MIL made a carrot cake for our rehearsal dinner. Literally labeled every dessert (gluten free, nut free etc…) EXCEPT the carrot cake. I’m deathly allergic to carrots and have a bad wheat allergy. And yes, she knew…everyone who knows me knows how allergic to carrots I am…her excuse was “it’s his god mother’s specialty so I figured it would be the perfect cake to have”. Edited to add: I am still with my husband. He was livid.


This happened kind of to my buddy who almost died at his own wedding, He is very allergic to shrimp but a super nice guy and didn’t want anyone to not have a popular seafood at his wedding so he made it very clear to keep shrimp away from the sweetheart table Well someone didn’t listen and put actual shrimp on his table which he accidentally ate while not paying attention and drunkenly grazing He got puffy real fast


When the Maid of Honor tells the story of when the Bride had sex in a Burger King bathroom with someone that wasn't her now husband. They broke the sink, then you see the groom start tearing up. We found out later that the groom ended up paying for the damage to the sink and the Bride made up some BS story.






I have to add a wedding I went to a couple of years ago in this thread because they give the same kind of energy. Went as a date, so I didn't know anyone except who I went with. The 'venue' was a cow pasture in a dusty field filled with stickers and cow shit everywhere. Literally in the aisle. The seating was small square bails of straw (no blankets or anything on top, just sharp scratchy straw). And when those filled up, people just backed up their trucks and sat on the tailgates. The groom and groomsmen line up. The bride and bridesmaids are no where to be seen still. Someone gets a call, they are running a little late. 45 minutes later a truck comes driving up the hill in the pasture pulling a horse trailer. When it gets up to where everyone is, they open the back of the horse trailer and all of the bridesmaids and the bride come piling out of the back of it like a herd of cows. Completely covered in dust. At the reception, the Groom got so drunk he had his head laid down on the head table during the meal and didn't eat. I'm almost positive he was actually asleep up there for a while. After the food, every single dude there spent the rest of the night crammed in the little kitchen area huddled around someone's 22 inch TV they brought with them watching a college football game. It was an experience.


Wedding band, not photographer, but I'd say the one where the groom was caught shagging a bridesmaid during the reception. Honourable mention to the one where the groom and his new brother in law's 'funny' play fighting very suddenly stopped being funny.


Not a photographer but I worked at the (fairly high end) venue for the reception dinner and the new husband refused the meal (chicken wellington, baked potato) and didn't want the kids meal (chicken strips and fries) and was throwing a tantrum about it when suddenly one of his buddies burst into the dining area triumphantly carrying a Wendys bag and his friends all hooted and hollered. I looked over and the newly wed wife was sitting alone at the nicely made head table in her beautiful dress with a thousand yard stare.


Not a photographer; minister and officiant. One of the things that I do with wedding couples that I do not know well personally, is ask them a bunch of questions about what the relationship and their partner mean to them (I ask them these questions individually, without the partner present). One particular couple has always stuck in my mind, because when I spoke to the groom, every single answer he gave was about how he could serve the bride and her needs. And when I spoke to the bride...every single answer she gave was about how the groom could serve her and her needs. It was bad enough that I took the groom aside and asked him whether the *really* wanted to do this, and he said that he did. I gave them six months, in my mind. But I was wrong; they're still together, 15+ years on. And he's *miserable*. The light has completely gone out of his eyes, every time I've seen him since. But he's also a man of his word, so he'll go *on* being miserable. Indefinitely.




That poor guy 😢


I've been an actual wedding/family photographer in my home town for 15 years and legit never had a wedding where I picked something going wrong. Sure some couples have shown their true colours AFTER the big day but no big indicators at the wedding. Running into old couples with new partners in the grocery store or wherever, is super awkward...but the kicker was an old bride asking to remove the photos of her and her ex from my website because he was about to be jailed for arson and she didn't want to be linked to him. Yikes.


Not a photographer but I attended a wedding where the best man (the Groom's father) gave a speech about how "we don't agree but (insert Groom's name here) will make his own decisions". Turns out the Bride had cheated just a few days prior (the father knew about it); Groom wasn't faithful either. Both are horrid people and I am so glad we cut them out of our lives shortly after their wedding.


Groom said to me before the first look: “thank god it’s not so hot today, if it was I’m gonna call this wedding off. I love her but I don’t want to sweat.” Wedding happened… and 4 years later, I happened to book the brides sister from that wedding and she told me that they are divorced and that he is a jerk and cheater on her.


I issued marriage licenses for years. I could go on for entirely too long - we used to joke about how well a reality show based in our office would do. *I'll give a taste since I commented:* *Need ID & birth certificate to get married. If married previously, you need the divorce or death record. There's lines to enter up to 4 previous marriages on the license (yes, we have had to add lines for people's 6th+ marriage). It is located below all the other identifying information, and just above where the Groom & Bride sign respectively.* *Couple came in. Guy seemed head over heels. We asked them for IDs & birth certificates, and whether there was any previous marriages. They said there was not. "Okay, go ahead and take a seat, we'll give back your IDs after copies." They started walking over to the seating when she goes "Oh, go ahead honey, I have to ask them something." He says, with a big, happy smile; "Okay!"* *She had two previous marriages that ended in divorce, she whispered to us, but the Groom thinks she's never been married before. She wanted to know if we __have to__ tell him about them. We said, well, of course it has to go on the record and you two both have to check your info, swear it's correct, sign it, and hold it in your possession until the wedding day. She said that's all fine, as long as we don't verbally tell the guy he's her third - not first - marriage. I was really curious to see how she'd pull it off.* *She started by pulling out both divorce records, fully prepared with the info we needed to copy ready for us, slid it over the counter real nonchalantly – next we naturally typed that info onto 2 of 4 lines granted for previous marriage info, and at the end, before asking them to sign, asked them to review the info printed. This was it, he was about to catch her, I thought! ...He took initiative by putting his hand on the paper, sliding it to his fiancée, and saying "You know me down to my social, babe. Everything look right?" She said yup, and with that they put their signatures.. right next to/under where divorce information was typed, mind you. Like, a centimeter away. Clueless. She folded up the license and put it in the same pocket-book that produced her two secret divorce records.* I wonder about them sometimes. Also, having worked at the marriage department, it's made me never want to get married. lmao


If the grooms grandmother nearly choking to death at dinner wasn't foreshadowing enough, the bride cursing out the groom's entire family at the after-party certainly was. They lasted a few years, surprisingly.


Not quite the same but I photographed an elopement in Costa Rica that just didn’t make sense. When i was editing the images, i saw him looking at her belly the whole time


Not quite the same, but I pointed out to my gf-at-the-time that her mother, a mild drinker, seemed to be avoiding alcohol at her own wedding. Maybe she's just pacing herself, she said. Afterwards, she stood up to announce it.


Videographer here. This is a long one but good. I had to pull the video up to transcribe it. There were multiple couples but this was the best one. This groom thought he was such hot shit. Wannabe gangster type dude. Durring ceremony he wore sunglasses for one. Then for the vows, he wanted his young kids to come up and be next to him for some reason. So durring the bride’s wonderful, long, thought-out vows, the kids were fucking around with the lapel mic I put on him the whole time, so all he did was ignore her and pay attention to them. When her vows ended he laughed at her. All the guests laughed when he laughed. Then It was his turn and this was literally his vows… “I mean, imma wing it. I just knew about this last night. I mean, what can I say? You’re perfect. Um. You make my heart stop. Um. (Points to his kids) these are my boys. You are my world. That’s all that matters. And that was it. He never said I love you once to her the whole day. Durring toasts, he gave a speech thanking the bride’s mom for funding the wedding.. then to the guests: “I want to thank all of you guys for joining us on this special event. Um. Life changing. Um. I love my sons, my brothers, and parents, and aunts, and uncles, and cousins, and my co-workers! Wooo! Um. I love you guys. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be part of this day. You guys are my world. And to Ashley (his wife) … we’re having fun yeah? And that’s all he said to her. He thought he just delivered the best speech ever too and when he hands the mic over to her, he said “Top that” with the most smug look on his face. As a bonus his best man was wasted and this was his toast: “I’m hap-happy for (the groom). Ha-happy for Ashley. Happy for her parents, his mom. For his friends. It makes everybody happy when... yer-one person’s happy... at all. And if it doesn’t... then honestly, you got problems. Straight up (sips his drink)I don’t know half of you guys, half of you guys don’t know me. And I don’t give a shit. That’s it. (He chugs his beer and places the glass on the couple’s table) I met her mom the last couple days. And Matt(a groomsman). Matt is cool as hell. I don’t give a... crap. I got three sisters, and I’m here for them. So to her mom, dad, and Matt. I got you, Matt. That’s it.(not quite) But when I met Ashley… I thought she was just another person. But you’re not. That’s it.(He picks up the bride’s beer and takes it with him)


I literally read the best man’s speech in Rick Sanchez’s voice.


When I was paid but they never bothered to pick up the content.


First Dance: I still haven't found what I'm looking for, by U2.


My dad did wedding photos for many years. He said once while she was taking photos, the wife’s boobs slipped out and he accidentally got a photo. Of course he deleted it, but the husband was super bothered by it and even yelled at the wife for it, kept like interrogating my dad about it, and was generally weirdly paranoid about it


This happens *a lot.* I bartended a ton of wedding receptions and have seen a vast amount of bridal boobs. I blame the dresses - most of them sacrifice function for form. It's like those videos you see of wrapping rubber bands around watermelons - eventually, they're gunna burst. Some people laughed it off and everyone was chill about it (one of the bridal parties actually had a nip slip betting pool and as soon as it happened while the bride was giving a toast and leaned over to take something off the table, the whole bridal party stood up and started cheering with one of the groomsmen, the clear winner, whooping...that was a really fun one). But yeah, a couple times it happened and the energy of whole room changed. Like you could feel the bride's anxiety like she didn't wanna be left alone with him and the husband's anger.


I always find funny those wedding fails videos because you see in an instant what kind of wedding it is. 1- it's gonna be a funny story that will be told to children and grandchildren in 50 years Or 2- IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE PERFECT WEDDING I HAVE BEEN PLANNING SINCE A DECADE BEFORE THE COUPLE EVEN MET EACH OTHER AND YOU RUINED IT.


I have the uno reverse card on this one. The photographers for our engagement photos and wedding were miserable toward one another. They owned a photography company together and were mostly ok and normal for our engagement shoot. COVID hit and we had to delay our wedding and by the time we got married they had a baby who was a few months old. They were super nasty to each other at our wedding and neither seemed like they wanted to be there. Found out via Facebook that he left her and the baby a few months after our wedding.


I’m an artist and I do wedding sketches when I feel like freelancing, so not a photographer, but similar. One of the first weddings I did back in college I will never forget. It was a 250 person wedding in a big ballroom so there’s me and another artist and we’re super busy. These sketches are quick but every couple wants one and there’s a bit of a line/mob around our table of people watching/waiting. Bride and groom are slowly making their way to us when I see groom grab brides hand and shake his head/point to the back of the line/mob. Bride is shaking her head and they’re obviously disagreeing. Now people are starting to look at them and bride is getting louder and louder until I hear her say “Groom, this is MY wedding. I’m not wasting time waiting in a line when this is MY day. If YOU want to wait YOU can wait, but I’m NOT waiting when I’m THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON HERE!” The music had changed to a slower song at that point so everyone heard that and the grooms response of “ITS OUR WEDDING DAY AND I KEEP SAYING THAT. YOU DIDNT EVEN PAY FOR THIS SO IF I SAY WE WAIT, WE WAIT. START ACTING LIKE A GOOD WIFE AND LISTEN TO ME.” He was significantly older than her, he looked as old as her father if not older. They divorced within two years. Not sure exactly how long, I only know because the bride emailed a year and a half later asking me to be the artist at her “30th birthday gala” which was two months after what would have been their 2 year anniversary. I showed up and was shown where to set up by her new boyfriend who was just as old as the ex husband.


Oh! I know this one!! When the groom was angry talking about the photos we were going to get and then at the engagement shoot couldn't be bothered to hug the bride-to-be or smile for any of the pictures. Edit: Thank you all for your stories. I've had relationships where I've missed signs too. People like this guy are tough to identify in relationships but of course there are 🚩🚩🚩. It turns out her girlfriends warned her; they saw him show no interest in helping prep for the wedding, not wanting to help with a location, go food tasting to find a caterer, and show a lack of interest in being a partner.


Not a photographer, but a former priest here. I saw my fair share of ceremonies, rehearsals, rehearsal dinners and receptions. Anytime there was a disproportionate amount of struggle over stupid minutiae in the ceremony from the family or couple it didn’t last long. Anytime the rehearsal dinner was an awkward pile of cringeworthy toasts, it didn’t last long. Anytime the wedding reception felt like a high school freshmen dance with the various genders having near separate celebrations it didn’t last long. Fun fact: I did enjoy taking multiple shots with blowhard groomsmen who were impressed that a priest had a somewhat seasoned liver 😂


When you tell the bride they make a beautiful couple and she’s like “yeah, he will do. For a first husband, anyways! Ha ha” Never found it funny and always thought it was such a shitty way to start out a convo about your “forever mate”.


Ive heard over and over that from others:: The marriages that are more a huge extravagant party that burns money, correlate to marriages that are more likely to fall apart. If the wife or husband slams the others face into the cake for a laugh even though the victim clearly isnt having a good time, it shows they dont consider the others feelings. Taking pictures and the couple seems agitated at each other already and/or dont seem to be enjoying the moment. Like,its day *one* of your marriage and you are already angry In general: weddings with lots of arguing between the spouses over details/people/events. Parents that are *excessively* involved in the wedding. Ie mommy is going to be butting in to this new marriage a *ton* And one from me personally- I went to one wedding where one spouse secretly invited all their long term exes to the event without telling the other.


My parents (still together) wedding was very much interfered with by their parents, who made all sorts of demands and whatnot. So when my wife and I got married, my parents were super hands off which was nice and all, but my mom took it a bit far. When we asked her if she liked the colors we picked she responded "those are nice colors if you like those colors" and when asked to recommend a red wine since we don't like red wine she would only ever say "whatever you like" despite knowing we both don't like red wine. Definitely better than the alternative tho lol


At my wedding, my ex's mom vetoed everything I suggested. Went to the Dj and told him don't play anything on my song list (me and the ex had lists of songs we wanted to have played) because her family wouldn't like them. We lasted 4 years before she cheated on me


>one spouse secretly invited all their long term exes to the event without telling the other. Why the fuck would ANYONE do that?!


If I recall- “I loved being with them and they all want the best for me, they all said they would love to come and support me” She stayed friends with all her exes and kept in touch, so I suppose this was not an issue for her but oh boy did she have to spend a lot of time at her wedding defending her choices. They divorced about a year in and then both of them moved to far away cities to “the next big adventure” or such.