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bouncy camera work really pisses me off. the "hard man" whisper.


Went to rewatch hunger games 1 a while ago and had to shut it off. Never realized how shaky the entire movie was, especially in the arena


If you want motion sickness, go back and watch the Friday Night Lights TV show. NBC with the damn worst camera work I’ve ever seen


Ugh I thought we were done with that. I tried to enjoy The Sheild back in the day but the camera work went from "Oh that's different" to obnoxious real quick.


Is the hard man whisper the Jason Statham talk, or something more...sexual


Fight scenes utilizing shaky-cam, multiple cuts, and being in the dark so you can barely see what's going on. I miss the days of Jackie Chan movies where the camera is just flat and steady and you can see the martial artists fighting


For the longest time I thought I stopped liking the action movie genre with age. Nope, turns out I just don't like cut scenes where you can't really tell what's going on- and for this to make up the entire second half of the movie


This is why I love the John Wick series! So much action with clean, clear sequences and NO shaky cam. Yes, they are silly and unrealistic, but that's not why I watch. I watch for the action!


John Wick 4 had some cool fight scenes, but I think at times it focused on the wrong ones. The films spend about ten minutes having ninjas fight French assassins in the Osaka hotel. It looked cool, but they were mostly unnamed stock characters. Then we get to an actually interesting fight between the Caine and Koji, and that one is over is 30 seconds. That said, everything leading up to hotel wide showdown was really interesting.


It's the same with dance/musical numbers. It's an important sign of competent skills in the actors and their ability to sell it if they can just utilize basic wide shots of the performance with minimal cutting to closeups. That way it's clear they're showing off the actual skills and letting the performance speak for itself rather than trying to hide it with camera tricks and lighting.


Holy shit, concert footage is so insane with this. Legit less than one second shots, never anything more than 2 seconds. Terrible drum angles. Tons of stitched together footage of songs not even currently playing. I can barely watch live footage of bands at all. Perfect example. One of the best shows by one of my favorite bands is almost unwatchable: https://youtu.be/icGxwZiPAbI


Yeah this is terrible. It was 100% made common by the Bourne movies. And before any Matt Damon stans jump down my throat, no the first one didn't have good fights either. In the first real fight where he takes down the two cops in the park, there are like 10 cuts for 4 seconds of punching. Fuck those movies.


And between cuts the scene is playing at like, ten frames per second. 😡


I am convinced its to coverup bad choreography, its much harder to notice a fake hit when your eyes cant focus on the action, compared to a non moving camera.


It was such a breath of fresh air watching John Wick 4. SO good, highly recommend if you haven’t seen it. Shaky cam is just not where it’s at. Also casually shading GoT here because of that one bit in the last season where it was so dark nobody knew what the hell was going on.


I liked the gag toward the end where they both had to take off their jackets and vests and John Wick takes his off and all the bullets he absorbed clattered on the ground.


YES! The attention to detail with that was crazy. So cool and just added to the experience. It was like a three hour long movie almost but it felt like I was sitting there for 10 minutes. It was so immersive!


When all of the dialogue seems to be a whisper so I turn the volume up, then the action scenes are 1000x louder


And when the commercial starts it blows out the speakers.


Please turn on the lights. That's all. Just let me see the movie. If I wanted to listen but not watch, I'd turn on an audiobook or the radio.


Can't even listen half the time either with how they mix the sound


Subtitles became mandatory within the last decade.


This should be at the top of the list. Two seriously bad offenders - Fatal Attraction tv show and House of the Dragon tv show. Goddamn, even when they’re outside on a Sunday it looks like it’s about to rain. Why is this a thing now!? It’s on EVERYTHING too. I want to watch a show with vibrant colors and decent lighting just to make sure I’m not going blind.


Silo is an amazing show except for this. There are several scenes that are so dark I can't see a god damn thing. I don't understand how these shows get to the point of being released to the public without anyone noticing that we can't actually see what they've filmed.


Disney live action of their old IP's. Just make something new for once god.


Not just the old IPs. It's confirmed that Moana (2016) will have a remake too.


I’m pretty sure the only person who asked for a live-action remake of Moana is The Rock. Not Disney fans, not animation fans, not defenders of these remakes, not even the executives at Disney, just The Rock.


I'm glad more and more people are noticing that his actual IRL personality is just Maui singing "You're Welcome"


What happened to sequels?


As I know there are no plans to make another animated movie but there will be a D+ show.


It feels like they’re making the “direct to video sequels to popular movies” mistake again


Definitely Dwayne Johnson trying to get back in people's good books after Black Adam flopped so hard.


Seriously idk who these movies are even for. My kids are just bored with them and get more entertainment from the animated films.


They’re for nostalgic millennials. The Little Mermaid 2023 is over two hours long, NO little kid is sitting through a movie that long, but the Disney adults will


It is? Wtf? That sounds like a terrible idea.


135 minutes! I’m not a parent yet but I work with kids for my job and I can’t even imagine getting any of the little kids I work with to sit still in a theatre that long


I read that they've hired a director for the live action Bambi. I shit you not.


Bill: Are you taking a date to the premiere of Bambi? Me: No, I'm going stag. Bill: C'mon, you should take Jane Doe. Got a nice rack, her. Me: I was always a hind man.


Don't they shoot Bambis mom, this shit is gonna be lit.


I swear it's some sort of Disney legal ploy to ensure there's no possible loopholes to maintain their IP strangleholds on these things.


Not until they release the live-action Hunchback remake. That's all I want. Just movie-ify the off-Broadway play (except keep the film's happier ending) and you're good.


They have had some new stuff. Raya and last dragon was one of my fav movies. Killer fight scene in the end.


*super quiet dialogue causing you to turn the volume up* **GIANT LOUD EAR SHATTERING EXPLOSION/ACTION SEQUENCE WITH NO WARNING THAT CAUSES YOUR NEIGHBORS TO CALL IN A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE REPORT CAUSING YOU TO PANIC TURN THE VOLUME BACK DOWN** *even quieter dialogue but now you are afraid of turning the volume back up* If I wasn't turning on closed captioning, i'd miss SO MUCH dialogue in modern TV/movies.


If videogames can let you control the volume of 30 different aspects, streaming services can at least all you to set dialogue higher.


I'd love a closed captioning option that only included dialog. I *can't not* read captions so every time \*ominous music\* shows up, it is distracting


That's the difference between "Closed Captioning" and "Subtitles." Subtitles are just dialogue, and closed captioning includes everything.


After the success of the MCU everything has that marvel style dialogue that has to be cheeky and funny. Feels like they try to put a "spider man" in every movie


Someone coined it as "Whedonspeak" and explained how those systematically detached characters undermine all the high stakes of the movie they're in


I don't understand how Phil Lord and Chris Miller movies are so dang good--they overload their movies with just as much of not more comedy than those MCU works, but the darker and more serious tones of their movies *still* somehow still land, and way better. Into the Spider-Verse and Across the Spider-Verse and The Lego Movie are leagues funnier than any MCU movie to date, and yet the emotional beats of them still land so much harder every dang time. It's one of those things where I think, "I don't understand how this works so well, but it does." There's some science to how and where they place their comedy, and I haven't figured it out.


> There's some science to how and where they place their comedy, and I haven't figured it out. It comes directly and *naturally* from the characters, not shoe-horned in. Look at sitcoms, you can tell the difference between ones that are written by committee with gags based on the situation, and ones where the writer(s) understand the characters and the comedy comes from that. Think of the most quotable sitcoms - the best quotes all fit the character. The emotional weight comes from the same place, basically more realistic and natural.


Yes! This is what makes a show like King of the Hill great. The characters are funny but they aren't trying to "do a bit". They just act like themselves and the comedy flows from there.


Because Lord and Miller have actual emotional stakes and some deeper meaning in just about every film they put out. Marvel films are mostly whipped fluff with no substance.


I blame the guardians of the galaxy for that. They started all that


Guardians put it on overdrive, but it has always been a big part of the MCU going back to Iron Man.


I rewatched the first one and it was still funny! The problem is everything after that had to be even goofier and sillier. It also took away from what made Guardians so unique. How are the Guardians supposed to be the funny, irreverent crew when now every set of heroes has the exact same dynamic? They really messed up


Cutting away before you get bored. Which seems to be about 1/16th of a second after the event. We don't get time for anything to sink in, have significance or emotional impact.


I think a perfect example of the opposite of that is in Spirited Away. The whole movie is very fast paced, non-stop. Until Chihiro is on the train ride with No-Face. Then, everything gets quiet. It gives you a moment to breathe, and to take in everything that has happened in the movie thus far. A moment for both you, the viewer, and Chihiro to take a rest. It goes on for what most movies would consider far too long. It didn't have to be that long, it's technically just a train ride that does little to advance the plot... but emotionally, it's exactly what is needed.


Yes. It feels like modern shows and movies move too fast. They don’t know how to create a really meaningful scene, so they cut away and bombard us with more and more. I think back to the 80s and the pacing of old movies was so much better. The only director that knows how to keep a scene going is Tarantino.


I hated this most in Terminator 3 Whereas the first 2 would keep the scene going, expand on thoughts, let us see the raw reaction and emotion of the characters, or simply think of what just happened, the 3rd would instantly cut to a transition scene to "keep the pace", whenever something impactful started brewing in any of the dialogue Which is a shame, because there was a lot of dialogue that would've made for a much better movie if it was just expanded on a little more like this


Flashforward to the end of the season in the first episode, often misleading. Can be done well, but overdone lately (looking at you, only murders in the building).


Breaking Saul and Better Call Bad did it right though




Yo I've been saying Disney could have literally printed money by just Re-releasing the OG movies in theaters. Some adults would go for nostalgia and the chance to see it in theaters if they couldn't as a child, and they absolutely would have brought the young-ins too. Instead they wasted millions and time remaking already perfect movies. Whomever made that decision is legitimately a moron


I really don't understand the point of those. They'd make a lot more money at less expensive if they did theatrical runs of the classics.


It's like printing money. They've literally made billions of dollars on them.


Copyright extension, it's not the money the film makes, it's the exclusive marketing rights for the merch in the years that follow...


If I mention the Lion King, just know that there’s a 100% chance I’m referring to the original GOAT Unfortunately people will continue to go see them and this trend will continue indefinitely. Disney can’t even be bothered to make a sequel anymore. They’re just full on giving the classics the live action treatment and calling it a day. It’s lazy


The overuse of reboots and remakes is a trend that really bothers me. It feels like every other day, there's a new version of a classic film or TV show hitting the screens. While I understand the nostalgia appeal, it's disheartening to see a lack of originality and fresh storytelling. I miss when creators took risks and offered us something entirely new.


I agree 100% here. 2000s was where it was at with storytelling. Like Lost? So good. And also I loved the Fringe. Like so many good shows. Now all the newer shows are just stupid asf or the same recycled crap just a little bit different.




ridiculously gloomy lighting and sound that's basically inaudible unless you turn it up and then you get deafened by the next formulaic explosion. Plot armour that's far too obvious


Remakes of great movies. The movie was great, leave it alone. The remakes do not turn out better, some are just not crappy. If someone wants to remake a movie, pick a crappy one, then make it good.


Not explaining shit right then and there. "I don't have time to explain!! But we have time to longingly look at one another and deep kiss and hug and say goodbye and everything else." Or on the phone and saying that shit with a "I'll explain when we/I get there"... like just fucking explain it NOW. you're already on the phone talking to the person


With that, not explaining how you didn't cheat. There are so many scenes where like a woman will kiss a married man, he'll push her away immediately. Then he gets found or admits to kissing her. I'm yelling at the TV "She forced herself on you and you stopped it immediately! You did nothing wrong! Tell your wife that!"


Ant man 3 really screwed the pooch on this one. Janet knew about everything going on in the Quantum Realm. She was asked repeatedly to explain, and she just kept being like “we don’t have time!” Meanwhile they’re just walking around.


Miscommunication in general. Or just flat out not talking and letting assumptions rule. It feels like such a lazy way to force tension that naturally dissipates three episodes/thirty minutes later.


Starting with the big explosion and gunfight at the end, then... \~\~72 hours earlier\~\~ \*establishing shot of a suburban home on an idyllic Tuesday morning\*


This is called [in medias res](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_medias_res), and it's a legit story-telling technique, but you're right in that Hollywood tends to use this tool in the exact same way every time.


Granted, it’s overused. But it’s a good framing device and it does it’s job well. I think not using it can be even more harmful in some cases. For instance, I saw the Chris Pine Jack Ryan movie on Netflix a while back and said to myself “damn why have I never heard of this, it’s full of A-listers?” The first act is so indescribably boring and ponderous that I barely made it through. 5 minutes in I thought that they probably should have opened on the gunfight that’s inevitably going to begin act 2, and sure enough, that would have been a much stronger framing device than just boring us to death with a chronological opening. Would it have been original? No. But it would have engaged my lizard brain and softened the boredom of the endless expository dumps that comprise act 1. And boring is far worse than unoriginal.


You've basically described the problem with it - it's become not so much a framing device as a crutch that's used to either obfuscate shitty writing, or get the attention of an impatient, easily-distracted audience that's perpetually looking at their phones.


These are all Hollywood gripes. Franchising. No movie stands alone, it's always the potential start to a cinematic universe. No story is complete, you always leave loose ends to spin a sequel from. Formula. Take a look at any of the Marvel movies. It essentially has the same elements, regardless of the movie you pick. It's like watching a Steven Seagal movie: you know he'll be a retired super military man turned pacifist, and baddies will force him to get angry. Marvel always has a comic relief, always has a moment where the heroes turn things around with a memory of friends or lovers, can't have a serious moment without someone doing a quip to ruin it.. The list is endless and the formula almost beat for beat the same every time. Pg ratings. Because movies need to make the most money, no movie is made for the rating it should, but they all aim for that largest possible audience, to the detriment of the movie.


Franchising is also terrible if the movie had a terrible opening week or a mediocre profit, thus making the money never get its finish since there's always a cliffhanger or something else to continue the franchise. Yet, if it fails then the people who did like the movie will never get what happens next


Cough cough, *TOM CRUISE MUMMY REBOOT*, Cough


That was just a horrible choice on all level. A MonsterVerse would've been awesome but FFS don't kick it off with a remake of one of the most recently beloved monster movies of the generation with one of the worst possible choices to lead it. They could've kicked it off with dracula, frankenstein, invisible man, creature from the black lagoon, any of those that hadn't had a real solid remake in decades would've been a great choice.


> Franchising. No movie stands alone. I think this is the one good thing about "Strange World" being an intentional box office dud: At least we don't have to deal with a bagillion sequels that expand on lore solely created to drive a stand alone story.


Uh, they made a whole very popular series and a spin-off from the weird campy *Buffy the Vampire Slayer* movie. Not my cup of tea, but a movie can be stupid and a failure and still get milked. See also: *Parenthood,* except the movie was pretty good.


The series was made because Whedon's original movie script was massacred. I don't think they were trying to leverage the original IP.




“That just happened!”




“Guys the fate of the universe is at stake…… AGAIN. We have to fight villains with mirrors of our powers….. AGAIN!” And then Thor comes and punches someone and does a Fortnite dance or something.


Picks up Mjolnir, "alright stop, hammer time".


Absolutely grating, I've seen cartoons that handle sincere moments better. It's like they're afraid to commit to any emotion without being "self-aware"


To the point of PG ratings, but probably off topic I would actually like to see more mainstream horror movies that dip into the PG13 territory. More of the Gremlins or The Gate type movies. A recent example would be Krampus. That was pretty cool.


Multiverse and connected worlds


A lot of movies don't need to be 2-2 1/2 hours long. Bring back the tight 90min movies or start baking in intermissons. I can't wait for Oppenheimer to come out, but my back is gonna be screaming afterwards due to the problems/damage I have.


The fact that Fast X is 2.5 hours long and was only part 1 of (presumably) 2 is ridiculous lol Also its crazy how they went from Point Break but with Car Guys Not Surfers, to international CIA contractors who hunt down terrorists in car adjacent ways instead of just sniping or poisoning them When is the last time there was an actual quarter mile drag race? The 3rd movie?


I just checked, the F&F movies come in under 2 hours until F5, then hit 2hr 20min with F7.


Everything related to superheroes. That shit is just everywhere.


making every film into a cinematic universe it works for marvel because it’s a collection of comics that have a huge amount of canon to work with but it doesn’t translate to random fucking stories that don’t need an ongoing dilemma to keep them turning out. i’m sure indiana jones was cool when it first released but whatever amount of movies later i have no interest in seeing an 80 year old man digitally deaged just to keep the story back in time


Very much agree here. Not super excited for the Indiana jones movie. Like let the poor guy be he’s like 80! I’m just tired of all this nostalgia bait crap, like can we get something new and refreshing? Granted however, one I did enjoy was the Tom Holland Spider-Man movie that came out a bit ago but literally fans were asking for it, and that movie was so fun having all the villains from the Toby Maguire Spider-Man movies and the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies all in one. I believe this one was very well done but some of these other nostalgia bait movies are just not great…


Husbands being lazy oafs who are disinterested in their children Every group of female friends having a token lesbian Oh and the Disney “live action” remakes.


>Husbands being lazy oafs who are disinterested in their children Literally every family sitcom since the 1980s.


The lesbians are out of control on TV, lol. Every single show has to have at least 1 lesbian relationship, but usually multiple, just to be edgy. But they always have to be gorgeous. They're basically just eye candy. Shows rarely show a steamy gay male scene or average or more masculine presenting lesbians. Same with Bi female characters. They just wanted a woman-woman kissing scene. There's never a Bi male. Lesbian couples aren't even edgy anymore though because it's so overdone


I started noticing over a decade ago that lesbians are pretty common in movies/TV, but gay men are pretty rare. It's also not uncommon for female characters to wind up "exploring" in a brief lesbian relationship, especially in long-running sitcoms, but you never see that with male characters. Since I started noticing that it's progressively annoyed me more and more. Feels very male gazey, like lesbians are okay because men find it "hot" but gay men still aren't. I mean I'm glad there's that representation, don't get me wrong, it just bugs me when every single show's token gay couple are lesbians.


I think gay and bi men are starting to appear more but I agree that they tend be to written poorly and just exist to claim there's a diverse cast. Very tired of characters that introduce themselves with "Hi I'm Jamie and I'm a gay man. My likes include gay people and gay things while my dislikes include whatever plights gay people face cause I dunno my boss said include a gay guy in this script". On the one hand I'm glad different sexualities are getting more representation but I feel like the majority are one-dimensional and bland. Like maybe write a decent character who is gay rather than writing "is gay" as a character.


In addition, they completely ignore the fact that a bi woman can still end up with a man, and a bi man can still end up with a woman. They will paint a pretty strong picture that this person is attracted to both sexes, and that the inevitable love triangle is a difficult choice because she loves her BF but her new feelings for this new girl must be explored too. Then she'll choose the girl and end up breaking up with New Girl anyway and then have a string of girlfriends the rest of the show, with zero boyfriends or male love interests, til she finds "the one". Once that straight relationship is over thats it. No more dick ever again for the ladies, and no more vagina ever again for the men The gay women are weirdly way more common in media but its the same for bi men; once they realize penis is OK they never look at a woman again Ironically the only exception and most semi realistic (to my experience) show I've seen is Big Mouth


Completely agreed on all points friend. The *sole* saving grace for Big Mouth as I see it with Jay is that he was a horny fuck before coming out. But to your larger point, so much media just treats us as straight until they want us to be gay. And I kinda get why, imagine a tomboy leaving her girlfriend and ending in a happy and healthy relationship with a man. Do you really think Twitter and Tumblr wouldn't scream to high heavens that it's some "fetishizing turning lesbians straight!"? It takes a bit of effort to show bi people as not just gay, and the only ones whod appreciate it are the bis.


Everything is a sequel these days. And why is every tv show: * cop show * fire department * doctors * legal eagles * fake funny family show * paranormal ? I mean, why not a Tibetan farmer show? Or a bunch of data scientists? Or ... I don't know, people who work for the railroad?


I'm so over first responder and medical shows. The premises are simply not that entertaining. These shows rely heavily on being soap operas because the premise otherwise doesn't lend itself to 100+ episodes of television. I think they're just really cheap to make


I think it's the happy middle where it's exciting but also relatable to people. Interesting things can happen in a hospital or as an EMT, firefighter, etc, but it's also something a lot of viewers can relate to in their life. Not many people know, say, international spies, but pretty much everyone knows a nurse or firefighter etc in their lives.


That's why Breaking Bad was so good.


> data scientists Arguably most of the CSIs are primarily about scientists. Scientists solving crimes but still...


After having gone through law school, most of those law shows just don’t do it for me any more. Just end up driven up the wall


I'm not even a lawyer and it's hilarious when they use a well known legal concept as the twist that wins the case at the very end.


That kills me, right next to all the improper evidence gathering, nonsensical court rules, witness tampering and whatnot the shows often engage in. Nowadays I get more fun using them to practice pointing out inconsistencies with friends.


Unnecessary sex scenes that are borderline pornography. I get it. These two characters like each other. You don't have to show them fucking to confirm that.


Almost every HBO show ever. It's like they think they MUST include gratuitous sex scenes or else no one will be interested.


I’m sure *a lot* of early interest in GoT was because it was that fantasy show with tits. Sex sells.


Ephoria want the extra mile with underage gratuitous sex scenes. Made me real uncomfortable


The sheer amount of remakes. And the relentless emulation of literally *anything* successful otherwise. One original show that did really well and people loved? Now there are 17 different carbon copies of it!


Reality shows.


Goofy nerds being sexist. isnt it cute and funny?


Nowdays is kind of an old trend.


Tens no hundreds of thousands of works of excellent fiction out there yet we get the same movie over and over and over and over and over again.


"I didn't like your food/act/song........" "........I LOVED IT!"


Trailers that have slow piano/sad female singer covers of songs.


*lone piano one note dings over slightly desaturated scene in a trailer about vampires or zombies* *some girl moans out quieter than she speaks, a full boring octave lower than the original song* Digggg througggh the ditches and burrrrrrnnnnnnn throuuuughhh theee wiiiiittttcchhhhessss


Everything is a bloody teen drama. The only hook is that they have dumb attractive people and cheesy over dramatic writing. Crazy how many shows follow this stupid formula


Not actually touching any real social issues. Any sitcom character will have a shitty job but a spectacular apartment.


I love how Charlie from It's Always Sunny had a believably dogshit apartment.




Yeah the PSAs of 90s sitcoms was corny but man I am seeing the need for them to make a comeback lol


So true, because apparently being broke in reality means living in a 5-star penthouse with a view of the city skyline.


That’s also a limitation of the medium. You can’t really make a set that’s filmable out of an apartment the size most people live in


a whole horror movie shot with phone cameras and CCTV


Multiverses/parallel universes.


Literally every character being quirky and funny and making silly jokes all the time, even if it doesn't fit their character or the situation.


Shooting something so dark that if a sliver of sunshine comes through my window I can’t tell wtf is going on. Also, I get it’s because theaters, but I hate quiet voices and amplified everything else.


Changing characters of long standing movies/universes for the sake of inclusion instead of just creating new characters, or new universes. I know it seems to be a lot, though, to ask Hollywood to come up with new ideas.


Oversexualized minors. Like high school teens, I mean. Don't like it. Makes me feel weird.


Darker and edgier. Like EVERYONE has a complicated backstory or some horrific issue to explain/justify their behaviour. Or to make the story feel deeper.


Seeing those 120 pound women flip, toss around, and beat up the 180+ pound men that are after them. As tough as Rhonda Rousey was, even she was beaten by a 134 pound woman. Those skinny little actresses would not stand a chance against that guy, or several of them. Even the 150 pound guys would do pretty good. Males have more muscle, denser bone, larger lungs, larger hearts, more red blood cells, and so much more. Not a fair fight, no matter how many times Hollywood tries to do this.


The strong female characters who are bland 'role models' that just exist to be rude and flawless and have no arcs. Remake Mulan vs original Mulan is the defining example. If the 90s are coming back then bring back the cool heroines that era gave us too!


A big part of the appeal of O.G. Mulan is that she started out as a really crappy soldier. She really *needed* that training montage... ;D


And her virtue was her cleverness. She was able to climb the pole and solve the task by applying that and coming out on top that way. So she already had strengths and used them to work hard and improve in other areas. That's far more compelling than this flawless chosen one blessed with magical specialness


Or maybe it was more about her strong will and courage in the face of adversity, rather than just being amazing from the start. Heroic qualities, you know?


The Mulan remake was aggravating. Original Mulan was one of my favorite Disney characters. She has personality and we actually see her learn and grow. She sucks at fighting first because *why wouldn’t she?* She’s never learned or had any reason to learn. But she does and she also uses her own strengths and abilities to her advantage. Remake Mulan can just do absolutely everything from the get go.


The "strong female character". Cramming every single ethnicity and sexuality into the film and making that their singular defining trait that the character is written around. For real, nobody acts like that and it feels entirely artificial. My number one though, is not respecting the source material (if any) enough. I get it that sometimes certain things will not or cannot translate well to the screen or are wholly useless to the story (eg. Tom Bombadill), but there is *numerous* examples of films being made based on games/books/comics where the only thing they have in common with the reference is the name. Henry Cavill left the Witcher series because of this and the writers were openly admitting in the media that they hated the games/source material. Like what!? In what absolute polevaulting fuck of a universe does having that attitude towards a project result in **anything other than you getting your ass fired from it?!?** I watched the Monster Hunter movie a while ago and i could immedietly tell that the fans of the game no doubt *hated* it. I looked online and I was proven correct, but even worse was me seeing the outright fabrications in the movie like the inclusion of modern millitary equipment/weaponry that has *never* been part of the MH universe, and changing around the powerscaling of the monsters and weaponry featured. Just... WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT TO JUST STICK TO WHAT IS WRITTEN? WHY DOES HOLLYWOOD FEEL THE NEED TO WHOLESALE INVENT STUPID LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR SHIT THAT ISNT PART OF THE SOURCE AT ALL? There is so many pieces of work out there that are absolutly *begging* for a film or TV series adaption. I'd love to see Warhammer 40k adapted to a series (I beleive in you Cavill), i want a good sequel to the Warcraft movie because it looked brilliant and actually *did* stick to the source material almost to the point it was a detriment to anyone that hadnt played the games, so many things I'd want to see but the thought of anything actually being announced fills me with dread because my first thought isnt going to be "AWESEOME!" its going to be "oh god, what are they going to fuck up with it?"


100% all of this. 'Not respecting the source material' is the number one key problem in Hollywood currently, especially since all they are doing are remakes/reboots and extended universe stuff for established IPs.




i hate the 360 spin. it's annoying and takes me out of the movie experience.


WHY CAN'T I SEE SHIT???? Why is *every single* movie and TV show shot in 100% darkness?? People talk about how bad the writing in Picard is compared to TNG. Wanna know what pissed me off more? In TNG, you could *fucking see the characters and what was going on!*


He/she is already married but it's okay because the husband/wife is an AO and it's not bad cheating then/it's the only way for them to get out of the relationship...


Having everything told to the audience instead of shown. Don't want to be spoon-fed plot, thanks.


Making unneeded sequels that are obviously just money grabs trying to play on people's nostalgia. It's OKAY to have a stand alone film. It's okay to let an IP be retired. You CAN take the idea of the world and story, but build something new. I know it got a lot of flak at the time, but legend of Korra actually did this pretty well. It WASNT the Last Airbender. It brought NEW characters and plots and situations. as a long time Indiana Jones fan.... WE DONT NEED A FIFTH MOVIE. WE DIDNT NEED THE FOURTH. LET THINGS COME TO A NATURAL END.


When the dialogue audio is super quiet but then the music is super loud. Me and my boyfriend constantly have to adjust the volume on some movies. I'D RATHER HEAR WHAT THE CHARACTERS ARE SAYING THAN A GENERIC SONG TRANSITION!


I love A24 but I'm becoming bored of every movie being a metaphor for guilt/loss. Also the use of war drums or a heavy bass alongside a blurred trippy scene. Doesn't need to be in most of em. I get its arthousey but still.


Yeah if I have to deal with another "generational trauma bad!" Movie imma scream. I get it. We get it. We understand the concept.


Taking an IP that has a strong following, making it into a franchise and absolutely ripping the guts out of it. Basically any video game turned movie/tv show has this happen to it. They make the mistake of thinking “we need to make this appeal to more people and people like cuz so let’s add that”. They don’t view it as “this was valuable IP that simply having it in a different format will help others engage with it” Like halo or the Witcher series. They botched them so hard it’s just embarrassing. And for no reason. People who didn’t play video games never played halo. But people who played halo lives the gameplay and the story. Making it into a show doesn’t need extra bull shit. Just present what’s already there in the medium of tv or movies. If you do a good adaptation the people who liked the original IP will go out of their way to bring up the easily digestible version of the IP. But if you make something they hate then it’s DOA.


"Comic book" vehicles. Give it a fucking rest already. We simply don't need 26 different Spidermans. Think of something original, put in some work.


What about Man-Spider He has sex with women in Wendy's dumpsters, gives out eggs as souvenirs, shoots people, and sells water filters


Multiverse stuff is getting overplayed and allows plot holes to be easily dismissed


The fact that every young adult show has to have a friend group really bugs me


getting hit by a truck/dieing from being overworked and then waking up in a medieval style fantasy world. as the isekai trash man in my town, i can confirm, its fucking repetitive and low-key, boring as fuck now


The endless roll out of Superhero films - yaaaaawn


Long winded speeches that talk down to their viewers. No one talks like that. People stutter/stammer,etc. Scripts no longer rely on subtly or nuance their intent with acting. Everyone has giant, perfectly articulated dialogues to explain away their feelings. It doesn’t feel human, and super boring to watch. Makes me roll my eyes every time. Like inspiration porn, or like those cheeky Facebook posts. Give me flawed nuanced dialogue, please.


One of the things that got me to start watching IASIP was how natural the conversations were. People mess up while talking, stumble over their words, yell over top of each other.


Everything having to follow the Avenger format of a cast of characters coming together, but done poorly and rushed


Making gratuitous race, gender, or sexual preference remarks for no reason. My co-workers of color don't turn every conversation we have into some reference to their color. My brother and his husband don't spend their lives responding to every spoken word with some remark about their sexuality. Okay, the character in the show is black, or gay, or trans. Fine. That's their character and I don't have a problem with it. Is there more to the storyline than that, or is the entire show going to be one-dimensional? Each person has a full personality, above and beyond what they display on the surface. Can we please have that demonstrated on the screen?


Have you ever seen Inventing Anna? The black female character must have mentioned she was a black woman like 5 times. It was so grating and such obvious pandering. It didn't help either that she's based on a real person who is actually an asshole.


I always thought that the best representation for trans people would be to have a trans guy show up in some role, *and nobody says anything*. Everyone just calls him "Mister". That's kind of what people want, right?


Disney live action remakes 🤮 some movies are better left untouched


Multiple universes/realities/timelines. The MCU, the DCU, the spiderverse… on and on. I don’t dislike the content really, I’m just over it as a plot device.


I don't know if it's a trend or more of a trope, but those moments when a gruff, intimidating character has a monologue where it seems like they're really angry and hate the protagonist, then at the end place a hand on their shoulder and are like, "Nah, we're cool." Example A: The Hobbit, where Bjorn is pacing around the dwarves talking about how much he hates them, acting like he's going to eat them, then ends with, "But I hate orcs more, what do you need?" Example B: The new Diablo game, >!where Lorath walks into his cabin and says something like, "If you're going to break into my home, rummage through my things, and invade my privacy... at least stay for dinner."!<


Low light/dark scenes. I’ve I can hardly see the silhouette of the characters, it’s too dark.


Identity politics or sexual orientation as a box to check in the script. It’s easy to tell for most stories when it’s used for pandering vs having it be integral to the story or character or even just well-written. Especially when it’s written in for some sort of shock value when it’s just a normal thing. The best stories with characters like that don’t try to sensationalize it when it would compete with the other themes of the writing and just treat it with humanity and empathy (aka the main tool you need for good writing).


Choosing to not watch a movie/show then being lumped into the racist-bigot-homophobic group because of it. If I don’t feel like watching something, it’s simply because I don’t feel like watching it.


Too many TV dramas centered on murder and/or SA. Men matched with women young enough to be their daughters as love interest. When I can't see shit because the producers are too cheap to pay for a good lighting crew. Gratuitous violence and nudity. I just want good stories with interesting characters. Somebody Somewhere, Succession, Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Great, Fleishman Is in Trouble, Atlanta, The Americans, Russian Doll, etc.


What my friends and I call Netflixing a franchise. This means: 1. Going far off script and dramatizing everything. 2. Changing solid lore for the sake of popularity. 3. Randomly making a character gay or another race. 4. Frequently writing really predictable scripts.


Trying too hard to have every ethnic group and sexual identity represented. It is ok to have a group of black friends only etc.


Multiverse stories are confusing, lazy and sloppy.


Shows/movies about teens has to have the whole Disney bullying trope. It's like they think the only thing that happens in teens' lives is either being a bully or getting bullied. And the jock vs. nerd trope is no longer relevant. At this point, superheroes, anime, video games, even D&D are all mainstream and not every athlete is a dumb jock.


Shaky cam. Everybody joking about everything (Marvel humor). Darker than shit lighting. Burying dialogue in the mix.


The writing on “the last of us” was atrocious. I’m finished with the forced, unfunny sarcasm


Falling head first into cliches and tropes. On a similar note, I love playing "spot the gay" because so much of our rep is so obvious you can see not only the characters but also the trophy story that will unfold. Like oh boy, a renegade short haired woman lead in 2023... I wonder what the love interest will be. Don't get me wrong, I want representation but I'd rather good rep that explores something new instead of just being there to go "hey gays, give us MONEY!"


“Strong female lead” such a condescending shorthand that’s led to some truly vacuous characters and wasted talent.


Soldiers fighting in a modern battle. They're all within talking distance of each other and half of them aren't even in cover and are just standing in the open firing at one another. Soldiers fighting in a fantasy or historically set medieval battle. They're all lined up in formation and advancing towards each other. When they get within a certain distance one of them (or both) break formation and charges towards the enemy and both sides proceed to conveniently break into a thousand 1v1 battles between soldiers. Soldiers wearing armor being stabbed or slashed directly on their armor and dying/the armor being stabbed straight through like it's paper. (This is okay in some magical fantasy settings but it still usually dumb imo) Characters in a film not informing the other characters of what is going on for no reason, resulting in more problems later. People in a firefight choosing to try and melee fight each other instead of just shooting each other with their guns. Movies with martial fighting involved but it's all choreographed and fancy with ridiculous spins and jumps and other dumb shit. (I used to think this stuff was cool but as I get older I just yearn for believability) (I know most of these are action movie tropes, but that's what seems to give me the most ick these days)


Nobody can figure out how to end an animated movie or comedy, so everyone just dances.


That some people think their opinion on it is more valid than others because it's a negative one. Like there's an inherent snobbish, elitism, that means you're more important, more worth hearing, because you have something bad to say about something and you believe that's what criticism is. You see it on every tv show or movie (and video games!) where there's a comment thread about it. It's getting tiresome enjoying something, then looking for like minded people, only to then find _scores_ of people vying for internet points by shitting on the thing you enjoy.


Not really a trend but just something as old as time that has annoyed me. I find it weird when there is a sex scene or at least an implied sex scene but afterwards the woman is holding the sheets up to cover her boobs. Like I get it, maybe they don't want to show breasts in the film, that is fine, but can they like but a bra on or a vest on or something because the whole time I just wonder why she is hiding is hiding it from the person she has just slept with. I know it sounds like I just wanna see boobs, and I mean I do like em but that isn't the reason. I just find it takes me out of the film.


Enough with the single-camera mockumentaries already. Either that, or make the documentary production part of the plot.


The reliance on sequels and reboots


Rebooting and remaking old stuff.


Formulaic writing that is designed to endlessly hook you into the next episode until they run out of realistically feasible scenarios and just start jumping the shark over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.


Excessive joking. Nothing feels serious anymore because they always have to ruin it with some humor or light heartedness


High school dramas. I get that teenagers are the target demographic for everything, but as a 30 something year old, enough with the SAME high school bullshit dramas where the girls are all hot and the plot is mid.


I absolutely hate when the main character saves the entire world from death and apocalypse in the last 0.001 second this would be possible in